Japan Today

USAFdude comments

Posted in: Obama says diplomacy, military force go hand in hand See in context

From President Obama's inaugural speech: “We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus — and nonbelievers.”

Works for me.

Sarge -

I'm challenging you dwindling Obama supporters to tell us why Obama is qualified to be commander in chief other than being voted in as president.

Being voted in as president justifies to the American people President Obama's being C-in-C. Your "challenge" is ineffectual - you're merely trolling again.

Molenir -

Yep, ready to serve their country, certainly not the nitwit we're stuck with for 2 more years.

I don't know of this "nitwit" of which you speak, but we in the US military are proud to have President Obama at the helm for the next seven years. Thanks for voting him in, my fellow Americans!

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Posted in: Obama says diplomacy, military force go hand in hand See in context

Oops - Christian American, that is.

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Posted in: Obama says diplomacy, military force go hand in hand See in context

Badsey -

-it's nice to see the young ones dedicated to Obama's "world order" jihad.

"Jihad" applies only to Muslims; President Obama is a Christian America, duly elected by a vast majority of Americans. I'm certainly glad he's my C-in-C for the next seven years.

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Posted in: Lawsuits challenge new Arizona immigration law See in context

This stupid "law" is a picture perfect example of the inarguable need for more (that's right, MORE) federal government over state government. When Arizona actually passes a law that drips Nazism ("Show me your papers!") like this one, it's time for the Americans to slam on the brakes, which I look forward to being done soon.

This Arizona law won’t see the light of 2011.

100% agreement.

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Posted in: Tea Party crashers plan to exaggerate 'racists' and 'morons' See in context

yokohamarider -

What makes opposition to this government somehow "racist"? Could someone explain that one to me?

Gladly. The points posted by the right-wingers here are easily refuted and defeated, everything from Obama's being a "socialist" to his not being a "true" American and everything in between. Yet, in the face of having your arguments so easily crushed, you continue to hate Obama irrationally, never making the slightest attempt to consider the truthful statements you're hearing and reading from the left. It's like you insist that two plus two equals five, even after you've been proven wrong time and time again. Therefore, since the facts present no basis for your hatred of Obama, there must be another reason; the only one left is racism.

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Posted in: Palin rallies tea partiers with anti-tax message See in context

The fact that Palin could only rally between 5-10K people, from a city the size of Boston, to her speech, is indicative of her lack of popularity. If she gets the 2012 Republican nomination, Obama will trounce her.

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Posted in: Palin, Obama spar from a distance over nuclear policy See in context

Sarge -

USAFdude at 4:38 - Is that all you're willing to bet? Doesn't sound like you have much confidence in your prediction.

I notice you didn't take my bet; doesn't sound like you have much confidence in winning it.

And don't they use dollars at Ramstein?

We sure do - on base. But since your buddy bush tanked the US economy, euros are worth more than dollars.

Moderator: Stay on topic please. Focus your comments on what is in the story, not at each other.

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Posted in: Palin, Obama spar from a distance over nuclear policy See in context

Sorry; that lost post was in response to skipthesong:

Let's get a real pool going here to see who's rights.

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Posted in: Palin, Obama spar from a distance over nuclear policy See in context

50 euros says the Democrats will keep their majority in both the House and Senate in November 2010 and another 100 euros says Obama will win a comfortable second term as President of the United States of America in 2012.

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Posted in: Iran derides Obama's 'cowboy' nuclear stance See in context

Dude -- just commenting on what was reported in this article. You should try doing that sometime.

OK, so I shall. Ahmedinejad is berating our President as per the article and you're agreeing with him. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine an "American" siding with an Islamic dictator over our own duly-elected President of the United States, but you managed to pull it off.


Moderator: Readers are allowed to express a stance without having to be subjected to your "disgust." Please keep that in mind and be more tolerant of other views.

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Posted in: Iran derides Obama's 'cowboy' nuclear stance See in context

RomeoRamenII - So now your taking Ahmadinejad's word over the President's?! Unbelievable.

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Posted in: Obama bans terms such as Islam, jihad from U.S. security strategy See in context

Isn't it interesting how determined they are to stifle freedom of speech, unless of course your speech is the 'right' speech?

No, it's disgusting and un-American how determined conservatives are to stifle freedom of speech, unless of course your speech is the "right" speech. But thankfully, conservatives are also easy to defeat, so no problem.

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Posted in: Obama bans terms such as Islam, jihad from U.S. security strategy See in context

Leave it to Sushi to criticize a speech given by Bush, which, if given by Obama, he would praise to the heavens.

I would expect Obama to stand by his words, if he'd made the speech sailwind quoted. Bush clearly did not.

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

However her influence is far greater then if she had remained merely the Governor of Alaska. [emphasis mine]

But but but, wasn't it the right-wingnuts crowd who swore that Palin's (later aborted) governorship made her MORE qualified than Obama to be POTUS? Now what was it they called it...? Oh yeah! "Executive experience". But NOW, it's a "mere governorship".

Molenir and his ilk simply want to hate Obama. It's a damn good thing America doesn't take the same view.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Obamas campaign has no concern to me or my family.

Sounds like your issues are more with Japan than the US. Ask the Japanese government for answers to that.

Hmm, for some "yawningly easy" questions you've failed miserably to date. How 'bout one more chance

Nope, resounding success on my part; I've addressed your questions as you posed them. Sorry if you don't like the factual answers I've provided.

$250 plus bucks a month for worthless health care. Too bad you can't say the same.

I proudly pay it knowing my children will never want for health care. Sorry if you feel screwed by the Japanese system; refer to my above statement.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Yawningly easy...

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

No child left behind just made schools pay for underperforming results which is a good thing.

While forcing teachers to "teach to the test" instead of teaching kids what they need to know; that's a bad thing.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Branded - >It's all quite amusing

LOL! So "amusing" that you keep bitching about Americans winning this debate and those of your ilk losing?

Keep 'em coming!

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Branded -

Ever hear of toll roads ? Bridges ? Those are strictly "pay as you go" !

So you drive only on toll roads/bridges, but never a taxpayer-funded road, huh? Suuure...

Never needed one. (hospital)


Ever hear of home schooling ?

You mean the kind that still has to conform to... wait for it... government standards? Yep, I've heard of 'em.

What does that matter ? I'd be wealthier if I hadn't dole out more than $50k for national health in Japan !

It matters because unless you're independently wealthy, you DO have to rely on others to provide you with employment. So much for your ridiculous "I do not receive assistance from anyone for anything out there" statement.

Smith and Wesson do just fine thank you very much !

Unless you're fighting off an enemy invading force; that's where my colleagues and I step in, to make sure big, strong, tough guys like you don't get killed. You're welcome. Next!

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Branded -

I do not receive assistance from anyone for anything out there.

Really? You lay down all the roads to get wherever you need to go? You have your own private hospital, your own private school, and you're independently wealthy? You have your own trained, equipped private military to protect you?

Checking... nah, you don't.

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

Pretty melodramatic there. Just adds more doubt in my book.

That's fine, Acorn. Just pay your taxes; I'm paying off a new car.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

Acorn - As opposed to 0% more Americans getting health care under a (shudder) Republican "government".

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

Badsey - Never have I seen a more blatant display of shameless hypocrisy than your 10:48 pm post. You preach about honorable service, then refer to it a "slavery/commitment/indenture".

Remember your comments the next time you hear of an American troop dying in your defense.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

LFRAgain - Excellent, excellent post.

Seriously, why, in this day and age, is it so damnably hard for some people to wrap their brains around the concept of helping out anyone besides themselves?

I'll go further: Why is sending billions of our hard-earned tax dollars to help "rebuild" Iraq considered patriotic, but spending the same to provide hard-working Americans and their families health care is considered "socialistic"?

I got mine. Tough s#it for the rest of you.

The Republican mantra. I'd say it's why they lost.

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

Molenir - "Commiecare"? Stay classy there, man.

How about this as a compromise: You can either have your tax dollars spent to help re-build Iraq or you can have them spent on providing Americans (i.e. our own) much-needed health care.

I opt for "B", but then that's just the Patriot in me.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

tigermoth - I do agree entirely that the well-being of our children is paramount to us both. I think you and I are "on the egg", meaning that if you picture an egg with both of us starting at the bottom and heading towards the top (but choosing opposite sides of the egg), we soon find ourselves as separated as possible, yet still heading towards the same goal. As always, I very much appreciate your civility in both expressing your views and reading mine. I just think it's a pity more don't follow our example.

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Posted in: Palin tells tea party rally: 'We're not going to sit down, shut up' See in context

Palin is against American public opinion. What the rest of the world might think is only unimportant to the ever-diminshing minority of right-wingnuts.

According to the poll, 47 percent agree with the Republican strategy and want Congress to repeal most of the major provisions in the bill and replace them with completely new proposals. But 50 percent are fine with the current law or want Congress to go back and pass something that would increase the government's involvement in health care even further.


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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

tigermoth -

You don't know. No one does - and that doesn't make you at all uneasy??

Nope, it doesn't; I'm much more uneasy at the idea of my kids not being able to afford reliable health care after their care under my military coverage is yanked out from under them. I would much rather support a government that is actually interested in bringing health care to Americans that make my kids take a "crapshoot" on having decent health care as they grow older.

This is my main motivation for supporting the long-overdue universal health care in America. As much as I respect the civility with which you offer your opinions (sadly lacking with other JT posters), I feel no need to convince you of anything. I support President Obama's health care plan because my family benefits from it.

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Posted in: U.S. Congress completes overhaul of health care; more threats come in See in context

tigermoth - You just defeated your own argument with this line: You erroneously seem to think that all Americans that aren't currently on public assistance are well-off, or at least enough so that they shouldn't care if Uncle Sugar dips his hands in our pockets one more time to help our unfortunate brethren.

It's exactly those kinds of Americans that this law will help; unfortunately, it's also those kinds of Americans that the right-wingers never talk about. The right-wingers want to say that the only ones who will be benefit from this bill are lazy welfare recipients; they never mention the vast majority of Americans who, like you say, work their arses (arses?) off and still can't make ends meet, despite being above the poverty line. It's precisely these Americans who stand to benefit most from this welcome law.

Acorn -

But the American people will not go down without a fight.

We sure won't. We'll defend America against your pathetic rebellion just like we did last time. I own guns; how 'bout you, tough guy?

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Posted in: Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan See in context

Badsey -

This Amerika, with a "K", of which you speak doesn't exist, nor will it ever. Sorry if you don't like that fact.

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