Posted in: London violence raises 2012 Olympic concerns See in context
Christina, if MT were still PM there'd be a whole lotta folks knowin' order will be restored sooner than later... if her government ever let England devolve to this sorry state in the first place.
Please don't get ticked at me. You left England for what you felt are better shores anyway.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: British PM promises action to restore order in strife-torn cities See in context
Do Brit police officers keep firearms on themselves and in their homes when off duty? If so, at least they'll be able to protect themselves and their loved ones.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: British PM promises action to restore order in strife-torn cities See in context
It's impossible for the police to protect everyone. Tragically, many are learnin' what should be an obvious truth. Maybe folks are beginnin' to see they have an obligation to protect their own selves and their families rather than someone else on the other end of a phone... if they can even get through.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Israel allows new Palestinian housing in Gaza See in context
Rick 'Rasheed' Sanchez?
Even the most leftist major cable news network had to drop him after he wouldn't keep his 'Jew paranoia' off the air. That dude went totally off the tracks and they couldn't reason him out of it.
Those of us who are right of center wish him well in treatment.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 7 U.S. troops among 9 NATO dead in Afghanistan See in context
You may kill a terrorist but for every civilian you kill, house you destroy, crop you ruin you are creating a potential enemy.
AdamB, so you still insist doin' nothin' is the best policy because you're basically concerned that whatever we do will have a worse impact.
The Allies do their best to minimize non-combatant kills and destruction. Those who you philosophically support through inaction do not. Please come down firmly on one team or the other.
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Posted in: 7 U.S. troops among 9 NATO dead in Afghanistan See in context
AdamB, the US military and allied militaries (Australia, Germany, et al) did not lose in either Korea or Vietnam if that's what you're suggestin'.
You'e still talkin' 19th Century history and the Khaiber Pass. What do you suggest so you won't eventually be annihilated by vaporization or coughing up your lungs? An Afghani goatherd will someday be able to buy WMDs in a Pakistani bazaar if the West (and Japan) aren't tryin' to prevent it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Roswell UFO was Russian craft: new book See in context
As fourteen or fifteen is the age where youngsters know more than their parents, this book should do very well among high school sophomores.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context
tmarie, you're judgin' these things through your first-world Western eyes.
The Japanese have a culture that's different than yours.
Your idea of what constitutes 'rights' to Japanese is moot (non-existent, not worth considering).
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Posted in: 7 U.S. troops among 9 NATO dead in Afghanistan See in context
AdamB, let's take whackin' Bin laden for example...
There's already countless folks who want to slowly saw your and my heads off. They don't need an excuse or martyr to salivate at the thought. (Those heads also include Muslims of the Islamic non-Wahabbi sect.)
You indicated doin' nothin' is an option. I don't agree. Doin' nothin' only encourages more bad behavior. Bin Laden saw that when President Reagan pulled the Marines out of Lebanon followin' horrific suicide bombin' of their barracks. He saw any kind of weakness or compromise as an incentive to become more aggressive, and he's on video for sayin' exactly that... 'America is weak and will do nothing'. He said this as his reasonin' for pullin' 9-11 and gettin' away with it.
Well, he's assumed ocean temperature. Saddam's been hung. And the Taliban are still a problem, but now they're no longer the recognized government of Afghanistan.
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Posted in: Japanese version of 'Saturday Night Live' to debut in June See in context
American SNL has hugely unbalanced 'political satire'. What will that mean for the Japanese version.
On that note, I hope this Saturday the US SNL does something on the Obama-Queen toast that indicated he may've already been toasted. He later didn't even know what year it was when he signed the guest book. Wow. At least he was in the same century, if not the same decade.
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Posted in: Why do tourists continue to stay away from Japan, despite the fact that there are many places of interest far away from the crisis-affected areas? What should Japanese tourism officials do to promote See in context
"...medically insignificant..."
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Posted in: Why do tourists continue to stay away from Japan, despite the fact that there are many places of interest far away from the crisis-affected areas? What should Japanese tourism officials do to promote See in context
I dunno. So many folks are terrified by medically significant inconsequential things. Take second-hand smoke for example...
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 7 U.S. troops among 9 NATO dead in Afghanistan See in context
AdamB, the 'war on terrorism' will never end no matter how or where it's fought.
Maybe you have some ideas on fighting it better, excludin' playin' a John Lennon tune ad infinitum.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: IMF head's hearing delayed in hotel sex assault case See in context
A head honcho socialist who knows he deserves a $3,000/night bed and screw the rest of the proletariat.
-With a big heapin' hand of rapin' the hired help whenever the mood strikes.
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Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context
NBC Weekend Update with Seth Myers reported on Saturday that Bin Laden was killed while holding a 'bunny'.
The news anchor said, "So what?" A poll showed Americans in the center and to the right of center agreed with this assessment.
Questions regarding this win are counter-productive unless you're rootin' for the other team. In that case, you can't help yourself and we umderstand... as usual.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context
WillB, this is not President Obama's fault. GDubya is channelin' thru 'The One'.
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Posted in: Gadhafi taunts NATO on TV; regime says 11 clerics killed See in context
Kinda reminds me of Saddam. 'Here I am!' 'I'm gonna kick your a** and I've got the stuff to take you out and more!'
'Suicide by cop' waitin' for an Allied fed-up itchy finger.
You go Qadaffy!
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Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context
NBC Weekend Update with Seth Myers reported on Saturday that Bin Laden was killed while holding a 'bunny'.
The news anchor said, "So what?" A poll showed Americans in the center and to the right of center agreed with this assessment.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Bin Laden's sons say U.S. broke international law by killing their father See in context
NBC Weekend Update with Seth Myers reported on Saturday that Bin Laden was killed while holding a 'bunny'.
The news anchor said, "So what?" A poll showed Americans in the center and to the right of center agreed with this assessment.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man disguised as a woman arrested for beating up his date See in context
An 'intimate exchange' can be an 'intimate conversation' on a number of subjects. In this case, use your imagination.
It may be that the goods promised turned out to be not as advertised.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama: 'Getting our man' outweighed risks of raid See in context
herefornow: 9/11
There has been no fantasy apology.
Your other musings aside, no one mentions 'God' more than President Obama after he got elected. Is he on a mission, too?
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Posted in: Obama: 'Getting our man' outweighed risks of raid See in context
We apologized 'to the world' for who?
Really? In your fantasy maybe.
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Posted in: Obama: 'Getting our man' outweighed risks of raid See in context
Be careful when you use the phrase 'our man'. It can mean everything to the fox listeners
-Or MSNBC zombies for that matter.
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Posted in: Man disguised as a woman arrested for beating up his date See in context
We've had several of these killed and badly beaten after similar encounters.
Some were prostitutes and some were... well, I don't know what the hell they were thinkin'.
People take their lives in their hands when they screw with other people's heads like this.
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Posted in: Should the U.S. release photos or video footage of Osama bin Laden's body? See in context
It doesn't matter what someone with a mike in front of them says. Of course Bin Laden was a Muslim. He was a Muslim of the Wahabbi sect outta Saudi Arabia and he had over a hundred million Muslim fans.
These same guys wanna see me dead whether Bin Laden's still breathin' my air or not. Of course he was a Muslim. -Silly to say or believe otherwise.
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Posted in: Tokyo Girls Collection See in context
That woman doesn't age well. The one on the right is very attractive, though.
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Posted in: Taliban attack Afghan government offices in south See in context
(Gee, thanks, Guinness.)
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Posted in: Taliban attack Afghan government offices in south See in context
You and al Queda use the word 'execution'.
We say he should've learned what the words 'Free a**hole!' in English mean.
That's our story and we're stickin' to it.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Obama thanks bin Laden assault team See in context
President Obama's also made use of Predator drone attacks six times more than President Bush.
Lefty Euros hated Bush when he did it; not much background noise from 'the media' or Obama acolytes when 'The One' really enjoys usin' these things. Cool videos.
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Posted in: Should the U.S. release photos or video footage of Osama bin Laden's body? See in context
I didn't vote on this thing because I don't particularly care one way or the other on the subject.
I believe lots of folks have short attention spans and have to be constantly entertained. Whether they realize it or not, for a great many it's just another spot of something to pique their interest for the next four minutes.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 2 doctors arrested over cover-up of patient’s murder at hospital in Aomori Prefecture
Posted in: Trump wants denuclearization talks with Russia and China
I will believe it when I see it. So round 1, Modi 1 vs Trump 0 then. India wasn't a…
Posted in: Trump calls India tariffs a big problem; agrees to trade talks with Modi
What about the 83.5% of workers in Japan who are not part of unions? Join one!
Posted in: Toyota union seeks wage hike on par with 2024 decades-high raise