Japan Today

TwentyYears comments

Posted in: Japan anticipates economic boost, but Fukushima shadow lingers See in context

... with the creation of 150,000 jobs.

Well that's wishful thinking. I wonder there is no quotation who were the quack-scientists who made such an absurd estimation. Big sports events will have not such an effect at all, they only create a few handful of jobs for a few weeks. A decade ago I had the pleasure (or duty) to read and summarize plenty of international city planning studies, regarding the measured economic impact of great sports cups, olympic games and so on. The conclusion: olympic games (or big sports events) have little or no economic impact at all, neither for the cities, nor for the national economy. Few people will know about this.

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Posted in: Woman found bound at home tied herself up to avoid going to work See in context

Ho ho. How amusing.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Britain has secret Middle East web surveillance base: report See in context

If this is true ... then Brittania hand back Gibraltar to the Spaniards, Falklands to Argentina and move out off N. Ireland. This post colonial attitude is rude. "Another bastion of democracy, free speech and civil rights"?? The U.K. is at the moment for sure not such a place.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Prosecution rests case against Fort Hood shooter See in context

Nidal Hasan - nomen est omen. I beg for mercy for such kindergarten murderers, life sentence is enough. Why must ask, why the u.s. army employs and arms such “Allahu akbar" minded boys. One cannot be a "psychiatrist" and an "islamist" at the same time. There is a fault in their current system.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Three dead, five injured in Germany restaurant shooting See in context

At least we know the gunman was a 71 years old hobby shooter, firing on own club comrades. Domestic affair, real estate quarrels related, obviously no other nations involved. A typical German stubborn Ojisan, affected by cerebral dysfunctions, this kind are many today. Obviously it seems he was a heavy Xbox gamer and PS2 user, so this is why the news appears here. Cause The Greater German Government believes, that using such interactive "violent" games causes people to become violent in real life, which is of course, completely nonsense. Another attack on personal freedom is the attack on your rights to use video games of your personal choice. There is still not enough info, but I think we know enought to understand who propagated this news. It is all about a new Gamer's law.

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