Posted in: Obama's plan to raise taxes on wealthy meets fierce opposition See in context
I believe all that has supported him. including myself have been lead under false pretenses..
It is right about these taxes on carbon emitting sources. Yes we all will pay that extra cost, no and ifs or buts.. I was for dropping the tax breaks Bush put into place for the wealthy,, but on the wealthy individuals that would balance up the tax system for all Americans. Not raising taxes on items or products that in the end we will be paying more than what we started to begin with and this carbon tax is nonsense that will cost us more than what we would be saving from his so called tax breaks for the average fmilies and individuals.. What a JOKE. He already has shown he is not going to do nothing with the trade imbalance by kissing China's ass as the rest... REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS in the past..
He has already trashed the protectionism stance that would bring trade into balance and all because of other countries continually harping of the protectionist issue. So he caves into to all this crap that has been the focus of all that has benefited from our loss..
I believe he is nothing but a liar and a sell out and I am pissed.. But even you republicans,, your party did the same bullshit and also are responsible for the position this country is in today as well, especially the last eight years, and if you think that is not fact then you should be praising Obama for the same crap Bush has done in his two terms. Of course except for national defense that Obama seems as well as bowing to other countries on, such as Russia and his thought that we face no future threats from anyone such as Russia and CHina which is so friggin STUPID.. Obama right now in my opinion absolutely SUCKS!!!!!!!!! And I voted for the B*stard! Seems there is not a person in politics worth a damn and that goes for both parties. McCain was another winner. Just say anything to gain support but at the same time just another politician focused on wealth of those of the upper class and stepping on the middle and lower class.. Just as Bush, and his way with China, same with B. Clintons way with China.. Where are the people that will stand up for the US and think of the US first as which they are suppose to be representing and thinking of first???? I would love to had this straight to Obama and shake his had at the same time as he is stabbing us in the back and saying he is thinking of us.
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Posted in: 2 Gaza rockets hit southern Israel See in context
likeitis, You say they have always been screwed? yes they have in some respect, but if not such radicals today would not be the way it is if they were rational and still today they lack any trace of that! So they continue to be abused because of the footing they take on the issue of Isreal, Palistine and borders of a palistinian state.
It is a shame but they only can blame themselves for this problem because even Isreal admits there can be a palistinian state, since they can not live along peaceful with the Jews. Theyhave made this a very driven nome point.
If not so radical and set in some rediculaous state of confusion, things would be different for them and better.
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Posted in: 2 Gaza rockets hit southern Israel See in context
likeitis.. If there is going to be poeace it is up to Hamas now, You can state everythng from the past, but Isreal is going now hwere wether you like it or not.
Of all people to almost make a peace deal Arfat,, There are none any brighter since? That is pretty sad for the a,istinian people if you as k me. And if you are so supported of the continual attacks on Isreal, you are just asking for more deaths of the Palistinians, because that is a fact as well.
It is time for the peole of what could be a palistine to get rid of their terroists extremists as leaders and sipport those that can promise them a life, something you words seem to counter as well. And also words that has gotten the people nowhere and nothing.. Oh yeah, except for 1300 more dead.
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Posted in: What shoe? Chinese media silent on shoe toss See in context
trafton.. still no response to your question to fansiding.
What BS propaganda mouth piece.
All knows what China is about. hahaha billions on internet filtering. all goverment news agencies, and self cesoring so not to be put in jail or labor camps..
So free, hahaha
The people of China needs a Martin Luther King. Just think how many of them has already had disapeared.
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Posted in: 2 Gaza rockets hit southern Israel See in context
sabiwabi ...including kids throwing rocks? From their wording I assume most (80%?) prisoners were not involved in any attacks.
You assume??? hahaha nice facts.
Gaza is just asking for more, If it is not Hamas backed firing of rockets, then it shows Hama's inability to take control of its people and contain order of Gaza. It is their responsibility, anything that comes out of Gaza lies in the hands of Hamas since they are said to be in charge of the area.
If incapable, then get them out!!!!!!!!! If it has to be by force, so be it!
We all know Isreal has the ability in their hands to completely wipe out the Palistinians, too bad they are more civialized than those like Hamas and Iran that wish they had such power at their disposal, but does threaten it all the time. Just think if Isreal had such mind set. Luckily ireal is a educated society and respects life or there would be an extinction of those that threaten extinction of Isrealies. Isreal has the means to carry out the threats of Iran's leaders and hamas's leaders.
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Posted in: Obama warns of trade wars from 'Buy American' stimulus provision See in context
Who profits from the US trade deficit, everyone else!
Now why are all these countries against the US becoming protectionist?
Will Obama kneel to these countries and at the same time forget his own? This has been going on for many years now. It is time for it to end and think of the US and put the US first instead of just giving everything away. Of course these large corporations have loved every minute of it, but as Obama has said, He own none nothing, but the problem is.. everyone else in the political circle does owe others.
I believe he may be going in with the rightous intent, but I believe also there will be great limitations to what can be done and especially what can be changed when there are politicians in the house and senate that have their own commitments to outside sources.
We need to be manufacturers again and to produce the products we need and use, and say the hell with what these other countries that benefit off of our despair have to say.
How could our leaders have let this go on for so long to bring us to this point of everyone looking for China, the communist country we can take credit for building as being the world leader of the future and still the words out of Europe shows support for this notion.. Just as they are supporting such a future for China being the dominate force economically as well as militarily . I can not believe it!
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Posted in: Obama warns of trade wars from 'Buy American' stimulus provision See in context
Fact is, if we had no trade we would be ahead 700 billion dollars
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Posted in: Obama warns of trade wars from 'Buy American' stimulus provision See in context
This is ridiculous saying the US should be afraid of a trade war.
You tell me what country has a trade DEFICIT as large as ours. Afraid we will even sell less overseas? What the heck!
The problem is not selling less overseas, but us buying more from overseas. Put this in reverse guys and girls, we are now on the short end of the deal here. Is that just too difficult to understand. What would we loose? Oh yeah maybe the trade deficit that is and has been giving everyone our jobs around the world, especially military building, self serving, communist China, where their growth rate has been double digit for years on end as their people get up every morning to go make us our goods that our people can not do and are not going to work to produce what we consume, and at the same time they are making our products, so do they make the goods they themselves consume.
Even trade should be the objective and that only should go for countries that are our friends and do not work against our values, that would leave China completely out , as it should be!
And to add,, it is not just the cheap labor, but other factors as well that makes production in other countries more profitable, such as pollution regulations and costs, along with workers rights, hospitalization, pension funds, all together makes it a very uneven playing field and if there are not concessions in any of these matters, we will only stay where we are economically.
If materials is not available here in the US for infrastructure to take place then maybe Obama's administration is starting in the wrong place and should concentrate on manufacturing jobs that would directly affect our massive trade deficit we have and there for take action on this before anything else and concentrate on evening up the field on trade which has taken our manufacturing jobs out of the country.
I have read the figures about how many jobs would be created by this “Buy American “ BS and I find the numbers way way below the truth. Not only manufacturing jobs would be created, but everything down the line would go up in production as for added man power, such as raw material production, increasing transport of, equipment needed and so on and so on which all leads to more people working. I believe we are hearing all bullshit about the job creation numbers and it is all coming from those that have and still are destroying our economic base and are promoting large corporate wealth from the continual production of products overseas, and the sad thing about it is, that they have so many believing their sick minded ways and their self greed!.
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Posted in: Obama warns of trade wars from 'Buy American' stimulus provision See in context
and I thought Obama was going to clamp down on the unfair trade and get manufacturing jobs back in the US after all has moved overseas and our trade deficit the largest in history, Seems he is going to be a push-over when a little pressure is put on him and that even being by outside sources..
What a flake he is already becomming. I was hoping this would not happen but have always been afraid it would..
What a frigging shame.
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Posted in: What shoe? Chinese media silent on shoe toss See in context
knowing Chinese censored controlled society, the people of China would have been very very angry at Britian for one of its citizens looking down on ome of their beloved and worshiped Chinese leaders., so maybe it is better for it to be silenced just as everything else is and why the people of China are so brain washed in believing the communist rule is the only rule they deserve. If they can not understand the shit that is kept from them as being wrong, then they deserve the rule by the iron fist and let them have it and stay under such control.
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
Well I se e it pretty plain. as the trade deficit kept growing so did the conditions here in the US keep going down hill. Industries kept closing and more and more people overseas were going to work making the products we here in the US demanded. Same with all the other so called industrial nations. The only ones that gained during this conditions has been those producing our products.. Look at the growth rates of countries. over 10% in China and they are so worried about it dropping to maybe 8% this year while the rest of us are looking at none???? Our leaders have sold us out! Plus at the same time we are supporting a commuist country with a suppressed society. Let's see our leaders turn that around and get production of our goods in the hands of our own people, not just here in the US. China grows at historic rates as we go into reccesion or depression.. Not hard to see a problem here.
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
Athletes, you are right with rights abuses around the world, I agree and also agree something should be done in all of them. I always said we would not be in Iraq if there was not something there of interest, which definitely was the oil. I have used that arguement many times myself about why we are at war there, but at the same time I was always for the idea of the people being freed from Hussien's grip.
Also I am very well p-ssed af that Burma is under military rule and have used that as an exapmple why we are in Iraq and not some of these other place such as Burma and the suffering those people are going throuugh with no help from anyone.
I am for the moral high ground in all instances and can not understand the large powers of the world just sitting back letting these people suffer when something could be done.
Also I agree with you about not taking on major powers, but I am sure you can understand that because of the circumstances that could result if one decides it is do or die in such a conflict. That is why Russia, China, and the US seem to have all these conflicting interests and each go about their everyday bussiness not confronting one another on these conflicting interests. I would love to see US take out Russia's Putin and Communist China's Hu and his yes guys, but I never see that happening of course. Besides Russia and CHina is the reason we can not get anything done in such countries you mention above, because of veto power in the UN and them just being members of the usless UN, which in my opinion is what makes the UN usless when you have authoritarian permentent members being a part of it that supports these togue leaders around the world.
Sure US was in Iraq for one reason only, oil . damn right, That is why I have said again and again, I never liked Bush and all was lies about why we went into Iraq, but wether lies or not, there is going to be one more people of the world liberated from a tyrant, and I will be satisified with that out come and hope that there will be a day that all major powers will take a moral high ground and free all that is living in a controlled society ran by those that could care less fabout its people as being human beings that all deserve rights and not as an object that is something to be taken out with the trash.
Above all else the Bush administration screwed up the war big time right from the sttart that has brought so many casualties to both sides, US and its allies and the Iraqi people.
Myanmar,, Burma. is disgusting and once known as the jewel of the east, its beauty,, what a shame, but we see who has the ties with such nations.... China, Iran..CHina. Russia..S, Korea, China made them and supported them and still are because they still exist today after how many years of 6 party talks?? It is a friggin joke these six party talks, they have accomplished nothing except to keep N. Korea China's bargianing chip with the US with other issues such as Taiwan.. Just more of Bush's bullshit stupid policies.
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Posted in: Iraqi guards throw party for shoe-thrower See in context
well smith you have your opinion, but in the real world usually that is not the case.
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
It is some of the same people that rant about the war, and at the same time wish to forget the life style of the Iraqis to begin with.. Very very understandable , I guess.. It is when hatred drowns out what realy should count which is the baics of human rights and freedom of a people. Get over it!
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
For or against the war, One thing for certain is that the people of Iraq now has a chance of freedom. THis is something they did not stand a chance for before. Just hope it sticks and those that lost their lives , lost them for a cause. I believe they have... FREEDOM! No BS about freedom not being free as someone posted. Freedom is never free as you have stated. US has been seen as the basis for establishing freedom across the globe feeing people from the grips of dictators that sees life as nothing but to serve the leaders themselves.
Some of you may see it as worthless but to those that suffer under such rule as those 100's of thousands found in the mass burial gave sights in Iraq, I am sure if they are looking down, they are very happy Iraq has been liberated from Saddam Hussien and so does many living in Iraq today, and I would have to say the majority of the Iraqi people.
There were words one time stated that the holocaust should never had let happen and that in these times should never let happen again, those that kill people on race, religion, ethnic , what ever.. is the same, this was Huissien, this is what all is let happening in Dafur as we argue on this topic. Who is going to stop that??? Who has the balls to put an end to such killing in Africa. No one is doing it.. And why? Maybe because we have the critics as above that see no value in saving peoples lives, or find no value in human life if it is not their own.. There is a real moral issue here I find many trying to stuff under the sheets like they have no morals and why there are places like Dafur and its people experiencing genocide because si many around the world do not want to upset their people of their country when trying to stop the killing of others because they have faded in responsibility of putting high enough value on human lives..
What a shame. And no. Not Shame on Sarge, but those that put him down because they do not have the moral basis within themselves to support those that can not defend themselves, the weak, defenseless. Shame on those!!!!!!!!!
I never liked Bush, but one thing from the start of the war in Iraq was the sense of those suppressed was getting help to rid all those people from the grip of forced rule by a killer that sen his people as worthless lives. If no one can take a stand for that, then where has the morals of those around the world gone?
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Posted in: Iraqi guards throw party for shoe-thrower See in context
Any one who assults a president of a country need punished, That is even if Kim Jong Il was to come to the US. anyone going to throw something at him, A US reporter? If so they also should be punished and I am sure they would.
I see some of these responses just down right stupid when it comes to an attack against a world leader. Hey I hate Hu of China with the deapest of feelings, but attack him as a reporter, I think not, those that support such an act would be seen as a disrespectful citizen of their country.
I never liked Bush but one thing for sure, the lives lost in freeing Iraq holds some value, if not to those that hate Bush, then it is too bad, especially for those that are from the US, you need your values re-set.
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Posted in: Iraqi guards throw party for shoe-thrower See in context
yeah seems that people are all over the place when it comes to freedom and rights. pretty disgusting.
I think we would see our own reporters act in such a way. yeah right. Some of you are really like a little child that was not taught respect just like this guy in jail for assulting a world leader, like it or not a leader of the Strongest country in the world. :-)
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
I never liked Bush from the beginning, but no one can deny, when the Iraq war started there were some pretty dirty stuff uncovered by those to be our allies that were suppose to be upholding sanctions against Iraq at that time. One big reason some of them did not want nothing to do with the war. They were caught red handed in their secrete dealings with Saddam Hussien. Chinese made missiles and all that crap, Oil deals. So how was sanctions and the UN going to deal with Sadam Hussien.
I may not have liked Bush abut he and his cronies did expose some of the dirt that existed among our so called friends and allies that all voted on the sanctions against Iraq and under the table did not stay committed to the pressure on the regime in Iraq to force changes.
As I said, right or wrong , everyone has their opinion. Mine is I never liked Bush and do not like all the lives lost in the war, civilian and troops, but....there lies the dark side that was also uncovered and exposed by those that did not support resolutions they voted for in suppressing Sadam Hussien's regime to bring him to his knees. All at the same time the people of Iraq were in despair while Hussien was living a lavish life in his many palaces.
THere are arguments on both sides. I do hope Obama, the guy I voted for does not come in as a push over and does not stand for firmness against rogue regimes that are killing their own people like they are nothing but dogs. That is something we do not need as an America that is suppose to be the leader for rights and democracy.
Along with many more issues, I think he and Cheney were very well stashed in the pockets of the large corporations and hope he goes to hell for it , but at the same time I will wait to see if obama has the b-lls to stop the flow of manufacturing over seas and the support of China becoming the next communist super power to take our place., which Carter has already advised him to keep on doing in their meeting.
We have some really screwed up politicians and policies. Let us hope Obama takes on the problems that have brought us where we are, head on.
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Posted in: Bush, in farewell address, says he acted in nation's best interest See in context
Good or bad, atleast we have the right to choose. Do not forget it.. There are many around the world that do not and many around the world we have given the chance also to choose.
Look at stinking China and its 1.3 billion little puppy followers..
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Posted in: Japan-themed Taiwan film gets China release date See in context
Oddan right, but we are talking China and the comminist style rule wanting to contral everything.
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
.Sorry Yosun, but my findings are from the polls taken through out Taiwan population. Your views are fine, but just because you are Taiwanese does not make it that all Taiwanese think on your same train of thought and the polls taken prove that.
You can have your opinion, you have the right to , but do not try and make it as if your opinion is that of all Taiwanese or all of Asian population. That is what your past posts has promoted as when you say , as I being Asian.
I will agree with some of your recent post, If the majority wants unification,, not reunification as you put it, that is another thorny term within Taiwanese population, I see you refer to the topic as REUNITE, Again that term is very offensive to many Taiwanese people as many see Taiwan never a part of China or ever ruled by the CCP. Again the fact that you do not represent even all in Taiwan let alone the rest of Asian people of Asia.
China is not trusted by the large majority of Taiwanese and not trusted by the large majority of the world. Just fact. To add to that, I have nothing against Chinese people, I hang out with one studying over here in the US, I do not like his view of Taiwan as if it belongs to China, of course, hahaha He knows that I believe the people of Taiwan have the right to decide for themselves their destination, it is hard for the people of China to accept such an ideology because they have been taught, this can not be the case and that Taiwan is theirs, So here we have the correlation between the Chinese government and the mentality of the people. Maybe not all because I have another Chinese friend in China that his view is that China should leave Taiwan alone. So there is a mix,but as you and I both know the society of China has been controlled by censorship and teachings only along the lines of what empowers the communist regime in China and that is still going on today.
I agree with Zenpun on his remarks about it taking generations if at all because if China became a democracy and cared for people and human rights, then Taiwan could always stay a separate identity just as island of of the US such as Bahamas and the rest. No need to feel the need to control another or take claim to another. Sort of a fantasy thought , you think? But why not? Same with Tibet. China right now is still the authoritarian type rule controlling society and has not let up on that type of authority over its population. hm another article that might be of interest...;_ylt=AmFGsyOq7xf8jc89pKgJSksBxg8F
If China would relinquish such rule , Taiwan would not be seen as such a threat and could enjoy regular relations and even friendship with one another, even if not one country but separate, but one thing would be they are of a common nature as a people of democratic nations, same as with the situation with Tibet, but as we have seen the CCP has moved thousands into Tibet trying to make it where Tibet will be inseparatable from China such as the circumstances that has taken place in Georgia with so many Russians that had migrated there while under Soviet rule. Like pollution taking over an area, not by accident but on purpose in the case of Tibet by the CCP.. But that is the CCP at their best as usual in trying to take control over another, just as they are trying to with Taiwan and its people.
As we speak of generations, this not only on Taiwanese part but generations for the mind set of the majority of Chinese in China. to come around to thinking differently of Taiwan along with the rest of the world and its people. 50 years of isolation and directing what can be learned and what can be taught take a long long time to rid itself from society and dilute it within a society so closely monitored and molded.
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
I do not care about you being Asian and thinking your opinion represents all Asians, because it definitely does not. Tell me what Asian countries fear the US??? China??? Let us hope it does for Taiwan and the Taiwanese sake, which has kept Taiwanese safe from the communist rules all of these years to where Taiwan has been very prosperous while China and its people were isolated and closed off to the world and sacrificed by their leaders like a never ending commodity.
As for wars , now let us talk about war.... There has been no country ever fight a war with civilian casualties taken in as so much importance while in a battle. Whether you for or against Iraq, still the maneuvers that had taken place taking control over the dictator that has killed many thousands more innocent people, his own people at that, than the US did in its destroying his regime and control. Us used precision weapons and took many steps to avoid little civilian casualties than any country that had been in such a circumstance. Still please tell me what Asian countries are afraid of the US more than they are of China. I really want to know the answer to that.
And if you are really Taiwanese, then you should also know about the 1300 missiles aimed directly at yourself from China. I guess if Taiwan would kneel down in front of Hu you do not have anything to fear, but as we all know, the Majority of Taiwanese ,, the Majority... does not want that, so China in any Taiwanese eyes is a threat and something to fear. The only fear Taiwan has from the US is not intervening in a China take over of the Island, or now Ma just handing Taiwan over to China which would be against the large majority of the people of Taiwan.
Fact is, your opinion of China is not what the majority of Taiwanese agree with and your view is just one of the small minority of the Taiwanese population.
Last I would like to make a comment you made to me in the last post…
”” then I really don't wonder why all those muslim, Russian, anti-nuke Japanese, anti-war European.... are all your enemy!””
I am so sad these groups you list do not like our actions and what we stand for. Hehehe You are refering to the radical sides of societies?? Yes you are. I guess you would like to see all the communist government controlled countries have the nuclear weapons and the rest of us that stand for human rights and democracy sit and wait for them to be fired upon us.
The China debate will continue for years and should as long as China believes it can claim anything it wants and as it keeps the voice of its 1.3 billion people silent.
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
Yosun.. your view is opposite of the majority of the Taiwanese people by a very wide majority at that..
You can have your opinion, but mine is based on human rights and against authoritarian rule by the powerful over the week and not bowing to those that have suppressed and still suppressing 1.3 billion people.
Yes we do have very different opinions on the China issue, but what promotes my view is the large majority of the Taiwanese society that thinks and shares the same orbit of myself that also deserves a voice on this matter that does not even know such a post exists here on JT. Also I do not want someone that claims to be from Taiwan use their single voice to try and make others believe your view is that of all or even a majority of Taiwanese, because it is not.
Take this comment you are the author of>
Do know that many Asian worry about the US much more than China? for these some 10- 20 years that we often heard so many innocent people killed in wars the US was involved or supported, and news like the US missles wrongly killed people is not seldom matters. the US government and media keep telling people about how dangerous China is and that did brainwashed some people, but much more people watch and see what the truth really is! As a Taiwanese, I know American is fine and I also don't really worry about China. But as an asian also, I want u don't suppose that we still think like what u think we should! So, pls Stop killing and cheating people and try to win our respect back! American!<<<<<<<<<<
I do not care about you being Asian and thinking your opinion represents all Asians, because it definitely does not. Tell me what Asian countries fear the US??? China??? Let us hope it does for Taiwan and the Taiwanese sake, which has kept Taiwanese safe from the communist rules all of these years to where Taiwan has been very prosperous while China and its people were isolated and closed off to the world and sacrificed by their leaders like a never ending commodity.
As for wars , now let us talk about war.... There has been no country ever fight a war with civilian casualties taken in as so much importance while in a battle. Whether you for or against Iraq, still the maneuvers that had taken place taking control over the dictator that has killed many thousands more innocent people, his own people at that, than the US did in its destroying his regime and control. Us used precision weapons and took many steps to avoid little civilian casualties than any country that had been in such a circumstance. Still please tell me what Asian countries are afraid of the US more than they are of China. I really want to know the answer to that.
And if you are really Taiwanese, then you should also know about the 1300 missiles aimed directly at yourself from China. I guess if Taiwan would kneel down in front of Hu you do not have anything to fear, but as we all know, the Majority of Taiwanese ,, the Majority... does not want that, so China in any Taiwanese eyes is a threat and something to fear. The only fear Taiwan has from the US is not intervening in a China take over of the Island, or now Ma just handing Taiwan over to China which would be against the large majority of the people of Taiwan.
Fact is, your opinion of China is not what the majority of Taiwanese agree with and your view is just one of the small minority of the Taiwanese population.
Last I would like to make a comment you made to me in the last post…
”” then I really don't wonder why all those muslim, Russian, anti-nuke Japanese, anti-war European.... are all your enemy!””
I am so sad these groups you list do not like our actions and what we stand for. Hehehe You are refering to the radical sides of societies?? Yes you are. I guess you would like to see all the communist government controlled countries have the nuclear weapons and the rest of us that stand for human rights and democracy sit and wait for them to be fired upon us.
The China debate will continue for years and should as long as China believes it can claim anything it wants and as it keeps the voice of its 1.3 billion people silent.
Here is an interesting article, one of thousands that truely describes the CCP stance on Taiwan and its 23 million people.
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Posted in: Russia-EU gas deal collapses See in context
Russia hates the Ukraine's ties with the west just as it hates Georgia's ties with the west. Russia qould love to find an excuse to invade Ukraine just as it did Georgia and it seems Russia is starting the worsening of relations with Ukraine just to position itself towards that very step. Russia once a friendly country after the soviet Union colapse , under Putin has become like the world enemy all over again.
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
Yosun you sound like a typical Chinese that had been isolated in China for 60 years or a member of China's propanfa machine. You know what, over the centuries leader of masses of land has changed, even countries that never existed has risen and become into existance from large portions that has been divided up because of waring fashions and or other reasons. As you want to claim China owned this. 200 million years ago or even 50 years ago, The inhabitants of that region are the rightful voice to make the decision of the direction in which they want to travel. Meaning... What China may have controlled centuries ago or decades ago does not mean diddly and does not give China any right to reclaim them today . US may not have exited back then, but as you should very well realize , all the countries the US liberated over the decades where never taken and claimed to be US territory, or you would be seeing all of south Asia US territory and your so prized China might as well had been claimed by the US as its own territory in the way you are thinking as if China has a right to every piece of land it once controlled. Sorry, that is not reality as you wish it to be, and another reason China is seen as a threat to the world and especially its neighbors. As my statement about US claiming China back at that time, if the US did not step in and save there stinking butts from Japan China would have been eaten alive like at the time was happening to them.. Another thing is how China has always taunted to their people about beating japan in the war, that is a friggin joke of all times to the world and their nationalistic rhetoric to the Chinese people, China was lucky US come to their rescue.. hmmmm or where they lucky> The people of China sure did not benefit from it , now did they??? 50 years of isolation and still today ruled under the tight grip of the leaders of suppression. Funny Taiwan was not part of China so they did not come under communist rule , the party you seem to stand up for, geez,, It makes me wonder if you are really from Taiwan , because all my friends from Taiwan, even that voted for the KMT, does not want any unification with China, at the most just the status quo and the others wishing to be recognized independence in the eyes of the world community. You are one of the smallest minority groups touting China China China , in Taiwan today. China has no right to reclaim any land that they had lost and even by the most , any land the CCP never even ruled, including Taiwan. And why fo you wish to over look China;s horrible past,,, and "present" ? We see the lack of trust around the world for China, facts are facts
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
yosun.. Your words are speculation of the future, not of today.
As remarked to China not wanting to expand??? There are many instances today where China is in conflict to your words. Take Tibet, t5ake Taiwan, take exploration of over lapping economic zones with Japan and China going forward with drilling in the sea after agreeing to joint ventures of such sort. Go back further into history if you would like to contradict your statements with the great leap forward where 100.s of thousands were sacrificed for power!! You words a baseless as for factual events that has taken place that you seem to ignore. Just look as t eh socialist party when they fled to Taiwan , remember 228???? Even the leaders in power of Taiwan today *KMY) have a history of killing and brutality. Look at the revenge they are taking on the DDP members of the last administration, seems not one of those legislators will end up off the KMY hit list, which has made many countries look at Ma's administration and comment on , hoping the KMY does not take steps backwards on rights, not only for the ddp party but for the people of Taiwan itself.. Sort of strange how Taiwan can all of a sudden have certain principles on the minds of democracies around the world that are based on troublesome principles other have worried about and has called for change within China for so long.
One other problen I see with the Taiwan China deals of today is if you yourself would like to see Taiwan fall to its knees as for dependency on China like Hong Kong has become in such a record breaking time period. Also if you would like to see such moves as military interactions between Taiwan and China at the expense of the US stopping military weaponry and equipment to Taiwan because of the threat of secret sophisticated technology able to be stolen by China through Taiwan's interaction with the Chinese military, which in return could mark the undeniable take over of Taiwan by China. There is much at stake when it comes to the almost 60 year conflict between your country of Taiwan( or should it be said "province of China" ) and that of China.
Let us not forget what the aborigines of Taiwan went through in the past from Chinese taking over their Island, so when you talk about language????? It is not funny, but I have to laugh at how you come up with this part of your post....>>>therefore China civilization keeps living so long even traditional Chinese words we use in Taiwan today is 90% the same as Han dynasty some 2000 years ago when Rome was the other stong country on earth but who know how to write Rome words today?<<<<.... Seems all of that was sort of forced upon those which the island once was inhabited by and if such force was not exerted upon them maybe Portuguese also could have been said to be the same as you claim Han Chinese language is so prevalent in Taiwan today. Anyone that takes over a society and establishes their culture among those original inhabitants have no chioce in the matter , just like we are seeing in Tibet, the stealing and trying to replace a culture.
Many know the history of China and many are not going to see China in this positive innocent setting as you are trying to describe. The CCP is brutal rule and its past is very well established in history books that most of the world are allowed to read and study. Articles written today still are proof of China's heavy handed control over society in all forms that the population of the world has access to, not just its nieghbors, which I am sure are all following and keeping up with as China's devolpments expands , especially militarily.
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Posted in: China at sea See in context
Yosun, you may take a stance on supporting communist controled China if you wish, but Ossan is right about China's neighbors, There was a survey done a couple years back that showed many asian countries " the majority" liked seeing China rise as a society but did not trust China rise as a power. Sorry, China is not trusted or the leaders are not liked by others.. They are still a controlled society controlled by power humgry leaders that has shown will sacrifice anything and all for their hunger for power as history has proven this as FACT! All asia has freedom to historic facts and information, especially the history of the CCP, not like the society in China, which gives those out side of China reason to believe that China is not a trustworth partner when it comes to just about everything, Information is always kept at a very slow trickle out of China if at all. Democracies will never lay their trust is such a regime such as the leadership of those that suppress even their own people. Come on... face reality!
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Posted in: Toyota secretly developing solar-powered green car: Nikkei See in context
It is sort of funny all the talk about the hazards of low emitting energy from batteries, living near power lines, causing cancer. The low power emittted from a cell phone and brain tumors, and all are just dying to sit on top of 1000 or more pounds of batteries??
Why not use solar power to power the manufacturing of another fuel source , such as hydrogen? Then on nice sunny days the excess could be stored for evening use and non-sunny day use, instead electric stored in batteries that will not last through the times of low solar power production.. I believe all are taking the wrong approach on this alternative fuel and all are being taken into an unreliable source of energy with high hopes that is not going to produce what the demand actually is and also adding the risk to health at the same time. There are solar collectors being built at this time that are used to heat water, then stored underground for use on days that are not able to produce the power needed by sunlight alone and also for evening and night time use. This is much better than all this talk of battery storage in my opinion and does completely away with low energy effects on the body that has been reported. To use the solar power to generate other sources instead of the storage of electricity, by producing a fuel that can be stored and used to make electricity along with powering products of every day use seems to be a far better of reliable energy.. It has been so well established that batteries is not the answer. Power can be gathered from all green methods including wind, seas, along with solar to supply energy to produce abundant supplies of storable fuels to use during the poor conditions where natural sources can not be utilized. Batteries is not the answer and the proof is there that confirms that..
We need alternative fuels, fuels that are reliable and can be stored for when needed. There are also solar collectors made of concaved mirrors focused to a single point , super heating water and stored so to use it energy at a later time when needed.
Also focusing sunlight into one spot by mirrors with the heat equivalent to 13,000 suns used to heat hydrogen in a sealed type motor creating mechanical energy to be used for electric production.
Pretty interesting innovations if anyone is really interested in new technology. You should check some of this stuff out.
Sure solar panels are fine and getting more and more efficient and less expensive, but to use them to store energy in batteries , I do not see rational, but to use to produce a storable reliable fuel, I could understand and support. People are at this time rigging devises to produce there own hydrogen add-ons practically for pennies and producing free fuels to advance mileage on their vehicles by 30 up to 60 percent so why has not the auto manufactures added these alternative sources into their production of automobiles for fuel mileage? What is the problem here? Again the reason being,,,, a world economy based on oil? When we get the right leaders and politicians to back them, there will be changes made and these big wigs that has the energy supplies sewed up and controlled will begin to see darkness instead of the bright sunny days they have enjoyed for so very long. But we have seem many leaders done away with when not in line with the large corrupt corporations and those that have all the right connections with organized crime organizations.
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Posted in: Toyota secretly developing solar-powered green car: Nikkei See in context
I also heard many times in the past that the world economy was based on oil and if we shifted from our energy dependence on oil, the world economy would colapse.. I just wounder if most of our colapse today is from the high oil prices over the last 5 years among other factors. I do not see us going of dependency of oil to electric or other green measures for a very very long time. Or atleast until we get leaders that will stand for what is right and just for the people.
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Posted in: Trump and Zelenskyy trade barbs as U.S.-Ukraine relations sour over war with Russia
Posted in: Trump and Zelenskyy trade barbs as U.S.-Ukraine relations sour over war with Russia
Posted in: Musk launches 'scary smart' AI chatbot
Posted in: Ohtani throws 2nd bullpen session as he makes his way back to the mound for Dodgers