Posted in: Flower girl See in context
Great picture, I love fields of sunflowers. Reminds me of northern Wisconsin with fields of sunflowers as far as the eye can see.
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Posted in: Santa's here See in context
Second from the left please and the outfit is perfect.
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Posted in: Obama defends tax deal, says he's kept promises See in context
Obama had no choice and as much as the far left wing of the party hates the tax cuts for the rich it was this or they would have lost their child tax credits and such. In the end taxes will have to rise but this is not the time as so many are just barely hanging on.
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Posted in: A global goodbye for Hikaru Utada See in context
I couldn't stand her voice or her music and found her to be rather rude in the interviews I saw, not going to miss her.....
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Posted in: Iranian president urges girls to marry at 16 See in context
Hell girls can marry at 9 in the Islamic Republic why wait until 16? This guy is such a nutjob, everything is a Western plot.
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Posted in: TSA has met the enemy — the people See in context
The American people are finally waking up to the fact that by giving up their personal freedoms the terrorists win without ever having another successful attack. The TSA does not make you safer, when has an attack ever been averted on the ground? In every case attacks have been thwarted by passengers or before they happen by the intelligence community.
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Posted in: Harry Potter stars sad to say goodbye See in context
I hope they invested wisely, the gravy train will come to a full stop.
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Posted in: Pope's comments on condoms cause a stir See in context
Wow the Pope actually admitted that condoms prevent AIDS? That's amazing, wasn't it just last year he was saying condoms in Africa did nothing to prevent AIDS? The really funny thing is the circumstance and mentioning male prostitutes. So no problem with male prostitution but condoms, well we're still a little worried about the moral issues.
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Posted in: Liberal Dutch marijuana policy takes another hit See in context
Madverts: "gimme a hit off your j" thought it would help in context.
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Posted in: Sweden to issue international arrest warrant for WikiLeaks founder See in context
Assange is defintely the subject of a witch hunt. Governments don't like it when you spill the beans. This rape story seems a perfect way to shut up the leaker.
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Posted in: Liberal Dutch marijuana policy takes another hit See in context
Wow that's what happens when you get a conservative government, what a bunch of kill joys. By the way tourism will suffer, I have friends in Gernamny who make the trip just for the coffee shops. They also tend to shop and eat meals while in Amsterdam.
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Posted in: Man in possession of marijuana locks himself in car in Ginza See in context
A "seige" eh? Sounds pretty tame but the guy must have been so baled it took him 25 minutes to figure out what he was going to do.
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Posted in: Iraq president opposes Tariq Aziz's death sentence See in context
I hope Talibani will prevail and Aziz will not be put to death. His execution would merely be political points for the Shiites.
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Posted in: How should airlines handle obese passengers? See in context
I agree with those who say charge by weight. Make it a maximum passenger and luggage combined weight. Let's see I weigh about 170lbs and my 2 suitcases at 40lbs each that comes out to 250lbs. I'll let the airline decide what the upcharge over that weight is.
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Posted in: Ford to reduce Mazda stake to 3%, Nikkei reports See in context
I hope Mazda survives, Ford is really on a roll lately and I'm sure anyone would like to ride their coat tails. My how fortunes change, Ford is a dynamic awsome company these days after years of sloth and mismanagement.
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Posted in: Scanners and pat-downs upset airline passengers in U.S. See in context
lostrune2: Sadly my senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act was defeated in the recent election. My countrymen are too fooled to ever repeal the Patriot Act, they believe the shrieking that there's a Jihadi in every boarding line.
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Posted in: Scanners and pat-downs upset airline passengers in U.S. See in context
The TSA and their over the top scanning does nothing to make you safer. The only thing that stops terrorists is good intelligence. Name one time anyone has been apprehended at the airport.
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Posted in: Cameron says UK still a world power See in context
Still a world power but a falling one like the US and Japan. We 1st world nations made China what it is and made millionaires and billionaires in the process while gutting our middle classes. The greatest experiment in market economy known as "globilization" has decimated our societies and economies. Help us all China will be our master unless we change directions and protect our own first.
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Posted in: Hiroshima not shy about its atomic bomb legacy See in context
You can argue till the cows come home about the justification for the use of the bombs. The wr should never have happened as it was primarily a fundamental misunderstanding of cultures on both sides. Tojo and his friends thought they could fight the Americans to a truce with Japan gaining territory. They never expected to defeat America just create a stalemate where Japan gained ground. The misunderstanding lies in the fact that the US once attacked was going to fight to victory not a settlement. Of course what precipitated all this was the Hull note and sanctions that America just expected Japan to accept, again fundamental misunderstanding, it was an afront to Japanese pride. It was an ugly war and it was a long time ago. Most of the soldiers on both sides were fighting for the survival of their family and friends or because they had no choice.
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Posted in: The butterfly in the subway See in context
Neither New York nor Tokyo is livable.
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Posted in: U.S., Australia condemn Myanmar elections See in context
"Meet the new boss same as the old boss" Did anyone expect anything differnt from these thugs?
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Posted in: Republicans in charge take aim at health overhaul See in context
The health bill is a bloated monster but what I question is whether the Republicans will have the guts to keep the good parts. The reason the insurance companies went along with ending coverage limits, ending recisions, and not denying pre-existing conditions was because the Obama bill delivers new customers that more than pay for these losses. Will the Republicans have the guts to repeal the bill and still demand these protections for consumers, I can't see it happening.
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Posted in: Horsing around See in context
Good shot, I have to say I've never been here and can't get my mind around people keeping horses in Tokyo.
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Posted in: Grand Prince Hotel Akasaka lights up for last Christmas See in context
Cool the next urban ruin, Japan is a dream for the ruin seekers since the bubble burst.
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Posted in: Beijing denounces Nobel prize as a Western tool See in context
Let's hope Obama listens to the Indians on his visit. They are saying they are the US natural business partner not China. I am not a fan of lopsided globalization but I would trust the world's largest democracy far sooner than the CCP.
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Posted in: Beijing denounces Nobel prize as a Western tool See in context
I denounce Beijing as being a bunch of tools
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Posted in: Washington now a two-person, two-party town See in context
Will Obama move to the center as Clinton did? He is in nearly the same position as Clinton was in 1994 but I don't see him being able to let go of his agenda. Bill Clinton was a pragmatic politician and less of an idealogue. By the way America would probably elect him again if they could.
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Posted in: Mom in Spain happy that her 10-year-old daughter gave birth See in context
Wow this mother is a real winner, the girl never stood a chance.
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Posted in: 10-year-old gives birth in Spain See in context
So the father is a minor, how close in age to the mother? I assume the boy can't be say 17 or he would definitely be charged with rape, must be close in age to the girl. This is a prime example of why you better know what's going on with your kids. Have the talk early because kids are having sex much earlier than you think.
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Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
I agree. It takes time and money to clean the ketchup off the walls. Libs talk and as usually they…
Posted in: Trump revokes security clearances for Blinken, Sullivan
Posted in: Soaring egg prices in U.S. piquing interest in backyard chickens