Japan Today

tomtokyo comments

Posted in: Mr James See in context

This campaign is a new low for the foreign community in Japan. The victim mentality of Debi-chan and his dweeb crew is pathetic and divisive.

The people are transferred here to work in cool jobs and have a natural assertiveness and popularity don't give a toss about this kind of thing, because they don't define themselves according to Japanese media stereotypes.

They just get on with life, enjoying going out with mates, dating girls, drinking, clubbing, skiing, sports, culture and all the other trimmings of a rich liberal democracy. Their Japanese friends see them as who they are, confident, accomplished people worthy of respect here as they would be in their own country. And they see the expat losers with the same kind of instinctive equanimity, not harshly but fairly.

The irony of Debi-chan et al. has always been that while they constantly complain of generalisations made by the Japanese about foreigners, their responses always frame the Japanese in generalised terms, related to supposed ignorance, limited horizons and discriminatory attitudes.

It's not so much about whether the portrayal of Mr. James is fair or not, but more about why any accomplished, secure person should care.

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