Japan Today

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Posted in: 1 dead, 10 injured after ex-Mazda temp hits 11 plant workers with car See in context

noirgaijin: what part of contract does Mazda not understand? I would be extremely surprised if Mazda doesn't see another incident like this before the year is up. The current union boss told me directly that I had no right to a lawyer. If I approached a lawyer I would be hurt. The current president who sat glumly throughout Mr. Kurosawa's comments to the press threatened the designated legal advisor to foreign residents in Hiroshima on October 19, 2007. He gloated about how much money Mazda contributed to things in Hiroshima. Asked to comment on whether my claims were legitimate or not he simply said, "Stay away from matters that don't concern you!" I can imagine what is going through their heads at the moment. This guy's problem paled in comparison to the stuff Mazda did to me and a whole lot of other voiceless individuals. Put it to you this way, there's a place in hell reserved only for Mazda HR, legal department, PR, Union, and lawyer.

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Posted in: 1 dead, 10 injured after ex-Mazda temp hits 11 plant workers with car See in context

I just saw Mr. Kurosawa (Mazda auditor) say there was no trouble with the worker. I have spoken with Mr. Kurosawa - he wrote a memo which was leaked to me in which he called me a very dangerous person for Mazda - why? Because he is fully aware of the fraud Mazda pulled on me. This is a seriously sick company that has been abusing people for years! The authorities are running away from us. I was at the police three weeks ago. They told me that theft of my entire contract fees over seven years by Mazda HR is not a criminal matter. How many times this sort of stuff happens in Hiroshima regarding Mazda abuse of people... this man may have opened the flood gate. Mazda is one catastrophe of an embarrassment waiting to happen. My heart goes out to all the victims of Mazda.

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Posted in: 4-year-old boy dies after 12-story fall from Chiba apartment See in context

Smithinjapan: the negative I am refering to is the calls for parent assistance that simply end with the official "Oyaji" telling the working mums: "Babysitting is an American thing - ask your mother to look after the baby while you go do your errands" - babysitting is virtually prohibited unless special permission is granted by the local authorities. I've heard: "Why are you living far from your friends?"; "Take your child with you if it means so much to you. If the child was that important you wouldn't be leaving it with another person..."; "How old is your child? 3? She's old enough to stay alone for awhile - you7re spoiling the kids these days..."

This is the daily response parents are getting when asking for help from their employers (who force them into unpaid overtime), from the local authorities who demand the parents think about quitting their jobs while laughing "Don't think about coming here for welfare assistance once you quit."

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Posted in: 4-year-old boy dies after 12-story fall from Chiba apartment See in context

Rest in peace Keito. My son's three year old friend fell nine floors last Monday in Hiroshima and died. Attending his funeral was the most gut wrenching experience I've ever been through. The daycare had stressed that the funeral was a private family affair. But on Wednesday morning when I took my little boy in and found not a single sign of the place honoring the boy I spoke with the first mother I saw. She was equally flabbergasted. By ten am my missus had put together a posse of parents not willing to let the little boy go to his grave without his friends saying goodbye. We called around and located the funeral parlor and went for the funeral - from 12. The boys kin were moved by the parents gesture. And I was surprised to find that a man I'd trained ten years ago and who considered himself a good friend of mine was the boy's mothers brother. The boy had somehow managed to open the locked balcony door... We can say all we like about parenting but in a society that thrives on responding to every cry for help with a negative... many more innocent little lives are going to be lost.

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Posted in: JFA concerned about World Cup ticket sales See in context

Reona: I'm coloured to and stunned(!) by you. No wonder the world is in such a mess. How far do you walk in a day?

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Posted in: Some diet gurus say pasta is good because it is low-fat; others say it's not so good because it's high carb. What do you say? Is it a healthy dish? See in context

How does sauce come into the question? No wonder diet is such a problem for the simple.

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Posted in: JFA concerned about World Cup ticket sales See in context

Marcel: Bingo. And when I want to go there for soccer the travel agency is telling me the tour includes three days at Victoria Falls, two nights in the Okavango, two nights along the Skeleton Coast and a number of secret stop overs added for a surprise. The tour goes through four countries and I only want to go to two cities in SA!

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Posted in: Iran derides Obama's 'cowboy' nuclear stance See in context

The bomb was made under Bush and Cheney's watch. Obama is now putting a crimp in Iran's game plan. The Bush plan was to wait for the bomb as it flew over Warsaw or Prague. They never thought it would go to Israel directly - Cheney thought it would fly over the north pole and down to Tel Aviv. Ahmadinejad has discovered a new weapon of mass distruction - talk radio. He is using talk radio style for doing his dirty work.

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Posted in: LaHood says Toyota is 'safety deaf' See in context

When uninformed or out of the loop - don't debate. This problem has been affecting Japanese brands for ten years now. At Mazda we identified the exact cause in December 2005 and did a mass recall in Venezuela. Not a single recall was done in the US. ANd Ford knew about the problem back then. They still do. The part maker is a Japanese company and is the only supplier to the industry. There is no US maker of the part. Infact there is no US expert in the field. Not even at NASA - the technology is also used by Airbus. It is super dangerous because it was never perfected by the maker. I have done loads of jobs for the part maker - and all the jobs clearly indicated Toyota had a huge problem with suddenly accelerating vehicles worldwide. I've been saying for some time if somebody offered me the right price I'll sing like a canery. And my apologese to sjfp330 and a few others for being mean to them. I was mean in that I knew that you weren't aware of what the actual technology flaw is attributed to. This is my final post on the subject.

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Posted in: Toyota hit with $16 mil fine over recalls in U.S. See in context

sfjp330: come on show a litle more self respect. You're flogging a dead horse. Toyota had Kazakstan ahead of the US on the recall. Is there more to say?

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Posted in: Toyota hit with $16 mil fine over recalls in U.S. See in context

And they should demand it be paid in crisp $20 bills only.

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Posted in: LaHood says Toyota is 'safety deaf' See in context

Debucho. Wait for what findings? Americans got the ex-brother-in-law treatment from Toyota. How does it feel to be behind Kazakstan, Turkey, Georgia... in the recall? La Hood should be ashamed for going lightly on these criminals from Nagoya.

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Posted in: Toyota disputes critic who blames electronics See in context

sfjp330: "Ok expert, Explain exactly what is went wrong with this San Diego accident of ES350" Don't quite follow you - must sudden unintended typos eh? Explain? I can in explain it in one of two ways - the other I cannot unless paid for it. The one that I can tell you is that the vehicle took control of itself. How it did that is my secret. Please sfjp330 trust me on this one. We may be indisagreement here but when I do explain for a fee I'll treat you to a night out on the town. The Sikes Prius had a similar incident but he was one of the lucky few. What the phenomenon does is that it leaves virtually no evidence of the incident - Toyota know this and so they're saying Mr. Sikes lied. Toyota are the liars. Regardless of how hard he pushed on the brakes nothing would happen with the actual brakes themselves. That is the curse of the car. Toyota have begun to use this con on NHTSA and Darrel Issa. When the fact is exposed I don't want to be a Toyota executive.

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Posted in: Toyota disputes critic who blames electronics See in context

**sfjp330: Exponent were used by Toyota to say Toyota's nonsense about Professor Gilbert. I know for a fact what is causing the sudden acceleration and I challenge Toyota and Exponent to prove that I don't know. Professor Gilbert demonstrated that electrical surges cause a serious malfunction - that was all he was supposed to prove because Toyota said no such malfunction could occur during a power surge. Heck sfjp330, I have ten years experience in this specific technology alone. And the makers say it is safe from electrical surges. What did exponent argue? He shaved the wires. Of course he did, to duplicate what has happened in the market. Are you forgetting that during these current recalls Toyota claimed that wires were prone to premature chaffing from friction caused by contamination build-up?** What was the December recall attributed to? Wires worn bare by rubbing against other parts of the vehicle. And your claim of no evidence that it is happening anywhere else in the world is total bunk. The UK has it, France has reported it. Venezuela demanded Toyota explain two months before the US even figured out that Toyota was in serious trouble. How long have you been following this story?

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Posted in: Toyota disputes critic who blames electronics See in context

Fredster: Before you go jumping to conclusions I suggest you follow the story first. Gilbert was officially commissioned by Safety Research and Strategies to conduct the study on behalf of undisclosed clients. Professor Gilbert was very accurate in his findings. I will prove it sometime soon that Exponent Inc. were the ones that had nothing. What the world needs to know is that Toyota continues to tighten the noose around its own neck every time Toyota 'proves' its innocence. I said a month ago that every auto maker using the same part from the same supplier faces the same problem. These recalls for the silliest reasons should be raising suspicion. The strange thing is Toyota never mentions the supplier - Toyota stock tanks while the supplier's is gaining every day. I've watched it since October last year.

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Posted in: Takuma Sato shifts into IndyCar Series See in context

Oh no... Indy get ready for fist fights. This guy is going to get decked within the first season - he is totally reckless as a driver hence no F-1 teams want him.

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Posted in: Toyota pledges to take safety 'to the next level' See in context

sfjp - Ford was only brought back into the firm when a board revolt booted out Nasser and his other foreign execs - the Brits and Aussies had taken over Ford. You don't know the company do you? The family believed Firestone couldn't have cheated on the tyres. But the truth was that major fraud had occurred. In fact Firestone had died ten years before and the name sold to Bridgestone which figured it would be easier to enter Detriot through a US front brand name. Venezulea produced the evidence for Nasser - fellow Lebanese people down there had personally proven the fraud - five ply tires with three ply etc... ANd there was no pressure problem. The tires were monsterously dangerous. Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and Venezuela uncovered the Bridgestone scam. I'm really surprised that you have no idea about this - I was a field quality assurance consultant during the crisis. We (Ford and Mazda) were struggling to contain the fallout a full two years before the Ford family would allow the name Firestone to be mentioned! Remember Harvey Firestone's daughter was Edsel's mother. Look at the pictures of the trouble tyres and see for yourself. Take a look at the cut-away samples that prove material defecancy - wire banding, nylon and rubber all missing to save Bridgestone costs. And the tyre maker had actually falsely written the wrong size on the tyre moulds. This was fraud. But Ford helped Bridgestone to beat the rap. Infact Ford stupidly took the fall for it. Just like Toyota is taking the fall for the yet unmentioned part maker.

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Posted in: Toyota's pain boost sales of rivals in U.S. in February See in context

some14some: the fear is that the Toyota flaw is in all makes using the same part by the same supplier. And Ford is no exception. Nissan has just recalled half a million units for it.

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Posted in: Toyota pledges to take safety 'to the next level' See in context

sfjp330: On and to answer your Bill Ford question. Jack Nasser was boss at the time. And he didn't answer because Ford told him not to say anything because Firestone's name had to be protected. Remember that Hatoyama's mother's company was the tire maker that caused the trouble.

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Posted in: Toyota pledges to take safety 'to the next level' See in context

sfjp330: When a vehicle passes the rigorous safety testing performed by the IIHS and NHTSA with a good rating...

Excuse me but where did you get this from? What tests safety tests are you talking about? You're guessing this aren't you? The IIHS only crashes vehicles for cost of repair analysis. They asses the cost to any of their insurance providers how much it'll cost to repair a wrecked vehicle using original manufacturer parts and service. They don't give a hoot about safety. If the 5 mph crash to the rear bumper costs an arm and a leg to fix then the vehicle gets a negative 'rating'. The rating only means - "If you buy this car expect to have to fork out big bucks on your insurance premiums because there's no way we're going to pay fifteen hundred bucks to straighten out a plastic bumper...." The NHTSA doesn't test the vehicles unless there's a question about safety after the vehicle has been homologated. Do you understand vehicle homologation in the US? If you did you wouldn't be saying the crazy stuff you're saying. Toyota has taken advantage of US consumers misconception of the auto industry. This explains why so many people are standing behind Toyota now. If only a one half of a degree clearer picture of the industry had been painted for them to see this entire mess would never have gone past 1998.

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Posted in: Suzuki, Nissan, Daihatsu announce recalls in Japan See in context

Mr. USA: the Scrum is made by Suzuki but sold under Mazda. It's a Mazda Scrum - named by a Mazda rugby club booster. It's a micro-truck. sfjp330: are you on the Toyota PR payroll? It's getting harder to find reason in any of your posts. Toyota simply are in a fix for fraud. Is that so hard to understand? The US is only baiting Toyota into committing perjury - which they did over the two days before the Committee.

I notice UriOtani is no longer commenting - what happened? A bolt of light strike her on her way to Damascus?

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Posted in: Toyota pledges to take safety 'to the next level' See in context

Actually Toyota needs to take Compliance to the very first level. It's not safety but compliance that is the issue here and not a single word has been mentioned about it on both sides of the Pacific.

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Posted in: Toyota chief's U.S. testimony closely watched in Japan See in context

Libertas: A month from now I want to see what you will say about what you will know then. AT the moment I doubt you know very much about Toyota. And we are very fortunate that we can hide behind our grandiose monikers because this would be the undoing of many a career. Toyoda is only starting to get the point - how rotten his company is.

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Posted in: Worried Toyota dealers in U.S. adding own voice to PR push See in context

sfjp330: you're not an insider. In the industry they laugh at posts like yours - posts that paint them as perfect as their paid-for press created images. Toyota has been cooking the books on vehicle quality. Resale value has been artificially set - no recalls have been made at manufacturer's expense. The dumb customer has been duped into paying for the fixes which by the way have been equal to the number reported at the Big Three - See how Toyota stands in Germany - they're lower than Mazda in claims per vehicle. Here's to illustrate how screwed the vehicle quality rating system is; Ford builds the Ranger. Rebadges it to Mazda and the ratings begin - in the US and Australia. How do they stand against one another? Mind you it is exactly the same truck and made by Ford. On average the Mazda rates 8 places higher than the Ford.

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Posted in: The Toyota story set to run and run See in context

To the folks that say, "I have a Honda..." let me assure you that the ball is coming your way soon. Every manufacturer that uses the techonlogy has the sudden acceleration and brake failure problems.

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Posted in: Worried Toyota dealers in U.S. adding own voice to PR push See in context

MrUSA: You have no idea what has been happening in the US auto industry. The two compnaies had to pay the full costs of retirement etc... Toyota switched fulltime worker's contracts to part time without their knowledge - have you been reading the papers? ALl the missing pensions? Toyota was operating without costs. Recalls were done in secret and billed to the owner and parts makers - they also collected labor twice. Toyota double booked production volume - inflated numbers to show bigger gains and raise stock value - funds fled the US makers. Themselves to blame? ANd don't bother mentioning hybrids because they had sweetheart deals to avoid the stringent regulations that make the vehicles virtually impossible to build in the US - the materials used are so toxic it is impossible to work with them in the US - Toyota built in Japan and used bribery to get them in. If you had knowledge of what has really been happening in your country you'd be looking at this issue through different eyes.

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Posted in: The Toyota story set to run and run See in context

Wow Mr. Hilton... yes your article is interesting but only if based upon the real Toyota and it's post bubble ventures. The Toyota the media is talking about is as close to the Toyota we actually have as the sun is to the moon. I warned through this very forum no less than five years ago that a massive fraud to make Toyota number two in the US market had been hatched - I had first hand knowledge of it. I saw grown men contemplate suicide over the orders that they 'assist' Toyota to this objective by falsifying the number of vehicles produced by all members of the Japanese auto makers lobby. The orders were specifically to double book all line-off products. That means that any components made in Japan that would be boxed and shipped to an off-shore plant for final vehicle assembly would be counted as a full vehicle and again counted as a second vehicle when assembled abroad. The short of it is that two cars were born out of one. I also warned that the memos I was privvy to clearly stated the goal of raising massive amounts of funds in New York through that 'growing' production volume. When the technology that's at the center of this issue came to be deemed as falling short of its intended purpose the companies using it - not Toyota only, decided collectively that they had found their long awaited cashcow. Parts were rountinely switched and charged to the unsuspecting customers. Guess what else? They claimed replacement and labor costs to the tech supplier... they had found a cow that give twice from the same udder. Now do you understand why Mr. Toyoda was suddenly thrust into the driver's seat? The heat was on and the top execs fled leaving the completely wet-behind-the-ears grandson to take the fall. Yes indeed this story will play on for decades to come.

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Posted in: Aiming for 6-star hospitality See in context

Japan has many five star hotels and I'd recommend them all.

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Posted in: Worried Toyota dealers in U.S. adding own voice to PR push See in context

Every Toyota dealer should be ashamed. They all abetted in the crime. They profited from the customers who had flawed parts changed in secret. There's nothing they can do to earn redemption - not only did they fleece their own compatriots they abetted in the fraud that led to a near collapse of the US auto industry. Shame on anyone who has added support to Toyota - especially since you had zero idea of what Toyota was really like on the inside. To say you were duped may be okay but....

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Posted in: Toyota now investigating Corolla steering problems See in context

tclh: Yes, it's called a Lada (Gigoli). You don't need the dealer to fix it for you and the maker doesn't lie to you about what he didn't put in it. It's like mother's cooking - it's still better than a restaurant because mum doesn't tell you anything about what the food will taste like except it's for your life - eat you live, don't eat you die.

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