Japan Today

Urakaji comments

Posted in: Who invented music? The search for stone flutes, clay whistles and the dawn of song See in context

A very comprehensive, and easily accessible exploration of all this can be found here:



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Posted in: Not all polarization is bad, but U.S. could be in trouble See in context

@commanteer - The two things you posit as a contradiction [polarization?] are in fact not so at all. They actually go in the same direction: a call for people to behave as neighbors, not predators perpetuating lies for an inappropriate 'power' grab.

We all need to do better here, embracing nuanced thought and understanding of actual context over knee-jerk reactions and party-line slogans. Together. That, I believe, is the point of the article.

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Posted in: What's fake, what's not See in context

Kuroneko - you are my hero today! Wonderful. So it's actually the designer outwitting the copycats and the critics. By the other posts here so far it's clearly working. Would I buy it? Hell no! But this whole thing is hilarious.

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Posted in: Subway manners See in context

Above points all very interesting, indeed, and well understood. Question for those of you living there presently: I notice the largest language on that sign is Japanese. How are the locals doing with the suggested etiquette? In my experience [many protracted visits over the last 17 years] most Japanese won't show deference to handicapped, elderly, or even pregnant women. Most young people, salarimen, kogeru, etc. will usually adopt the eyes-closed-furrowed-brows posture instead of giving up a seat on the train... Please tell me I'm getting that wrong?

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Posted in: Tokyo has one safety standard for U.S. beef and another for Toyota's cars and I am extremely tired of the imbalance. See in context

Just fair and balanced business as usual. It is amusing to see what happens when elites clash and how the rest of the working class perceive what comes out in the news.

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Posted in: Prisoner commits suicide at Hiroshima detention center See in context

Solitary confinement is probably one of the worst possible punishments ever. How long was he in that condition, I wonder?

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Posted in: 22-yr-old woman attacked by man with scissors on street in Ibaraki See in context

I recall a similar story not long ago. I commented then that it was probably the perp's first time and that he'd likely escalate. Last time he just cut the hair - now the face too... Do they have detectives over there that can follow this sort of reasoning and maybe anticipate his next move? The guy probably wants to get caught as bad as we want him off the streets. Get on it!

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