Japan Today

Trader Jones comments

Posted in: Senior LDP faction members questioned over political funds scandal See in context

Simon Foston

I expect that prosecutors are wary of going after people who could make or break their careers, or have connections with other people who could.

Exactly! add to that media execs who fear their cushy memberships being revoked from the high end snack clubs

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Senior LDP faction members questioned over political funds scandal See in context

What is clear is that media execs, politicians, CEOs all hang out at the same snack bar. This is why media is soft, corporations run the country and politicians are spinless ummm, what best describes how deplorable these people are...got it! politicians,

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Police panel proposes up to ¥12,000 fine for cycling violations See in context


Never have I wanted more for karma to send a taxi his way to side check his hubris at 20km/h.

Maybe some deep seeded resentment? Where you denied a bike as a kid?

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: 56-year-old woman gets 13 years in prison for fatally abusing 5-year-old boy See in context

A five year old child - How do these people exist? If humans are considered civilized with this crazy crap and worse happening around the world, then maybe we need to reconsider the definition of civility.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's new foreign trainee program to enhance rights protection See in context

AgentXNov. 25  10:40 am JST

Always unsurprising to see the down-votes come in suspicious looking swarms here. At any rate, people are still growing in their understanding of how this works regardless of media bias, troll farms and censorship etc

Right on - Or a sad indication of how many out there support human rights abuse and exploitation. But my first guest is Bots

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan's new foreign trainee program to enhance rights protection See in context

Just stop calling it a foreign trainee program. Call it what it is - Cheap immigrant labor.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: U.S. spy drones relocated to Okinawa despite local objection See in context


What a disgrace..

Dear Japan, stop being Asia's US concubine..

Have more dignity and self respect..

What is your alterative? Would you prefer Japan amend its constitution and take a more aggressive proactive, stance rather than its current reactive stance with its military? Actually, I would be in agreement with that.

Or do you think that a neutered Japanese military, would be just hunky dory and china, north korea, perhaps russia would all just respect that and live harmoniously happily ever after?

8 ( +31 / -23 )

Posted in: U.S. spy drones relocated to Okinawa despite local objection See in context

You can love to hate the US, but without The US military presence, China would be out of control. The US military is probably the only thing keeping them in check. I am one who personally supports the US and its military personnel going back home to their families and out of harm's way. Especially in areas where they receive so much hostility for their presence. Okinawa for example. But who will replace the US, UK, France, European Union, Japan self-defense force? There's no alternative to deter China and or North Korea. Therein lies the problem, after you give me your thumbs down, perhaps comment on what would be your alternative.

13 ( +41 / -28 )

Posted in: Kishida cautious on same-sex marriage, separate spouse surnames See in context

If there are worried about traditional marriage and family values being effected, how is it going so far? Sexless marriages, single moms, love hotels everywhere. My guess, we should take a closer look at what the problem is.

15 ( +21 / -6 )

Posted in: Train gropers who fall to temptation intentionally targeted by extortion squads See in context

Less in being able to spot the perv and more the prevalence of these type of person existing. Stand on a train long enough, you get groped. Maybe the police might learn from some of these lessons.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: IAEA officials say Fukushima's ongoing discharge of treated wastewater going well See in context

Gene Hennigh

People have a lot to say about how bad this discharge is, but do they know the particulars?

I think that the problem lies in that no one trusts any of the responsible agencys to know the particulars.

I mean what do you do with the byproducts - uranium and or plutonium. The "experts" still have no idea. Yet, we keep producing with no end or solution in sight, just waiting for the nest disaster.

So, give a break to us laymen, we only know and for some suffer the results because of the "experts" who all shout out "Move on folks, nothing to see here."

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: IAEA officials say Fukushima's ongoing discharge of treated wastewater going well See in context

Ask Trade -I think most people honestly would choose option A. To make it more poignant, change the question to purchase fish for you children.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

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