Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context
StrangerlandMay 18 09:56 am JST
Your comparison is more akin to a pair of running shoes, vs. a honda accord.
Sure, one should know how to walk. Does that mean no one needs a car?
Sure, and where is your evidence that a computer can do improve learning the same way to a Honda accord do to traveling?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context
StrangerlandToday 09:55 am JST
But what is the point of writing, other than to extend one's ability to memorize?
Computers allow for storing data in a way that a pencil cannot.
Sure, what is the point of memorizing, if whatever we learn during our life time, we all eventually die? Let's just keep playing your nonsense all day.
Pencils allow for storing memories in a way that pure memorization cannot.
And that pencil doesn't have to be a $100 magic Apple pencil vs $.50 graphite based ones insofar as learning to master the basics of "writing" in school is concerned. Writing with an expensive Apple pencil wouldn't necessarily produce better creative writing.
Why is it ok for a pencil, which extends memory, to be used by a student, but a computer, which extends it even further, is not?
A computer does not extend one's ability to memorize more data. The lack of textbooks or writing pads aren't the bottlenecks in learning.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context
StrangerlandToday 08:34 am JST
On that same logic, one does not need a pencil that costs $1.25 when they can memorize.
Sure, a pencil's a writing or drawing tool, not a memorization tool:
"A pencil is an implement for writing or drawing, constructed of a narrow, solid pigment core in a protective casing that prevents the core from being broken and/or ..." (wiki)
Sure, they don't need it. Neither do you need a car, or even shoes really. But they are things that make life a lot easier.
Nobody needs a $100K BWM 7 Series or $1,000 D&G sneakers to travel around, or "make life a lot easier." Most people can get by just fine in a $25K Honda Accord.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context
Raw BeerToday 08:56 am JST
... we have achieved much more than a flattened curve, so no need for unnecessary testing.
Japan flattened the number of testing curve, not the infection curve.
1 ( +9 / -8 )
Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context
StrangerlandToday 06:14 am JST
To me that seems like the equivalent of saying children shouldn't be given pencils, because they should learn to memorize.
No child needs a magic Apple pencil that costs $100 to learn how to write.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: New virus cases in Tokyo drop to 5; none reported in Osaka See in context
I guess at this point there is no reliable case number unless you are South Korea or Germany. It would be difficult to fake death number however -- expect "unknown" pneumonia deaths to jump by at least 20K or 30K in 2020. Also note the 2020 death number won't be out until 2022 or so.
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Shibuya gives each public elementary, junior high student a Surface Go 2 tablet See in context
theFuMay 17 11:02 pm JST
Computers don't make kids smarter.
NYC recently purchased something like 750,000 iPads (facepalm) -- each unit costing about $900 (included case and software). At least MS subsidizes the cost of their tablets and Google Chromebooks are quite affordable; Apple is quite stingy and NYC received only $30 discount per unit.
I'm quite frustrated by so-called education reformers pushing for this fallacious idea that technology is going to fix what they failed in classroom.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Has Japan dodged the coronavirus bullet? See in context
rainydayToday 04:52 pm JST
Yeah, but they can't play the same game with the death rate, which is extraordinarily low at just 678 nationwide total and provides pretty strong evidence that the low testing rate is not hiding the fact that Japan is getting hit as hard as anywhere else. It clearly isn't.
Nobody should trust that gov't's death toll. We need to look at the death number in 2020 vs previous years:
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Has Japan dodged the coronavirus bullet? See in context
noriahojanenToday 07:49 pm JST
Even if all of those "dubious" dead bodies are added to the corona record, Japan would remain significantly very low in death toll by about 1/100 in comparison to other virus-hit countries, some of which are even suspected of such statistical mishap, underreporting .... or mass hiding :)
Nobody trusts Japan's case or death number -- Japan is probably both under-reporting and "mis-reporting." Japan already has a huge flu/pneumonia mortality rate, significantly higher than most developed countries. -- compare Japan's f&p deaths for instance against the US: in 2017, there were 145,866 (Japan) vs 55,672 (US) deaths in just one year (2.5x death rate, or 6.25x per population than the US). And knowing what we know about Japan's response to the virus so far, there is absolutely no reason to be believe in Japan's death toll.
2 ( +8 / -6 )
Posted in: Has Japan dodged the coronavirus bullet? See in context
@erbavivaToday 06:06 pm JST
people are not dying because of corona virus in Japan. If the govt is hiding the numbers and only testing a few, the number of people dead is something you can not hide
According to Mainich (, it doesn't so difficult to hide it:
"in late March a male user identifying himself as a worker involved in preparing bodies for cremation posted a tweet saying, "There are a lot of cases in which testing has not been carried out, so the corpses of untested people who died from pneumonia are treated in the same way, though it's painful to see this. People on the scene are on edge."
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: SoftBank CEO says he will supply 300 mil masks per month to Japan See in context
China spreads the coronavirus; now China collects $$ selling face masks to protect against the coronavirus. It's a win-win for China!
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: New York reels as 630 die from coronavirus in a day See in context
I should have stayed home today. Their transit system is full of rats and there are crazy homeless folks peeing and pooping openly on the street in daylight -- I saw two today alone. Just disgusting,
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo area sees daily coronavirus cases top 100 for first time See in context
I get the feeling Italy was used like the "test" for every Western democracy
Italy has fairly large Chinese migrant population in Pronto and Florence. Italy is also the only developed nation to join China's Silk Road Initiative.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: S Korea summons Japanese ambassador as export trade curbs take effect See in context
WesleyAug. 28 04:33 pm JST
The irony of the photo: they had to purchase those Japanese products to protest those Japanese products. LOL!
They were most likely bought before the ban and stores stopped selling them. You could find them in dumpsters all over South Korea now.
-5 ( +0 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea summons Japanese ambassador as export trade curbs take effect See in context
It is not a retaliation of the judgment.
Sure, Chosun Ilbo is pro-Japan and known for their fake news.
-6 ( +0 / -6 )
Posted in: Abe says S Korea canceling intel deal damages trust See in context
William77Aug. 23 10:45 pm JST
Then you should do your homework better,Japan apologized to SK already several times.
Sure, and those apologizes were followed by visit to Yasukuni and immediate denials that they ever committed war crimes. This is getting a bit repetitive.
-9 ( +1 / -10 )
Posted in: Abe says S Korea canceling intel deal damages trust See in context
what the news report is not saying or leaving out is that SK also added that it wants to go in its own direction militarily without the US.
why so much disinformation?
South Korea scraps pact with Japan, moves closer to US | DW News
-9 ( +0 / -9 )
Posted in: S Korea terminates Japan intelligence deal amid trade dispute See in context
KariHarukaToday 07:01 am JST
How long before South Koreans come to their senses and drag Moon from out of the Blue House?
Abe IMO is a genius. His trade restriction raised the approval ratings for both Moon and Abe himself!
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korea terminates Japan intelligence deal amid trade dispute See in context
He said South Korea's linking of trade and security was "absolutely unacceptable, and we firmly protest to the South Korean government."
Really? But that's what Abe administration did with the trade restriction. Oh My! LOL!
-10 ( +5 / -15 )
Posted in: Japan urges caution for citizens traveling to S Korea See in context
StrangerlandToday 07:19 am JST
The government is fanning the fires of anti-Japanese sentiment among their people. This is not an angry group of citizens acting on their own - it’s their government. They put up anti-Japanese banners in Seoul. Of course it’s going to become riskier for Japanese people in Korea right now. I wouldn’t want to bring my family there at this current time.
The Independence day is coming soon, August 15, and I expect there would be much larger demonstrations against Japan throughout South Korea, not organized by the gov't, but by the people of ROK.
I don't think the Moon administration was that popular before the trade war started; certainly wasn't seen as a competent leader, obsessed with North Korea, but thanks to Abe, that's all changed.
-22 ( +6 / -28 )
Posted in: Japan-S Korea dispute puts U.S. in bad position: Trump See in context
While it is not good for neighboring countries like S. Korea and Japan to be at differences with each other . . . Trump is not seen as a trustworthy person by many in U. S. Congress. see
except that Trump's trade war with China has broad bipartisan support and is likely to continue after his presidency.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korean imports of Japanese beer nearly halve in July See in context
Don't worry folks! $73M in beer sales is nothing! South Korea buys about $8B worth of industrial photoresist and various machineries, most of which would now be either made domestically in South Korea or imported from elsewhere.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: S Korean imports of Japanese beer nearly halve in July See in context
No problem. Just re-direct the shipments of mouth-watering Asashi, Kirin, Sapporo etc to nations thirsty for more. SE Asia, EU, USA, for example. This will only hurt the Korean consumers who have imposed this "ban".
I was a econ major in college and I don't think supply and demand works that way. Beer lovers in SE Asia, EU, USA aren't going to start drinking more b/c Korean doesn't want Japanese beer anymore. It just means less sales for Asahi. According to Reuters, "South Korea buys 61% of Japan’s beer exports, spending 7.9 billion yen ($73 million) in 2018 for the shipments."
-3 ( +4 / -7 )
Posted in: S Korean imports of Japanese beer nearly halve in July See in context
DaDudeToday 07:01 am JST
My buddy in Korea said Asahi is a lot more popular than Korean brands like Hite. Stores claim they aren't selling it but if you ask, they have it in stock in the back. Acting like you are a part of the boycott is the in thing.
Oh boy, you Japanese are very optimistic folks, or perhaps really clueless. Sure, they all have them stocked in the back to be returned or thrown away. The key thing here is that even if those who love all things Japan, in spite of their 12 year old girlish petulance behavior, can't buy them if stores aren't selling them.
-8 ( +4 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan says S Korea export curb not retaliation for court rulings See in context
Ganbare Japan!Today 07:14 am JST
Absolutely NOTHING to do with any court rulings. The export ban of hi-tech material is due to South Korea allowing exports to communist North Korea, against UN restriction. SK cant be trusted, and is becoming too close to NK.
It's just too bad that japan is the one losing credibility.
-14 ( +8 / -22 )
Posted in: Moon calls for 'peace economy' with N Korea; slams Japan See in context
What a nice story it is. Meanwhile Mr Kim has launched terrible missiles, Mr Moon has spoken such beautiful dreams. It's an evidence of the friendship between the two people. Amazing.
Chairman Kim also refused to accept food aid from the South recently. Trump the orange man said the missile tests were nothing burger, so no need to panic.
-6 ( +1 / -7 )
Posted in: Moon calls for 'peace economy' with N Korea; slams Japan See in context
Melissa Shimosato
Earth to Moon, Earth to Moon, are you on crack or just cracked up??? No sarcasm intended... its just that what does it take for Pres Moon to realize that North Korea leadership does not like him or the freedom that the South Koreans have.... Hello Earth to Moon Wake Up Please......
why? If the two Koreas are united peacefully, it's good for the world -- perhaps not for Japan. It doesn't hurt to try.
-13 ( +4 / -17 )
Posted in: Pompeo urges Japan, S Korea to settle diplomatic row See in context
Great photo. The US needs to be actively engaged in Asia, otherwise the region is going to unravel and blow up.
I say Trump withdraw all US troops out of the Korean peninsula and Japan and let them work out their differences.
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: S Korea says it 'won't be defeated again' by Japan See in context
This is good. This mini crisis should prevent the incompetent Moon administration from going after the "evil" conglomerates. It also seems like the administration is finally allowing Gumi chemical plants to be re-opened which they had forced shutdown after the 2012 toxic chemical leak.
6 ( +11 / -5 )
Posted in: Kang, Kono trade barbs at ASEAN after Japan's decision to revoke S Korea's preferential trade status See in context
Japan paid already. The equivalent of several billion dollars in today money.
It was only a few individuals S. Koreans now Yes.... But up to 700,000 more Can apply and ask the court for the same deal if Japan pays again and again.
Their own government needs to pay them after decades of waiting and using the money to develop S. Korea.
I heard that South Korean's gov't actually asked for $12B back in 1965, but Japan agreed to pay a small fraction of that in grants and loans.
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Trump says AP will continue to be curtailed at White House until it changes style to Gulf of America
Posted in: Germany's economy is in the dumps. Here are 5 reasons why
Posted in: Trump says AP will continue to be curtailed at White House until it changes style to Gulf of America
Posted in: Japan records trade deficit of ¥2.76 trillion in January as tariff worries loom