Japan Today

ValentinesDay comments

Posted in: Miss Hooters Japan 2013 - vote now See in context

Lets see...its hooters....was suggested I vote...but I pretty much only saw faces in the pic...what's going on?

If you ask me, a woman is most beautiful when she is leaving your table rather than coming to it. So voting on the basis of these mug shots seems rather pointless to me.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Posted in: Bruce Willis says he's against new gun controls See in context

I think someone forgot to inform Willis that this was a real life discussion, and he was not playing a character role from one his movies (facepalm).

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Posted in: Which side is most to blame for escalating tension between Japan and China? See in context

This quite the "chicken or egg" question!

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Posted in: High pollen count expected this year, ministry warns See in context

Japan can continue to build more roads and dams than it even needed, but cannot muster the chainsaws to cut those stupid trees down and replant with bamboo.

Its amazing how Japan can be so super clever and so abysmally stupid at the same time!

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Posted in: Egypt floods Gaza tunnels to cut Palestinian lifeline See in context

Who are these pesky Gazans who think they are entitled to have gravel and cement?

Of course we all know they will just use it to build concrete tanks and concrete mobile artillery and concrete stealth bombers to attack Israel. Of course access to such materials must be stopped at all costs.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

Posted in: 'Blade Runner' Pistorius charged with girlfriend's murder See in context

Given the information in the article, I could go either way on the question of his guilt or innocence.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: Son beheads father in Australia See in context

What immigrants ? They are Australians in Australia.

No, they were definitely not Aboriginals.

Of course people will focus on the decapitation, as if that really makes the killing worse. I mean its a bit over the top, but with or without, the man is just as dead.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Posted in: Sheriff: Cabin not purposely burned in firefight See in context

Who cares how he died??

Maybe all the people who don't want to see more Dorners created by the police thinking they do anything with impunity? You do know how this honest dude, who once turned in 8,000 dollars in cash he found, got started on his killing spree right? This is what can happen when an honest man meets a corrupt world.

In a way I guess its just lucky that there are not so many honest men out there to be driven insane by lying, corrupt police and government officials who destroy their lives and reputations.

Some may not care how he died, but do you care that the police just lie to you bold face? You really think the lying will stop with Dorner? Or began with Dorner? Any idea how the LA riots got started?

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

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