Japan Today

Tuntematon Sotilas comments

Posted in: Biden comes out swinging in testy debate with Ryan See in context


Ryan just looked like he didn't couldn't explain certain things. The idea of just trusting Ryan and Romney to somehow magically implement a 20% tax cut without getting rid of important things doesn't seem likely. It's great that they have 6 studies that give it the green light, but I need an explanation as to how it will work, and Ryan didn't even know how it worked. I'm not saying it's impossible, but he couldn't explain it logically (not even giving numbers or anything) which isn't a great sign form me. Also, under the Romney-Ryan plan, there would in fact be additional military spending unlike what was claimed, 2 trillion over 10 years. Both sides were wrong on some things.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Biden comes out swinging in testy debate with Ryan See in context


I agree that Biden was condescending at times. Remember that Ryan also cut off Biden once. What determines whether someone wins a debate? Etiquette or Substance? Ryan was a better showman, but Biden clearly had more substance and experience. It was a failure on behalf of the state department when requests were made for reinforcements in Libya and none were sent and Biden could not defend that point. However, throughout most (not all) of the debate Ryan could not justify his positions as well as Biden could. Ryan had a hard time giving specifics on how the Romney-Ryan 20% off tax cuts would work. He was too vague in general whereas Biden came off as an experienced old-timer.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Biden comes out swinging in testy debate with Ryan See in context

I'm generally a conservative man, not on all issues, but some. What I witnessed tonight was Biden making effective arguments to most if not all of his Ryan's claims. Also, Ryan was focusing too much on blaming the administration, it is necessary and makes sense for him to do so to a sizable amount, but he did it far too much and too often. I would say the Biden won this one by a margin, even though Joe got a little angry at some points.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Australian PM lashes out at 'sexist' opposition leader See in context

"If he wants to know what misogyny looks like in modern Australia, he doesn’t need a motion in the House of Representatives, he needs a mirror,”

What a good line. Haha.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Romney tweaks his stance on immigration; seizes upon Biden comment See in context

I can't see either Romney or Obama doing what needs to be done, placing troops or supporting localized militias at the border. They can't do anything to upset the Mexicans who are now Americans you see, forget Mexico. If they were Americans now they would support closing off the border, but I have never seen any support of that from any Mexicans.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Panetta says Karzai should thank allied forces See in context


No no, I understand. But why does this matter to me as an American? I don't recall Afghans being huge friends of ours like Britain or Canada. Why should Afghan democracy or sovereignty matter to me?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Venezuela's Chavez re-elected for another 6-year term See in context

Interesting thing, I saw an exit poll with the opposite numbers. Makes you think.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: France to beef up security amid terror crackdown See in context

"“There is a terrorist threat in France,” Valls said in a radio interview. “It does not appear to come from foreigners, it appears to be French converts.”"

This is definitely a lie. Both are a problem. The Toulouse shooting wasn't caused by a native Frenchman.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Panetta says Karzai should thank allied forces See in context


Supposedly these people are our friends, so we can't do that. I don't think Afghan sovereignty is worth the lives of thousands of American and other allied troops.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: N Korean soldier shoots officers, defects to South See in context

I seriously doubt if he could have escaped without killing those two soldiers, he would have done it. Escaping from North Korea is not an easy thing, especially in this scenario.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Israel's Peres wishes for Iran president to 'disappear' See in context


Because clearly the conflict is all Israel's responsibility, and Palestinians did not launch more than 8,500 rockets towards Israeli civilians causing them to have to live in fear and run to bomb shelters at a moment's notice? Or further the use of suicide bombings to demoralize and threaten the Israeli people? I'm not saying Israel is guiltless, but it is put in the position that it must be the perfect country and anything wrong that occurs, even if it is not it's fault, it is automatically their fault unless they can prove themselves innocent, their is never a presumption of innocence when it comes to Israel. The same applies to Palestine. Always assumed innocent.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Israel's Peres wishes for Iran president to 'disappear' See in context

It's not exactly a "nice" thing to say but I get why he said it.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Assad rejected leaders' bid for peace in Syria: former PM See in context

@Akemi Mikoto

This is not comparable to the Holocaust, or the Armenian genocide.

I don't really like either side in this conflict.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Mexicans ask Canada to let them stay See in context

So basically, they want US to let them stay while they CHEATED the immigration system? Is this a joke? Why don't they apply to Sweden? Everyone gets into Sweden.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Kenyan navy shells Somali town after rebels retreat See in context

@Elbuda Mexicano

I hope that's sarcasm...

I'm glad Kenya is taking action. Al-Shabaab has been a problem for a while. I haven't seen much of this on the news.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Pope's butler set to testify at Vatican trial See in context


I agree completely.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Romney calls Obama weak on foreign policy See in context

His biggest blunder besides the whole Israel "return to 1967" borders issue was that sly comment he made to Putin about the missile shield. I and many others have not forgotten about it.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Guantanamo's last Western detainee returned to Canada See in context


Do you really not realize that he had the support of his parents? He wasn't just some poor boy caught in a conflict zone, he went over there from Canada to fight in Afghanistan. He was a jihadist fighting against the West. Plain and simple.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Syria rebels struggle to advance in Aleppo offensive See in context


I never questioned there was violence in Syria or that people were fleeing the fighting. I'm saying we're being lied to in the fact that these are just noble Syrians fighting for their freedom. It's a collection of foreign jihadists ("terrorists") as well as Syrians. I don't agree with NeverSubmit's idea that from the very beginning it was jihadists, but clearly now, they make up some decent amount of the fighters (I'm not going to claim all, or even more than half). It is just two forces fighting each other. That's it. There is no "ally" or good guy here. Just two groups, the government forces against foreign jihadists and Syrian rebels battling it out. If the jihadists and rebels take power, it is unclear what will happen. I don't like Al-Assad. Not at all. But I asked myself whether these jihadists are likely to be any better, and I said no.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Guantanamo's last Western detainee returned to Canada See in context


He went from Canada to fight American soldiers overseas as a jihadist fighter. An American Medic saved him instead of letting him die of his injuries. Really, he was nothing but a terrorist saved by Western kindness.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Syria rebels struggle to advance in Aleppo offensive See in context


I didn't expect that sarcasm. Obviously they speak Arabic. Go compare video footage between Taliban fighters or other jihadist forces and these ones. They are pretty much the same people we have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. I don't agree with most of the things he says and I find they can appear somewhat conspiracy-like, but if you do your own research, you'll find that we are being lied to. This isn't some valiant effort by people oppressed by a faceless military force. It is a fight between a government force and a force consisting of foreign jihadists and some Syrians. If you actually search on the internet, you can find plenty of pro-Bashar rallies around the world, it's not just a few people with signs. I'm not saying we should support Bashar Al-Assad, but I'm saying we should stop portraying these rebels in a positive light. It should be viewed as a fight between two forces.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Syria rebels struggle to advance in Aleppo offensive See in context


I think this is the only time we can almost meet eye to eye. After seeing some evidence which was very different from the story we are told from our own media, I decided to do some investigating. I know I will get thumbs down for this, but I noticed the fighters fight and speak EXACTLY the sames as the ones who have fought NATO troops in other conflicts. If you don't believe me, look up footage for yourself. It's hard to tell who are real Syrians in these videos, but sometimes you will see a white man or two. It's interesting. I'm not saying Bashar Al-Assad is a good man by any means, but please look into the opposing viewpoint, and you will find plenty of support from Syrians in favour of Bashar, as well as the fighting style and the way the rebels speak is very much similar to Taliban or other terrorist fighters. I want to enlighten my fellow people living in the Western world. I was extremely shocked when I found out these things.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Shark attacks spark kill orders off Western Australia See in context

Can they not scare them or something? The ocean is their home too. It's not like the sharks will understand.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Anti-Muslim filmmaker arrested in LA See in context

Yes. Because they're REALLY arresting him because of his parole violation. This is extremely suspicious.

4 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: 326 convicted in Turkey military coup plot See in context

That's a huge shame. The military is the stronghold preventing Turkey from turning into the Middle East in its conduct/thinking. Turkey is already heading in that direction sadly.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: French weekly publishes cartoons ridiculing Mohammad See in context

I fully support that newspaper. Shame on Francois Hollande for condemning it. People in the West need to understand how radical these people are. Sure, they might be your next door neighbour. Then when you insult the Prophet and speak the truth, your house will be lit on fire or you will find yourself stabbed soon. Mohammed himself was a pedophile, and had sex with a 9 year old girl when he was 54. If one simply stated that fact on television, the Muslims would condemn it as "Islamophobia" and then mobs would start burning flags and rioting. Why do we let these people in?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Obama: Muslim world must help protect Americans abroad See in context

“We expect their full cooperation because that’s the only way the world works.”"

That's extremely naive.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Iran foundation boosts bounty to kill Rushdie See in context


3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Thousands of Chinese protesters besiege Japanese embassy See in context

I'm neither Chinese nor Japanese, but while there seems to be efforts to drum up public support on both sides, the Chinese side seems much more threatening and violent than the Japanese one. I believe the dictatorial state of the PRC is either supporting this and encouraging it, or is content that it is going on.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: NATO says four soldiers killed in 'insider' attack in Afghan south See in context


I'm not sure SimondB is being serious. However, I agree with everything else you said. I do however believe school attendance by girls is higher, but that's it. This mission should end. We don't need more dead Americans.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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