Posted in: Chicago's Olympic loss is blow to Obama, too See in context
Oprah was there. Gov. Ishihara told it like it is - there are politics and behind the scenes stuff. Oh well, another great reason to visit Rio...
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Posted in: Chicago's Olympic loss is blow to Obama, too See in context
It was the fight and bad blood between the IOC and USOC that made the Chicago bid DOA. North Americans still believe they can and should win on the merits of their argument and don't play political games on the same level of sophistication of the people on the IOC. That's not to say that the USOC isn't arrogant but Obama had a lose-lose situation. Lose if you go, lose if you don't and the Olympics will NOT make a bit of difference.
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Posted in: Teacher reprimanded for slapping 41 students who failed to follow excursion rules See in context
Soothsayer - if I were to slap an employee or every day person who did not obey me I could be arrested. Kids deserve the same rights - insolent or not physical abuse was uncalled for.
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Posted in: Tight leash See in context
I have two boys and on crowded Tokyo streets the leash could of saved me many a headache. That said, it would've been a much nicer pic if the Dad was holding the child's hand and pointing out to him the virtue of cleaning up after your animals.
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Posted in: Japan auto production tumbles again in May See in context
If Americans don't start buying GM cars quick the American taxpayer is going to take it in the axx. Just don't expect Toyota to take it lying down or quit for anyone on their long-term plan to dominate the American market or industry - end of story.
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Posted in: Hanks throws out first pitch for Giants-Dragons game at Tokyo Dome See in context
Maybe he confused it with the Budokan?
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Posted in: Should the U.S. government bail out American automakers? See in context
GM and Chrysler should be nationalized and the foreign automakers will need to be thrown out the way Japan did to Buick in the 40's - it's only fitting and quite possibly the only way Detroit can make it in the long run.
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Posted in: More companies pressuring employees to buy their products See in context
So who says BUY JAPANESE isn't alive and well. It's why they are going to live another day to clean their competitor's clocks.
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
actually some of my friends of mixed ancestry are very talented but kinda paranoid freaks because of the way they've been persecuted to conform. Same for "kikokushijo" -Japanese returning from extended stays abroad - but relatively speaking all seem to be doing good.
My kid plays baseball and is totally accepted by the other kids and has a coach that goes out of his way to make make sure he's keeping up. He also gets praised by the mothers and the gals for his sandy brown hair. But for my peace of mind, he's just been promoted to a brown belt in karate and has always been taught to be confident and comfortable in his own skin.
To be balanced I can see it grating on him when old adults try to speak cr*p English down to him or compliment his native Japanese and by my reckoning he should go to St. Mary's or other int'l school for junior HS.
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
I think we are all individuals and should be judged on our merits. but are you telling me that some people don't look down on people (whether deserved or not) that are different which I'd add is universal and cuts both ways.
Part of it is just the reality of Japan. I once asked my Religious Studies professor if she considered Shinto a bonafide religion on the level of Buddhism and she replied, "Yes, if you're Japanese." I thought that summed it up.
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
Definitely in the fashion and entertainment industry - the look has almost always been "in."
Yes - if we are going to be honest - haafus have a better chance of making the jump to becoming a member of the "tribe" and there may be more times I think when we are asked (if not occasional pressure) to show why we are more Japanese or explain why Japan is better.
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
Good point - being "haafu" is definitely in vogue. Especially outliers like Anna Tsuchiya, Becky and Kimura Kaera.
To the tough-talking gaijins - I wonder how many can speak Japanese or are accepted at a level where they're privy to the comments "haafu" are trusted.
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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context
Japan is a great place to "haafu!" To all of the hard-boiled foreigners I'd say at least be cognizant that Corey grew up in a Japanese household and is still young and maybe a bit too idealistic.
Having heard or been on the receiving (and giving) end myself in both America and Japan - it does push you to be exceptional or better and the smarter of us realize an ability to navigate both sides in ways that neither side truly can - there are so many doors that open up here.
My advice for haafu for whatever it's worth is: take full advantage of your unique position and have the strength to make the rules because being haafu, double or whatever - you're really both and neither and so dare to be the one to set the terms or for that matter reality. Or in the case of dealing with some of the unique aspects of life here be the one to decide whether you are Japanese (you are) and should partake in or receive the advantages of being Japanese in this country and realize you have a free pass out of some of the more difficult aspects - otherwise you might find yourself with a boss or "***hole" that places you in the exact opposite situation.
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Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments
Posted in: China complains to Japan about 'negative' China references in Japan, US communique