Japan Today

tokyotales comments

Posted in: First vote See in context

AKB48 posters urging people to vote have been put up stations all around Tokyo

Only in Japan would political elections be promoted by a pop-group of +/- 20-year-olds. Wonder why Japanese are apathetic about elections?

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Posted in: 27-year-old man dies after being found beaten, stabbed in Tokyo park See in context

His shoes, wallet and cell phone were not found at the scene, leading police to believe that he was probably assaulted at another location before being moved to the park.

so hold on, if his cell phone was not found, how did he make the call?

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Posted in: Slimmed-down comic sings praises of tofu & natto based diet See in context

What is wrong with being 80KG at 170cm tall?

If your muscle mass is really tiny (average for Japanese) then 80kg for 170cm is ALOT!

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Posted in: How should airlines handle obese passengers? See in context

Why is this fair? Because it cost more to transport a heavier person, so they should pay more.

@ Tokyokawasaki - so should heavier people also be paid more at work, as their living cost is higher? Is it fair? ??

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Posted in: Girls, girls, girls See in context

That's the problem with us men--we think after the marriage instead of before.

@TheRat - speak for yourself.

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Posted in: Older people go back to school to learn new skills See in context

If Japan increased the pension age to 67 (like France is trying to do) and reduced the standard working hours for all these overworked younger people, there would be enough work for all these talented, mature and energetic 60+ year-olds...

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Posted in: Girl dies after being hit by train in Saitama See in context

"He applied the emergency BREAK"

I guess 3Rensho was referring to a spelling mistake that has now been fixed.

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Posted in: What makes Japanese women say, 'I never want to see that jerk again!' See in context

Just like men, these women are only interested in themselves, not the guys they are dating. So they want to talk, not listen to whatever he thinks is important. On the other hand, the guys are much the same. Everybody wants to be important, feel special. Listening to someone else, usually doesn't make you feel special.

Another good point is that most people are quite nervous, especially the first 20-30 minutes... so if you really want to find out if this is an interesting person for you, don't judge on the first impression but delay 30 minutes. If you judge on the first impression, and the first impression is not good, you will spend the rest of the date trying to reinforce your negative impression. If first impression is good, you will try to reinforce and confirm this, thus ignoring things that you maybe don't like.

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Posted in: Poisonous mushrooms may have been sold at festival in Tokyo See in context

We feel terrible about the mix-up

So does the person who ate them...

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Posted in: Snack foods a threat to nation's youth See in context

It's going to be VERY very interesting to see Japan's population in 10-20 years... The number of "skinny-fat" people are increasing so strongly, as kids move and exercise less, while snacking on crepe, fried chicken, sweets etc. without knowing the consequences or anything about a balanced diet... and since they have really small muscles, it takes a while before we notice that they actually have a much too high fat percentage (thus the term "skinny-fat"). The amazingly high living age in Japan will plumet...

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Posted in: Japan fattens textbooks to reverse sliding rank See in context

Only good thing I could get out of this is that they are pushing English lessons start from 5th grade instead of 7th. They could've pushed it even further.

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Posted in: Man arrested for beating 5-year-old daughter in Wakayama See in context

Since 2008?? So what have been done between then and now?

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Posted in: Jolie good time See in context

Tatanka, how many women in their 60's show off their back, regardless of tatoos...?

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Posted in: Majority of weight-loss products fail to cut kilos See in context

of course there had to be a vage reference to some Chinese product that supposedly killed someone. And Asano-san's advice to walk in the pool, great... There are no "easy" solutions, but the combination of a balanced diet and high intensity training is necessary to achieve a sustainable lifestyle. Many people go to the gym and do some exercise, but if you don't really push your self and achieve a high pulse, and feel a little uncomfortable, don't expect much result of it. Personal trainers are on the rise, but many of them are too soft, as far as I've seen in Japan. Stop thinking about jogging or walking, you get much more results from 20min of high intensity interval running/training twice a week than a bunch of jogging, which also will make your muscle mass smaller/leaner, hence reduce your daily basal calorie consumption.

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Posted in: Kan's wife criticizes him in new book See in context

alladin, she is probably a housewife? Well obviously she is also now a writer, if you didn't consider that an occupation (I think it is recognized as such in most developed countries) and he book will surely add to their income if sales are fast as the publisher suggests.

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Posted in: Knife-wielding man attempts to rob police station in Miyagi See in context

Guess he probably wanted to get arrested, so he did the rigth thing

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Posted in: Will Tokyo Sky Tree's completion bring down 'skyscraper curse' on Japan? See in context

@yokomoc - agreed, and also, Japan is not in a time of boom, so it's unlikely that the sky tree should cause a bust (bust of what?). macroeconomic trends almost invariable go in waves of growth and stagnation, making it natural that big projects started in boom times are completed during a recession or bust. This article was not very interesting and it's hard to see any good arguments or even a main theme.

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Posted in: Guidebook of Tokyo restaurants where you’re allowed to smoke See in context

@mrsynik you should expect it to be out sooner rather than later, with biweekly updates ^^

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Posted in: Fuji sunrise See in context

The 5 hour climb wasn't a problem, but spending the time from 3am to 4.30am waiting for the sunrise, while temperature was 3'C and wind was storm strength... now that's a different story!

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Posted in: From TV to politics, Renho blazes a trail See in context

@proudnippon - maybe it's time for Japan to realize that to move forward it's actually good with some input from both young and old people? That being said, 42 isn't particularly young for politics, if you look outside Japan. Obama is only 6 years older, 48 (without further comparison).

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Posted in: Get me to the airport on time See in context

Oh great. Most of us expats live in Meguro, Shinagawa or Minato ku.

@Sherman - do you think they planned this train to meet the needs of the expats in Tokyo, since they make up such a larg percentage of the customer base? Because I don't think expats do, in Tokyo, anyway.

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Posted in: Goal! See in context

It's pretty amazing that Japan is in and Italy out! ^^ Well done!

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Posted in: Hi there, Kitty See in context

Perfect mom... seriously?

The question is rather; why is P-Nest Inc. doing surveys on middle school girls?? kids that age should be more protected against marketing companies.

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Posted in: I pledge See in context

Let's Smiling! Let's Working! Let's Shopping! Let's Saving! ... Let's Scandal?

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Posted in: Man punched in face by fellow train commuter over phone manners See in context

“I warned him and he complained back at me. That really pissed me off.”

Hey, at least he warned him!

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Posted in: Reconciling foreign workers' prayer breaks with production deadlines See in context

PeaceWarrior has a point, this has already been agreed on.

The real problem here is that the manager tried to bend the agreed upon contracted rule. This way, as a manager, he puts these workers in a bad light in front of the rest, and no wonder the other worker was complaining! If the manager is complaining, the other staff also will. The problem here is that the management hadn't planned appropriaetly how they could finish the work within the deadline with the resources available.

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Posted in: 40% of child seats in cars remain unused: police survey See in context

But as you all know, in Japan, "it's not dangerous to sit in the back seat so you only need seat belt in the front seat"... It's sad and very frustrating, especially since typically the parents are in the front, wearing belts, while their kids are unsecured in the back seat (including middle seat, most dangerous place) - using child seats or not - at LEAST they should wear the belt. If you wear it from you're a kid, it will feel unnatural to not wear it in the future, and it becomes a habit to always wear it.

Japan needs to run some serious TVCM campaigns to increase awareness!

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Posted in: Adele See in context

why is this socalled talent wearing that weird outfit and stupid hat while the two others are wearing nice and classy clothes?

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Posted in: 9-month-old boy dies after being left in car by grandfather See in context

Regardless this is very sad and will likely destroy the family relations.. also, unfortunately, parents who lose a kid very often end up going separate ways due to problems handling the sorrow in different ways - eventually resulting in more hurt to the other kid

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Posted in: Headphones for sports lovers See in context

wouldn't help much in the pool if the earphones were waterproof unless the player also was waterproof... does it exist yet, waterproof iPod etc?

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