Japan Today

turbo32s comments

Posted in: Japan CO2 emissions hit record yearly high See in context

The Japanese people are totally ignorant about saving energy. Why don't the Government educate the people not to waste energy ? The stores could reduce the lightings which are too bright ( Matsumoto Kyoshi chain is the worse ). The motorists and truck drivers should stop their engines when they are parked. The commercial trucks, cruising the steets of Shibuya or Harajuku for the promotion of pop singers should be banned, and so on. The Japanese must get educated.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Posted in: Japan's smartphone 'zombies' wreak havoc on the streets See in context

Smartphones are the new opium of the people. Worse in Tokyo than in any other city around he world, Japanese people are real "zombies". And here, moreover pedestrians, there are also cyclists who are using their smartphones when riding bicycles which makes the sidewalks more dangerous than ever. And the japanese policemen are doing nothing... so loose…!!!...

2 ( +3 / -1 )

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