Posted in: Trump threatens U.S. allies on trade before leaving G7 summit See in context
Trump needs to be charged with treason to the United States. Our trade and teamwork with our allies and partners was created to avoid the disaster that happened in World War I. Trump is as petty and weak minded as those that thought they were above the rest.
I commend the G-8 for standing up to this loser after trying to educate him of his ignorance.
2 ( +12 / -10 )
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
old hands don't know what they don't know.
Posted in: Honda to scrap retirement age for software engineers
words are fun, but execution is very difficult
Posted in: Honda to scrap retirement age for software engineers
Step one of raising the age to get your pension cause “people can still work until 70, see?”
Posted in: Honda to scrap retirement age for software engineers