Japan Today

tjguy comments

Posted in: Trump starts firing opponents, faces criticism in cathedral sermon See in context

Everyone is complaining about the firings, but I think Trump learned from the last time he was President. There were a lot of people working in government who opposed him and it made it very difficult to get anything done. If these workers would not seek to undermine his administration, it would be fine, but there is a movement to oppose him. SO, if you were President, elected by the people and tasked to do the job, what would you do? You need people who will support you and work for you rather than against you. Is there a revenge targeting of people? I don't know. That would not be appropriate, but getting a team you can trust, one that you can work together with to get things done is a no brainer. If they had not worked to undermine him last time, and if they were not openly plotting to undermine him this time, perhaps this would not be happening.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Posted in: Head of key Japan opposition party admits having extramarital affair See in context

I apologize for the trouble caused," he told reporters at a hastily called news conference after tabloid SmartFlash reported the affair on Monday.

Isn't it interesting in Japan that people never apologize for their misbehavior.

They only apologize for the trouble that their misbehavior caused.

Causing "meiwaku" seems to be worse than the sin itself. It's a bit of a twisted view of morality imo.

It's almost as if it was only wrong because of the trouble he caused as a result of getting caught.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: UK's Starmer says things will get worse before they get better See in context

I've been seeing too much Twitter I guess. Until he cracks down fairly on BOTH sides, until the double standard of justice is done away with, people are going to be VERY angry - and rightly so imo. Muslims who integrate with society are not the problem. It is the immigrants who commit crimes, and who are calling for Shariah Law, and who take advantage of the system that are the problem. It's totally normal for people to be upset with the government for not doing a better job of vetting who they let in and for not handling the problems fairly.

Cracking down on people who make social media posts complaining about these things will not help the situation. They need to crack down on the crime and start deporting some of the people causing the problems. That would send a strong message to the others that they have to live according to the laws of England now that they were graciously given permission to enter the country.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: End the UK riots, parents of murdered girl urge at her funeral See in context

More than 900 people have been arrested and 466 charged with offenses over the disorder, mainly targeted at migrants and Muslims, with dozens already sentenced and jailed as cases are fast-tracked through the courts.

If only they would act as decisively when the violence and crime comes from the other side. I'm not against prosecuting crime. Both sides are guilty and violence is not justified as a means of protest.

BUT, it is easy to understand how they jumped to such a conclusion. If they clamp down equally hard on crime on both sides, this problem will disappear.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Posted in: Gender issues: Italian woman boxer hurt by opponent, quits bout after 46 seconds See in context

One look at this person shows that he/she has an unfair advantage because of her height, size, and strength. Men should NOT be permitted to fight women.

There should really be NO debate whatsoever on this. Common sense.

The Left used to be pro-women, but no longer. It's amazing how deeply held values change over time.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Posted in: Wind farms' benefits to communities can be slow or complex, leading to opposition and misinformation See in context

UGLY, UGLY, UGLY! They kill birds too and make noise. Sorry, but I would NOT want to live near one of these things or have them ruin the landscape where I live either.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: 19-year-old woman to be indicted in Asahikawa high school girl murder case See in context

Bullying is a terrible problem here. Shows the dark side of the human heart.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's population falls for 15th year in a row See in context

All these people claiming that population decline is a good thing! Amazing!

The government does not seem to think so. Good luck supporting the aging population, meeting their care needs as they get older, and generating enough tax revenue to continue to support the needs of the country.

Sure. There are good things about it. Stores and trains and roads are less crowded, etc., but overall this is NOT good for the country. Schools are closing as student numbers drop. Businesses have trouble finding enough help. Foreign workers will of necessity increase in number, like it or not. National debt will continue to rise as tax revenue falls. Pensions will struggle.

The big to-do over Climate Change is a big nothing burger! That should not enter into our thinking concerning kids and population decline whatsoever!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Climate misinformation overshadows record floods worldwide See in context

But online, claims have repeatedly been made that geoengineering –- not carbon emissions –- is to blame.

I think it is difficult to say with certainty that anything in particular is to blame. We just don't know enough about the reasons for the warming trend. The climate was much warmer than it is today in the past when supposedly people were not even around. To blame everything on humans and impose harsh economic penalties on people and just a few nations does not seem very wise to me. Maybe it's just me, but I think humans are a bit arrogant thinking that the little impact we can make on carbon emissions is going to save the planet.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: Polar bears could vanish from Canada's Hudson Bay if temperatures rise 2C See in context

Well, in the past there was a forest on antarctic and in the Arctic! Talk about global warming! And yet somehow the polar bears survived in the Arctic.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Death penalty sought for man over murder, robbery of elderly woman, son in 2020 See in context

Murder is not the solution to murder.

I understand the sentiment and would agree if it really were murder. It is not. It is judgment that takes a life. It is a penalty for the crime.

In cases where the death penalty is in play, yes, it does need to be a pretty air tight conviction to avoid making a mistake.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Israeli tanks push deeper into Rafah; battles rage in northern Gaza See in context

"Civilians must be respected and protected at all times, in Rafah and elsewhere in Gaza. For people in Gaza, nowhere is safe now," Stephane Dujarric said, adding that Guterres again called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.

OK, right. We want to respect and protect civilians.

Perhaps that is why Israel tells them ahead of time to clear out so they don't get killed?

But they refuse to leave.

So, in this case, whose responsibility is it?

Can it really be called genocide when the Israeli army warns them ahead of time and tells them to leave? Is that the way that countries commit genocide? Whoever heard of genocide ever being committed in such a way?

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: Around 68,000 elderly die alone in Japan annually: police See in context

Where in the world are their families?! I thought Japan was a country that respected and cared for their elderly people.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: U.S., Japanese banks lead fossil fuel financing See in context

This is good news! Cooler and smarter heads are prevailing! It's highly doubtful that global warming is due to humans or that the small steps we take at great expense to countries that care can make any significant difference anyway.


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Israel moves deeper into Rafah and fights Hamas militants regrouping in northern Gaza See in context


This idea of human shields is ridiculous and might as well be applied to how Israel builds their IDF bases in civilian areas. Because they do build their army bases in civilian areas. And guess what, when Hamas entered Israel, and moved on Re'im military base, their intended target (and legitimate target?), many of the civilians/reservists who lived in the surrounding Kibbutz were unfortunately killed. And it isnt like this is out of character for the IDF, who have a history of using human shields.

I see, so you see no problem with using hospitals and schools for military activities? And firing rockets from the middle of civilian areas? Got it.

Hamas' intended target was a military target? LOL! What in the world are you talking about. Like the mass slaughter and kidnapping of civilians at the concert? RIGHT!Perhaps they wanted to take out the military posts protecting the people of the kibbutz, but the murders, torture, and rapes of the civilians was not an "unfortunate result of the attacks on the military installations." These were targeted attacks on civilians. Terrorists returning to Palestine with bodies or hostages were welcomed back as heroes and the hostages assaulted. What universe are you living in? Anyone who has even the tiniest bit of praise or sympathy for Hamas has NO IDEA who these people are. Sorry. It's just the truth.

No doubt there have been atrocities on both sides though so Israel does not escape criticism either.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Posted in: Israel moves deeper into Rafah and fights Hamas militants regrouping in northern Gaza See in context

"Israel’s offensive has killed more than 35,000 Palestinians, mostly women and children, ACCORDING TO GAZA'S HEALTH MINISTRY, which doesn’t distinguish between civilians and combatants in its figures."

OK, well at least they realize that figure does not distinguish between civilians and combatants, but anyone who trusts the figures put out by this group are extremely gullible! The deaths on both sides of the fence here are tragic, no doubt.

Why is it that none of the surrounding Muslim countries will receive any refugees from Palestine? Why does no one want to help these people?

The problem for Israel is that many of the Palestinians are firmly in the Hamas camp. They cheer whenever Israel is bombed or whenever an Israeli is killed. They welcomed back the terrorists of Oct 7th as heroes with cheering and celebrations. They create fake videos trying to blame Israel and accuse them of war crimes that they themselves were responsible for.

And Hamas makes no secret of the fact that their goal is Israeli genocide - they want Israel erased from the world as do many other countries. How can you make peace with people who want you dead and do NOT want a 2 state solution? If the Palestinians would have used all their aid money over the years to benefit their citizens, Gaza would be an amazing place today, but instead they spent their money building tunnels and educating their children to hate and training them to fight and commit suicide.

Hamas does not care about the Palestinian people at all. They steal the aid food sent in for the people and even shoot their own people who try to get it.

Israel is probably using too much force, but I don't think people understand how evil Hamas really is.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: China says threats of force over Taiwan not aimed at most Taiwanese See in context

"Our not promising to renounce the use of force is absolutely not targeted at Taiwan compatriots. We are targeting interference from external forces and the tiny number of Taiwan independence separatists and their separatist activities," Chen said."

LOL! Didn't over half the country vote for the current separatist government?

Chinese "logic"! or maybe Chinese LIES.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Posted in: Publisher cancels plan to translate U.S. book questioning trans surgery See in context


Best not be sorry it wasn’t published until what you know what’s in it.

Good material on this difficult topic should be welcomed.

OK, fair enough. But did you read this in the article?

"We planned to publish the translation, hoping it would help readers in Japan deepen their discussions about gender through what is happening in Europe and the United States as well as other matters," Kadokawa said.

"But the title and sales copy ended up causing harm to people directly involved" in transgender issues, the company said. "We sincerely apologize for it."

It looks like pro-trans lobby is trying to cancel out all information about the harm done to some people and the regret they suffered as well. It looks like they only want one side of the issue presented and THIS IS THE PROBLEM!

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Posted in: Publisher cancels plan to translate U.S. book questioning trans surgery See in context

Just today I saw another article about a girl who was a tomboy and so everyone thought she was a trans. She got her breasts chopped off and now she is living with deep regret. https://www.foxnews.com/media/detransitioner-breaks-down-describing-difficulty-breast-removal-surgery-something-wrong-me?dicbo=v2-PVmckvY

Information on both sides should be widely available to help people make the wisest decision possible.

16 ( +21 / -5 )

Posted in: Publisher cancels plan to translate U.S. book questioning trans surgery See in context

My concern here is that only certain view points are allowed. Only pro-trans evidence is propagated. Data that questions or doesn't support the reigning paradigm is suppressed. There are enough De-transitioners around that people should have the benefit of looking at both sides of the issue before making such a life altering decision and irreversibly mutilating their body. Many will grow out of it naturally so it's not something to take lightly. Beware of jumping on the bandwagon and ending up in a place you thought you would like, but end up regretting your choice to go there. Although I don't know the contents of the particular book in question, I'm sorry Kadokawa has decided against translating this book.

22 ( +27 / -5 )

Posted in: Japanese foreign minister to assure Palestinian counterpart on aid See in context

Aid to the Palestinians is good AS LONG AS Hamas does not get a hold of it. This is a huge problem. Hamas takes the aid $ and uses it for themselves and their terror work and the people suffer.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Posted in: Even with carbon emissions cuts, a key part of Antarctica is doomed to slow collapse, study says See in context

I suggest listening to this YOutube video by Professor William Happer for a different perspective on Global Warming: "Professor William Happer IPA lecture – The Crusade Against Carbon Dioxide – September 2023"

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S. oil production hits all-time high, conflicting with efforts to cut heat-trapping pollution See in context

This is GOOD NEWS! We need to become energy independent. Biden is making that tougher, but this is encouraging!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Protest near Israeli embassy See in context

No one celebrates loss of life anywhere! (Oops. Except the Arabs around the world who continue celebrating the successful terror attack on Israel.)

At least Israel gave them a warning and a chance to get out of the country before trying to eliminate Hamas - unlike Hamas did with Israel.

But still, I doubt that most Jews are happy to see loss of civilian lives in Gaza. I think the Palestinians could help their case out by agreeing to allow the Jews to exist alongside them. Israel even lets them into the country to work for goodness sakes.

Anyway, we all hope this stops soon and that as few lives are lost as possible.

When the UN divvied up the land in 1948, Israel got the worst part and yet, look at it today. Look at where the Palestinians are today. If they would only have been willing to peacefully co-exist and put their aid money towards helping their people, I think things would be quite different today.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Posted in: Letters from Japan: 'Married men' See in context

The one lady says she feels guilty about what she is doing and wants to know how to make the guilt go away. There is a reason she feels guilty and honestly, it's good that she does feel guilty. Just as pain is your body's way of telling you that something is wrong, guilt is your soul's way of telling you that something is wrong. The best way to make the guilt go away is to stop doing what is causing you to feel guilty.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. to invest $1.2 bil on facilities to pull carbon from air See in context

Biden must have some friends who need some help. Otherwise, why waste money on this "technology" that won't be able to put a dent in the climate change problem - even if it is really a problem! Maybe he just wants to brag that he is doing something?

Total waste. We need to get him out of the White House as soon as possible!

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Cool Biz campaign begins across Japan See in context

Cool Biz is fine, but it's not going to be very cool if the air conditioner is set at 28! It's still going to be hot. I don't know if I could work in that type of setting.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 indicted for robbery and murder of 90-year-old Tokyo woman See in context

It's obvious these men have no respect for life, for the law, and no compassion whatsoever for others. They have no fear of God, no morals, and no fear/respect for life or for the law. With beliefs like that, they would most certainly strike again, so I think they are actually very dangerous.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Nuclear reactor experiment rules out one dark matter hope See in context

Proposing a theory to explain something that is not understood seems a very scientific approach.

First of all, one does not propose a "theory". One proposes a hypothesis. Dark Matter is not a theory, scientifically speaking. It is nothing more than a hypothesis that remains unverified.

Could some invisible stuff be the explanation for the data?

Sure. But every attempt to verify it thus far has failed. It was dreamed up to save the Standard Model. (Kind of like hyper-inflation at the very beginning of the Big Bang.)

It's really amazing that according to the standard model, a full 96% of the universe is unknown - Dark Matter and Dark Energy. No one knows what these things are or if they even exist. Theoretically, scientists could keep on looking for dark matter for all of eternity because it is philosophically and scientifically impossible to prove a negative. Just as we cannot prove that God does not exist, neither can we ever prove that dark matter does not exist. So believers will probably always exist.

BUT, here is the important question: At what point do scientists admit defeat and allow the evidence to disprove the Standard Model? How long do we give them to find evidence to support this hypothesis? Lots of time and money has been spent on what has so far proven to be a wild goose chase. I'm sure things have been learned along the way, but again, how long do we keep looking for evidence of dark matter before deciding that it might not really exist after all?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan to continue collecting expressway tolls almost indefinitely See in context

How about making it a little cheaper? That would help everyone and more people might even be willing to use the toll roads.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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