Japan Today

tokyocrawler comments

Posted in: More bodies, boats believed to be N Korean, wash up on Japan's coast See in context

Sounds like people abandoning a sinking country...i wonder if they are actually fishermen at all or have paid someone for the chance to escape in a boat....just like the people heading for europe and risking life and limb to do so. Just the start im sure...

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Posted in: Educator finds young users of LINE app losing their grip on language See in context

Emoticons are just modern kanji!...maybe they need to add another 1000 emojis and the messages will become a form of poetry! Teachers could have emoji Haiku competitions

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Posted in: U.S., Japan request U.N. meeting on N Korean ballistic missile launches See in context

Kim is just testing out the new US administration....he will put his hand out and demand double the money in aid ...the usual routine when losing money . They habe no intetest in real war as its suicidal.

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Posted in: 7-year-old girl dies of carbon monoxide poisoning in tent See in context

wow…sad story. I hope the family can recover and get on with their lives soon. its a shame something so innocent can be so costly

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Posted in: Anna Tsuchiya promotes cervical cancer prevention campaign See in context

no pics og Anna chan?? gee

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Posted in: Thieves drop Y10 mil while fleeing from pachinko heist See in context

im sure the owners of these fine establishments are not folks to be messed with so i agree that they are either stupid or have some inside info as to when to strike...and how to avoid getting beaten up later. dropping half the loot just makes them the joke of the town so making it easier to find the infamous gang....theyd probably make more money selling the video of their botched attempt

one comment suggested the exchange booth was inside the parlour, i think he may be confusing the counter that counts the balls and gives out the prizes with the little cash exchange booth outside.....

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Posted in: Slow juicer for more nutritious fresh juice See in context

look into the Gerson therapy..its based on juicing and gives kick ass benefits

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Posted in: Slow juicer for more nutritious fresh juice See in context

great, good quality juicers are soo expensive that I cant afford to get back into juicing....omega brand ones are over $400....though i know from experience it is worth the investment

the point is WilliB that you can either eat 1lb of fruit or drink the juice in one glass. most of the fibre is removed,fibre slows down absorption and you cant handle 1lb of fibre in one hit. but one glass of high quality juice means higher concentration of enzymes,minerals etc and a better therapeutic effect. most juicers dont produce good enough juice.

I just hope the pricing is good

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Posted in: What do you think of barber shops and hair styling salons in Japan? See in context

I Love Japanese Barbers, when i lived outside of Tokyo my local guy only asked how I want my hair once and he considered it his duty to remember....he hardly said a word and only used scissors even to cut even as short as 2mm...this skill takes some training! In fact he would ask me what the lengths I wanted in millimeters on the occasion I initiated conversation with a new request. Several hair washes ,a shoulder rub and the hot towel on the face at the end., its great....and it was a pleasure to have a shave with a cut throat razor done by such professionals. he charged 3000yen in the 90s. I guess these kind of places are almost gone...

I like short hair so nowadays choose the chain stores that charge about 1600yen and the professionalism is a lot watered down also but still satsifactory, polite and quick too but I have a lot of respect for those that approach their trade as an art as much as a sushi chef does.

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Posted in: The Essence of Budo See in context

Hatsumi is very respected all over the world....its always easy to criticise so putting aside arguing the various styles , im keen to hear from people who devote their entire lives to something and want to impart some of that knowledge to others.

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Posted in: Stone thrown at moving Seibu Shinjuku line train; two passengers hurt See in context

the stone weighed a kilogram?? im confused....did it weigh a stone or a kg??

and was there a note attached to it? did it say "next stop tokorozawa"?

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Posted in: Japan to help finance European bailouts See in context

Buying bonds is not the same as donating money....the poor in Japan will not suffer because the BoJ makes investments, in fact its considered a stabilising move for the European and Japanese economy. Thus if it achieves stability the numbers of homeless in Japan might not decrease but they wont rise either...hopefully.

Though Ireland is costing the EU 70 billion, there still remains about 450billion in funds which they say should cover portugal and belgium. (That figure needs double checking sorry) so Im surprised they are selling more bonds unless when they release that figure they didnt actually have the cash in hand. Probably Germany doesnt want to pay more from its own coffers

Here in Europe, Germany and UK are calling for change to the maastricht treaty to make it harder for EU countries that need bailing out. Portugal and Belgium are said to be next. Italy is in dire straits and experts predict Spain will bounce out of it due to strong tourism,exports and austerity packages being pushed thru. Recently China did purchase huge amounts of Spanish debt (thankfully!) and ...after failing to purchase armaments from Spain as the deal was blocked by the EU....though there is no fear of direct interference by the masive debt buyer the presence of chinese discount stores and other such businesses is sharply increasing! ..if the locals dont work hard the chinese will!

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Posted in: China has some major issues coming See in context

A very shallow article that chooses to concentrate only on the problems of one country.Problems that are also faced by many other nations around the world, and problems which the most developed nations faced in their own development over the last century...China is the largest country so it will have large problems. Which country doesnt have problems?? This article is so simplistic in its approach For each problem their are policy decsions taken to ease and reduce their impact, so its not a static state of affairs,its an ongoing dynamic process..some years things improve others not.

This article also does not take into account the future development of other countries a such as India, Brazil and many more with huge populations that will also face these issues and add to the world demand for raw materials.so I dont see the point of focusing only on China.

Lets face it, the world is changing, dont fear it

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Posted in: UK minister declares 'war' on Rupert Murdoch See in context

Yea keep the media free! ...well make the media free..er...

there are many espoucing that wikileaks debacle is just a testing ground for govts and corporations, like google, to take over total control of the Web siting security issues....Murdochs empire is among those wanting such power...keep Big Brother at bay

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Posted in: Hiroshi Tachi, Yumiko Shaku to star in NHK period drama See in context

would that make it a ShakuTachi?

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Posted in: Hiroshi Tachi, Yumiko Shaku to star in NHK period drama See in context

Is Shaku trying to say that She and Hiroshi are now getting it on??

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Posted in: Tokyo to host international laughter competition See in context

i did a training course in laughter yoga,....although it sounds stupid to some at first..once you start, its totally contaigious and great fun. the 6000yen doesnt make me laugh as local laughter groups try to run these things as cheaply as possible usually. But sure overheads are high for large event spaces etc.

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Posted in: Fujitsu launches Docomo REGZA phone See in context


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Posted in: How bad do you think the tension on the Korean Peninsula is going to get? See in context

South Korea will be the most relieved to know NK is backing down....its a matter of political survival for politicians in SK to put on a hard line show on against NK but in reality it will never be an option for them to have Seoul reduced to rubble if it could have been prevented by any means...attacking NK , a war with NK, is suicide for Seoul.

so..NK get their food and everyone saves face!

my very first posting on this topic a few weeks back suggested dropping food supplies and wishing them all a merry christmas....but seems far too many war mongers have to chew out their egos first....before reaching the same conclusion....Gee, we humans must be learning something, 50 years ago 100s of 1000s of young men had to die before taking a peaceful option

how do you say merry christmas in nth korean???

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Posted in: Thieves steal electronic goods worth Y10 million in Ibaraki warehouse robbery See in context

maybe the window was broken as a decoy becaus ethe employess who stole it all used the front door

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Posted in: Two explosions rock Stockholm See in context

The issue of the cartoon caused major outcry at the time... in my own opinion its stupid to publish such content if you know darn well that it will invite violent attacks,... Youtube has a documentary on the guys life nowadays as he watches his back everyday but continues to produce offensive comics....the decision by someone to carry thru on the threat may be linked to other issues too..lets see what more news comes out

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Posted in: The dismay of discovering you're working for organized crime See in context

i was working for the government ..until i realsied it behaves more like the mafia than the real mafia

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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context

@ the truth hurts....just as you say..the truth hurts Google search on Hugo Boss and SS uniforms ...then google IBM and concentration camp tatoos....etc etc. yes the truth does hurt

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Posted in: Retailer Don Quijote pulls Nazi outfit after complaint See in context

Nazi Uniforms were designed by Hugo Boss and are still the coolest of any army gear ever made....

I dont spport their ideas in any way but as Japan was on the "baddies" side in the war then its a hard one to lay this guilt trip on them that comes from Europe. In Japan war veterans dress in their gear still today and visit Yasukuni shrine etc. because its part of their heritage..good or bad....do people say "hey get those uniforms off!", japan committed many atrocities but is all imagery banned???..no ...only the chinese make a noise...and did china ever commit atrocities??ask Tibet... The uniforms are Historical and nowadays used for comical parties and paraody. Perhaps Children dont know the difference...but adults have the right to pretend they know the difference

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Posted in: WikiLeaks founder denied bail; jailed on Swedish sex crime charge See in context

his leaky wick may loose him his wikileak

i hope millions march to protest his release ...for our freedoms sake!

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Posted in: WikiLeaks founder turns to Switzerland for help See in context

Assanges latest press release " hey guys ,I was just kidding...April fools!"

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Posted in: 'Shallow-brained bureaucrats' crackdown on love hotels unlikely to thwart teen prostitution See in context

why not insist female customers use id cards and do age checks to turn away minors....thatd really kill their bizness as it thrives on secrecy.

tho they would just do it in the park or some bathroom anyway. how can u stop it really? its sad that so many young girls turn to prostitution as they do in cambodia and thailand...but in japan its not a survival issue.

the problem is that both sides are consenting, supply meets demand

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Posted in: Noose tightens around WikiLeaks' Assange See in context

Palin asked why Assange isnt being pursued o the same level of Al qaida etc. well..if Osama bin Laden is still safe then Assange can take a nice relaxing holiday too!

Leaks happen every day and they always will.....shooting the messenger never helps! changing behaviour does

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Posted in: WikiLeaks: Espionage? Journalism? Something else? See in context

This is fantastic! Im so sick and tired of all the crap since 911, our civil liberties and even habeus corpus removed by the Govt...its totally unacceptable! so its great to see some kind of payback from the small guys to a govt! we need things like this to regain the balance lost.!

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Posted in: Brace for the post-WikiLeaks information big chill See in context

oh so if they prosecute this guy then who is going to prosecute the US for all its crimes...such as surveliling UN Diplomats and stealing their secret data??...its a fallacy. The US govt is just pissed it got caught red handed.

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