Japan Today

USNinJapan2 comments

Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe See in context

Oh go away WHO. Everything can cause cancer. Leave people alone to make decisions, poor ones or otherwise.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture See in context

There was no child seat installed in the van. The infant ended up under the rear seat and wasn't breathing following the accident. Regardless of who was responsible for the collision, the parent(s) should be made to face the music.


5 ( +6 / -1 )

Posted in: Baby in state of cardiac arrest after minivan and truck collide in Saitama Prefecture See in context

Mr. Kipling

I think your fears are justified. You can see from the accident photos online that the minivan was actually a full sized ten passenger van. The damage is limited only to the front of the van so if the infant had been properly restrained facing backwards in a child seat in the second row of seats it's highly unlikely that it would've been injured at all. Like you, I suspect the mother was holding the infant in her lap and it was launched into the dashboard or windshield upon impact. We all know that "a state of cardiac arrest" is what they say when the death was caused by other fatal trauma injuries.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan gets its first foreign tour bus driver under specified skilled worker program See in context


The exam mentioned is for foreigners only. This article isn't written very well as it should've explained what SSW stands for, which is Special Skilled Worker (visa/residence status).

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan top destination for Chinese during Lunar New Year holidays See in context

And I'm sure all of these health conscious Chinese tourists refrained from eating seafood while they were here...

15 ( +15 / -0 )

Posted in: Missing truck cabin located in sewer pipe near Saitama sinkhole See in context

I'm sure no one foresaw the cab shearing off of the chassis when they initially tried to drag the truck out of the hole. In retrospect, the only thing that may have worked to prevent this was to use a powerful enough industrial electromagnet on a crane, but I don't think the first responders can be blamed for not considering it as an option.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Posted in: Fired up See in context

THAT is an awesome photo. Kudos to whoever shot it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: JAL-Delta incident See in context

Based on available photos and video, it looks like the JAL 787 was where it should have been, i.e. taxiing on the assigned taxiway presumably with clearance from ground. The Delta 737 was where it shouldn't have been, i.e. parked with its empennage protruding into the taxiway instead of pulled completely off the taxiway into the de-icing area.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Posted in: Tourist arrested in Japan for striking convenience store clerk over 3-yen bag altercation See in context

Whether it was intentional theft or an honest misunderstanding on the part of the Brit, once he was confronted by the clerk the only acceptable thing for him to have done was to admit to the theft or his ignorance and pay what he absolutely owed. The cost of the bag is immaterial and there are no mitigating factors that excuses the Brit from physically assaulting the clerk, who was doing his job and is 100% in the right. Why some of you would go out of your way to excuse this unacceptable behavior is surprising.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: JAL-Delta incident See in context


If a foreign air carrier clipped a plane on a tarmac in Japan it would be a major story.

Sure, it could be because it would have happened here. But this happened in Seattle so why would you think a minor collision with no injuries or fatalities would be a "Major story" outside of the U.S.?

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Posted in: More than 60 feared dead after jet collides with Black Hawk helicopter near Washington airport See in context


Oh I agree. With the information that's available now it's most likely that the Blackhawk pilots failed to see the CRJ and was the cause of the collision, maybe with some culpability on the part of ATC. However back when Wallace commented, "There is a video showing the Black Hawk crashing into the airliner with 64 on board." there was only the one video from Kennedy Center camera that had been released and based on it there was no way to visually tell which aircraft flew into the other, i.e. whether the Blackhawk T-boned the CRJ or vice versa. That's why I took issue with his comment prematurely assigning blame on the Blackhawk.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: More than 60 feared dead after jet collides with Black Hawk helicopter near Washington airport See in context


There's no way yet to tell conclusively which aircraft flew into which aircraft from the only video that's been made public. It only looks like the helo flew into the airliner because of the camera vantage point. Offset the camera 90 degrees to either side and it would look just as much as if the airliner had flown into the helo.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Posted in: Duck DNA in both engines of Jeju Air plane that crashed, report says See in context

Both engines did not fail. It is clear from post crash photos that while the starboard engine #1 fan blades were badly damaged by the bird strike with damage also where the #1 generator is located, the port engine #2's fan blades were all intact and undamaged despite also ingesting birds. This means #1 probably almost suffered a failure from the damage, #2 probably only suffered a compressor stall, which isn't catastrophic and is completely recoverable. The plane also climbed from its altitude at the time of the bird strikes while attempting their go around so they clearly had good thrust in at least one of their engines, most likely engine #2. Since it's visible in the videos of the landing on the runway that engine #1 was still running while engine #1 was not, the most likely scenarios is the plane lost all engine generated power, and as a result the FDR and CVR, when the pilots erroneously shutdown the one good engine they had, #2, during the go-around when they meant to shut down the badly damaged #1, and didn't have time to start the APU. It's also come to light that Jeju Air pilots are trained to continue and complete the approach and land immediately if they experience a bird strike in the landing sequence and aircraft configuration this plane was in at the time of the bird strikes, so it's a mystery why the pilot in command chose to abort the approach for a go-around and why the co-pilot didn't challenge his decision.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: No abnormalities in water samples taken near Fukushima plant: China See in context

The IAEA should take issue with China, a member state, for refusing to accept their findings.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Man arrested for kicking rabbit on island where 77 animals have died See in context

Now that's one sick individual. It's unfortunate it took 78 dead rabbits before he was caught in the act.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump administration directs all federal diversity, equity and inclusion staff be put on leave See in context


Equal Employment Opportunity laws are NOT the same as DEI. EEO is designed to prevent discrimination while DEI is discrimination based on group identity.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Mother of N Korea abductee hopes Trump's return will bring progress See in context

Has she tried asking Dennis Rodman? He's still BFF with KJU isn't he?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: Dozens more firms pull ads from Fuji TV over sex scandal See in context

Virtue signaling from sponsors who are now acting shocked to learn about something that's been endemic in the entertainment industry for decades.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump invited to Hiroshima for 80th anniversary of atomic bombing See in context


MAGAs aren't interested in the success of my country (the US) so the feeling is mutual towards their success.

That's an asinine thing to say in light of the fact that currently since your point of view is a minority view electorally and popularly.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Posted in: Biden pardons Fauci, Milley, Cheney, others to guard against potential 'revenge' by Trump See in context

Preemptive pardons? What will they think of next! The legality of this should be challenged and adjudicated by the Supreme Court.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Posted in: Many major Japanese firms pulling commercials from scandal-hit Fuji TV See in context

So according to some of you Nakai actually raped the woman? It's not my intention to defend him, but I thought whatever happened between the two, the woman chose to settle out of court and has not disclosed details pursuant to the settlement. With no criminal case I didn't think there's been any reporting on the details of what he allegedly did. Evidently some of you seem to know more about his transgressions than what I've seen made public...

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Posted in: Osaka expo mascot See in context

Aside from being ugly, I think most visitors will have difficulty pronouncing its name. It's certainly won't be catchy with the audience like, say, Kumamon.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Doctor arrested for allegedly threatening man on train over coughing See in context


So simple, get off at nearest station, then board the next train. Avoidance is best.

I read that as advice to the accused.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan-funded education centers in Russia may terminate as ties sour See in context

This will further isolate Moscow down the track.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: TikTok stops working for U.S. users, disappears from Apple, Google stores See in context

Oh what are all those poor influencers going to do now? McDonald's isn't even an option after automation. If you feel like your life is over because TikTok is gone, I'd say you need to take a long hard look in the mirror.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 70% of prefectures back revising pact governing U.S. troops in Japan See in context

What Japan should do is to take the specific issues that these prefectures are raising and negotiate them at the bilateral Joint Committee so that they can be solved in praxi by changing the way U.S. Forces operate and behave differently under the existing SOFA. Opening up the entire SOFA to a comprehensive revision will completely disrupt the successful and effective application of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty (which many of you PRC cheerleaders would undoubtedly applaud), and a revision will undoubtedly end unfavorably for Japan, i.e. it will come out the other end benefitting less from the bilateral relationship and the multilateral relationships that the U.S. enables, especially during a Trump presidency. Ishiba would be a fool if he pursues this seriously.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Bird feathers, blood found in both engines of crashed jet in South Korea, source says See in context


In general the "right" runway, i.e. the runway in use, is the one that has the headwind vice a tailwind. In this instance the winds were negligible at only around 3 knots so as far as winds were concerned either runway 01 or 19 was safe to land on and the pilots could've tried for either direction based on their grasp of their situation. The only significant difference between the two runways was that 19 had a solid obstruction past the end of it while 01 didn't. Unfortunately the Jeju pilots unknowingly chose, as far as they were concerned out of necessity, the one with the obstruction. Had they been able to conduct a full go-around and land on 01 and still overrun the end of the runway they would have had open fields with no obstructions that would have damaged or destroyed the plane to the same extent. Even with the overrun on 01 it's almost a certainty that far fewer people would have died had that steel-reinforced berm not been there. Bottom-line, the birdstike(s) was unfortunate but unavoidable, the pilots should have continued their approach and landed but can't be blamed for choosing to go around per established procedures/training, the pilots may have made other errors, like killing the wrong engine, but did a remarkable job flying the striken airplane down to the runway in one piece, and the fateful decision made decades ago to place a non-frangible obstruction at the end of a runaway resulted in 179 people losing their lives instead of walking away from a scary but non-fatal gear-up landing and runway excursion.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Bird feathers, blood found in both engines of crashed jet in South Korea, source says See in context


So, no black box. Both of the recorders, record nothing.

Yes. Because it was an American plane built prior to 2010. If it was a plane built in the EU this could have been the case right up to 2019.

Sounds like a faulty Boeing design.

No, the only thing faulty is your reading comprehension.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Bird feathers, blood found in both engines of crashed jet in South Korea, source says See in context


Flight data recorders (FDR) and Cockpit voice recorders (CVR) on older planes are powered by the engines and APU with no backup power source. In a scenario where they lose both engines and there isn't time to start the APU in flight the FDR and CVR would stop recording as soon as their normal power supplies are interrupted.

Recorder Independent Power Supply (RIPS) for FDRs and CVRs were only optional until they were mandated for newly manufactured aircraft by the FAA in 2010 and by the EU in 2019. This aircraft was manufactured in 2009 and both Ryanair and Jeju Air chose to operate it without a RIPS for 15 years. Once again, not a Boeing problem.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Injury forces Naomi Osaka to withdraw during 3rd round match at Australian Open See in context

Not surprised by the exit. To the contrary surprised she made it to the third round in an actual Grand Slam tournament.

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

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