Japan Today

TriniinJapan comments

Posted in: Yen, inflation at levels unseen in decades not likely to sway BOJ See in context

Wow… companies will definitely have to hike wages to attract foreign workers. I’ll agree that by Christmas the yen can possibly be 180-200

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Posted in: Slain teen parents hope U.S. gun control fight will continue, 30 years on See in context

Truly a sad story..I can’t imagine the grief over the years. Unfortunately gun violence in the US has only gotten worse.

25 ( +30 / -5 )

Posted in: Shibuya New Year’s Eve countdown event canceled for 3rd straight year See in context

Meanwhile the rest of the world has moved in..,How Lame. They continue to keep Japanese people living in fear.

6 ( +31 / -25 )

Posted in: Japan weighs plan for ban on hotel guests without masks: report See in context


hilarious!! Japanese people really living in a bubble yes. Living in fear of a virus that’s now like the flu. Everyone gets it eventually. This is a step behind. Have they not been looking at international news??? There was the whole funeral of the Queen without masks. The Wireless Concert globally with no mask…. Smh.

0 ( +29 / -29 )

Posted in: International tourists return to Japan; spend big at top tourist spots in Tokyo See in context


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Hopes grow for win-win effect of inbound tourism in Japan, weak yen See in context

The few people talking about mask. The world has move on… Japan will get there. Mask are optional first of all.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: How the strong U.S. dollar can affect everyone See in context

It’s pros and cons of the depreciation of the yen. If you never leave Japan you will rarely feel the effect. When it’s time to travel… and you realize that your salary is squat you’d feel it. I have been seeing the prices of food going up daily at my local super market. Online shopping is crazy. Most foreigners in Japan shop online. No one buys only Japanese made products. So living here I’m affected big time.!!!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: It’s time to talk about no-mask anxiety See in context

The mask culture is sad. Honestly it feels as if people are ashamed of their faces. Covid has exacerbated it. Now it’s not even about covid it’s just about feeling more confident wearing it. I missed seeing faces. And thank God masks aren’t mandatory here. I’ve ditched it months ago, while I always have one, I never wear it. I don’t even wear them on the trains. People look at me a lot. I see the men staring… some giving the nodes.. maybe to say I’m cute or whatever.. some squeeze their mask tighter because I could infect them with the deadly covid.. but I don’t mind it. Do what makes you comfortable.

-2 ( +7 / -9 )

Posted in: Japan warns of impact of yen's rapid depreciation to 24-year low See in context

Not gonna lie…. This news depressed me. @blue I agree with everything you say. @OssanAmerican you’re probably rich, that’s why you can make such a nonchalant comment, like it’s nothing.

A commenter forecasted this in April. I specifically said, covert your yen to US. I wish I did then. Working in Japan is non longer attractive when you match your salary against the US.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Kishida says restrictions unnecessary despite record COVID-19 cases See in context

Yes I support his statement. He’s been travelling and is very aware of how other parts of the world is dealing with covid. No to Restrictions!!! Life Goes on!!! People need to stop live in fear. You only got one life.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

Posted in: Osaka to raise COVID-19 alert to highest level amid record cases See in context

Meanwhile… the rest of the world is living life. Travelling, going to concerts and Japan is stuck in a time capsule with masks glued to their faces, even in extreme heat.

11 ( +31 / -20 )

Posted in: Relaxed mask usage guidelines barely spread among Japanese public See in context

Japanese people are crazy with the mask wearing. But if it makes them happy..Oh Well. I'm so glad I can wear lipcolour and show my lovely face again. Someone said, " masks makes unattractive women look attractive." Thats so true. Guys too...Sometimes It's shocking how people look without their mask. Thankfully I have no issues in that department. I do generate looks from people. But It's either because I'm beautiful or they want to tell me put on my masks, but lack the courage to do it. Either way, I don't care. Life goes on.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: 'We must change': Japan's morning-after pill debate See in context

An increase in STIs that’s what the board is concern about. Do they think grown women are babies??? How ridiculous!!!! I didn’t realized how serious this issue is in Japan until now..

Before I came to Japan, I thought it was like a leader and super advanced in Asia, but living here, I got to realize Japan is a very slow country to change. Very traditional and slow, bordering on Myopic. Light years behind the G8 countries on almost everything.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Businesses rattled by gov't caution to ease restrictions for foreign tourists See in context

Japan is a slow country, slow to adapt. Mannerism of western culture, norms and behaviour gets here late, so these things are expected. A large percentage of the population live in fear of the virus, which isn't quite shocking. I personally don't wear mask anymore. Only at work because it's required. I generate stares, but I'm not intimidated as there is no law that says " I must wear a mask."

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

Posted in: Japan's virtual YouTubers make millions from fans See in context

While it’s cool to have a hobby, that car parts dealer needs a life. I can’t understand people who live online.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Air New Zealand relaxes travel requirements See in context


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Train driver posthumously awarded ¥56 in docked wages for 1-minute delay See in context

This is so so sad! I tell people in the west. Only people who work for companies governed by non Japanese people are happy workers in this country. Everyone else is in some state of mental breakdown. The work culture here is so sick. I walk the streets here feeling sorry for the people, especially when I see them in the traditional black suit, white shirt. This is one thing I hope would change about Japan in the next century (can't say decade, because that's too soon for them)

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Posted in: Tokyo police arrest video game YouTuber for marijuana possession See in context

Lol… he really said he got it two years ago from a black person? Using the “black person” card probably works to get out of drama with illegal activities. Also, the quantity must have been large for him to still have. How lame. Hoping Black people aren’t targeted from his statement. Japan is already an archaic society and light years behind modern thinking, still thinking foreigners ruin its angelic society.

4 ( +16 / -12 )

Posted in: Business lobby calls for lifting entry ban on nonresident foreigners See in context

Anyway disagreeing with this article need to wake up from their bubble. Japan needs to move with the virus. Locking down everytime there is a new strain or keeping the borders shut, can't be a proactive solution. Not when the virus has been here over two years. Are they going to ever allow tourist again?? Come on now. Myopic and Archaic is what I think the leaders of this modern country are.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Business lobby calls for lifting entry ban on nonresident foreigners See in context

Exactly!! Why impose 10 days? Japan is like a modern backward country. Like Covid is here to stay!!! Open the Borders already!!! America will always be great!. They know how to deal. It's been two years now! Let move on!!

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Posted in: Border restrictions force 300 foreigners to decline Japan teacher jobs See in context

Japan looks attractive before entering. Your expeience as an ALT or working at English schools will depend on your background. I am currently an English Teacher and I'll tell you this. I won't recommend it at all for something to make a life. It's ok if your intentions is to travel Asia and Japan. Other than that, Japan isn't a wowing country, not the life of the party. Unless your country is really struggling, you can come for a time and bounce. I found foriengers here are like wanderers. No real sense of goal or purpose. If you are reading this comment. Don't let that be you. Its more fun in the west. Here is like a military zone, clean and safe. The END!!

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan requests U.S. base curfews; Okinawa reports 981 virus cases See in context

Japan government is so annoying. Covid is here to stay!!! Are you gonna keep the boarders closed forever????

-19 ( +7 / -26 )

Posted in: Letters from Japan: ‘Am I missing out?’ See in context

I totally agree with @jimizo it's quite joyless here... Nice place, but only for a time. That's amazing to all the people that found their bliss here..

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan warns citizens of possible attack in 6 Southeast Asian nations See in context

This does not sound like reliable intelligence at all...I mean Singapore.???

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan business lobby seeks to end quarantine for vaccinated arrivals See in context

I support this so much!!!! 14 days quarantine is ridiculous, not to mention how almost all the world is locked because of the travel restrictions. Open the Borders!!!!! Ease travel restrictions and for God sake, get rid of that stupid 14 day mandatory quarantine!!!. Japan is backward in the handling of covid and vaccine administration. For a developed country, it's shocking.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Posted in: Suga, wife have dinner with Jill Biden See in context

Happy Olympic day Japan. So unfortunate you were the bad lucky country. But after all the money spent; Let the Games begin!!

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: Japan to issue vaccine passports free of charge See in context

Useless or not, I will be applying for it. At this point, anything to be able to Travel. The US is already back to normal, meanwhile Japan is lagging. Its stiffling, not being able to travel without all the rules.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: Suga calls on public to watch Olympics on TV as Japan eases state of emergency See in context

When can we travel??? Open the borders. Not much people care about the Olympics that has lost its momentum.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Posted in: Town hit by threats, complaints over COVID vaccination program for youth See in context

This entire vaccine roll out in Japan is laughable. It's so backward. Unbelievable for a developed country!!

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan to prioritize students heading abroad for vaccinations See in context

The vaccine role out here in Japan is beyond pathetic. All my friends in the US and London are vaccinated. This is the country with the Olympics and their movements are so archaic. Japan is really a slow country.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

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