Japan Today

The Trees comments

Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference See in context

Yes, Vance said many things. “Cancelling elections?” The party of MAGA is concerned about cancelling elections now? Right.

11 ( +19 / -8 )

Posted in: Vance attack on Europe overshadows Ukraine talks at security conference See in context

More and more embarrassing, shameful, and despicable by the day. Censoring free speech? Vance is talking about AfD and right wing extremists, which is just what he himself, Trump, and MAGA are. I wonder what experiences might Europe have had previously when failing to shun extremists?

19 ( +28 / -9 )

Posted in: Emperor, family greet flag-waving crowd at palace for New Year See in context

These are better photos of the Emperor and Empress than the many where Masako is towering over Naru. Starting out the New Year with, or portraying at least, some more vitality and confidence.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Posted in: Foreign visitors to Japan top 33 mil in Jan-Nov, breaking annual record See in context

: (

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

Posted in: Russia says it will respond if U.S. places missiles in Japan See in context

Japan clearly needs offensive capabilities considering its neighbors.

It is irrefutable that Taiwan is, by any measure, an independent country and not a province of any other country. With is own economy and trade, government, politics, elections, military, customs and borders, domestic and international affairs- all administered and controlled by itself and answering to no other country, to pretend Taiwan is a Chinese province is demonstrably false. Irrespective of its past those are the facts today and have been since 1949, and with 1895-1945 being a Japanese colony, who really believes Taiwan is or wants to be or should be part of China? Further, if a China attack on an independent Taiwan threatens the livelihood of other independent countries, and Taiwan asks for help, any other country has a right to engage. For China, Russia, or others to pretend such is an internal China issue is an absurd, childish denial of reality.

15 ( +29 / -14 )

Posted in: Shrine stroll See in context

Sadly this place is ruined, as are many places in Kyoto, in my opinion. I went to Fushimi by Keihan a while ago and it was a complete sh|+show. Trying to pass through the torii was like queuing up at Disneyland.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: World Cosplay Summit kicks off in Nagoya See in context

Delegates? Funny. But as is said and as is true, to each his own.


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Americans celebrate their flag every year, and the holiday was born in Wisconsin See in context

12th generation here, since 17th century. From Henrico County Virginia Colony to the West Coast in 350ish years. Love the flag and the country. I fly the flag on Memorial Day, July 4th, and Veterans Day. Never celebrated Flag Day before though. Big thanks to those for their service.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 90% in Japan support idea of reigning empress: survey See in context

Of course women should be allowed to become empress, if it were up to me. Love these funny photos they are so serious, it always gives me a good chuckle.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: In world first, Venice to trial day tickets See in context

5€ is not likely to dissuade much, I’m guessing. How to strike the right balance between tourism and commerce, and maintaining a pleasant experience for both tourists and locals is difficult to derive. Overtouristed places are unpleasant for everyone. Visited family in Kyoto again early last August and it was just miserable at so many different places around town. They really should do something about it, a lottery entry permit maybe (although don’t know how that would be implemented), otherwise it will be ruined.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Taylor-mania hits Tokyo as Swift resumes tour before Super Bowl See in context

I am a Taylor Swift fan. Not a fan of her music, except for a few songs I have learned to enjoy (sometimes I have to ask my daughters to please change the music, I can’t take it anymore), but of her talent and her massive ability to inspire happiness on what is, or is becoming, a global scale, in spite of all the haters, curmudgeons, fascists, and those unable to see or feel beyond their own cynical worldview. Some people will complain about and try to tear down anything and everything, that is their existence, but others live full of life themselves and remind others what it is like to be young, full of life and possessed with unbeatable spirit, and inspire millions and millions of people, even if their music is not necessarily our cup of tea (or if we have to tell our daughters to change the music.).

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan agency calls for highest pay rise for civil servants in 26 years See in context

¥3,879/month. Go to town with that.

5 ( +19 / -14 )

Posted in: Woman stabbed outside Osaka apartment See in context

Why so many people carrying knives?

“People who intend to stab someone generally don't just intend to find one along the way…”

Plus, they can’t readily get guns. If they could the stories would be different.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump pleads not guilty to 34 criminal charges in New York See in context

What parts of the criminal statutes of a jurisdiction do not apply to any specific individual resident of or otherwise connected to the jurisdiction? Right, none. And when the evidence is shown to bear out what he has already admitted doing... you know the refrain… Lock him up.

17 ( +26 / -9 )

Posted in: Ronaldo denied goal, as Portugal beats Uruguay 2-0 See in context

It all felt off when he didn’t twirl.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Ronaldo makes World Cup history as Portugal beats Ghana 3-2 See in context

Bad call, cheap goal. And Ronaldo runs around and twirls after that. Memeshi.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Amy Schneider wins a hard-fought 'Jeopardy!' tournament See in context

She defeated He. Yes, in a way.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan discusses regional defense in rare visit to Taiwan See in context

Taiwan is clearly, by any measure, an independent country. Economy and trade, government/politics/elections, military, customs and borders, domestic and international affairs- all administered and controlled by itself, answering to no other country. Irrespective of its past, those are the facts today and for the past 77 years at least.

Taiwan, along with other sovereign countries, like Japan here, have every right and interest to work together on mutual defense as mutual partners.

China can threaten all it wants, militarize the seas all it wants, and everyday it makes it clearer and clearer that it is the threat to free peoples.

30 ( +36 / -6 )

Posted in: Explorers find WWII Navy destroyer, deepest wreck discovered See in context

NCIS- thanks for the article link. Great story!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: High court rejects paternity harassment allegations by Canadian man See in context

The company’s acts were “inevitable.” I imagine the court was inadvertently speaking truthfully on this point. Certainly with some management and some companies harassment and termination is indeed the inevitable outcome of putting family first.

37 ( +50 / -13 )

Posted in: Head of U.S. Marines Pacific to bolster defense in south Japan See in context

^haha comedian.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Empress Masako turns 58 See in context

Seems to be eyeing the kokeshi.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: JAL ditches 'ladies and gentlemen' for gender-neutral greetings See in context

Or they could use the data from the body scanners at the security check to offer every single passenger a personalized greeting as they board. That would be the customer service Japan is known for.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. police torn between shame and pride for their badge See in context

We weren’t the ones who killed George Floyd. We’re not bad cops. Cops all over are punished because of bad Minnesota cops. Don’t paint us with the same paintbrush is their point, I gather. Right. Don’t assume all of the group are bad because of some bad actors within the group. Most are not bad. Funny, because that’s the same point made against cops’ use of racial profiling, stop and frisk, etc. Cry me a river. No one is killing unarmed cops over and over and over throughout the country, based on some mistaken belief that all are bad. We are calling for you to get your house in order and stop murdering people. And you get all bent out of shape, poor little disrespected Michael O’Meara.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: U.S. defense chief opposes deploying troops to quell protests; Mattis criticizes Trump threats See in context

You’ve all heard what Trump said in broad daylight on camera. He threatened to order the US military to be used on US citizens in the United States. And somehow there are people still defending him.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: After 2 years, still no clues to death of Japanese 'Don Juan’ See in context

Intentionally falling down- playing the doddering old man card. Sky, very sly.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Economic fallout mounts as coronavirus cases top 1 million worldwide See in context

It’ll disappear. It’ll be a miracle.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japanese companies tighten belts, declining to offer base pay hikes See in context

Math. And English.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Trump retreats from threat to attack Iranian cultural sites See in context

“I like to obey the law.” Dude’s a comic genius trolling us all. Funny like corruption and betrayal and war and assassination. I wanna be funny like that too. Hey, he and his family should be Romanov’ed. That way they’d all get the royal Russian family treatment that you know he’d just dig. Nobody is serious anymore, we’re all just spinning along in our own comic genius worlds. Dudes, I’m just kidding. But he’s not. He’s a great, inspirational president who gets his jollies obeying the law. Really.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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