Japan Today

tigerjane comments

Posted in: MUFG Bank fires worker for stealing over ¥1 bil from customers See in context

That is not true, if you keep yourself on your toes and watch your banking information at least in Canada the banks are usually accommodating and especially with their checks and balances in place.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Boat captain dies after collision near Port of Kobe See in context

Many elderly are forced to work these days due to inflation and the public pension and or company pensions being so low.

RIP to the captain and condolences to his family.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Woman arrested for stealing ¥70 million from second home of 84-year-old man she was dating See in context

It is very common for people to keep large sums of money in their homes for various reasons and not only because of taxes. Japan being an earthquake country and being in a major earthquake myself now understand the importance of this reasoning with ATM's shut down and you need cash on hand and the length is undetermined and only cash works in stores.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: MUFG Bank fires worker for stealing over ¥1 bil from customers See in context

wow, shocking in N. America there are 2 keys given for a safety deposit box to the customer and the staff have no access to the lock box.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Posted in: 7-year-old boy drowns after being swept away by river in Hokkaido See in context

RIP little one. Condolences to the family, clearly the little guy slipped out and the father did contact police as soon as realized.

Shame on the man who noticed the little boy playing by the river and doing nothing about it.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Posted in: Man gets 14 years for attempted murder of high school girl in her home See in context

Crime has risen in Japan because the culture has changed so drastically that the coping mechanisms that once in place are gone.

What I mean by this is that you had multiple families living together, where there was more support not only financially but mentally. There surely was no perfect dynamics, and there were issues even in this setting but probably less because of many people under one roof. More and more people are living in isolation and that is not healthy, and you get creepy behavior such as this story above.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Russia says U.S. using Taiwan to provoke crisis in Asia See in context

That is cute coming from Russia who is now using N. Korean soldiers in their fight with Ukraine. My heart goes out to those N. Korean men who have no battlefield experience, those individuals who were sent to fight your fight have no way knowing what they were sent to do because they have no access to outside news in their own country. They are war fodder for your fight Russia....hmm sounds like someone calling the kettle black.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

Posted in: Man gets life in prison for killing his 29-year-old wife and one-year-old daughter in 2021 See in context

My heart goes out to the little girl and her mother who lost their lives to this evil individual due to pure selfishness. I hope he never gets to see another day of freedom tit for tat.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Celebrity inmate Tatsuya Ichihashi, who killed Lindsay Hawker, doing time with better-than-average creature comforts See in context

He doesn't mind spending the money for his parents visit because they are the only ones permitted besides his legal counsel. Japanese prisons are not like in N. American it's not a hotel, your rights are not a given but are lost and rightly so if found guilty.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan reaches its lowest-ever ranking on Education First’s 2024 English Proficiency Index See in context

I taught in a preschool international school the owner was very motivated to bring teachers who were from various countries to teach English and introduce the children to variety of cultural activities. The children from the age of 3 started to learn their ABC'S and phonics, a real big deal for learning pronunciation and reading in English and which was a real huge help when I introduced spelling tests for the 4-year-olds and up. This surprised the owner; she did not believe the children could learn to spell from this age and the children loved getting the spelling tests and requested for them. During the annual teacher presentation, where the 5-year-old children show their parents, would show their proficiency and I would give a spelling test and by this time they were doing sentences. Afterwards the parents came up to me, stating they never saw anything like this before. For some of the children they were going onto international schools and based on their ability to read and write in English they were accepted into their chosen schools.

Now let's get back to this story, I was an assistant ESL teacher in a high school in Tokyo with no free reign you are just a puppet in the classroom, the students sit like robots and are scared to practice orally English in the classroom. They need to get the Japanese teachers out of the English classes and get native teachers in the classroom and allow the professional teacher to do what they do best, teach and not be a puppet, and if this happens Japan may see a huge improvement in students English levels both orally and in test scores.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Posted in: Australia's plan to ban children from social media proves popular and problematic See in context

Good on Australia, and I pray the rest of the world will follow.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Asian stocks are mixed after Wall Street's post-election bonanza wanes See in context

Not a surprise, and this is going to be worldwide including the US and only the Americans have themselves to blame for this if and when it happens. The Americans won't even be able to blame Donald, because he actually told them everything truthfully what he has plan including 100 percent tariffs. Here is the kicker, even if factories in America build appliances and cars, they still need to import many parts and so it is going to skyrocket prices. Once prices go up, they will never go down to where they are now because even if a Democrat gets in the next election, it will take time to undo what Trump plans to implement.

Americans are going to be crying the blues if they are not already who voted for this ignorant individual because he is all about himself and always has been. He has no heart or soul and will do what makes him happy and not for the good of others and that is already showing with his nominations of incredible inexperienced nominations heading up incredibly high positions. Kennedy being a good example, that man is dangerous for all of Americans health and that his ideas could lead to thousands of children's lives.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese police arrest 4 foreign residents on charges of stealing over 100 cars See in context

Japanese stealing cars in Japan are not as easily exported and more likely to be recovered. There are so many foreigners from 3rd world countries like Africa, India and so on who are into illegal activities and what's worse these individuals make it hard on their countrymen who are living and working honestly.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's latest tourism headache is American arrested for damaging Tokyo shrine See in context

No fastchecker I do not agree he should be made a poster boy at the airports for not what to do in Japan and not only for Americans all nationalities who choose to visit. The Japanese Government should post a video from You Tube of Japanese prisons and what happens if you deface the countries national treasures. I have been in Japan for 30 years with no issues with police and if you follow the laws which are nothing extortionary one will enjoy their travels.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Ex-nursery school teacher gets 14 years in prison for sexually assaulting 7 girls See in context

All nursery schools should be required to have cameras in their classrooms, and so parents can have a piece of mind that there is no abuse going on and I have seen it by women yelling at children.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's latest tourism headache is American arrested for damaging Tokyo shrine See in context

Tamanegi, if the Japanese kids and or adults caught doing just what you described they are arrested, and it is worse for them because they do not get the same treatment when they are interrogated it's worse no lawyer when interrogated and this is the same for the foreigners. The difference is the cops know they have to deal with embassies and other headaches when dealing with foreigners, and so, they have a little more protection.

One person spoke about the Chinese tours well I am sure the numbers of them have declined and will continue to decline as the economy over there continues to decline.

The number of Americans and Europeans are only going to increase until there is a recession and I expect that to be sooner than later if Trump keeps putting his inexperienced and incompetent cronies into positions of power.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S. farmers brace for trade wars on Trump tariff pledges See in context

Trump is a Bonafide criminal, a serial cheater, a man that has gone bankrupt maybe more times than you can count on your fingers including a casino.

People voted for him, now the many ignorant individuals can go and pick their own food because there are no people to pick the fruits and vegetables. Or the other option they will be paying higher prices in the stores for their food and best wishes to see if they can see any of their money.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese police arrest 4 foreign residents on charges of stealing over 100 cars See in context

They should all be deported, and their wives and kids can join them if this deems true. To the individual who states the kids will suffer if their father is deported and the answer to that is the opposite. If the father remains, he cannot work and if he works, it will be shady because a leopard doesn't change it spots. Additionally, the children are already labeled "gaijin" now it is worse for them because their father has been arrested and that will follow them if the father remains.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump victory signals golden era for crypto industry See in context

This man is a CONVICTED FELON, and he was judged by his peers and yet he could legally still run for the President of the United States, I can only shake my head.

This man ran a casino into the ground, and he declared bankruptcy and just not once several times on other businesses and so how do people believe he can run a WORLD'S ECONOMY?

The man openly threatens peoples' lives that would get others arrested and thrown into jail but no one blinks an eye when he does it. Is this insane I ask?

The man sells bibles with his name on it does he believe he is Christ?

He is a serial cheater that is a fact and yet again no one blinks an eye on that fact but when Clinton did it that was a whole other story. For me, both Trump and Clinton are sick men and Clinton got what he deserved, and Trump should have been treated the same when dipping where he should not have been, but notta.

Crypto, lol, wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot poll, because with Trump running America with his inexperienced cronies who want to tear the whole government apart, he is going to run the country into the ground, and it will affect the whole worldwide. Keep cash hidden because you all are going to need it at your hands.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: American man arrested for defacing Tokyo's Meiji Jingu shrine See in context

Tyler how do you think the above comments are being rough?

that this foreign man's actions do not hurt us the permanent residents who are law abiding citizens who have strived over the years to prove ourselves as worthy and honest citizens of the country?

that this ignorant individual a paying guest harming the ancient buildings that Japanese people and the law-abiding citizens do treasure should not made be made an example of? Let me answer "HELL YES", if every paying guest got away with his crap young or old these buildings would be not a treasure anymore for the rest of us.

I truly hope he is made the poster boy and his face plastered all over Japan airports and give people food for thought on what not to do in Japan.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: John Krasinski named People magazine's 2024 Sexiest Man Alive See in context

Never heard of him, next he is okay but sexiest really the person who chose him needs to broaden their horizons and or get new spectacles.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: American man arrested for defacing Tokyo's Meiji Jingu shrine See in context

This 65-year-old man should be the poster boy at Narita and Haneda and other Japanese Airports reporting what he did and the consequences of such actions.

In addition, they should air the life inside Japanese prisons and that they are no picnic and the cost of being inside of one. A prisoner must pay for his own jail uniform, the men must shave their heads military style, if you are a smoker there is 0 policy on smoking.

The legal system does not allow you have a lawyer when you are being interrogated and that the police have more power than the Courts.

I have no empathy for this man, at his age, being a guest in a foreign country should have had more brains.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. agency says Tesla's public statements imply that its vehicles can drive themselves. They can't. See in context

There is no one who could get me to buy one and nor would I take one if it were free they are overpriced, overrated and I believe one of the most dangerous cars at this time on the market. There have been so many news stories about these cars involving accidents due to malfunctions and other issues that I believe will not change for a very long while or ever.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: Suspect restrained with belt handcuffs after becoming violent in detention center, dies See in context

The laws need to change in Japan when police are interrogating suspects there should be a lawyer present if it is truly a Democratic country and maybe these deaths will come to a halt.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: Trump's climate change denial and green rollbacks poised to fuel warming See in context

Those who do not wish to see the climate change that is not a little shift but radically has changed. The temperatures, the weather storms that are violent and that is worldwide.

Running the US will be dumb, dumber and dumbest (Trump), and those who voted for him will be the ones' will be regretting they voted for this guy and his cronies and yes, all his cronies will be getting cushy paid jobs.

I will be holding my breath to the next election if there is one.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Japanese mountain community’s first baby in 52 years celebrates first birthday See in context

Piskian, that child is in a world of love and will learn many things including traditional teachings that will carry her through life. The parents may have her schooling done online, and where she will avoid the bullying and scariness of school life. In addition, I am sure she will have a little brother and or sister in the near future.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump likens Capitol rioters to WWII Japanese American internees See in context

This man is an insult on American citizens intelligence. How dare he compare himself to Japanese Americans who lost their freedom and their life belongings during the war.

Trump, is an individual who has no integrity and or morals and will use anyone for his personal gain and should have been locked up long ago.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: 91-year-old man arrested in Sendai for keeping wife’s body at home See in context

OMGOODNESS, really arrest a 91-year-old man if his wife died of natural causes.

Funerals, and or just cremating a body costs a lot in Japan, and if this couple had no children and the rising costs in Japan may not have left this man the luxury of paying for these services. Japan is not gentle these days financially for the elderly, and so, without more facts do not judge this man.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Posted in: 22-year-old man arrested for hitting 8-year-old girl with metal pipe in Ibaraki park See in context

Prayers for the little girl not only physically, however, for her emotional being, too.

For this young man, he needs to be locked up in a mental hospital and not let out for a very long time.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Subway manners See in context

Is this poster designed for foreigners or Japanese? I remembered when I moved to Japan many moons ago, and when witnessing Japanese sleeping in their seats like it was nothing and found it strange. Many moons later, I was just like a Japanese individual get on the train and doze right off until I arrived home as second nature as going to the toilet.

I have witnessed many Japanese swaying back and forth on trains and actually where their heads would fall on the passenger's shoulder next to them. There are so many train stories I could share but I would bore everyone off their seats.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

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