Japan Today

UknownPlayer comments

Posted in: Trump heads for golf club holiday - but summer storms loom See in context

Golf initially began as a non-game excuse to get far away as possible to a location out of nowhere. Golf courses can be treated as a safe space for important figure heads to have a discussion privately. Your view have no blind-spots where you can pretty much see everything and everywhere around you.

It was created for the wealthy initially, therefore wasn't for a poor people's game. In the monarchy environment, it was a thing of royalty where royals used the game of golf to talk about their secrets in total confirmed privacy without having to worry about eavesdroppers.

The game had little to no meaning majority of the time. Was really used as an excuse to be just out there, chit-chatting. Trump with his old age, high probability does the same thing. However the punch line is that Orange Man Bad, golfs at his own resorts.

There aren't any golf bill(s). When Trump's out there talking away with whoever he's with, the bill is really only for the secret service. Secret Service charges are static-fixed cost. You just can't take the budget for the secret service and claim its the president's so called golf bill. Put it simply, the secret service is already in the budget.

So therefore Orange Man Bad's bill equals zero while the secret service bill is 100mil, that would be spent elsewhere anyway. Trump is a bigger household name than Obama even before Trump became president. There are lot of people out there that really hate and want Trump assassinated. As a consequence the secret service got a bit of extra budget from the government for a little bit of extra protection.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: U.S. labels China a currency manipulator; China halts U.S. farm purchases See in context

Here's a solid perspective from Gerald Storch on how the currency manipulation by China to devalue their currency actually points to having much reduce prices for American consumers. This video interview emphasizes the point of American consumers are not paying for the tariffs against Beijing which is melodramatically embellished.


Regardless of Trump's tariffs, China distinctly states that they'll keep decreasing the Yuan/Renminbi's value to retain the flow of cut-rate, marked down manufactured goods made in China flowing back to America. Concurrently, China need the higher yielding valued USDs to supplement and reinforce their own dwindling Yuan/Renminbi.


-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: U.S. labels China a currency manipulator; China halts U.S. farm purchases See in context

Beijing needs to buy USDs to hedge their Yuan/Renminbi. When the Chinese trades with Merica, they carry the return USDs as a peg against their weak Renminbi/Yuan. Get rid of the USDs flow (in order to lessen exports) and China will begin to exhaust out of strong fixed currency.

What's going on currently isn't much different from explicit devaluation by Beijing; relatively, the Chinese central bank is purposely authorizing the Yuan/Renminbi to decrease in value, in order to deliberately neutralize the imposed tariffs as well as more significantly reduce export prices.

At the same time, China is internally allocating by burning massive of cash, to maintain their from already fragile diminishing economy as evident on the recent macro data side of perspective. China's Renminbi/Yuan cash-burning rate is extently higher than the inflow of greater valued USDs needed to retain their position.

Red Dragon cannot and will not continue this stance continually.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: N Korea fires more projectiles as nuclear talks stall See in context

China and the CCP controlling agents within the Kim regime is once again using its proxy province NoKo to launch couple of short-range ballistic missiles to use a leverage in the China-America trade confrontation.


Moments later Mnuchin and Trump counters directly into the heart of China’s currency manipulation:


Trump's dancing with the Red Dragon with political stratagems continues...

Xi devalues Yuan/Renminbi = Xi then get hit by Trump with tariffs = China tells NoKo to launch missiles = Xi gets hit with by Trump with WTO/IMF designations...

Unfortunately for Xi, Trump has larger economic rockets than China. Here is a fine video by Kyle Bass who goes into details the wide range of spectrum in regards to what economic ammunitions that Trump possesses in his repository that will be way more devastating than little Un's missiles.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Over the past 2 years the US has established a military base in Northern Queensland and another base is planned in the Northern Territory. The visit by the Australian PM to Washington is to receive Washington's orders. Australia still has the dream of being the US deputy in the Pacific. Trump trying to sure up Australia's support against China and Iran.

Sure. Thanks for the info. I will keep this in mind. Cheers.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Like I said earlier, Trump is subtly laying out an economic platform with distinct output and deliverable yields for 2020. Trump formulated something in the big picture perspective that adds up to monumental, extensive net USA economic value that will aggrandize for multi-decades. So far the other 2020 presidential candidates do not have any viable economic strategies that can match the scale of American benefit that P45 has positioned. I recognized nobody of the other 2020 candidates fundamentally discusses anything much about economics, commerce and trade.

Here's how I see it the prioritized sequence in regards to the big picture of Trump's economic/trade platform...

a) USA economy = economic security = America First

b) Immigration = sovereignty = America First

c) Nat Sec = America First

d) Safeguarding IC weaponization won't occur ever again (Spygate, Crossfire Hurricane, FISAgate, Declass, etc)

Trump will actuate the landscape, and he is going to lay out any candidate as antagonistic to each of those list of priorities above. Letter d) the fourth and least of all priorities will impede and obverse any "impeachment" exertions by his adversaries; but the smallest deal in terms of first concerns. It's only relevant as a political weapon to counter the letter a) or 1st objective of Nancy Pelosi and candidate chosen by the DNC. Trump's disputant has no obstructive stance for letter a) through letter c) objective priorities. P45 retains that battlefield space.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Picture of China like this way, it's a huge lake suffused and brimming with American economic value. By virtue of Trump's ASEAN conferences with Australia, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, et al, POTUS has clandestinely and surreptitiously developed a thin assessment, like an ASEAN dam or something to that extent, which will point the way the Red Dragon lake full of USA economic value towards S.E. Asia instead.

After the USMCA goes into effect, the infamous stable genius will make the dam explode by way of massive tariff triggering on the Red Dragon. Whoever the entities that smartly recognize this generational opportunity and ends up working together with Trump, those exodus will greatly benefit in short, medium and more significantly in the longer term horizon.

With the Australian PM scheduled to have an official state visit as a guest of Trump on September 20, 2019. Coincidence...? By any chance, you think this is an accident...? Well, if you see the big picture at play, then you know the answer to that.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Trump is subtly laying out an economic platform with distinct output and deliverable yields in 2020. Trump formulated something in the big picture perspective that adds up to monumental, extensive net USA economic value that will aggrandize for multi-decades by way of the new, improved, transparent, no loopholes USMCA accord between Mex/Canada + trade/tariffs with Beijing + tariffs/trade with European Union + possible trade arrangement with an independent (possibly) United Kingdom. Trump's economic blueprint is like a series of dominoes.

With USMCA deal, it changes the world dynamic of how multi-nationals will attain admission to America's massive broad-based market. This kicks start multi-series of geopolitical stratagems. With high probability, I have a good feeling that Japan-America deal has already been worked out. Navarro, Lighthizer, Mnuchin as well as Ross did not spend all the time in the land of the rising sun during the month in advance before the Osaka G20 for nothing.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Not too long ago, Pelosi and Trudeau met up in Washington to have an agreement to not have the Canadian Parliament deal with USMCA ratification this year. But if Justine loses, whoever the winner of the Canadian federal election will likely expedite the ratification since Mexico already overwhelmingly and unanimously ratified the USMCA accord.

With Mexico ready to go and if Canada does as well then Pelosi cannot hold out especially if Canada and Mex have both ratified the new USMCA deal.

When the new USMCA deal is set in stone, then there should be actually no motive for low China tariff aimed for leverage acquisition toward a deal that would bypass higher tariffs. In this environment there's no deal possible; in consequence the extent or scope of the tariffs against Xi/CCP will be extremely weighty and compelling.

I would say, with high probability, put tariff on everything @ 25%, heck even push it up to 50 even better. My argument is based on the constant, never ending devaluing of the Chinese Yuan/Renminbi currency, China's pre-committment to subsidies and of course Trump's communication about that manipulation.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Trump is aware of this and discerns that Xi is viewing this from a zero sum angle. As a repercussion, Trump's position in regards to tariff application is a matter of "when" no a matter of "if". Trump will surely drop the tariff hammer sooner or later.

With that mentioned, with regards to America's standpoint, there is actually no duplicity whatsoever. Lighthizer and Mnuchin are solemnly engaging in good faith; but, with really high probability, Trump is calculating "no deal".

When Trump formulates that unbending position, well, just affirm it - and then see around at what else Trump is laying out to contravene that result/expectation.

With very high probability, massive tariff deployment on Red Dragon are coming regardless but the question is the timing as well as more significantly, the scale of the tariffs. Most likely Trump will not drop the atomic sledge tariff hammer against Xi and the CCP until the after the ratification of the new USMCA trade accord.

With that said, the Canadian election on Oct. 212, 2019 is very significant and well connected to this. If Trudeau fails to get re-elected (very high probability will not), then Nancy Pelosi can't hold out until after the US 2020 national election with USMCA's ratification.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Fundamentally the only value within the present arrangement is financial "optics" for stabilitating the S&P 500, Dow Jones, NASDAQ, Russell, etc capital markets.

Well well well. The latest tariff announcement now provides clarity if Xi and his cohorts are willing to re-engage from previously point of contention. Now it's clear that China does not want to.

With this, predictably the investment/financial elites @ Wall Street will go nuts about this situation. American based multinationals who have invested profoundly with China manufacturing related business contracts are going to be apoplectic. Therefore the Main Street VS. Wall Street strife now entering in a fresh phase of adversarialism and confrontation.

Its been transparent (confirmed @ G20 results) that Trump will not affirm to anything unworthy of a comprehensive and integral structural vicissitude in America's trade position with Beijing. Trade negotiator Lighthizer's astringent enforcement as well as compliance clauses, clear-cut to each exclusive trade sector, are inviolable.

Only a very low probability scale, that there will be some kind of compromise because China will never want to change due to their historical culture of not believing in a win-win environment with zero sum mindset. The reforms within the initial arrangements between Liu He and Lighthizer were polarizing to China. Xi and the rest of the CCP politburo hardliners absolutely rebuffed them. For China, the enforcement and compliance sections within the accordance were to austere and didn't allow for Xi and CCP to preserve advantageous control over the trading terms. Therefore the agreement was utterly jilted.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

Ross, the Commerce Sec spoke last week, which had full of insights for someone who pays attention to details. He talks about America's present viewpoint in reference to the China-US trade bargaining. If you're aware of the general principles of Trump's 'America First' policies in regards to trade, then it should be obviously a pretty clear picture. But, as I expected almost always, majority of trade analysts as well as so called financial experts neglected and overlooked Ross' (on behalf of the administration) loud and clear message a week ago or so.

I guess it must be difficult for individuals to see the bigger perspective at play when they don't have to put their own money where their mouth is or they don't put their own cash on the line for their analysis. Relying on someone to write their checks for them makes somebody who has a JOB (Just-Over-Broke) position have limited critical thinking with small picture perspective attached to it.

In my view as someone in the the professional investment/trading class, Sec. Ross explicitly made aware the pro investment entities when he mentioned the present objective for Lighthizer and Mnuchin was to determine and unmask if China is predisposed to re-immersed from the initial point where the 2 countries left off before the prior negotiations collapsed.

I don't know about others but Ross' insights was very valuable and a significant tell. Subsequent weeks of staff contacts as well as phone calls if team America did not know the answer to that question, well, there is virtually zero plausibility of any sanguinistic prospect.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Trump says he'll put 10% tariffs on remaining China imports See in context

90% (high probability plus more) of so called MSM financial experts are bewildered at what their perspective on the surface. Mnuchin and Lighthizer kicked off the initial restarts of trade talks with China days ago. In the meantime Trump's tweets insinuates to repudiate the abeyance of a deal making. The 'free-for-loss presstitutes yellowstream propanda centers' appears to call this mixed messaging; but that's definitely not what that is in regards to the tweets.

As a full time personal, private institutional technical intrinsic value-based trader (80%) as well as a macro fundamental investor (20%) who trades/invests my own money of 8-9 figure USD voluminous transactions through FOREX spot & futures, options, bonds, stock indexes, ETFs, commodities, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate, I am still astounded as to why the MSM financial propaganda centers just do not get the big picture at play here. They just don't get it... Unmistakably!

Jaw-agape and mesmerized at ostensibly at-odds condition to a fresh undertaking with China, the MSM financial pundits are unschooled feeble-minded numb skulls. They're so authentically, unintelligibly disconnected as to what the heck is really going on.


-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context


No transcript(s) available means no factual record of the closed-door testimony by Weissmann and the key members connected to LAWFARE association. With this on purpose construct that was already predetermined beforehand, Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi and other key players can and will make any claim about the closed-door testimonies content, with no regards to the level of mendacity. No transcripts also means there will no factual method for rebuttal(s). Again this is design in advanced on purpose.

Bob was never the actual leader but some sort of figurehead who's only part of the organized soft-coup. This was already preplanned even Mueller came into the scene. Robert was picked for this role by the internal FBI as well as DOJ cabal who already started the investigation underway. The actual scheming is deployed by the members directly under Bob. While at the same time, Bob gets to play the role of willfully blind to the game plan. This again outline by design way earlier beforehand.

Bob never selected his members but instead the pre-existing members of the dirty, 'fast and loose' officials hand picked him.

Most, I would say 99% high probability, of people out there are not even aware of this game being played in Washington.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context


For Pelosi and the rest to control the risk, they deploy 1 round of q's only.

Effective trickster move by them. If you observe closely, the closed-door testimony ain't classified at all. This is an extraction method for Schiff, Nadler, and Pelosi to get the goods (the suspicion and innuendo) implanted onto their narrative.

There will be a discussion of the unredacted content which means the whole effort of investigative avenues. I am certain it will also include the perfidiously venal apocryphal trails where all politicians are free to discuss about all or any unsubstantiated content of the unclassified info.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context

Here is one good example in connection to the upcoming Bob's testimony where clear sketchy details leaked by staff members (part of the LAWFARE group) to one of the 'free-for-loss presstitutes yellowstream enemedia', NBC.



Looking closely at the structure where 2 open sessions with limited q's, and 1 only opportunity for q's by each member of the committee.


There is a closed session but no Bob present in it. This is where lies the heart of the real deal. The significant team members of the investigate unit and their leader Weissmann is where the corruption can be traced to. Bob is nothing but a figurehead. Weissmann is the point man where the closed-door session enables the Dems to take advantage and use his testimony instead.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context

The conjunctional tissue between the “small cabal” inside the FBI (lead by Weissmann & Mueller), is the LAWFARE association.

Schiff hires former SDNY U.S. Attorney Daniel Goldman


While Nadler hires Barry Berke, a criminal defense attorney as well as Norm Eisen, an Obama Administration lawyer.


Only a tiny percentage of people understand LAWFARE association's role in the political weaponization as well as the corruption of the intelligence community, FBI and the DOJ.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context

With high probability, here's what gonna happen. They will only chaperon Mueller in under VERY, VERY strict control; and most likely favor the already determined sized/number of member panel approach where scripted Robert's bosom buddies will be able to bookend Mueller at the time of/throughout the catechistic inquisition.

Without a shadow of doubt, Nadler, Schiff and Pelosi extremely unlikely would venture to exercise Mueller in the House panel hearing as a stand-alone witness. They would NOT dare to. Guaranteed! With the joint committee issues and the letter I've mentioned earlier above, I can guaran-damn-tee you'll see the cobble up of a ridiculous 'to the nth degree' manufactured theatrical episode (probably more boring than the Cohen debacle).

Schiff, Pelosi as well as Nadler composed all the rules so that only 1 hour of open hearing, 1 hour of closed door testimony, per committee? C’mon now! Those 3 intention is moronically transparent and blatantly obvious by safeguarding Bob from other members laser-targeted particular questions regarding Robert's 'gone to the dogs' investigation.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context

It's easy to catch as to the fact that Nadler and Schiff was in an extensive discussions with Mueller prior to the threatened subpoena letter. Wide ranging exchanges between these trio were privately happening in order to quarterback/organize the appearance in Congress. The indications of a theatrical performance is being premeditated due to the committee size and the letter written for optics.

2 instant red flag indicators right there.

How do I know this. Well in this video, Schiff is being interviewed at CNN on the State Of The Union by Jake Tapper. The video is uploaded by Schiff himself in his Youtube channel.


At about 5:38 min into the video, Schiff reveals the rundown of the extended engineering and

scrupulous organizing with Mueller for a composed and orchestrated appearance in July.

Nadler, Schiff, Pelosi, et al have to be extremely cautious with Mueller to prevent disclosing the systematized undertaking behind the 2-year Mueller, Rosentein, and Weissmann frame-up scenario.

Their motive is clear as a sunny day sky and blatantly damn obvious. Pelosi and the rest are strategizing this in hopes of weaponizing Robert's appearance for political edge attainment. The extra week or so delay as well as the several weeks before was spent for particularized strategizing as well as coaching sessions with the Lawfare cabal and of course Bob himself.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Mueller's testimony poses risk for Trump, but also Democrats See in context

It appears Pelosi's gang has a strategy mapped out. In the big picture of the development of this plan is pretty clear but the details are perfunctory.

For the initial move is to frame the sequential, storylike appearance of Mueller. Schiff is taking care of the prearrangements by putting out a letter with threatening flavor of subpoena. But here is the key to this... there are ONLY 2 signatures on the letter. Only Schiff and Nadler signed it.

With this sketchiness, I will conclude that this letter for the subpoena (threatened) is just a prop for an already fixed, precontrived kabuki event with easily, high probable, predictable outcome.

How I would know for certain? Well why only Nadler and Schiff signed the subpoena letter. It means these 2 are absolutely scripting their own show to run without any equatability assembling of other ranking members.

To set the narrative's cornerstone (already predetermined), Nadler and Schiff is framing an optic for wanting Mueller's showing up presentation.

Secondly, also part of the scheme is the 'joint committee procedure'.


Schiff, Nadler and the rest of Pelosi cabal's already preplanned strategy is to have 40 members on both sides of the committees where there will deliberately only be 1 ROUND of inquiries. This is a key to their schemy blueprint in regards to the fix number of members. The size was actually already factored in as a devise to shelter and safeguard Mueller. Anyone out their who trail politics mindfully will tout de suite perceive Nadler, Schiff and the rest of Pelosi's faction ulterior motives.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

Another interesting note, due to the fact of the nature of how such devices function is that users will start to become aware that the device is starting to emanate heat. This will surely happen which it will radiate heat but the device itself won't be burning hot. The reason for this is that heat are the radio waves getting immersed by the person's body.

What happens next is that a person's brain gets that heat but you cannot feel it? This is because the brain itself cannot feel the injury. Headaches are actually felt from the interior linings of blood vessels inside the brain but not the actual neurons. A person can actually able to fry tons of them and not a thing they will feel.

To me with this type of hazardous unnoticeable side effects makes my head dizzy thinking about it cuz they're actually going to legalize 5G with no regards to health concern. Therefore I will NEVER ever use 5G because I do not want to get daily dose of getting hit with discharging pencil beams shooting through my brain everyday. The saddest part of it is, it will eventually lead to some type of tumor/cancer/brain disease.

So in a nutshell, 5G makes it totally possible for the law enforcement agencies to do drive bys with a passive scanner that exudes nothing at all. Reads 5G backscatter to layout everything like a blueprint of a house interior detailed within minute(s). The resolution will be adequate enough to easily read time on a watch, from the street view location, through the wall effortlessly. Sounds invasive without you knowing whatsoever.

In effect, with high probability, will cause whole slew of strange, perplexing injuries from cancer to tumor to cataracts to brain damage... etc etc etc. Most likely nobody will report it because the back scatter scanning tech progress is special enough for most people that they will have a difficult time letting go off it. No doubt, the Free-For-Loss Presstitutes Yellowstream Enemedia propaganda centers will not report the causes because most of them are dishonest fronting chicane.

Could easily assist the progress of gun grab operations cuz nobody and I mean NO ONE will be able to hide their weapons. From the curb the police state are going to notice every weapon, bullet, even clean guns and even what location the firing pin is in.

The tech is way too dangerous to implement because of the high frequencies which need to employ a phase array antenna in order to reach a tower that enables to focus abundance of energy into tiny an amount of tissue.

Gradual, slithering diffuse brain damage/injuries are gonna come to pass. With high probability, we are helplessly screwed especially with most of the millennial generation as well as the next generation (Generation Z) who are heavily smart phone zombies and mobile phone game addicts.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

This will probably shocked or surprised by many but 5G is actually, in practical reality, the LEAST. Let me repeat cuz is worth repeating. 5G is the LEAST piercing of all wireless tech so far by a factor of an average of TWENTY cubed.

What this means is it has difficult time infiltrating anything and that includes human as well as animal skin. I know it is paradoxical because most people think that it will penetrate better than anything. This is factually false because this type of mindset means they absolutely have no clue how frequencies behave. Essentially 5G having such a challenging time to try and penetrate everything at all is really the reason of what makes it so unsafe and threatening.

Isn't ironic that 5G's shortcoming of an ability to pierce through make it alarming. The answer to this is, it's because the kind of phase array antenna which 5G devices all need to operate. The device can effortlessly triangulate with tower's location is because the frequencies are high enough to support triangulation from only the antennas in a tiny device. The device, intelligently aware where the tower is located, employs a phase array antenna to shoot a signal back to the location of the tower.

This wouldn't be an issue if the device is not in any way attempted to reach the tower through your noggin. But if your skull is located between it and the tower, as result that individual is going to have heavily, ultra focused energy severing a thin line through the brain that will surely cause some type of damage.

You then think you're smart and somehow figure out a way to cause the device to ordinarily point the pencil beam out of the way of your location. Even so, another issue arises, what about other individuals around nearby? These people cannot be factored in. Regardless, 5G is still gonna be an aimless, uncoordinated, random wave throw.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

I agree, it is an abomination. The word needs to spread. The effect it will have on the skin alone should be reason enough to prevent or slow down its implementation.


So if the present batch of cellular phones (supposedly will not kill neurons outright cuz they do not blast a pencil beam) were an issue which causes cancer, well just wait until the super duper fast download speeds of 5G launches.

This abomination of tech progression is definitely not for me. I will stick with 3G/4G (even I still worry about it) which is absolutely fine and dandy for my needs. 5G is a kind of system developed by people making decisions that do not care much about human brains.

These people would rather have their back disperse radiation scanners transmitting back high resolution pics of someone's house interior for big brother monitoring purposes (count on it they will do it real good). This is the underlying ulterior motive that's hidden from the most of the clueless public and the real practical application of why 5G is really being deployed. China is a great example of why they're trying to expedite the deployment but I'm sure US will eventually do it also especially when it falls into the wrong hands of the unelected administrative state. Bank on it sooner or later.

Guarantee that 99% of the mobile phone users will use it anyway regardless cuz most likely for number of reasons/justifications such as making life better, improvement with tech progress, efficiency, pleasure, entertainment, etc. etc. etc. But most of these people are naive about pencil beams. These beams are radio form of a laser that is considered conceivably nasty and hazardous.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

I agree, it is an abomination. The word needs to spread. The effect it will have on the skin alone should be reason enough to prevent or slow down its implementation.


OK, just imagine what if the tower or satellite is in the direction on the opposite of your brain while using your cellular phone. What if your phone makes a determination to shoot a highly, ultra focused beam through the brain in order to reach the tower signal. Well it can't possibly know where your brain is located or somebody else brain nearby you.

This is where I conclude that this is an overwhelmingly rock solid moronic negligent system. This is also the part where I won't ever use it because with the extremely ultra focused beam blasting through is absolutely brain damage retarded kind of territory that I will not want my noggin to be expose to. It just can't ever be done, not even at a fractional wattage.

Just imagine this and ask yourself a question, would I risk myself of wanting a phase array antenna pushed up to my skull, discharging constant extremely high intensity pencil beam?

Oh btw, you will probably never catch the creepingly slow damage as your brain invariably relocates/reassigns brand spanking new neurons to finish the tasks by the millions or so that got destroyed from 1 hour long phone call.

The calls will only be transported directly through your brain roughly 50% of all calls anyway cuz the satellite or tower sometimes will be placed favorably so no sweat at all right? An individual has trillions of neurons to waste where your brain uses about 10% of them anyway, RIGHT? (looking at you smart phone zombies and mobile phone game addicts)

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

I might have misunderstood but how will the tech companies use satellites to blanket the earth with 5G when the millimeter wave is so small that it easily distorts at relatively short distances and does not travel well through foliage, especially if it's wet? And it's not only the distance; there's also atmospheric moisure, pollution and so on. Larger wavelengths like those which TV or FM radio rely on travel much further and effectively, while SatPhones and GPS work on the UHF bandwidth. The 5G antennas, as you say, will be installed in every block, or every 200-300 meters because of this problem with distortion.


There's an effect which permit an action for AM antennas to efficiently work @ around 62.5% of full wave length. Therefore for one MHZ, the antenna really only needs to be a bit just over 600 feet in height. I'm not sure about if you're aware of them but they're actually very common. This is fairly short explanation, but it gets even more complicated and of course there's more to it than meets the eye but I can assure you my fundamental explanation, for simplicity sake, will suffice enough to get a good grasp regarding the illustration above on how it can be deployed/implemented in a much tighter area or tinier zone, only the size of a cellular phone.

1.7 MHZ is where AM radio ends at and requires massive antennas due to the fact the frequencies to a high degree are really low. With these type of low frequencies used by AM are reasonably safe to people. However let's imagine the transmitted frequency is one GHZ, this would demand an antenna only roughly length of about eight inches.

5G operational functions @ frequencies up to 80x as high as that, therefore requiring the antennas that approximately 1/10 length of an inch. This entire frequency range specification would be imaginably hazardous. Put these tiny antennas in a cell phone, then organized like the AM radio illustrated concept above I mentioned before and voila. As result, it will cause the 5G to become extremely and sharply focused, consequently generating it the power it wants to punch through solid objects with extreme ease even if it's wet (that high frequencies unconditionally hate to go through).

What I've just mentioned above is the method almost identical to how HAARP does it. I recommend you to research HAARP at your own due diligence to come with your own conclusions/analytics. This is great and all but here is what I have issues with this methodology and also the reason why I liquidated all my own 30mil investment with 5G tech progression.

Sometime later on today I will go over some details of health hazardous risk associated with this abomination in the name of tech progress as well as the underlying reason I decided to liquidate all my multi-million 8 figure investments.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context


Well done for liquidating your investments. You seem to know a lot about this so I have a question for you (or anyone else) if you don't mind.

Thanks. But it's too bad I had to pay 10% early liquidation penalty. 10% of 30mil in US dollar denominated investment capital is quite a hefty chunk of change. It's unfortunate but that's just part of the investment risk that investors have to manage. I guess I have to think of it like some type of commission they charge me with.

I might have misunderstood but how will the tech companies use satellites to blanket the earth with 5G when the millimeter wave is so small that it easily distorts at relatively short distances and does not travel well through foliage, especially if it's wet? And it's not only the distance; there's also atmospheric moisure, pollution and so on. Larger wavelengths like those which TV or FM radio rely on travel much further and effectively, while SatPhones and GPS work on the UHF bandwidth. The 5G antennas, as you say, will be installed in every block, or every 200-300 meters because of this problem with distortion.


Anyways, not certain if it's going to answer your question but here goes anyways. As it mentioned on the link you provided, roughly around 20K sats are deployed for 5G launch.

It totally defies common sense in regards to the tech being implemented. I didn't realize before up until this point that, even in the 5G devices, the antennas are actually going to be able to focus their beams the same metholody as HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) does it. If you're not familiar with HAARP then just google or wiki or whatever you need to do to get a foundational grasp of what it's all about. It's too and complex long for me to explain regarding this particular subject.

Btw, my knowledge comes mainly from in the investor prospectus reports directly from the organization I invest with and the rest is the combination of information I paid for, my own independent researc as well as my past military background (straight out of high school to serve in the US Marine Corps Special Forces for about 15 years) which is helpful. I don't use mainstream stuff especially Google because I consider it as a retail platform for the masses that spits out 99% censored junk in my POV. Free means 90% or more do not get the nitty-gritty details and especially the big picture dynamics of info an individual is searching for. If you have the funds you can actually create your customized proprietary search engine private system similarly based on either Microsoft or Yahoos/Google's API (application programming interface) or even better engine if you got lots of bling bling.

OK so for simplicity, let me use AM radio for an example to explain how a radio beam is focused.

For instance, imagine your broadcasting onto an audience in a narrow corridored location (ie. mountain range valley). It's illogical to send the radio signal where it can't be heard (at the back of mountain where few only hikers are) so in this case, numerous antennas are used. The most elevated antenna will communicate the signal. Then passive antennas, dispersed at specific intervals away from the active antenna. This will cause the signal to be deflected/diverted in their direction.

In effect, the radio beam will increasingly be more focused if more antennas in a row there are. Imagine, as an example an antenna array that generates an AM broadcast directional by 6DB (that will x4 the dynamic/effective broadcast power to a settled upon area/zone) these antennas which are for 1.52 MHZ, therefore these things are shorter than the typical AM radio antennas.

In comparison to 5G, AM frequencies are greatly low. The size of the antenna is a capacity of the speed of light versus the frequency that will be transmitted/communicated at. Enable to have a full wave antenna for an AM signal @ one MHZ requires an antenna with specifications of 5,280 X 186,000 / 1,000,000 feet lengthwise. Doing the math quickly, that's approximately equals 982 more or less of the height.

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Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

What chips are you talking about here? Obviously not home appliances and the like because they receive power from an external source.

Sorry I meant SoCs (complex systems-on-a-chip). Was missing an 'a' there.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

What chips are you talking about here? Obviously not home appliances and the like because they receive power from an external source.

I apologized for not responding to your right away. I was analyzing and managing some trading positions overnight ahead of the important G20 summit especially for traders like me. I also rarely respond to others here since majority of posters are small-picture minded, cherry pickin, 1 liners who are rude, unprofessional and undeserving/unworthy of replying to. Before I answer your question, I would like to be honest with you and clarify that, although I'm aware a lot of things about 5G, I am in no position to be an expert at this tech engineering field. First and foremost, I am an institutional financial markets technical trader (80% of the time) and macro fundamental investor (about 20%).

Anyhow, I'm referring to SoCs (complex systems-on-chip) the latest and most modern type of chip that the semi-conductor industry/sector are mass producing and is used a lot by almost all manufacturers. All of the electronic components needed for an entire system are embedded into a versatile singular chip. It has extensive capabilities and functionalities that is widely regarded through various organizations in the manufacturing sector/industry especially with smart phone entities. Depending on the operational value and functionality usages for the devices, it could also be referencing to standard chips, microprocessors as well memory chips. But mostly complex systems-on-chip a.k.a. SoCs

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Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

I would say as far as 'the mark of the beast' is not an abstract concept no more but instead it can be applied practically and the makings of reality coming closer than ever before. After learning about this, I couldn't stomach the morality of this so called tech progression so I made a firm decision to liquidate all my 30mil USD worth of investments through 3 different foreign tech companies (can't mention the names due to fiduciary obligations).

Such complex system can be implemented for practical usage for over miles in regards to traveling distances. It's evident in this supporting document from theoretics at MIT. This is undeniably adequate enough for 'mark of the beast' with 5G being rolled out in every block or so. Frightening as well alarming to say the least.


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Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

Wavelength of 5G is about millimeter more or less. It only has to a be several millimeters in length for the antenna can be coiled. By coiling it, you end up having shorter than a millimeter and work. When I say shorter, I mean the length is comparable to the size of a grain of rice.

As a result, there could be hundreds of antenna receivers, all producing and generating simultaneously to induce as much power EACH as the bigger coil receiver in the present ID chips. Due to having much much higher frequency, this all can be made possible.

Not for certain that this is in mass production yet, though no doubt it is in the early prototype phases. With high probability, I bet for the unknown individuals out there who validated 5G at such high frequency and endorsed so much bandwidth for it, no doubt contemplated this.

Contagiousness problems can be substantially mitigated by having many as HUNDREDS of coils, (instead of just singular) in a minuscule, microscopic space.

Hundreds concurrently generating enough power to the drive the tracking chip adequately for it to be able to monitor/document everything it can and then dispatches it back over wide ranging, momentous distances.

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