Japan Today

TokyoResiding comments

Posted in: 7-Eleven to enhance security amid rise of solo workers at night See in context

towingthelineToday  01:25 pm JST

So, what do you call it when record number of businesses go bankrupt because they can't find people to work?

When you can't afford to pay a decent living wage to attract staff. I'd call the business "poorly managed", and/or a "poor business model with little or no profit margins".

There is no labour shortage in Japan. Just a shortage of well-managed and/or good businesses offering employment. Nobody wants to work for peanuts.

Fanks. I did a little research as you do and you (and some others) are on to it.

It's also an underutilised workforce—many women and elderly are not working because they either don't want to or need to or both, and many young people refuse to work for peanuts and live off their parents while 'studying' or doing faf all.

It’s not as simple as some of you think to raise wages—costs have gone up, and Japanese consumers won’t pay higher prices for non-essential items they can live without. So it's a bit unfair to suggest that these businesses goin under are poorly managed. Some are but not all.

-15 ( +7 / -22 )

Posted in: 7-Eleven to enhance security amid rise of solo workers at night See in context

David BrentToday  10:54 am JST

There isn't a worker shortage in Japan. Why does JT persist with this nonsense?

So, what do you call it when record number of businesses go bankrupt because they can't find people to work?

-25 ( +7 / -32 )

Posted in: Japan's new flu cases hit record high in late December See in context

Japan's new flu cases hit record high in late December

Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure it is now January.

-20 ( +0 / -20 )

Posted in: Japan urges U.S. military to make changes to stop rapes in Okinawa See in context

JJEToday  05:33 pm JST

Nothing will stop the decades and decades long endemic of rapes of women and children, sometimes in a group format, kidnappings and other associated abuses.

This is one of the prices of being a satellite: voluntary submission to the hegemon.

They can't stand up to the overlord and they can't ask anybody to help because most of their fellow vassals have supinely done the same.

Let's not single out US servicemen as being more likely to commit rape than Japanese men. There is no evidence for that and nobody is suggesting that.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Posted in: Man arrested for allegedly sexually assaulting sleeping elementary school girl See in context

virusrexToday  04:00 pm JST

Why was the girl left alone and why was a balcony window left unlocked?

Children of upper elementary grade are considered responsible enough to be left alone for some periods of time, unfortunately Japanese families are too used to a high degree of safety and precautions that would be basic common sense in other countries are not considered necessary here.

I've never understood the belief among parents in Japan that their kids are completely safe. Children in Japan are kidnapped, sexually assaulted, murdered, or hit by cars just as often as in other developed countries, yet there's this idea that these things don't happen, so it's okay to let kids walk home alone or be unsupervised. It feels like people have been lulled into this false sense of safety that, to me, has never really existed.

Japan seems to suffer from a dangerous normalcy bias, and it makes me sad when tragedies happen that could have been avoided if parents were more aware of the risks their kids face.

-12 ( +12 / -24 )

Posted in: Swedish man arrested for assaulting common-law wife in Sapporo See in context

Makeyourlifeeasy2015Today  05:44 pm JST

Guys! You are saying as if only in Japan they announce the nationality of a suspect? That's unfair as we hear these kinds of statements in other countries such as the USA and many more. So, when they don't mention any nationality, it's clear that the crime is committed by a Japanese. This should be easy to understand.

I don't get where is the problem here!

If you don't understand, go learn about it instead of having knee-jerk reactions to commenters who do.

-2 ( +31 / -33 )

Posted in: 10% of young people in Japan have experienced being groped: survey See in context

TokyoLivingToday  07:51 am JST

Very dubious results.

How come all previous research shows far higher percentages, ranging from 50 - 70%.


Mainichi Shimbun (2018) reported that in a Cabinet Office of Japan survey, 70% of women in Japan stated they had experienced groping and molestation while using public transportation.


Someone has the spidy senses drunken..


He/she might have been referring to this - 40% not 70% but still higher than 10%. That was only last year.

This is not just young people though.

Over 40% of women, nearly 10% of men in Tokyo have been groping victims: survey - The Mainichi


-5 ( +30 / -35 )

Posted in: Women fight Tokyo election in male-dominated Japan See in context

Pukey2Today  02:17 pm JST

Well she certainly didn't help with the birth rate. And does she still believe that the 1923 Kanto massacre was fake? In a country which takes falsification of one's qualifications seriously, I don't understand how she hasn't been made to resign. Mutliple people close to here have come forward to say she faked her certificate and graduation story, and native Arabic speakers have said her spoken Arabic is awful for a "graduate".

She is a bit of a nationalist but has never claimed the Kanto Earthquake massacre never happened.

Her stance on not commemorating it is not much different from the average Japanese person.

There's little love for so-called 三国人 'sangokujin' in Japan.

As someone who has met hundreds of them, I know that the average Japanese English graduate's English ability is pretty awful.

There is controversy over her qualifications, but university qualifications don't count for much in Japan - the university you got into, not the qualification you gained, is what counts.

0 ( +29 / -29 )

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