Japan Today

urufuls comments

Posted in: Arnie is back, now as animated crime-fighter See in context

Saw the trailer on YouTube.

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Posted in: Ramen on the phone See in context

At first I thought it said "Gall Stone", but maybe that's a tired joke.

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Posted in: Curry full of collagen peptides See in context

One more drawback - your face will smell like curry.

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Posted in: Miley Cyrus: 'I'm not trying to be slutty' See in context

Re-fried Britney, I hope she doesn't go rock bottom like britney did. The father is making alot of money off her.

Big ditto. Cookie cutter pop stars. She's already lost her childhood, and being surrounded by this atmosphere doesn't help.

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Posted in: Lake Biwa: The place for original sushi See in context

Been there, smelled that......no thanks.

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Posted in: Architecture in Japan See in context

I have to agree with most that most of the architects in Japan are very talented. And I am referring to not the public buildings, but more the private housing like mansions or just houses. For the amount of space that is given to these individuals to work with, they can make the most of it.

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Posted in: Burn your copy of 'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People' See in context

Interesting article, Mr. Sweet. May I suggest that while there may not be one pathway to success, it certainly would benefit somebody to have these habits? Of course, continuing to increase in knowledge in numerous areas in addition to the habits better prepare an individual for what may come his or her way.

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Posted in: Climategate: The fix is in See in context

With this article, it sounds like there is as much manufactured truth as there is manufactured doubt.

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Posted in: Climategate: The fix is in See in context

I once heard scientists stating that the biggest contribution to global warming is bovine flatulence and meat processing.


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Posted in: Climategate: The fix is in See in context


I did not post that the basics of climate change were in dispute. I think I misled you in my post. Carl Sagan actually suggested that if we were to pump greenhouse gases into the atmosphere we would be able to lessen the blow of a global cooling (a nuclear winter would cool the globe, would it not?). There was a general cooling of the world in the middle of the 20th century, however the general scientific opinion now is that global warming is happening. Remember, it's a general opinion.

I mentioned the results of this hypothesis (being that global warming is occurring)is in dispute. You can find scientists that claim it is occurring and scientists who dispute that. We can find that popular scientific opinion is that global warming is happening, but still a considerable rejection of that claim exists as well.

There exist government agencies that require the archiving of scientific data to prevent fraudulent data. Well, it looks like that's what happened. It doesn't mean that global warming isn't happening, it just means that the motivation to gain scientific confirmation of a phenomenon is entirely misplaced.

I'm all for efficiency and clean energy and less smog and fresh air. But I can't believe in something when it is so disputed and those that are supposed to be the truth seekers are corrupting it.

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Posted in: Climategate: The fix is in See in context

It may have already been covered.

With all this debate going on between the sides, it's basically proving how science works.

You're supposed to recreate hypotheses over and over again to try and recreate the results. The results have been in dispute for years now.

Carl Sagan spoke on the danger of a possible global cooling just 30 years ago.

There are other scientists who claim that the Earth is in a cooling period too.

To me, all this is inconclusive. Al Gore isn't going to convince me with his Hollywood movie or all the Nobel Prizes in the world. Or any other political machine for that matter.

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Posted in: Five 9/11 defendants want platform for views See in context



In this case, it doesn't matter why they did it, it just matters that they DID it.

Taking the not guilty plea shows that they are basing their actions on a different law system, which when revealed during the case will definitely be rife with religious and political overtones.

In the case of killing nearly 3000 civilians, their ends will never justify their means.

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Posted in: Man arrested for abducting four young girls for 17 hours See in context

Anthony39 - indeed. Whenever something like this occurs, I'll bet my last aluminum coin that there has been some pornography involved. Maybe not directly with this case, but in his past.

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Posted in: Azuki-flavored Pepsi See in context

Can't imagine what this would taste like, but unconciously I'm vomiting in the general direction of Pepsi Co. right now.

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Posted in: Mormon church to build 5 new temples worldwide, including one in Sapporo See in context

Wow, this discussion has really hit rock bottom.

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Posted in: SLAPP-happy: Freedom of speech under threat in Japan See in context

Wow Hiro, I'm sorry that this happened to you. Thank you so much for the information. If I ever get one of these calls, I will have a "Kekkou desu" ready.

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Posted in: Moving out See in context

That looks like some great record integrity.

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Posted in: The Red Devils of Hikone See in context

This is a great castle. Biwako is nearby as well. A beautiful area.

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Posted in: Lockerbie bomber release stirs diplomatic dispute See in context

tigris - while I will not get into a battle regarding punctuation with you, I will say that what you suggest, (that there wouldn't be such a big dispute if all victims were non-Americans), does have some basis. But only because of this is a sweeping generalisation that only Americans get upset and demand justice when their fellow Americans are the victims of terrorism. Why would ****only Americans be upset? This is something that the American media hypes up, much to the chagrin of the rest of the world. Were the surviving families of other nationalities just merely non-plussed by this terrorist act? Your first comment to me suggests that I favour one nation over another in this context, which I do not.

Moderator: Back on topic please.

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Posted in: Lockerbie bomber release stirs diplomatic dispute See in context

tigris - you are correct the article does state 270 people. My post was in reply to another poster where they mention 189 Americans. I misread and misinterpreted this.

What I don't think I misinterpret is you having a slight if not full out bias against the Americans? I did not mention anything in my post about Americans, just a number. What is the meaning to bring out racist comments such as "mere oriental human beings"? I believe you are pulling out meanings that do not exist in this discussion.

Back on topic, again, I would like to investigate the topics leading up to the conviction of this man.

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Posted in: Lockerbie bomber release stirs diplomatic dispute See in context

sfjp330 - the justice is that Al-Megrahi was sentenced and put in jail. The compassion is that he wasn't put to death, which wouldn't happen in GB anyways because of the Murder Act of 1965.

I agree that there is no justice nor compassion in the release of this man, although I would like to do some research into the details leading up to his arrest and conviction.

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Posted in: Lockerbie bomber release stirs diplomatic dispute See in context

NeilWarnock - it's not revenge, it's justice. A civilised country has a judicial system where the punishment meets the crime. And the country spared his life, albeit he was sentenced to spend a bulk of it in prison, until now. So in retrospect, compassion was shown towards this man who was convicted of the deaths of 189 people when his sentence wasn't extended past a mere 27 years.

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Posted in: Lockerbie bomber release stirs diplomatic dispute See in context

This is the most disgusting news I have seen in a long time.

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Posted in: Katsuura: Sun and surf without crowds in eastern Chiba See in context

Surfing doesn't look to good there, especially if you happen to hit that 門.

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Posted in: Obama, Gates, policeman pledge to try and move on See in context

The fact that he even discussed it with the press further pushed the hype.

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Posted in: Chestnut beats Kobayashi to win July Fourth hot dog eating contest See in context

It's more like a race to be the first to get colon cancer.

I would like to see how "Gall Stone" would do in this contest.

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Posted in: NEC explores third dimension See in context

Looks unreal.

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Posted in: Gackt becomes GACKT to celebrate 10th anniversary See in context

stirfry, you stole my thunder! :)

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Posted in: 2 dead, 4 hurt in Arizona graduation party shooting See in context

grafton - You're right about one thing. I am not a gun nut. But you're wrong about me closing my mind. You're actually making my point. It's easy to say we need to regulate people more then guns, but that's really what it comes down to.

Agreed that people have the ability to hurt more with a gun then a knife. I didn't need to mention it because it is obvious as you state. Although I've heard plenty of cases where more were killed with a knife than in this case, and right in Japan too. The root of the problem isn't that Mr. A had access to a gun, it's that he decided to act on his anger and made some very bad choices. That, is the real obvious point.

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Posted in: Tokyo Tower See in context

Thank you for going green. Beautiful!

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