Japan Today

tjkemp9311 comments

Posted in: U.S. Army copter crash-lands on ship off Okinawa; 6 injured See in context

Those of you who are saying "get U.S troops off of Okinawa" have no idea what you are talking about. Okinawa has a tourist economy. The united states brings in huge revenue to the local Okinawan businesses annually. I know this because I'm stationed there. Every time bases on Okinawa get put on lockdown the locals beg to have the restrictions lifted because local businesses lose a good portion of their revenue. The Okinawan economy has been intertwined with the money that U.S Forces bring to the island for the past 70 years.

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Posted in: Anime 'Gate' tries to recruit for Self-Defense Forces See in context

Being an active duty Marine who fell for the dragon slaying commercial I just have this to say. IT'S A TRAP.

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Posted in: Should guys always pay when on a date? See in context

Being raised in the south I've always opened the door for my dates pulled her chair out for her and paid the bill. It's not about feeling like a "man". Its about being a gentleman and treating a lady right.

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Posted in: 7 customs that Japanese people wish would just disappear See in context

Definitely grateful that I'm not obligated to celebrate valentines day. For the most part all the single Marines in my platoon make fun of all the married Marines. Sometimes a random Sergeant will try to sell flowers that the married guys can take home to their wives. All pretty low-key.

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Posted in: Over 10,000 taken to hospital for heatstroke in one week for first time ever See in context

I'm currently in Okinawa. Hydrate or die.

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Posted in: Police officer arrested for assaulting 2 train station attendants in Saitama See in context

Drunk. Totally a viable excuse, said no one ever.

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