Japan Today

Tori Chen comments

Posted in: Trumps visit emperor, empress See in context

There didn't seem to be a strong emphasis on getting everything exact during the state banquet and listening to the interpretation, I can surely say, a jr. high school student could easily do it. As you can see below, the interpretation does not even come close, but no one really cares what Trump has to say, let alone world leaders who are more intelligent than he.

Goodlucktoyou Nov 6 12:56 pm JST

Imagine translating trumps American to Japanese? At least the emperor met him in the carpark, that's cool.

From the state banquet:

Trump: It was really very much a working holiday. Even on the golf course, so we can call it a couple of days off, but it wasn't. It was full of work. Even as we played golf, all we did was talk about... different things. We better not go into it, but I have to tell you we did and I remember we made a lot of progress on a lot of fronts.

The Poor Interpreter: ゴルフは皆は休みの趣味と思いがちなんですけれども、私達は実は仕事ばっかりの話をしていました。いろいろな問題について話しました。

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Posted in: Declining kanji-writing skill of Japanese blamed on cell phones, computers See in context


"I read about this in the Japanese newspaper. The findings they came up with were so obvious I thought it was a satirical joke when I first started reading! What a waste of taxpayer money, I wonder how many monbosho bafoons worked on this report ." 

I believe it is now Monbukagakusho  (formerly known as Monbusho) not monbosho.

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