Japan Today

Tokyo Joe comments

Posted in: 2 school girls jump to death from Tokyo apartment building See in context

So very, very sad.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Sailing venue for Tokyo Games under review See in context

So what? Tokyo Bay is fine, if congested with commercial traffic, but there are PLENTY of great locations elsewhere.

Notably Hayama in Sagami Wan, where World Cup match races were run very well for a number of years. Only 90 minutes by train from Tokyo. Gorgeous, often with Fuji-san in view.

I guess the "pre-Olympics" will be seeing the off-base comments from all you nay-sayers for the next 6 years. I rate this batch a "6" -- surely you can do better!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: How to treat pet cancer: Do nothing, says one doctor See in context


I am with you. The loss of a dog can be wrenching. Still think of my dog who was my best friend until I was 12.

Now we have a great one we dote after, many decades later. Same name... Even better personality.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Tokyo governor says casinos not top priority; urges debate See in context

What is with the in loco parentis? Why not just let people decide how they wish to spend their money? Certainly better than pachinko! If one exists why not the other?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Man killed, 3 others stabbed in same street within 10 minutes in Chiba See in context


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Camera-equipped mouse See in context

I agree. This might be pretty smart. An A4 b&w scan that reads perfectly fine is 350 K or less.

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Posted in: School girls commended for rescuing wheelchair-bound woman stranded on train tracks See in context

Occasionally these chairs conk out when hitting bumps like the lip of a road crossing ramp -- so a rough track could do the same thing. They just suddenly go dead. It then takes a moment to get the ON button to respond. Or the battery has to be reconnected, taking even longer.

So these kids did the right thing and it looks like they knew the train would not start up though it's certainly not clear from the story how far away the train crossing is from the station. Hope someone in government officially recognizes them for their quick thinking.

Tragedy averted!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Smartphone app to give earthquake warning See in context

It seems the big difference is that the phones themselves will be reporting back using internal sensors and accelerometers. That could really help determine what occurred and generate invaluable data.

I don't think they should restrict the alert function to keep from informing those at the epicenter. I find it very worthwhile to instantly know the magnitude and location regardless of how far away it is.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan triples Philippines aid package to over $30 mil See in context

All these folks complaining about the paucity of assistance. How much did YOU give?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. Senate panel unanimously backs Kennedy for Japan post See in context

There are people in this space who would jump to criticize the least objectionable thing. I am trying to get used to it.

Caroline is greatly welcomed here and should do wonderfully, despite what the trolls opine.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Woman hit and killed by train while trying to help elderly man who fell on tracks See in context

She did what we all aspire to be. A hero in our last moments. If there is a heaven then that should be how you get into it.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: ACCJ urges immigration law revision to allow hiring of foreign domestic workers See in context

Duskin brings in a crew that makes your place look like new in a day. I wouldn't mind a parttime maid, but there ARE alternatives.

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Posted in: Get your daily dose of vegetables with cabbage wine from Yamanashi See in context

I am no wine connoisseur, just a regular imbiber, but I gag at the thought and hope JT will drop this item soon so we don't have to see this awful headline anymore.

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Posted in: United Airlines launches Boeing 787-8 flights between Denver and Tokyo See in context

Our friend just took the ANA domestic flight to Kagoshima and said the plane was "really nice!"

Glad to see they are working the bugs out.

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