Posted in: Unvaccinated U.S. swimmer sparks debate as Olympics start See in context
Another lie by the IOC exposed. I cannot count how many times Bach has lied any more.
15 ( +17 / -2 )
Posted in: Suga, wife have dinner with Jill Biden See in context
I voted for Biden and I am disgusted the first lady is here with absolutely zero quarantine. Please keep in mind it is not only her but the required enterouge to support her as well, which is not small. More press will be coming merely to cover her visit also.
As an American living here I "get it from both ends" on this one as my U.S. taxes are financing her trip here (millions of dollars) and then my Japanese taxes are now financing what will be a lavish extravagent experience for her - on top of the Olympics itself.
The "normal person" in the world (those of us who write comments here on this website) these days gets the shaft and these folks look down on us as if we are "peasants" or their cattle to milk for more tax money.
The whole world seems to be in a sad state of affairs now and the Olympic games seem to be a microcosm of the state of things now.
11 ( +14 / -3 )
Posted in: China says WHO plan to audit labs in COVID origins probe 'arrogant' See in context
Now scientific investigation is arrogant? Unsurprising coming from a country which claims to have a "communist" government.
What does this have to do with Democrats or the GOP? Nothing. It has to do with the refusal to allow an honest and scientific investigation to determine the source of the virus and try to prevent future outbreaks.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo Olympics set for unusual opening ceremony See in context
The whole Olympics are unusual and considering the rules about staying in the village are no longer being followed it will be interesting to see what happens with the ceremony. I will read about it in the papers and not watch but maybe we will have more surprises and more reasons for Bach to lose sleep.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: It was also a decision that we all made together. We feel like we can control the athletes and our safety better in a hotel setting. See in context
In my opinion this should be an article which stands alone and occupies a prominent spot here.
They have left the village and have broken their supposed quarantine which we are told is designed to protect the athletes and such rules ensure zero risk toward Japanese citizens and residents.
These athletes appear to believe the village is not safe so they relocated. On the other hand, Bach, from his 3,000,000 Yen suite ensures us how safe it is. It is now obvious the whole thing is a lie anyway as athletes are obviously not really required to stay in the village.
This presents another sleepless night for Bach:
If he does nothing he is de facto admitting there is no real quarantine or the village is not safe.
If the athletes are allowed to participate then it is an admission to the world this is all one big lie.
How about it Bach? You going to let them participate even though they are not following the rules which for months you have been telling us will protect the athletes and the public.
The U.S. has exceptional athletes on this team and I believe NBC is counting on lots of viewers in the U.S. therefore my bet is they will be allowed to break the rules. It’s all about the the cash and sacrifices must be made for the quarterly earnings report.
11 ( +11 / -0 )
Posted in: I was stunned to find that the metropolitan government is putting the Olympics ahead of inoculations. I am angry that we are instructed to work as support staff during the Games with only a single dose. See in context
Truly evil. Koike owns this as that’s where the buck stops
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 1,979 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 5,383 See in context
As the IOC said and the Japanese Government followed - the games will go in at all costs....
There is a serious risk of the virus being carried back to other countries from Japan...of course there is a local risk as well.
The cases and acceleration of cases is much worse than when the Olympics were originally scheduled to occur!
7 ( +8 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you plan to watch any of the Tokyo Olympic opening ceremony on TV on Friday night? See in context
No - absolutely zero interest for the zero risk event
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 athletes, 10 others among new Olympic-related virus cases See in context
Zero Risk
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Suga denies IOC pressure to hold Olympics: report See in context
Now this one is a true “coffee spitter”
Who believes this and why is a Japanese Prime Minister covering for and bowing to the whims of a foreign organization (IOC) over the citizens of Japan
It truly looks like Suga despises the Japanese public …. so out of touch
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Tokyo's drinkers drown frustrations over virus restrictions, Olympics See in context
They are out during a State of Emergency because the Government of Japan is sending the opposite message by bringing literally 10’s of thousands of people from all over the world into the zone where the State of Emergency is declared
They recognize fully the BS
35 ( +37 / -2 )
Posted in: Jill Biden to have busy 3 days in Tokyo See in context
Quarantine for thee (Japanese citizens) but not for me.
Unsurprisingly the establishment fully on board with the subjugation of the Japanese citizens
15 ( +16 / -1 )
Posted in: WHO leader says virus risk inevitable at Tokyo Olympics See in context
I wonder if he has any comment about this as it is absolutely relevant to what he is saying.
They are actually telling people to not take the 2nd shot because they may miss working due to potential side effects.
In June, Tokyo quietly sent out a missive asking workers to delay their second shot until after the Olympics. Why keep volunteers from getting fully vaccinated? Because “doses received during the Games, and potential fevers caused by side effects to the second dosage could hinder operations supporting the Olympics,” read an email from The Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation, sent to the inboxes of Tokyo 2020 staff members last month.
Tedros: What do you think about this? Is it "vaccine inequity" for Olympic workers? Is it an unnecessary risk making this request?
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: WHO leader says virus risk inevitable at Tokyo Olympics See in context
The Tokyo Olympics should not be judged by the tally of COVID-19 cases that arise because eliminating risk is impossible, the head of the World Health Organization told sports officials Wednesday as events began in Japan.
How infections are handled is what matters most, WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a speech to an International Olympic Committee meeting.
“The mark of success is making sure that any cases are identified, isolated, traced and cared for as quickly as possible and onward transmission is interrupted,” he said.
Yes it should be judged by the tally of COVID-19 cases. He is correct about the fact eliminating risk is impossible and he certainly disagrees with the lie of Bach that there is "no risk". (Even he cannot support Bach's lying).
Significant risk reduction can be achieved by delaying the games until conditions are better and more people are vaccinated. The holding of the games is an unnecessary risk.
@Burning Bush - you are right - if they can hold the Olympic games you can certainly go out and take a walk in the park and if authorities say you cannot do so I would certainly think you should refer them to the fact the Olympic games are being held.
“The pandemic is a test and the world is failing,” Tedros said, predicting more than 100,000 deaths from COVID-19 worldwide before the Olympic flame goes out in Tokyo on Aug. 8.
So why carry on while the World is failing. This defies logic! Wait until the World is succeeding, hold the games then, and use them as one way to celebrate success. We are not at that level now.
22 ( +27 / -5 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
@Michael O’ Dereiter
crazy town:
Holy cow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are actually telling people to not take the 2nd shot because they may miss working due to potential side effects. The most selfish of the selfish. Miss your 2nd shot for Bach and the IOC!
In June, Tokyo quietly sent out a missive asking workers to delay their second shot until after the Olympics. Why keep volunteers from getting fully vaccinated? Because “doses received during the Games, and potential fevers caused by side effects to the second dosage could hinder operations supporting the Olympics,” read an email from The Bureau of Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Preparation, sent to the inboxes of Tokyo 2020 staff members last month.
Bach - is it this you are losing sleep over?!?! It is absolutely unbelievable!!!!!! Risk your health or risk reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine for the Olympics!!!!
Olympic supporters: please tell us why this is OK.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
Some gems from the article you referenced (
The government has secured about 2,000 hotel rooms in the greater Tokyo metropolitan area for the self-isolation of Japanese nationals arriving at Narita.
There are now concerns about a hotel room shortage because more Japanese studying abroad are expected to return home for their summer break.
A government source said 500 hotel rooms that had been secured for returning Japanese have been turned over to those related to the Olympics in response to a request from the organizing committee.
The shortage of hotel rooms has led the government to move arriving Japanese nationals to Chubu Airport in Aichi Prefecture for self-isolation there.
In other words, tax paying Japanese citizens - sorry - Prime Minister Bach has sequestered the hotel rooms for you.
Foreign arrivals clearly connected to the Olympics have been sent back home because of insufficient documentation. And many who do arrive with the proper paperwork are allowed into the country even though they are obviously not among those needed to organize the Games.
Sorry Japanese citizens. Do not come home this summer so we can hold our Olympics. We need to do this (sacrafice) for Bach and the IOC.
There are now concerns about a hotel room shortage because more Japanese studying abroad are expected to return home for their summer break.
Bach, so you cannot even manage the proper documentation for those coming? Your incompetence is to the point where people with incorrect paperwork come in? The Japanese Government has to share responsibility for this as well.
Foreign arrivals clearly connected to the Olympics have been sent back home because of insufficient documentation. And many who do arrive with the proper paperwork are allowed into the country even though they are obviously not among those needed to organize the Games.
YES - I would lose sleep too!!! But I have a conscience; something Bach obviously is lacking.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
All these comments and not a single one showing any sympathy for the IOC overlord. It would be great if he read them all, but of course he won’t. That’s yet another privilege of living in an extremely expensive and luxurious ivory tower.
One must wonder if any of the people Bach surrounds himself with read any of this and how they feel about it. If he is surounded by people who are simply "yes men" or "yes women" then he probably hears none of this as he is existing in a vacuum of filtered information in that case.
I would have a hard time believing everyone thinks what he says and does is OK. This would make it hard for him to sleep.
In an ideal world he would sleep better by spending a few nights in the village and living like the athletes do but he does not. Therefore it must impact his ability to sleep when he reads that the US gymnasts, who actually live in the village, do not feel safe enough to stay there and relocate to a hotel. This would also cause me to lose sleep so perhaps I am undestanding things better now.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
It may help Bach's sleeplessness if he would actually go to the Olympic Village and spend 2 or 3 nights there. I believe this is a relevant request (relevant to this article) as he may feel uneasy about his uncertainty about the accomodations and safety thereof.
If Mr. Bach would take it upon himself to stay in the Olympic village I believe the athletes and the Japanese public would be reassured of his statement of "Zero Risk".
How about it Mr. Bach? Why don't you go the Olympic Village and this may help relieve your anxiety after you experience the "zero risk" conditions.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
I am wondering if the fact that the U.S. Gymnastics team is going to further complicate Bach's ability to sleep. There are several questions which will likely keep him up at night which would include the fact that the gymnastics team leaving, sanctioned by the USOC, implies the athletes do not think the Olympic village is safe. I would also have a difficult time sleeping if confronted with this dilemma.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan starts checking COVID vaccination status of overseas arrivals See in context
I believe if you consider not only the athletes but all people attending the Olympics the vaccinatoin rate is probably quite a bit less than 80%.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: Bach admits 'sleepless nights' over troubled Tokyo Olympics See in context
Perhaps this article will add to those "sleepless nights" in his luxury 5 star accomodations. The U.S. gymnastics team has left the Olympic Village for a hotel which poses very serious questions - below...
(The article was shown in a different thread is huge and speaks much louder and to the point than any of us here can on Japan today. It deserves to be associated with this thread)
It says about everything one needs to know.
This is absolutely the biggest story related to the Olympics to date but I am sure there are more to come.
Is anyone going to challenge the IOC or JOC with the above questions/statements?
16 ( +17 / -1 )
Posted in: Foreign athlete in village among 9 new Olympic COVID cases reported See in context
The 4th point above should say ."....and the IOC, JOC are now admitting that the village is not safe, contradicting all of their earlier statements." it is a bit early so more coffee is needed to type correctly (and fully absorb the meaning of this)....
The U.S. gymnastics team has now backed the IOC, JOC into a proverbial corner
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Foreign athlete in village among 9 new Olympic COVID cases reported See in context
This article which has been shown by Samit Basu is huge and speaks much louder and to the point than any of us here can on Japan today.
It says about everything one needs to know.
Bach, speaking from his 5 star suite which we are all paying for insists that the Olympics Village is safe and there is Zero Risk from the village. He does not have to stay there like all of the athletes but he knows better than they do speaking from the suite.
The U.S. gymnastics team "has elected to stay in a hotel rather than board in Tokyo’s Olympic Village" as stated in the first sentence. It seems that the team who actually lived, slept, and ate in the village have a completely different impression than Lord Bach who declared the village safe with a guarantee of No Risk from the comfort of his 5 star hotel.
It is now a 100% proven and demonstrable fact that Bach, the IOC, and the JOC outright lied when they said the protections afforded by the Village will make this the safest Olympics ever. The gymnastics team has just "breached security". Are they going to be disqualified from the Olympics?
If the gymnastics team is not disqualified this implies that the IOC, JOC, etc. believe the gymnastics team took correct action by leaving the village and the IOC, JOC are not admitting that the village is not safe, contradicting all of their earlier statements.The article does not say what special protections are going to be used at the hotel to protect both the athletes from the virus in Tokyo or the public from possible cross infection.
This is absolutely the biggest story related to the Olympics to date but I am sure there are more to come.
Is anyone going to challenge the IOC or JOC with the above 4 questions/statements?
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Foreign athlete in village among 9 new Olympic COVID cases reported See in context
There are now reports in overseas press that "Tokyo 2020 chief Toshiro Muto said he was prepared to discuss a last-minute cancellation".
The article says
"“We have agreed that based on the coronavirus situation, we will convene five-party talks again.
“At this point, the coronavirus cases may rise or fall, so we will think about what we should do when the situation arises."
Muto’s stunning intervention, just hours after IOC President Thomas Bach admitted he had suffered ‘sleepless nights’ and feared the Games would not be able to take place, came as Tokyo suffered another two health and safety body blows."
I still think the games will go on at all costs as we were promised by Bach, Coates, and Suga.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Suga says world needs to see Japan can stage safe Olympics See in context
Canceling the Olympics was never an option, Bach said, because “the IOC never abandons the athletes.”
But the IOC is sure willing to abandon and even inflict harm on the host nation.
@Alfie stated it correctly. The IOC will never abandon a bag full of cash or any other form of renumeration be it above the table or below the table. This has been proven (indisputible actually)
6 ( +6 / -0 )
Posted in: Suga says world needs to see Japan can stage safe Olympics See in context
Hey Suga
That horse already left the barn
Every article I have read from overseas sources thinks the Japanese Government and IOC are wrong for forcing this down the throats of Japanese citizens and residents.
The actions you are taking are indicitive of the fact that you do not care about the Japanese citizens. Why can you not stand up to the IOC and protect your own citizens?!?!
The words spoken mimic what Coates said "We will hold the Olympics even if there is a State of Emergency"
Again it appears the IOC is in charge of Japan and not the Japanese government.
8 ( +8 / -0 )
Posted in: Zero risk? Virus cases test Olympic organizers' assurances See in context
@Michael O’ Dereiter
Who's the dufus thumbing down every single remark which is remotely anti-Olympic, even if it's just quoting Twitter?
When people have no rational argument for their cause (i.e.: holding the games now and under these conditions) the only alternative is to use the downvote button or lash out.
I have yet to read a single post on this website which presents a rational and well thought out argument why having the Olympics at this time is a good idea. The best arguments..."we delayed once we cannot do it again". Or they are testing and isolating (does not apply to 10's of thousands of others here for the games however)
There is zero financial benefit to Japan to hold the games, only avoidance of the threat of extortion (penalties to the IOC). There is absolutely zero benefit to Japanese citizens or residents of Japan.
17 ( +21 / -4 )
Posted in: Zero risk? Virus cases test Olympic organizers' assurances See in context
Very simply stated Risk is a function of the severity of an incident, the probability of occurance, the probability of avoidance.
I perform quantitative and qualitative risk assessments as part of my job; day in/day out. As Virusrex correctly pointed out there is no such thing as "zero risk".
What Bach said was either an outright lie or he is an ignorant person with little understanding of the situation.
I wish the athletes would have spoken out and considered boycotting but I understand for them this is a very hard situation so I can understand them attending.
Even moreso I am beginning to feel sorry for them because the IOC refused to delay the games so they can have a better experience.
The IOC does not care about Japan, the Japanese citizens, nor the athletes so much it seems. The Japanese government also is culpible in this.
The photo of their reception is disgusting at this time. In politics they would call that "bad optics" however it appears they really do not care at all.
I imagine this is being read by the IOC as factual comments are being posted and downvoted. Shame on you.
15 ( +18 / -3 )
Posted in: Bach urges Japanese to support Olympics See in context
@Kazuaki Shimazaki
So what about the 83% of Japanese people who prefer a delay or cancellation?
What do you say to them?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: First positive COVID tests reported for 2 athletes in Olympic Village See in context
What is disconcerting is the daily reports we are receiving about Thailand, Vietnam, etc. and the rapid case increases.
If the virus is such an issue as Suga said it was when he declared the State of Emergency (in the same speach he was saying we have to all gaman for the Olympics) then it would seem that further action may be warranted.
If the rapid increase is due to the latest mutation then the situation may be come worse.
Yes; this mutation is here in Japan alread and transmissoin may occur from Japanese or residents to Olympic athletes and personnel.
Likewise transmission may occur from Olympics personnel to Japanese or residents.
With people from so many different places it would seem that the opportunity for further mutation may be greater than if everyone hunkered down for a bit longer.
Again...why not a delay? Have the games? not now......
no compromise... and the Japanese people and residents are the ones in the middle of all this.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan 2024 growth slows despite stronger fourth quarter
Posted in: Singapore court finds opposition party leader guilty of lying to parliament
Posted in: Singapore court finds opposition party leader guilty of lying to parliament