Posted in: China warns Japan against stationing workers on disputed isles See in context
For China supporters: everyone in this region knows who the sea/land grabber is. Let's defend your point of view of China's 9 dash line claim. Don't talk, just see the line by yourself and give a logical explanation. If you can't, be quiet!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan on high alert for disputed islands anniversary See in context
Oh that land/sea grabber again! Stir up the tension with all neighbours. China needs someone teach it a lesson how to behave like an adult and not to lie all the time.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese right-wingers protest against S Korean daily's A-bomb editorial See in context
Regardless ,South Korean daily should not have written that .
I disagree. WWII destruction and women comfort centers in China, Korea are divine punishment to Japan as well. The God punished Japan but he decided that the execution's location is at China and Korea :D
-9 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: China trying to strengthen its claim to Okinawa See in context
@Yubaru, CH3CHO
Oh, I meant humorous, not serious. Just to point out the fact of Chinese ridiculous claims. All my posts across topics against current Chinese bullying tactics.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: China trying to strengthen its claim to Okinawa See in context
I agree with China claims. Every Chines claim is reasonable and back by historic facts. China is not a bully like neighbors saying. What I worry is things after Japan returned Okinawa to China: China is not on the world map anymore! Instead, we see different names over that area. Beside familiar Tibet, Uighur, Mongolia, India, we now see African countries as well because they said Chinese originated from African ... The shocking thing is Japan also among them. Japan's claim is also back by historic fact: They administrated some part of China during WWII. This time they open a lot of comfort centers to comfort international soldiers, not only Japanese. What a nightmare!
So my conclusion is although China's claim is 100% valid, reasonable and logical but eventually China will drop it because Chinese women strongly oppose it. Ladies first!
-24 ( +2 / -26 )
Posted in: Chinese general says Ryukyu islands do not belong to Japan See in context
Major General Luo Yuan: Those ties did not necessarily mean they were part of China, he said, adding: “But we can be certain of one point. The Ryukyus don’t belong to Japan.” “If the Ryukyus don’t belong to you,” he said, referring to Tokyo, “how can you talk about the Diaoyus?”
Everyone calm please! He does not represent a civilized China's view anyway. Majority of Chinese people are smart and peace loving in China's "peaceful rise", no ill intention. Only few (billions) brainwashed nationalist thugs are dangerous to neighbors and this world. Nothing to worry about!
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Abe warns of possible military response to intruder subs See in context
If China pushes further, I guess Japan will come back to build "comfort" centers for their soldiers at Beijing and Shanghai. Action is better than words :)
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Gunmen open fire at New Orleans Mother’s Day parade; 19 wounded See in context
See, some guys wanted to bring liquid bomb to the airplane and now ALL of us had to throw so many things: water bottle, deodorant, toothpaste ... before boarding the plane. There were/are/have been so many killings but there's no basic change to the gun law, leave alone banning completely. Why???
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: LDP policy chief to keep visiting Yasukuni Shrine See in context
I think Japan should move war criminal names to a newly build shrine (name it Beijing). The politicians decide which one (or both) of the shrines to visit.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan protests to China over Okinawa claim See in context
Childish, if a diplomatic complaint needs to be raise based on news articles or research papers, both China and Japan will be very busy. considering some of the China bashing articles from Japan, and vice versa.
This is the mouthpiece of CCP, aka Chinese government. Although people in the world knows it is a tabloid but it does reflect government view. If Japan did not protest formally next year China "scholars" would say that they have "historic proof" that in 2013 Japan did not do anything when China claimed the island! Who know what they would do? Cautious to China is always wise and not redundant!
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. naval shift to Asia on track despite budget cuts: admiral See in context
China does claim the whole "ox tongue" area: It consider islands within the area belong to China. Neighbors'. fishing boats had been chased off or even shot at. At the same time, China brought navy and its own fishing boats to that area: . The claim is not on discrete islands but the whole area.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. naval shift to Asia on track despite budget cuts: admiral See in context
If China backed down its ridiculous claims, withdrawn its navy from neighbors EEZ and The Global Times toned down its intimidation to surrounding neighbors, US presence would not be welcomed openly. In general, be honest in your claims and follow the rule :)
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. naval shift to Asia on track despite budget cuts: admiral See in context
do not treat this as factual basis to support your future arguments.
No one think that line is a fact, except China. China is using it to claim 80% South China Sea and trying to make it as a fact. 1974 China navy invaded Vietnamese islands after a short battle. Since then it has been bringing more navy force and fishing boats to the area that used to be a traditional fishing field of the neighbors. It is intimidating, harassing and threatening neighbor's fishing boat to change the status quo.
That's the reason why US fleet is welcomed here!
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. naval shift to Asia on track despite budget cuts: admiral See in context
@Tony: You don't seem to understand why China's neighbors welcome US presence. Want to learn honestly? They would not do so if China is not claiming that "negotiation stance" (your words) nine-dashed-line at South China Sea ( But I have to acknowledge that you seems to understand very well China's face: its neighbors should pay something to China so that it would not invade them (your words as well in another topic). That's reflected very well in Vietnam's 2 thousands years history: Unless China itself was in trouble, Vietnam is under China invasion. That's the plus side of your knowledge.
10 ( +10 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. study sees China using 'coercive power' on Japan See in context
If these countries are smart, they will see China as a Protector like in the old days where tributary countries pay homage to China and China never invade them.
This phrase alone portraits China's face accurately. Yeah, neighbors can live "peacefully" under "civilized" Chinese Han's colony like Tibetans do now. It seems that the more Chinese mouth pieces talk, the more they get angry. The task to defend the lord China by words is really difficult one given its increasingly misbehave in this regions :)
Think Cambodia, China is her protector against the aggressive Vietnamese.
Correction: Khmer Rouge did get good protection from its master China after it killed its own 2 millions people and hundred Vietnamese at the border. It will be strange if Vietnam did not invade Cambodia after that. Think North Korea instead! This is off topic anyway.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. study sees China using 'coercive power' on Japan See in context
According to the 'theory of relativity' China if you call her foolish is Less Foolish than Japan's double talk full of foolish talk.
I think Albert Einstein theory says: Everything is relative but China behavior is absolute bad and it is a constant.
straight speaking talk
but dare not face the smaller at international court
nothing coercive
but had to sort out to harassment at other nation's EEZ which thousands miles away
benign power
but neighbors are preparing for the worst
People just make her up to be a monster
how come everyone else became the bad guys, except China :)
( good for the industrial military complex, good business! )
1) It is a much better business to sell weapons to mad-military-spending and a technology-hungry China rather than selling to those poor guys.
2) China weapon selling to Africa gets even more money because those "technocrats" are not under any constrain. Pot calling kettle black.
3) That's a good reference to Russia because it is selling weapons to both China and its neighbors.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. study sees China using 'coercive power' on Japan See in context
According to the 'theory of relativity' China if you call her foolish is Less Foolish than Japan's double talk full of foolish talk. I think Albert Einstein theory says: Everything is relative but China behavior is absolute bad and it is a constant.
straight speaking talk but dare not face the smaller at international court
nothing coercive but had to sort out to harassment at other nation's EEZ which thousands miles away
benign power but neighbors are preparing for the worst
People just make her up to be a monster how come everyone else being the bad guys :)
( good for the industrial military complex, good business! ) 1) It is a much better business to sell weapons to mad-military-spending and a technology-hungry China rather than selling to those poor guys. 2) China weapon selling to Africa gets even more money. Pot calling kettle black.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. study sees China using 'coercive power' on Japan See in context
Isn't a sovereign nation suppose to have backbone? If not, just be a colony of say US or Japan, that will give that country negotiation clout. Otherwise why be a country at all? I wouldn't want to be a citizen of a spineless country.
They do have their spine and the brain. They do group together, not to let the big greedy gangster bully. They don't want to fall into China's "divide and conquer" trap. Isn't it the way of someone has a brain act? Only brainless people think otherwise.
Moral of story: Pick some guy your size! Otherwise, it is shameful thug to bully the weaker! Nothing to be proud of! And don't blame others for your bad behaviors.
I wouldn't want to be a citizen of a spineless country.
Sure. I'm very proud that I'm not a citizen of China! Because I consider it is a shame given what the Chinese do in the cow tongue.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
JanesBlonde: She opened her eyes :)
Tony: You can see that power without opposition is dangerous and a good way to nurture nationalism. That's the lesson that human kind learn through history. It is no point to defend China's ambassador's silly comment. It became laughing stock because it is his country that people around worry about, not Japan. China is what Japan was in its shameful past!
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
sfjp330 highlight the danger of democracy. China don't need excuses to get more votes because their system is orderly, structured as seen in last Oct leadership transition every ten years. They make backroom deals to choose their leaders. The leadership's agenda is what they see is best for the country, no need further nonsense from other's opinions except those that are in their inner group of decision makers.
Yeah, all others'opinions are nonsense. That's why there's only "tanks" and "cannons" in Chinese leaders dictionary, not "negotiation" or "democracy". No wonder why Global Time on Oct 2011 said: "If these countries don't want to change their ways with China, they will need to prepare for the sounds of cannons. We need to be ready for that, as it may be the only way for the disputes in the sea to be resolved".
Do we really need to care the nationalism in Japan, laughing-stock ambassador?
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
The leadership in China do Patriotic deeds for their country's good and there is NO nationalist group that I know of to Hijack the govt's foreign policy as in Japan's case eg Ishihara. Hope you see the distinction between China and Japan and stop using nationalist words liberally on China when you don't understand how their system works.
Not sure why they need to hijack the govt's foreign policy if the policy serve them well? Both the government and billions are nationalists and expansionists already :D That's the distinction between China and Japan. Reading all your posts in JT, I keep wondering if you are working for the China's Communist Party because you do the propaganda for it quite well.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
I can't honestly say I know of a person with my circle of friends or family that would think anything terribly negative about japan. I have family living there, and from what I hear its a very friendly, welcoming, and warm country. As opposed to a friend of mine who studied in china and said the place was filthy and you could barely breath the air and drink the water. I've never been to either country, so my opinion is drawn entirely from 3rd party perspective/experience
Air or water may not tell you about the people. I have not been at either of the 2 countries but I do meet wide range of people. Japanese people that I have work with, ALL talk soft, humble, polite, elegant, seldom talk about their country. May be because they are white collars. In opposite, impression from most people I met from mainland China not that nice. From Phd, master degree, university students to workers, they bear a common trait: Talk very loud as if they are arguing something, even in public transportation. They seem to be arrogant and very proud of their country. They all hate Japan and US. When asked about the South China Sea claim they show a strong "indisputable stance" without a convincing explanation. A Phd goes further that China will take Vietnam as a province in future! This does tell you something accurately at some degree: They are all nationalists!
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
Tony Ew:
HINT TO JAPAN: The American public, once CNN make this into headline news, all eyes will be away from >NBA/Baseball and people will realise Japan is the source of all recent tensions. Sentiments will quickly shift against >Japan and not a single Senator dare to support Japan wholesale once the truth is out!
You are absolutely rite ... if you replace the word "Japan" by "China" in that phrase. The comment from Chinese ambassador already has became a laughing stock now, at least in this forum.
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: China says U.S. should be concerned about Japanese nationalism See in context
There are no nationalism in China. They are just angry only. If Chinese people anger then you should be careful. They attack Japanese football team, attack Japanese cars (regardless of the owners, Chinese or ambassador), attack ... you name it, with police stand by, doing nothing. Just some (billions) uncivilized people, don't worry :)
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Disputed islands covered by U.S.-Japan accord: Hagel See in context
Tony Ew:
A big bad guy come to your neighborhood and started looting. You defends your houses because its your interest and you start doing it FIRST and RIGHT AWAY before anyone come to help. You don't wait until someone asked you to do so! You gang up together with your neighbors to fight against the gangster because it's the right thing to do when you are weaker! If an outsider offers help, he is definitely welcomed. It's logical and not because of the outsider you defend your house! Is that obvious to you, Tony?
Your blame on Hillary is so ridiculous! Do you expect that no one should group together to defend their interest??? It's China behaviors make neighbors stand against it FIRST. China should blame it self if US took advantage of that LATER. Without US, China even becomes more assertive and arrogant in its greedy claims!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Disputed islands covered by U.S.-Japan accord: Hagel See in context
Tony Ew:
Just calm down. The cow tongue 9 dash line is China's NEGOTIATION STANCE. Why people don't get it is beyond me.
I observe that Chinese people truly believe in the 9 dash line but when come to explanation they just move away when being asked why the greedy line licks other neighbors coast lines? You are the exception and most brave man :)
Back to your "China's stance": I think only you and Chinese people can comprehend that negotiation stance :) May be they have a different brain from the rest of the world because: The rest of the world see that cow tongue as illogical, ridiculous, shameless and bullying. Is it shameless, Tony? Tell me honestly ? ;-) Let's play kid game: One of your kid plays China, the other play Philippines and the rest. When the first kid makes such claim would you, as a father, support him?
Blame it on Hillary for encouraging the fellow Asians to take brazen acts against China, trying to force a Group >bargaining bloc against China.
We defend our houses from any intruding/robbing by bad hooligans. Anyone help is welcome! And Hillary came on time.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Disputed islands covered by U.S.-Japan accord: Hagel See in context
Tony Ew:
Japan got her chance to settle the problem but Noda keep saying 'nothing to negotiate', that's what leads to today's situation. It is Japan's internal politics that is the root cause of the crisis, remember China is just REACTING.
Did China said the whole South China Sea nine-dashed-line is its indisputable territory as well? When neighbors complains this ridiculous claim, it then REACTs by bringing more ships to Philippines and Malaysia coach line. Everyone, except Chinese from mainland, that I shown them the nine-dashed-line claim told me the same thing: What a shameless!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Disputed islands covered by U.S.-Japan accord: Hagel See in context
Tony Ew
It seems that we got a unpopular China here. From Senkaku to nine-dash-line which extends well into neighbor's EEZ thousand miles away, to USSR, to India, Tibet ... ASEAN countries are having difficult to bring that bad kid to the table to settle a code of conduct at the sea. Of course, the kid does not want to because, as same as Senkaku, it is trying to change the status quo first. How hard you try, Tony, you can't defend that kid because everyone see its behaviors, and not believe its mouth!
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Kerry defends U.S. strategic pivot to Asia See in context
What 'STAKES' you are talking about? All of China's neighbors say it is doing harm to the rest of the world and someone should stop it. North Korea likes a mad dog under its master China. It seems that the master does not have a full control over the dog now after years of taking advantage of the dog for its own interest despite the agony of millions of people. What a disgusting!
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. deploys stealth fighters from Okinawa to S Korea See in context
Let's see what the world class comedy puppet and its master China do next!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Why so many marriages in Japan are sexless – and what you can do about it
And I bet that flag draped over his shoulders was his own idea too. Why libs hate America so much?…
Posted in: U.S. frees jailed cybercrime boss after Russia releases teacher Marc Fogel
Posted in: Japanese woman found dead in Hungary had sought embassy help over DV
Posted in: Fukuoka Stock Exchange exec arrested for taking upskirt photos