Posted in: Rally for Gaza in Nagoya See in context
There is no genocide in Gaza.
That accusation is a blood libel.
What kind of "genocide" can be ended by returning hostages?
Israel's women were taken as sex slaves. The terrorists used the word "sabaya" in the video released yesterday. It means a woman who can get pregnant taken as a sort of booty.
Israel must do everything it can to rescue these girls from being raped in dungeons.
4 ( +10 / -6 )
Posted in: Elon Musk wades into U.S. immigration debate at Texas-Mexico border See in context
Elon Musk is a stupid person's idea of what a smart person is.
This comment is so good and spot on I had to login to give it props.
6 ( +12 / -6 )
Posted in: McCarthy calls China's position on Fukushima water discharge 'unfair, 'false' See in context
"And it's just an unfair position that they have and a false position that they have from the rest of the world's stance," McCarthy
Oh that's rich. But I agree 100%.
McCarthy is horrible at domestic policy, but thankfully he's supporting Ukraine and standing up against China.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin presumed dead after plane crash outside Moscow See in context
Thank you very much for your fight and rest in peace warrior...
You're praising a mass murderer.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: Global food security is at crossroads as rice shortages and surging prices hit the most vulnerable See in context
Wow a Russian apologists.
Maybe you should read the article before commenting.
0 ( +11 / -11 )
Posted in: Japanese pop star Shinjiro Atae says he's gay See in context
....ok and so what?
The point is he cannot enjoy equal rights as most people.
This is inhumane and only changes when celebrities come out and speak up.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Musk says Twitter is losing cash because advertising is down and the company is carrying heavy debt See in context
and the fact that Musk had to buy it did do one thing and that is expose the company for what it was doing when the social media platform became an extension of the Democrat party and used its powers to silence opposition, and most notably, the dissent and questioning the controversy vaccine
There's a lot to fact check here. Let's get to it:
fact that Musk had to buy it
He chose to buy it. He didn't have to make the deal. Yes I know he tried to back out and later had to.
the social media platform became an extension of the Democrat party
Patently false.
and used its powers to silence opposition*
You're referring to the Trump ban after he used the platform for a violent coup that resulted in multiple deaths. Twitter is entitled to enforce its policies.
and most notably, the dissent and questioning the controversy vaccine*
Demonstrably false. Not only did misinformation proliferate on twitter, and still does, but Jack Dorsey, the former owner is supporking RFK Jr for President. RFK Jr is an outspoken antivax conspiracy theorist.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan's own 'embarrassing ways to die' challenge Darwin Awards See in context
I find it disgusting laughing about people who have died.
For the first time ever, I agree with you. Shame on finding entertainment in people's deaths.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Some fear COVID downgrade may cause more infections See in context
I'm immunocompromised, fighting a debilitating illness (operations twice a month), and live in Tokyo, alone, to take care of myself. The masking here is poor (low quality masks with noses hanging out), but it's better than nothing. Please keep in mind, we communute on packed trains and covid is airborne. 5 vaccines and I have not gotten covid yet. Everyone I know has already and 2 of my friends have died.until they die from their 6th re-infection).. The purpose behind the downgrading is money. Put the cost of vaccines on the individual and government does not need to take measures. Most people will be fine (i. But those of us with pre-existing conditions and immunodeficiencies are being thrown under the bus and left to die.
-7 ( +5 / -12 )
Posted in: Toyota pushes zero-emission goals by converting old models See in context
What are all the attractive women on the stage for?
Japan is still a patriarchy that treats women as objects.
2 ( +17 / -15 )
Posted in: Japan reports 245,542 new coronavirus cases See in context
Why are Japan's covid infection numbers so much higher than that of a much bigger country, the United States . . . ?
Covid is airborne and Japan has packed trains, small offices, packed mansions, few HEPA.
And lots of noses out those unsealed, weak masks.
USA has more open space, and very important, higher ceilings.
7 ( +14 / -7 )
Posted in: Barbara Walters, television news trailblazer, dies at 93 See in context
A true legend and a media presence my entire life. Very sad to hear of her passing.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Japan reports 192,063 new coronavirus cases; 420 deaths See in context
It won't be over until every government shows the people that infection is airborne and makes for all spaces open to public, including schools, trains, and businesses, to take measures to reduce airborne infection routes:
Well fitted, effective masks (don't be triggered)
routine vaccinations with stress that the vaccine does not prevent infection and that immunity is probabilistic, not absolute, and wanes.
-1 ( +10 / -11 )
Posted in: Damages awarded to Japan's #MeToo symbol over defamatory tweet likes See in context
The nail that sticks up is getting reinforced.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: COVID-19 cases increase in Japan for 1st time in 2 months See in context
My 40 year old healthy friend with 2 babies died suddenly last month, 3 weeks after omicron.
No blood to brain. There's been a huge increase of sudden strokes and heart attacks in young people following mild covid infections. Covid is now being recognized as a long term cardiovascular disease.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Court rejects long-stay visa for gay U.S. man married to Japanese See in context
This is exactly why marriage equality is a human right and must respected worldwide.
8 ( +21 / -13 )
Posted in: Japan reports 43,594 new coronavirus cases See in context
Stop saying "it's just mild." This is what you should be concerned about:
My friend and someone vital to my work, had a mild case. 3 weeks later sudden death.
He was young, not even over the hill, just had his second baby.
Alone it would be an outlier, but these are happening more frequently following mild infections now:
We need to stop the spread. We could do it if people were educated and made an effort backed by governments.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan reports 85,867 new coronavirus cases See in context
Just lost someone important to me. 40 years old, father of 2.
Best friend's youngest tested positive today. Family of 5.
The virus is airborne. It's far from over.
Please get the new vaccine.
9 ( +16 / -7 )
Posted in: Monkeypox challenge for Japan is not just disease but stigma, too See in context
Media doesn't help when they say "mostly affects men who have sex with men" and leave it at that. That's not useful for a disease everyone is at risk for. MPX spreads by both virus shedding from lesioned skin and respiratory droplets.
Japan has a few high risk environments:
Contact sports like martial arts
Fuzuko and massage businesses, including 整体 and stretch places
Crowded commuter trains.
Love hotels (you really think those get a deep cleaning between guests?)1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Woman fatally stabbed by boyfriend on street in Osaka Prefecture See in context
Girls being more independent but boys still with the mindset of pre-war Japan in where girls were more obidient.
No, you're painting all Japanese men with one brush.
This is a problem with boys all over the world. Tiny little boys who lash out with violence when they don't get what they want.
9 ( +15 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan to scrap pre-entry COVID test for triple-vaccinated travelers; cap on entrants remains See in context
Great news.
Great idea to ensure only intelligent, responsible people travel to Japan.
-4 ( +7 / -11 )
Posted in: Scientists call for more research into 'climate endgame' See in context
People don't want to believe bad things.
Some political parties capitalize off this, as their only policy is to cut regulations that would fight against climate change, because such regulations make their donor's/owner's businesses less profitable. So to get the support of the people who don't exercise their intelligence (conservatives), they say "climate change is a hoax." Now politics is like sports teams. You have to be 100% for your team. So you have to tow the party line, even if its a chain of lies leading off a cliff.
(Moderators, the above is a metaphor to describe climate change, it is not off topic).
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Do you consider the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to be war crimes? See in context
Yes, be it firebombs, nuclear bombs, cluster bombs, etc., bombing civilians is a war crime. Be it for the greater good, or one's own team.
We act like there was no other option in a country that is mostly uninhabited mountains.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Work stoppages and no chatting at lunch: Japan Inc grapples with COVID See in context
The #1 key thing that all measures must address is that covid is airborne.
My impression is that people think they are safe as long as they others have a "mask" over their mouth when speaking.
While speaking produces more airborne particles than breathing, it's still coming out of our noses and leaking through our loosely fitting, 40% effective surgical masks.
We need to make airflow and air filtering #1 priority supplemented with keeping up with vaccine schedules (only 60% have had their booster in Tokyo), and learning how to correctly use and efficient mask, not the loose fitting show pieces sold in stores.
Rather than clicking downvote because I mentioned vaccines and masks as tools, I would appreciate a response detailing what is wrong about my post so I can correct my understanding.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Spreading COVID-19 infections among aides to Kishida raise caution See in context
If you want to keep denying realty go right ahead. I will enjoy my social life with my friends and family, travel to many countries that don't have useless entry restrictions and take a nice breath of fresh air without a mask (including indoors - gasp!)
Until you end up sick, which is likely to be very soon. Stock up on water and emergency foods,
-2 ( +4 / -6 )
Posted in: Japan reports 249,830 coronavirus cases; 38,940 in Tokyo See in context
Be afraid.... Be very afraid... Or, live your life as you want.
How about a middle ground where we live our lives, but also take precautions to protect those who at risk?
When we all go back to pre-2020 "normal," it forces at risk people to remain in isolation and economic despair for many people. I don't understand why for so many people the response is black or white. We can take measures to make society safer for at risk people.
6 ( +18 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan reports 211,058 coronavirus cases; 30,842 in Tokyo See in context
Japan is #1 in new deaths and new cases according to
But #148 in deaths per 1 million people.
Anyway, if don't want to get the virus or pass it on to someone else, then wearing an N95 will filter out 95% of your air. Wearing a surgical mask correctly will filter over 40%. Many windows closed on trains. Just open them if you're next to one.
Why? New studies are showing reduction in brain matter following infection. The symptoms might be like a bad cold, but who wants brain damage?
-9 ( +9 / -18 )
Posted in: Japan reports 139,687 coronavirus cases; 21,958 in Tokyo See in context
The more serious consequences of Covid now seem biased towards those who have taken the covid jab unfortunately. UK figures have shown this, until the government decided to no longer publish them, and now the authorities in British Colombia have taken the same action, as figures started to show it better to not have taken the jab.
Figures from April 10 to May 7 show that 91% of fatalities were amongst the jabbed. How much longer before there are demands for an explanation from governments for pushing untested drugs?
Read further here. And I highly recommend subscribing to Alex Berenson:
I don't understand why this false information is permitted in these comments.
I honestly wish I didn't have to comment here, but I can't just let it slide when users post dangerous misinformation. If one has an anti-vaccine stance, they will see your link and feel vindicated.
But if one is scientifically literate, and can read peer reviewed research available at PubMed, or just read real news, then one can do a simple search and see the vaccines are working.
Let's say those numbers are accurate. 9% of deaths unvaccinated, 91% of deaths vaccinated. You conclude that vaccines are killing people. It is false.
Most deaths are occurring amongst the elderly. The elderly are mostly vaccinated.
What you're not seeing is the lack of deaths amongst the younger vaccinated.
10 ( +23 / -13 )
Posted in: Japan reports 197,792 coronavirus cases; 31,541 in Tokyo See in context
everyone I’ve known who is unvaccinated and has had omicron has also had very mild symptoms
Subjective. I have an unvaccinated mid-20s friend who is very healthy and experience flu-like symptoms this very moment. Does that change the narrative? No, because it's anecdotal. What about the 3 year old girl who died from Omicron after doctors sent her home? It was on the news 2 days ago. Does that change the narrative?
Here is the fact:
Omicron is the most deadliest covid variant to date because it spreads easily (airborne) hence more infections. More infections means more cases with undesirable outcomes.
As for your claim that vaccines aren't working, you're wrong:,to%2034%20days%20after%20administration.
-1 ( +11 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan reports 197,792 coronavirus cases; 31,541 in Tokyo See in context
Im commenting on the current situation and the high case numbers show they are not preventing infection. Maybe with better masks and everyone wearing correctly cases would fall. However most countries are virtually mask free and are in a similar situation to Japan. This variant is too contagious, luckily very mild, it’s going to run its course.
You're making observations based on "common sense." But that's not how science works.
Science would take into consideration the various factors that could cause spikes in infections and control for them in tests to determine the efficacy of a measure. An examples of factors would be population density, percentage and capacity of public transportation, type of mask worn, etc.
1 ( +10 / -9 )
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1
Posted in: Man stabs 5 people in Austria, killing 1
Posted in: Top-ranked Jannik Sinner gets three-month ban in settlement of doping case