Japan Today

Tzu Fann Shao comments

Posted in: Author Murakami calls for fight against history revisionism See in context

Japan is nowadays generally described as a democracy that elects her leadership who should reflect the intent of the majority of the nation. Yet the leader and his cohorts deny the atrocities Japan committed in WWII. Worst yet, there is constant effort by a faction of political force who is now in the leadership to rewrite the history so the Japanese “can be proud again”. I am a little bit surprised by Mr Murakami standing up and speaking against the all powerful Abe administration. Good for him. I hope it is not a LONE voice of conscience. Japanese people needs to stand up applauding Mr. Murakami and not hiding behind the fake history and un-sustainable glories of conquering Asian nations during WWII.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Posted in: Abe going to Pearl Harbor for remembrance, not for apology: gov't See in context

Did Trump ever apologized for his words and acts? He said that he would if he is wrong but he was never wrong(?). Of course, Trump would not apologize for dropping the two bombs ending the war by the great America. Did Abe get the nod from Trump to do so for the no apology visit to Pearl Harbor in the "private meeting in Trump's Tower" ? So, now we have two "No wrong's" but we had a WWII. Hmmm....

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: China, S Korea criticize Abe as Japan marks anniversary of war's end See in context

Japan is nowadays generally described as a democracy that elects her leadership who should reflect the intent of the majority of the nation. Yet the leader and his cohorts deny the atrocities Japan committed in WWII. Worst yet, there is constant effort by a faction of political force who is now in the leadership to rewrite the history so the Japanese “can be proud again”. I have no problem for the Japanese people wanting to be proud again only if they would be clear about what they want to be proud of. If they want to be the exemplary peace loving democracy in Asia, I am all for that. However, if they want to be led to believe and proud of Japanese people being the super race above all other people, that would be evil again. Do they want to trample over other people and nations like they did in WWII to glorify their Emperor as the God of Japanese people, ruler of the Japanese Empire? That is what the current Japanese leadership want to convince the Japanese people that Japan does not have a history to be ashamed of and that Japan is back. This would be evil. I sincerely hope that there is a mass of Japanese people who would stand up and win over the current leadership in a democratic process and become truly the peace loving nation as their current constitution advocates. On the other hand, if the mass of Japanese indeed believes they have nothing to be ashamed of, then, the current government can move forward merrily and ignore its neighbors.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Tokyo governor apologizes to Muslim world for gaffe See in context

This "slip" of comments basically reflects the mentality of this politicians and his like-minded compatriots (Abe et al) - superiority feeling. True statesmen lead by humility, not superiority.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: World cannot afford China-Japan dispute, says IMF chief See in context

China-Japan trade has been growing by leaps and bounds and that makes great economic sense for both nations and the world. Why would Japan as a nation want to stop that? The fact that Tokyo Metro Official, a well known right wing militarist, stirred up the issue to gain political clout should raise a flag to the majority of people of Japan. Do Japan people want to see the revival of Imperial Militarism? Does U.S. want to see Japan moving in that direction? Do Korea and Southeast Asian countries want to see that? The right wing Japanese militarists like to ignore and change parts of history that do not fit their image of "beautiful japan" in which WWII is a no fault war or perhaps even Japan was the victim. The hideous war crimes carried out the the Japanese Militarists during WWII are part of the true history and can not be changed and the Korean's advice to Japan "re-educate Japanese the WWII" should not be ignored. Even at the end of the WWII, the militarist still wanted to force people committing suicides, see: Okinawa anger at textbook plans http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6229256.stm

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Low-key 40th anniversary of Japan-China ties See in context

China-Japan trade has been growing by leaps and bounds and that makes great economic sense for both nations. Why would Japan as a nation want to stop that? The fact that Tokyo Metro Official, a well known right wing militarist, stirred up the issue to gain political clout should raise a flag to the majority of people of Japan. Do Japan people want to see the revival of Imperial Militarism? Does U.S. want to see Japan moving in that direction? Do Korea and Southeast Asian countries want to see that?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

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