Japan Today

UknownPlayer comments

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

This article is a distraction away from the real issue. 5G is dangerous and should be thoroughly tested before being let loose on the public. There are exactly zero studies showing its non-ionizing radiation is safe. It was originally designed by the military as a weapon called the Active Denial System, which is a crowd dispersal gun that can make your skin feel as though it's on fire. Only the voltage needs to be ramped up. In the hands of any future tyrannical govt this technology would give them the upper hand once it's fully installed. Think of the recent protests in Hong Kong or the yellow vest movement in France.

Then there are the cumulative negative effects the 5G mm wave will have on all life living in its electromagnetic smog. There are hundreds of scientists, doctors and weapons experts who are saying 5G is extremely detrimental to health and safety and that there should be a moratorium on it until it can be made safe, if that's possible. But no, let's roll it out and see what happens. The faster download speeds will be great.

The technology is very invasive.

IMHO, with high probability, the underlying ulterior motive for 5G is to remotely power tracking chips. As a consequence, a high power RF source needs to be establish everywhere in order to power the chips remotely.

This is how ID chips work fundamentally works: (warning, this can get pretty technical)

Cannot run them on battery because it would just deplete eventually therefore must need to be replaced. They all have passive receivers that stands by for an external radio signal to be picked up by a coil. Next, it then travels to a diode that adjusts the signal to DC, which then generates power for the tracking chip.

However with all of this, the issue is the chip needs to be very close proximity to the receiver enable to activate the pick up coil (present models have low frequency) as well as the coil needs to be huge enough to secure the signal of low frequency.

This is were 5G comes in and solves the power transfer location and capacity issues.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. explores requiring domestic 5G equipment to be made outside China See in context

An American pres with a backbone to take China head on is in place during this pivotal juncture in history on a myriad of fronts. Even P45's most acrimonious critics acknowledges that there is nobody inside current US governing bodies more patriotically dedicated to an 'America First' docket.

With only one government branch,legislative branch of Washington, full of bought and paid for agents by foreign government entities and big corporates, Trump represents distinctively unassisted without any auxiliary to special interests.

The vitality of these economic/trade arbitrations is gonna have a multi-generational imprintable significance on life not beyond our borders; and taking in account the bifurcations if America allows foreign interests to bribe our domestic policy. Upcoming 2020 election is now more than ever consequentially pivotal as well as urgently determinative.

Multi-TRILLIONS are at stake here in the bigger picture dynamics with longer term horizon ramifications.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan concerned over yen's rapid appreciation: gov't official See in context

So for the opposite, if price struggles to break the 119-120 range handle then the market bear players will retest the 99-96 price range before going to bull market value cycle again. So I'll buy and long the market specifically @ 99.524, 98.956 and 98.247 with emergency stop loss just a few pips (percentage in points) below 96. 1st take profit is @ 116.5, 2nd is 117.02 and last profit target is @ 118.55 but I'm open to changes depending on the macro fundamentals environment along with trading tech conditions as well as measured volatility during the time scenario/theme plays out. If goes below 96-95 value range and closes below with conviction for solid couple of months and not just impulsive, inefficient withdrawal of liquidity then I'll reassess whether to buy or sell.

As for macro fundamentals. Keep an eye for related news about the China-US trade war especially in connection to the G20 summit in Osaka. If China starts losing or appears to be then big smart money players as well as wealthy tycoons will use JPY as a vehicle to shift their capital someplace relatively safe. The Big Boys will consider this no doubt an inflection point right along with the upcoming FED FOMC meeting in July which plays a big part in regards to global trade consequences with correlated relationship to global interbank liquidity, principal balance of global payments as well global money outflows. So with high probability this will be one of the significant catalyst for demand of YEN especially with JPY being one of the most liquid global currency.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan concerned over yen's rapid appreciation: gov't official See in context

So if price goes above 119-120 range with 2 consecutive monthly closes above it with strong momentous volume and with evident positive delta heavy demand volume bar while fundamentals along with technicals are aligned together then I will wait to buy around 115ish. It this does happen then with high probability it will test the highs between 122s - 126s around June 2015 to November 2015 price range. If it breaks above 126-127 with with strong conviction, then I will add more to buy around 124s to test the 129-134 range handle.

As for me, I will patiently wait for this current bear market dollar distribution / yen accumulation value cycle to exhaust until it gets back to bull market territory again. So with that said I will sell USDJPY with 3 multiple positions around 118, 117. 116. To be exact I put limit sell order on shorting it @ 116.11, 117.08, and 117.69 with all have stoploss above @ 119 handle. 1st take profit is @ 108.5, 2nd is 107.65 and last profit target is @ 106.87 but I'm open to changes depending on the macro fundamentals in combination of technicals as well as measured volatility at it progresses.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan concerned over yen's rapid appreciation: gov't official See in context

As someone who moves sizable amount of money on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual basis in different markets through various asset classes, I would recommend to take anything the small picture-minded *Free-For-Loss Presstitutes Yellowstream Enemedia*** including FOX (most but not all) with a grain of salt especially when in comes to money related subjects such as the monstrous, about 5 Trillion USD daily** volume exchange FOREX market.

As a full time personal, private institutional technical intrinsic value-based trader as well as a macro fundamental investor who trades/invests my own money of 8-9 figure USD voluminous transactions through FOREX spot & futures, options, bonds, stock indexes, ETFs, commodities, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate, here is my take in reference to my technical analysis on USD price against JPY.

My customized proprietary USDJPY trading system that I developed myself (mostly 80% manual / the rest 20% automated algo) on CQG institutional trading platform is revealing to me that we are currently in the bear market cycle. Anyone who sold their dollar denominated account(s) at 112 price sometime in April of this year should hold until at least it gets to 100 psychological handle. High probability that with current macro economic conditions, it will likely test the price between the lows of June 2016 - November 2013 with price of 99 - 96. There are heavy resting limit institutional orders resting between 96 - 99 that need to be filled because of liquidity void and dollar rebalancing business/finance purposes especially with corporate hedgers and exporters.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

In the event of KJU getting release from CCP's grips, with probability, I will not be expecting for Trump to regress from the imposing geopolitical leverage he's developed in connection to the current economic/trade standoff. It will not happen so easily in China's favor. The deal is a bit more complicated than that in the larger scheme dynamics.

If you observe closely, Trump whether you like/hate his Twitter messages, has been transparently, albeit embedded coded messages, stating to the global community that NoKo is a threat no more. The real tributary purpose to those coded messages is to desensitize the value of Chairman Xi surrendering his hostage. Fundamentally, Trump has been telling China, it's a clean sweep already attained, so magnanimous Red Dragon is not supplying Trump any thing at all of quantitative value.

As I stated earlier about the 2 affiliated objectives where one is to severe the Red Dragon's ability to freely use NoKo as weaponized proxy province representing CCP's interests. Remove this particular threat and it will generate a major blow. Number 2 is to initiate the deconstruction phase of the increasing China economic/financial influence. You see with number one off the check list, Trump will no doubt no holds barred execute the second objective unapologetically. Trump has been touting for the fundamental of revitalizing US wealth for the past 3 decades. So there is no reason for the economic squeeze play to backtrack until China is overcome.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

Still America must proceed with caution because after all, Trump is playing Chinese style zero-sum geopolitic undertaking. Chinese regime, historically is also pretty good and using stall and deceiving maneuvers to achieve dominance. Nevertheless, Trump also has exhibited awareness level enough to detect nuancely what lies underneath the friendly but duplicitous panda mask.

With that mentioned, it's significant to observe heedfully to watch the G20 details as well as to see if Trump and Chairman Xi will actually get together. Chinese media has stated that SK Pres. Moon Jae-in and Chairman Xi are supposed to get together for a face2face meeting at the summit. This gathering will give a good subtle hint on the issue of KJU hostage release situation Chairman Xi will to tread carefully on face saving approach.

A method for Chairman Xi to circumvent the appearance of giving in to Trump, is for CCP to give the victory at the hands of South Korean leader Pres. Moon rather than to Trump. With high probability, guaranteed that if indeed Chairman Xi is giving up his hostage KJU, Beijing will position themselves as considerate, charitable panda while at the same time making SK's president as the beneficiary.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

I began monitoring this development sometime in 2017 where I perceived ethereally the indications Trump was veritably laboring to generate a causatum of hostage unbinding. And in the months that I've schlepp along with situation, numerous vastly-nuanced strategic and tactical indicators Trump was executing all along. With high probability, President Xi visit to DPRK before heading out to the G20 has all the prognostications that could very well be the culmination; conclusion that Trump has aforethought.

Basically the game plan is this:

Kim is controlled in non-obvious manner by CCP through instilling Chinese agents within the military ranks and high ranking officials because of the Red Dragon's financial/economic influence. Trumps needs to beat China on economic affairs. When Red Dragon loses the battle, it will save face by giving up NoKo's nuclear weapons to be able to get a better economic/trade deal.

NoKo's nuclear weapons cannot be defeated by confronting Kim's nukes but it can be actually be beaten by China giving them up instead, due to the fact that Red Dragon's economic survival is relying up on it. Chairman Xi then saves face in embarrassment by arranging the actual defeat at the feet of KJU.

Other small-pictured viewpoint, smoke and mirror distractions are just inequitable elements of chaff and countermeasures.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

There is unceasingly a good chance for President Xi to be in dragon mode (the authoritarian nature version) at first when he visits Chairman Kim face-2-face. In dragon mode, Xi is finding a way to weaponize NoKo regardless of the promising affair among Trump and KJU (the hostage). Nonetheless, the Red Dragon's manner and aspect is attenuated by the unbarred media implications that the dialogue are focused exclusively on denuclearization. Therefore this adds more weight on the second probability.

The 2nd probability with higher degree of consummation due to more optimistic feasibility, is where Red Dragon VS Eagle economic battle reaches a boiling point where President Xi in now facing insuccess and making an effort to preserve one's dignity, and yield a favorable economic consequence, by letting go of his hostage (Kim). This would an incogitable, relatively inexplicable, come away with Trump; and a stupefying palpable attestation that roughly 2 1/2 years long subtlety flavored blueprint has NOT been so ineffectually ineffective.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

The last 2 1/2 years or so Trump has been actively engaging on 2 affiliated objectives:

Number one, which the small picture-minded Free-For-Loss Presstitutes Yellowstream Enemedia including FOX (most but not all) cannot comprehend the bigger picture at play, which is eliminating the menace posed by NoKo by dissociating China's ability to exert the proxy province as a weapon. Simply China uses Kim as a hostage.

NoKo has always been the proxy province of China for decades due to the Red Dragon financial/economic influence. Kim is not fully or even far to say not in control at all as the mainstream view suggest but instead Chinese agents within Un's administration is still running the show especially in the military ranks and other higher ranking officials.

Kim is more a symbol per se rather than an actual supreme leader with an iron grip who makes all the ultimate decisions. Where do you think NoKo's cash strap country' funds come from. Of course CCP is the financial backer throughout the years.

Number two - dismantle the increasing economic leverage of the Red Dragon (China/CCP).

Those two issues above directly is correlated within the grounds of NatSec (national security). Both of the matters are being move in on by Trump through economic influential leverage in order to achieve national security eventuality.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: China's Xi to visit North Korea this week ahead of G20 See in context

As a full time personal, private institutional technical intrinsic value-based trader as well as a macro fundamental investor who trades/invests my own money of 8-9 figure USD voluminous transactions through FOREX spot & futures, options, bonds, stock indexes, ETFs, commodities, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate, I've been monitoring closely the nature of the Noko-China-America geopolitical chess match. Considering all the present position of all the players involved, this visit calls for a very interesting development.


High probability this visit by Chairman Xi is the easy to foretell face saving modus operandi.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Hong Kong leader apologizes for extradition law turmoil See in context

Red Dragon has never encounter a structural economic confrontation so wholly exhaustive and concurrently far-reaching consequential. Trump is methodically dismantling internal structures of China's central planning that's been going on for decades. The most interesting part of this is that the worst is yet to come that CCP has no idea how to anticipate.

The typical predictive backlash from China is to drop their friendly but duplicitous panda mask and transform into Red Dragon which is the version of their authoritarian nature. Be that as it may, until presently China has only encountered in-house interior challenges and issues to their systems internally...

However Trump is utilizing extraneous pressure, extrinsic challenges, and China is finding out when they discharge the Red Dragon authoritarian modus operandi into an external worldwide market that's injurious and unfavorable to China's instability, the economic system don't accede. Rather with more threats and dissension the freedom loving West reciprocates by sparsely terminating the relationship.

China, culturally, doesn't have any frame of reference, to comprehend this dynamic. Economic structured entities and ideologies derived from freedom/capitalist markets is same as free people (i.e. Hong Kongers)... where neither like to be controlled nor threatened by despotic regimes.

I don't know about others but if you have a fine grasp of the big picture here at play, then you should see this as remarkable but also devastating on how momentous this is in the bigger picture dynamic.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Hong Kong leader apologizes for extradition law turmoil See in context

This embroilment is such a bad timing for President Xi Jinping because many in the global community is starting to controvert the proportion of damage which is upticking to higher probability than ever before as a result of the current China-America trade conflict.

Current US administration is implementing extensive economic encumbrance consequent to Beijing in an endeavor to compel a "lock stock and barrel" reestablishment of the trade stipulations that will have worldwide connotations. Current moves by the US administration have axiomatically impaired the supply chain stance of China who is reliant on acquisition/import of tech systems as well as significantly on raw materials.

As for geopolitical repercussion, China immediately threatened any organization that would

contemplate a divorce with the Red Dragon. While at the same time China is burning tremendous hefty amounts of money to countervail any tariff burden and also to protect their manufacturing conditions via subsidy.

Investment shifts for manufacturing are already progressing towards Japan, S Korea, Philippines, Vietnam as well as other ASEAN countries that are alternative destinations. Massive amounts of capital outflows out of Hong Kong is heading out to more stable and safe financial institutions in Singapore and Tokyo.

Chairman Xi's current predicament is getting worse and worse each day and America's economic tactical and strategic initial moves has only started the consequence stage.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Posted in: Hong Kong leader apologizes for extradition law turmoil See in context

Amidst the frenzy from 100s of thousands -maybe millions- of protesters, Carrie Lam who's Hong Kongs chairwoman declares a deferment of the proffered extradition law that would have granted expatriation of Hong Kong denizen to authorities in China.

Chairwoman Lam made amends for the way her administration managed the proposition but she ended up not taking everything off the table with this dubitable law. The causal sequence of the proposition itself now calls into doubt of Hong Kong's autonomy. With high probability, I prognosticate that sooner rather than later Red Dragon (China) takes a constricted grip.

Presently Hong Kong is not exposed to the same economic ramifications between China-US trade conflict. So long Hong Kong is treated "autonomous" then they remain disconnected from America's tariffs and other directed maneuvers at Beijing. But if the CCP breeches the progressively unsettled obstacles, and legal as well as judicial systems designed to accommodate that autonomy - well, then the circumstance could alter. By degrees, Hong Kong is insubstantial.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Is bitcoin growing up? Regulated futures boom as investors seek a safer ride See in context


As for technical analysis on Bitcoin price against USD. My customized proprietary Bitcoin trading system that I developed myself (mostly 80% manual / 20% automated algo) is telling me that below 12000 is bear market territory. So for me, I will sell it with 3 multiple positions around 9800, 10400. 11700. To be exact I put limit sell order on shorting it @ 9762.99, 10453.75, and 11762 with all have stoploss @ 12000 on all my three accounts. 1st take profit is @ 5505.65, 2nd is 4651.93 and last profit target is @ 3447.13 but I'm open to changes depending on the macro fundamentals in combination of technicals as well as measured volatility.

So if price goes above 12000 USD with 2 consecutive monthly closes above it with strong momentous volume and with big fat demand bar of delta while fundamentals along technicals are aligned with it them I will wait to buy around 10000ish. It this does happen then with high probability it will test the near record highs of around high 19000s - 20000s per Bitcoin. If it breaks the record set in November 2017 with with strong conviction, then I will add more to buy around 15000s to test the psychological 50000 handle.

So the opposite, if price struggles to break the 12000 handle then the market will retest the 3000-2500 price range before going to bull market territory again. So I'll buy and long the market @ 3447.13, 3168.86 and 2919.45 with emergency stop loss of 2000. If goes below 2000 and closes below with conviction for solid couple of months and not just impulsive, inefficient withdrawal of liquidity then I'll reassess whether to buy or sell.

Just a tip for fundamentals. Keep an eye for news about the China-US trade war. If China starts losing or appears to be then big smart money players as well as wealthy tycoons will use Bitcoin as a vehicle to shift their investments someplace safe. So with high probability this will be one of the big, big deal catalyst for demand for cryptos especially with Bitcoin being the most liquid therefore shooting the price easily to recordshighs if not even more.

Don't pay attention to naysayers. Just ignore them because 99% DO NOT understand the mechanics of market liquidity as well the structure of balance of global of payments. Bitcoin is here to stay and will not go down to zero that easily. There are plenty of cryptos liquidity around the planet and impossible for the value to go down to zero since institutional players are joining in. It's not the same as the tulip mania. Liquidity mechanics in those days were totally different. There are plenty cryptos floating around the financial/capital markets trading and exchange systems now. Anyway take care of yourself.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Is bitcoin growing up? Regulated futures boom as investors seek a safer ride See in context

badman, congratulations to your cryptocurrency payment purchase of your home from Bitcoin profits. There will be more real estate companies that will roll out these type of payments soon as well as other big corporates eventually. It must have been a pretty speedy transaction.

By the way, I'm not sure where you keep and invest your coins but due to a lot of security issues lately i.e. hacking, I would definitely recommend splitting your eggs into multiple baskets by allocating different percentages of your account into multiple brokerage firms.

I have 3 institutional accounts at Bitstamp, Bitmex, and Kraken but soon going to be allocating it between CME and ICE when they are established. This is one of the few ways to protect your capital from hacks.

I don't invest in cryptos but managed my own money privately by trading directly to my own CQG trading platform through my customized proprietary link via custom API of those brokers. With this method I can clearly see the market depth via DOM ladder of all the aggregate orders routing through multiple pool of liquidity providers. CQG provides superb charting and smooth order execution directly to the market without having to go through market makers order book.

It also provides me various other accounts through different brokers in different financial markets with various asset classes all under in one roof that I can manage.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Is bitcoin growing up? Regulated futures boom as investors seek a safer ride See in context

This is awesome news for a private institutional trader like me. I've been waiting for this moment because offshore crypto exchanges are subject to illiquidity at times. So the with additional liquidity provided by these regulated, reputable onshore exchange such as CME and hopefully ICE in the near future, will further stabilize cryptocurrencies liquidity especially with trade-able instrument like BTCUSD.

Multi-pool liquidity providers is crucial for institutional players who put in big chunk of sizeable volume. Retail traders don't need to worry about liquidity since they can buy/sell at any price and getting out of position with no issues pretty much 99% without virtually no price slippage.

But for an institutional trader like myself who puts in up to 8-9 figures consistently in USD denominated accounts, it's critical for me to find proper adequate sizeable liquidity to match my bids or offers depending on market fundamentals, technicals and more importantly volatility at the time of my trade executions.

Since crypto market such as Bitcoin is still fairly new, without adequate liquidity I would suffer from ridiculous price slippage that can cost me can up to hundreds of thousands if not millions in matter of seconds when you put volume into the 8-9 or more digit realm excluding trading commissions.

So these futures exchanges should address some of the issues of liquidity inadequacy. Cryptos are the future instruments for trading since digital age is progressing even further. Financial market trading arena is no exception.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Defiance and hope in Hong Kong as police cede streets See in context

About two million marched in the finance hub on Sunday, organisers said, piling pressure on the city's embattled pro-Beijing leader who apologised for causing "conflict" but refused to step down.

> The extradition furore is just the latest chapter in what many see as a battle for the soul of Hong Kong.

For the last decade the city has been convulsed by political turbulence between pro-Beijing authorities and opponents who fear an increasingly assertive China is stamping on the city's unique freedoms and culture enjoyed since the handover in 1997.

Amidst the frenzy from 100s of thousands -maybe millions- of protesters, Carrie Lam who's Hong Kongs chairwoman declares a deferment of the proffered extradion law that would have granted expatriation of Hong Kong denizen to authorities in China.

On Sunday, Chairwoman Lam made amends for the way her administration managed the proposition but she ended up not taking everything off the table with this dubitable law. The causal sequence of the proposition itself now calls into doubt of Hong Kong's autonomy. With high probability, I prognosticate that sooner rather than later Red Dragon (China) takes a constricted grip.

Presently Hong Kong is not exposed to the same economic ramifications between China-US trade conflict. So long Hong Kong is treated "autonomous" then they remain disconnected from America's tariffs and other directed maneuvers at Beijing. But if the CCP breeches the progressively unsettled obstacles, and legal as well as judicial systems designed to accommodate that autonomy - well, then the circumstance could alter. By degrees, Hong Kong is insubstantial.


0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Hundreds of thousands dressed in black rally to demand Hong Kong leader step down See in context

Critics say the planned extradition law could threaten Hong Kong's rule of law and its international reputation as an Asian financial hub. Some Hong Kong tycoons have already started moving personal wealth offshore.

Activist investor David Webb, in a newsletter on Sunday, said if Lam was a stock he would recommend shorting her with a target price of zero.

"Call it the Carrie trade. She has irrevocably lost the public's trust," Webb said.

"Her minders in Beijing, while expressing public support for now, have clearly lined her up for the chop by distancing themselves from the proposal in recent days."

China's ineluctable position is pretty much determined due to the fact the Chinese way of thinking does not have political nor cultural sphere between war/peace. Historically the country is built on foundation based on 2 points of oppugnancy. Red Dragon views war/peace exist side-by-side.

Chinese undertaking originates from a belief that ying/yang forces may absolutely correspondent, intertwined, and intermutual in the natural world, and they may ascend to one of the other as they consociate to one another. Nevertheless, it absolutely must benefit the Red Dragon.

Trump is strategically implementing Xi's own taste of his medicine with the "them vs us approach" toward encountering unlimited term Chairman Xi. The supply chain investment the China requires to manitain itself is now being measured by uncontrollable fundamentals outside of Beijing. China then counters by disparaging those in the global community who domineers the investment.

Unfortunately this does not look good for the Red Dragon.

Watch as time goes by and won't be long, in the near term there will be mass exodus of organizations as well other countries slowly but surely head to the exits out of China. As a full time personal, private institutional technical intrinsic value-based trader as well as a macro fundamental investor who trades/invests my own money of 8-9 figure USD voluminous transactions through FOREX spot & futures, options, bonds, stock indexes, ETFs, commodities, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate, I will confidently say that there is way too much immanent, indwelling financial risk. Initial loss is the finest loss!

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Hundreds of thousands dressed in black rally to demand Hong Kong leader step down See in context

Critics say the planned extradition law could threaten Hong Kong's rule of law and its international reputation as an Asian financial hub. Some Hong Kong tycoons have already started moving personal wealth offshore.

Activist investor David Webb, in a newsletter on Sunday, said if Lam was a stock he would recommend shorting her with a target price of zero.

"Call it the Carrie trade. She has irrevocably lost the public's trust," Webb said.

"Her minders in Beijing, while expressing public support for now, have clearly lined her up for the chop by distancing themselves from the proposal in recent days."

Good times in Hong Kong are slowly pointing towards the rear view mirror. The panda's mask turns into a fierce Red Dragon that has a natural tendency to get emotional with ridiculously excessive, totalitarian overblown dispositions (nuancely cast asunder of course) and in addition to Trump's geopolitical trade squeeze upon them, this will not end well for Beijing. It will mean a compressing and superincumbent Red Dragon will soon step in to obstruct the escape pathways.

The nature of the Red Dragon is executing to what the Red Dragon does. Hence the initial phase commences when corporate commitments, principally multinationals, realize at its nitty gritty China is a communist controlled-market, state-managed, system.

The reagency from Beijing is inordinately foreseeable; and begets a descending spiral. If any corporation is recognized as engaging against the interest of the nation, then the nation will seize control of the corporate involvement. What western business commitments would want to get involved within China when that corporeality is the prospect of every economic determining accord?

The golden arrow in Trump's economic palpitation is the eagerness of the Red Dragon to self-immolate. The ineptitudeness of China to transfigure itself situated on postliminary economic causatum is the hereditary vulnerability. Superimpose that shortcoming with the zero-sum point of view and this is what you get the Chinese goverment mouthpiece media:

…“If the US wants to negotiate, our door is open. If you want to fight, we will fight to the end.”…


Now go dig deeper about the logic in the statement. In reality, put it this way: let's work together but only if you comply to our terms, but if you don't we will self destruct. Folks this is the economic actuality of the Red Dragon's zero-sum psychology.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Hundreds of thousands dressed in black rally to demand Hong Kong leader step down See in context

Critics say the planned extradition law could threaten Hong Kong's rule of law and its international reputation as an Asian financial hub. Some Hong Kong tycoons have already started moving personal wealth offshore.

Activist investor David Webb, in a newsletter on Sunday, said if Lam was a stock he would recommend shorting her with a target price of zero.

"Call it the Carrie trade. She has irrevocably lost the public's trust," Webb said.

"Her minders in Beijing, while expressing public support for now, have clearly lined her up for the chop by distancing themselves from the proposal in recent days."

As Red Dragon's (China) fist overshadows, more and more big time smart money players (billionaires) are withdrawing out of Hong Kong. I have been greatly following the big money outflows with this current situation.

As a full time personal, private institutional technical intrinsic value-based trader as well as a macro fundamental investor who trades/invests my own money of 8-9 figure USD voluminous transactions through FOREX spot & futures, options, bonds, stock indexes, ETFs, commodities, precious metals, cryptocurrencies and real estate, MORE AND MORE incalculable prefigurations of the unraveling financial exodus to desist from the anticipated totalitarian reactive moves by the limitless term Chairman Xi.

Confirmed multiple growing reports can be seen a lion's share financial moves out of Hong Kong as smart money tycoons foresee the imminent shadow of Red Dragon's wrath approaching in.


With this massive scale of financial wealth and investment shifts, I'm predicting that Tokyo as well Singapore will be the dominant benefactors. Historically the investing class, 99% of the time is a good leading indicator to get a good grasped what's really happening in the bigger picture. One does not have to be a guru in geopolitics to realize what in store in the near term. The magic to it is to unobtrusively reposition assets in order to prevent getting caught from the impulsive emotional rush to the exits as dumb money and "too late to the party" participants often do.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Russians in UK spy case say they wanted to see cathedral; Britain calls it lies See in context



Yes, the entire Novichok episode was a scam. Sometimes the official line is EVERYTHING.

Background: These are the two men Britain claims poisoned the Skripals. PROBLEM: They are both photographed at the same time in the same place by the same camera and they are not together. Someone forgot the timestamp layer.

Click the link above to see the photos. Want to know how corrupt Britain and the rest of the deep state is? Here's a rare opportunity to see it first hand.

Important: They have photoshop down so good both photos look completely and totally authentic. Getting both to appear the same in the same hall framed exactly the same with the same exposure and same reflections and the same lens dirt took some real expert work.

OR: possibly the photos were created by an AI. If you want to see state of the art fakery MI6 just put out a great example, but what would you expect from MI6? They are the best!.

This proves the shadowy, behind the curtain players will, rather than conduct an investigation, instead focus on making beautiful fake evidence. After all, it is not the truth that matters when you are dealing with satanists, what people believe is the truth is what matters and here we have a prime example. You can't believe a photo anymore, no matter how real it looks. Thanks for the heads up MI6!

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: NFL kneeling protests resume as Trump warns of ratings fall See in context

Mr. Noidall Today 12:54 am JST

Didn't Twitter ban him yet?

I was thinking about this the other day. The fact that Alex Jones was permanently banned from twitter. Immediately, sociali, um, um, leftist claimed that since twitter was a private platform, it didn't violate Jones' right to free speech. And I thought fair enough. But then the blatant hypocrisy hit me: why didn't the left employ the same rationale when the baker in CA refused to bake a cake for a gay couple's wedding? Instead, the left became very hostile and abusive.

But then again, the left doesn't use reason. Instead, emotions trump everything.

The direction of the left side of the political spectrum is clearly heading to where they feign not to be cognizant to so many notable of things. By masking not to know a lot of things virtually guarantees that there is no associated guilt, no actual linkage to conscience, dismissal of truth endorses effortless trespass.

They are small picture-minded individuals (especially on economics/trade/commerce/markets/financial) who regularly cherry picks their written/talking point in order to fit their own narrative agenda. This typical subtlety of methodology makes them appear far more intelligent than it seems. It comes with a wannabe intimidating superior intellect with routinely emotional, nonfactual, imprecise statements that often misses and fails to see the big picture. This type of ideology banks on the willingness of the other side to affirm to their presentations; and of course reconciliation. DO NOT BE FOOLED!!

The compulsion of controlling over others to eternalize their inhumane malicious dogma is why they repute and feel necessitated to imbrute their fellow man/woman in order to create political hay. A belief system whose own irrationality and cerebral disability inflames for, all too frequently has effectuate the preexisting impediment and deprivation of systematized manipulation of economy, citizenry and even thought control (i.e. political correctness "hate crime".

As much as they begrudge and envy other people's money, the also give the impression to loathe other people's children - of course except if those children can be oppressed as political propping tools; human shield victim-mascots used for undertaking narcissistic political means. DON'T LOOK AWAY. Stand your ground and BE STRONG!!

You know, the leftist mantra is painfully easy to spot, because it is so damn repetitive. All anyone has to do is have the guts to take the ridicule - to be able to handle being called racist, sexist, homophobic and an anti-semite. Do you realize that those 4 things are ALL, and I mean ALL the left has in it's arsenal?

The left's arsenal has NO OTHER AMMUNITION. Facts rarely or don't support them. They have absolutely nothing to respond with other than to slander the opponent. So here's how you handle a leftist: BEFORE SAYING ANYTHING AT ALL, SAY THIS: "I know I am a racist, sexist, bigoted anti-semitic homophobe. So don't bother telling me what I already know. Now, can we discuss the facts without having you blabber that, PLEASE?

When the left are saying things that are cold hard facts definitely false and you know for a fact that is definitely untrue, then it means they are talking about themselves, what they would like to do and then imprinting their wishes on a random or specific target.

This is a liberal tactic called "displacement" where they take their worst wishes, desires and calls to action and then pin them on someone else to prevent their own selves from being looked at while they proceed to do exactly what they accused others of wanting to do. This is very dangerous. DO NOT BE DECEIVED BY THIS GARBAGEest of the GARBAGE!!

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Posted in: China promises retaliation if U.S. imposes more tariffs See in context

This is all have to do with the Section 301 tariffs. This approach is not exactly a secret but most of the financial media are feeble-minded about the bigger picture of this economic stratagem where CCP's connection to current ongoing negotiations with Kim Jong. I digress.

The proffered tariffs are supporting action to counter China’s unjustifiable trade engagements connected to intellectual property, innovation and technology transposition based on the research results of Lighthizer's investigation of China under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act.

The issue is not "if" POTUS will apply the Section 301 tariffs, but instead of "how" and "when"?

Trump is the only one that knows the answer to that because everything about the bigger picture blueprint is only known by the person making the final critical decisions.

The intentions are apparent: create a leverage have a better equitable, fairer, and more reciprocal trade arrangement with Chairman Xi. As a byproduct, it establishes regional/national security for S.E. Asia with a stable, denuclearized Korean peninsula.

Section 301-tariffs is essentially a negotiating tool to create leverage, nothing more. POTUS is ensuing a very logical progression with multiple coinciding actions. Finalize the N. American trade bloc using Mex-Merica conditions (optionally with Canada); then hone in on the European Union trade components, probably having a bilateral compromise with U.K. simultaneously; then finally shift to Asia and deal with China specifically.

POTUS advancing trade/economic docket has collective fronts all quarterbacked by Trump and negotiation all-star teams composing of Wilbur Ross - Secretary of Commerce; Steven Mnuchin - Secretary of Treasury; Robert Lighthizer - Trade Representative; with consultations and guidance from Larry Kudlow - Director of NEC and Peter Navarro - Trade Advisor

Each members have a specific regional role to play for strategizing, analyzing as well as critical evaluating of economic/trade elements. However, the bigger picture and longer term horizon of the direction of the team's objective is coordinated by none other than, Trump himself.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Pence: I'm confident no one on my staff wrote the NYT column See in context

With high probability, nobody in the Trump administration penned a letter saying they were betraying him. I think it is a manipulation to get Trump to implode on himself.

Duped by a USC student, someone ran the "essay" through http://turnitin.com . It showed as a 100% match to a USC student essay, turned in without citation - making it an original essay-sept 5-overachiever! Archived & submitted to the repository within minutes of New York Times.

The treason piece was submitted as part of a college essay by a USC student on September 5th. It did not originate within the white house.

The MSM figured it sounded good so they published it to sow discord within the Trump administration, and attempt to get Trump to self-destruct the white house.

So basically the New York Times dug up a college essay within minutes of it hitting the college archives and becoming searchable. Then published it with a fabricated back story to cause the Trump administration to implode on itself. That's quite a psych war tactic I must say!!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump turns up the heat in trade conflict with China See in context

This is all have to do with the Section 301 tariffs. This approach is not exactly a secret but most of the financial media are feeble-mined about the bigger picture of this economic stratagem where CCP's connection to current ongoing negotiations with NoKo's Kim Jong. I digress.

The proffered tariffs are supporting action to counter China’s unjustifiable trade engagements connected to intellectual property, innovation and technology transposition based on the research results of Lighthizer's investigation of China under Section 301 of the 1974 Trade Act.

The issue is not "if" POTUS will apply the Section 301 tariffs, but instead of "how" and "when"?

Trump is the only one that knows the answer to that because everything about the bigger picture blueprint is only known by the person making the final critical decisions.

The intentions are apparent: create a leverage a more equitable, fairer, and more reciprocal trade arrangement with Chairman Xi. As a byproduct, it established regional/national security for S.E. Asia with a stable, denuclearized Korean peninsula.

Section 301-tariffs is essentially a negotiating tool to create leverage, nothing more. POTUS is ensuing a very logical progression with multiple coinciding actions. Finalize the N. American trade bloc using Mex-Merica conditions (optionally with Canada); then hone in on the European Union trade components, probably having a bilateral compromise with U.K. simultaneously; then finally shift to Asia and deal with China specifically.

POTUS advancing trade/economic docket has collective fronts all quarterbacked by Trump and negotiation all-star teams composing of Wilbur Ross - Secretary of Commerce; Steven Mnuchin - Secretary of Treasury; Robert Lighthizer - Trade Representative; with consultations and guidance from Larry Kudlow - Director of NEC and Peter Navarro - Trade Advisor

Each members a specific regional role to play for strategizing, analyzing as well as critical evaluating of economic/trade elements. However, the bigger picture and longer term horizon of the direction of the team's objective is coordinated by none other than, Trump himself.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-Trump campaign aide jailed in Russia probe See in context

*correction for first post - intel/FBI back in 2017 of July

See first post here in relation to this: https://japantoday.com/category/world/ex-trump-campaign-aide-jailed-in-russia-probe#comment-1737530

Did you get what they did there?

That was a clear setup where $10,000 cash to Papadopoulos was guaranteed to be part of the sting operation.FBI agents were waiting for Papadopoulos upon e-entry into America and his arrival at the airport. If had carried that $10 thousand into America without declaring a U.S. treasury filing, he would have gotten nailed on a violation by the DOJ/FBI.

Bringing $10K or more cold hard cash into America and not reporting can get you into big trouble with the Feds. Add into that angle of likelihood the set-up involved the use of an intelligence asset, and the problem can be connected into money laundering. Mueller looks for this kind of dirty leverage to have advantage over this young man.

The Fed agents supervised by Mueller were waiting for Papadopoulos. But Papadopoulos somehow became aware and suspected that something about the cash given to him was off. He sensed that something was not right about this. So Papadopoulos left the $10K given to him in Greece instead.

The absence of the $10K prevented the FBI's original plan and that is why they kept Papadopoulos for interrogation. This was prototypical underhanded FBI method of entrapment sting operation; a vintage sleazy setup by Mueller.


Mangiane Papadopoulos, the wife and George Papadopoulos himself were sought out in Greece by a known FBI/CIA asset, Charles Tawil. Tawil engaged Papadopoulos as a business consultant, under the patronage of energy development involvement. Tawil gives him $10k in cash to take back to America. At the Dulles airport, Mueller had Fed agents waiting upon Papadopoulos arrival where he was stopped and searched; however, Papadopoulos, never had the money because he cunningly left the $10K with his lawyer in Greece. That's all she wrote folks!! Now you see how unscrupulous, below the belt Mueller's methods can be just to gain leverage.


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Ex-Trump campaign aide jailed in Russia probe See in context

Bob Mueller, with high probability, set up George Papadopoulos via foreign intel/FBI back in of July. Charles Tawil approached Papadopoulos in Greece and gave him $10K in cash. Tawil was previously intelligence asset who work for CIA and FBI. 

For more info, check WIKILEAKS Cables (around 2006) link: Paragraph #8 where it's noted:


Mueller is connected to all of this due to the fact in 2006 he was the Director of FBI.

An interesting paragraph stating a $10K payment made to Papadopoulos on page 9 of the Special Counsel Mueller's sentencing memo. See below image link to the memo.


Chuck Ross from The Daily Caller did a little of digging with the payment story and mapped out the specifics: see link below...


1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: New York Times' decision to publish anonymous column carries risks See in context

I don't think anyone in the Trump administration penned a letter saying they were betraying him. I think it is a manipulation to get Trump to implode on himself.

Duped by a USC student, someone ran the "essay" through http://turnitin.com . It showed as a 100% match to a USC student essay, turned in without citation - making it an original essay-sept 5-overachiever! Archived & submitted to the repository within minutes of New York Times.

The treason piece was submitted as part of a college essay by a USC student on September 5th. It did not originate within the white house.

The MSM figured it sounded good so they published it to sow discord within the Trump administration, and attempt to get Trump to self-destruct the white house.

So basically the New York Times dug up a college essay within minutes of it hitting the college archives and becoming searchable. Then published it with a fabricated back story to cause the Trump administration to implode on itself. That's quite a psych war tactic I must say!!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: NFL kneeling protests resume as Trump warns of ratings fall See in context

Funny how when the stock market went down 1000 points in a couple of days liberals were like

It was an algo driven inefficient, impulse move. There was heavy volume but almost have very light negative delta which means a very big, big, big player or several big boy smart money participants wanted to buy more but at the time could not find any liquidity on the other side to match his/her/their sizing. Market makers, counter-party dealers, and liquidity providers didn't have enough capital size to match the market order from a particular player or some players. So market makers and counter-party dealers have to withdraw their insufficient liquidity and then algos follow through to drive down the next order flow of liquidity block that could sufficiently equalize the big players orders. He/she/they then could accumulate more bids in order to buy more at better wholesale market price.

It did not look like a fear trade psychology traded by multiple big player entities because of the nature of the move in terms of delta. Algos got blindsided by the controversial out of nowhere announcement by Nike. Dumping stocks at low liquidity periods can cause exaggerated impulse moves. It was a liquidity issue more than anything else mixed with technical correction aka profit taking as well as square positioning for smaller speculators and flushing out weak handed participants who chase retail pricing aka retail traders which fuel the high velocity of the inefficient downward impulse. The big boys know better than to just crash the market on purpose with no macro fundamental reasons behind it. It means it is time to reload and a gift to buy at discounted price. Totally still in the bull uptrend from a technical perspective.

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