Japan Today

Usagi Youjinbou comments

Posted in: What's your favorite coffee shop chain in Japan? See in context

Taster's Choice with a dash of Creap. Nothing beats that!

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Posted in: New station on Tokyo's Yamanote line unveiled to media See in context

It’s 12 kilometers from Haneda, not 20km.

Above statement is correct.

12, not 20.

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Posted in: New station on Tokyo's Yamanote line unveiled to media See in context

I have a feeling it'll just end up being called the Sengakuji 泉岳寺 Station, which I have ZERO problem with. It makes total sense since the new station will be directly adjacent (and will most likely be connected) to the Sengakuji subway station underground.

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Posted in: Steven Tyler sends cease-and-desist to Trump for use of song See in context

Trump's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

They're probably busy picking another Aerosmith song to play at the next rally.

"Dude Looks Like A Lady"?

Oh, that's probably already taken by Brett Kavanaugh.

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Posted in: Steven Tyler sends cease-and-desist to Trump for use of song See in context

You crack me up bass! I don't usually care for what you say on here, but this one had me LOL'd hard! Good one, funk!

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Posted in: Chip labor: Robots replace waiters in Chinese restaurant See in context

Soon, we'll be seeing a whole bunch of 回転中華 chain restaurants in the Tokyo metro area.

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Posted in: Japanese film star Kirin Kiki braces herself for life's final act See in context

Not a great singer by any means, but she had a couple of Top-10 hits on the Japanese pop music charts as the other half of the 郷ひろみ&樹木希林 duo back in the late 70s. I still remember all the lyrics to them. I was around 13 years old growing up in Tokyo. This article almost moved me to tears. I had NO idea. I hope she finds peace in the end. No more, no less.

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Posted in: JAL starts operating passenger jet featuring Disney characters See in context

And nothing says "Japan" quite like Disney

"The special aircraft will only fly on domestic routes."

Chillax, Vince! LOL

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Posted in: JAL starts operating passenger jet featuring Disney characters See in context

They're (ostensibly) commemorating the Disney Resort, but ALL they're looking out for is their bottom line. It's a very simple marketing tactic. You can see it in full display at your local supermarkets. Popular cartoon/anime characters help sell products to a certain demographic. Been proven statistically. Period.

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Posted in: Private home rental 'minpaku' services begin across Japan See in context

The are many single old people living in large houses who would benefit from the additional income and the additional human contact.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. BUT it is also exactly why they might be easily taken advantage of by some trouble-seeking individuals. And by the time police reports are filed, they're long gone!

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Posted in: Godiva runs full-page ad asking Japanese women to stop buying so much Valentine’s chocolate See in context

+Tom "Giving people Geri does not sound like something I would want to do."

Geri (下痢) in Japanese means "diarrhea."

No, I do NOT want that on Valentine's Day, or any other day for that matter. LOL

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Posted in: YouTube pares back Logan Paul partnership after suicide video post See in context

He walked into the 青木ヶ原 (Aokigahara) forest with the intention (and high hopes) of finding a dead body by breaking a local ordinance, since the place he and his crew were in was a restricted/off-the-track area. The Japanese "guide" who accompanied them into the woods probably knowingly violated this and should be held responsible and punished accordingly as well. Creating a viewership/readership by means of sensationalism isn't anything new in the mass media, but it's his morally-reprehensible, juvenile display of public behavior surrounding the production of this (and other Japan-related videos) that we absolutely should not be tolerant and forgiving on. I totally agree when people say "there's no such thing as bad publicity." I had never heard of Logan Paul until this incident, and now, I'm talking to my friends and relatives about this guy almost nonstop. Words spread very fast, and I'm probably giving this idiot more fame and notoriety than he ever deserves. I need to stop it.

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Posted in: Coming-of-Age Day ceremony held early for Hato Bus employees See in context


It's different.

This is a traditional "ceremonial" coming-of-age ritual where people who just turned 20 celebrate (and swear in to become the members of the society, in some cases.)

But in the eyes of the law, 18 year-olds are considered and treated as adults, and now are given the voting rights in Japan.

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Posted in: S Korean buses carry statues of 'comfort women' See in context

Passive-aggressiveness at its creepiest.

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Posted in: Weakening typhoon makes landfall in Wakayama See in context

All I see is Gamera in that ginormous splash!

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Posted in: Work meeting isn’t going anywhere? Suntory suggests cracking open a (non-alcoholic) beer See in context

+Cortes Elijah How the hell did you end up drinking cold piss in a beer can? I can't believe you actually fell for that stupid prank! LOL

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Posted in: Wish upon a star See in context

Anything to promote the consumer spending...

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Posted in: Street Promotion See in context

Chindon-ya used to be a cottage industry in the post-war (Showa period) Japan when I was a very small kid. The drums, clarinet, bells and cymbals, and occasionally accordions made up the usual musical arsenals.

The Chindon-ya street performers and ubiquitous "ad balloons" that flew in the Tokyo skies were among the most popular means of mass communication when televisions were only found in more well-to-do households.

Harkens back to those simple and innocent days decades before the advent of the Internet.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Hotel in Osaka has discounts for female bar customers who wear high heels See in context

Yeah, if more women wore Pradas in Japan (the kind the "Devil" wore), there'd be more of them in higher positions (outside this sexist hotel bar) in the Japanese society for sure. Serving discounted alcohol would be a good jumping off point! :(

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Posted in: 7 crew missing, 3 injured after U.S. Navy destroyer collides with merchant vessel off Japan See in context

That merchant container vessel looks HUMONGOUS compared to the destroyer. If the collision had been more impactful, like Mlodinow said, it's very possible this Navy ship would be resting (God forbid, along with some crew) on the bottom of the Pacific ocean by now..

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Posted in: Lady liberty See in context

Actually, the Statue of Liberty isn't in NYC, or for that matter in New York state.

It's in New Jersey. (I live only 10 minutes from the Liberty State Park in Jersey City.)

でも, どうしてお台場に自由の女神を建てたんでしょう?

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Posted in: Origami vending machine makes news around the country See in context

Looks like this machine has been around for nearly 5 years. Now making news?!


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Posted in: 15-year-girl, boyfriend, 21, found dead in suspected murder-suicide See in context

According to other Japanese newspapers, the Vietnamese man also had a stab wound in his chest (which was probably self-inflicted.)

As far as the "racial-profiling" aspect of the reporting, I personally have no problem with it. It's called news reporting. Simply stating a fact as it is gathered, unskewed, unfiltered. It's news media's job to get as much raw information as possible out to the public. You can slice it and dice it and twist it however much you like, but that's NOT the media's job. I've seen very similar news reporting here in New York all the time.

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Posted in: What are some of your favorite cherry blossom-viewing spots in Japan? See in context

千鳥ヶ淵 (Chidorigafuchi Park) and 靖国神社 (Yasukuni Shrine) neighborhood in Tokyo, hands down. Branch Brook Park here in New Jersey (which has the largest concentration of Japanese cherry trees in one area than anywhere else in the United States.)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump declares it's 'time to join forces' to fix U.S. problems See in context

I just didn't get the THUNDEROUS standing ovation when Trump announced the "First Lady" to the Congress. I mean, what does she ever do that's so impressive, and important for the country?

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Posted in: Japan's first Premium Friday shows mixed results See in context

“All I can do is go home early; I’m broke.”

Nuff said.

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Posted in: Abe hopeful 'Premium Friday' will boost consumption See in context

How about forcing companies to allow employees to use their vacation days?

Use UP their vacation days. ALL of the days they're entitled to. (And all the sick days, too, while we're at it.)

But in any case, with little available income they have at their disposal, cash registers around Japan won't be ringing too loudly any time soon, sadly...

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Posted in: Who would you say has been the most famous fictional character of the past two centuries? See in context

I personally voted for Superman for obvious world-wide fame and recognition. HOWEVER, strictly in the realm of (American) English literature, Santa Clause appears to be BY FAR the most mentioned fictional character over the last two hundred years. (Source: Google Books Ngram)


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Posted in: Off to Florida See in context

I wonder what those two first ladies possibly have in common to talk about when left alone. One, a former career fashion model, the other, a well-educated, former advertising executive from a very well-established family. What I wouldn't kill to be a fly on the wall to listen in. LOL

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Posted in: Feline fortune See in context

Why the cat, you ask? (Neko means cat in Japanese) Because cats are often seen cleaning their face with its paw, which gesture looks similar to a human beckoning someone to come over/closer. Reason we don't make any "maneki-inu" (dog) is because all we ever see them do is lick their friggin' ba--s in public. あっ、ごめんなさい!

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