Posted in: Russia 'open' to talks on Ukraine but presses demands after Biden comment See in context
Pieter ReynekeToday 08:30 am JST
There is only one solution. The total defeat of Putin's Russia and the formation of a democratic Russian nation with fair elections and guaranteed human rights, rule of law and all the liberal concepts for a liberal state in place.
You mean like in the west ? Democracy and fair elections ? Rampant drug abuse. soaring crime, attacking other countries like Afghanistan,Iraq。Syria etc.Go look at Youtube videos on how the Russians live compared to the so called western democratic countries.
-7 ( +7 / -14 )
Posted in: Uneasy calm grips Ukraine as West prepares winter aid See in context
If yes let me give you a few facts.
Most people here are not interested in facts or true history. They just hate Russia and if you ask people why, you get-- Russians are evil, Putin was in the KGB. etc.
Which country has higher morals than the West, who is self sufficient for food, gas, fuel, minerals, wheat, fertilizer etc.
While the west and Europe are imploding within from their hate of Russia , Russian citizens live in comfort with no empty food shelves and have p;enty of gas and fuel to keep warm.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Uneasy calm grips Ukraine as West prepares winter aid See in context
StrangerlandToday 08:50 am JST
Ukraine should only be agreeing to negotiations if Russia agrees to return Crimea.
Otherwise, Ukraine is going to have to take it back by force, making Russia look even worse.
If you knew the history of Russia and Ukraine., you would kmow that Crimea belonged to Russia since the 1700's and was leased out to Ukraine in a good will gesture.
That all changed after Ukraine kept attacking the Donbass regions which resulted in the deaths of more than 14,000 citizens. The Russians in Crimea were also under threat and that is when Putin took it back peacefully.
Also, in past history, Ukraine was always a part of Russia. Who do you think built all the power stations and industrial areas in Ukraine ?
Zelensky has already said he won't negotiate unless Russia gets completely out of Ukraine and that Ukraine will fight till the Last Ukrainian. Well, looks like he is getting his wish with the help of the USA and Nato.
When the USA attacked Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, did you people complain or care for the destruction and deaths under false claims from the West ?
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: Japan space agency gives up on landing moon probe See in context
Perhaps they realised that you can't actually go to the moon ?
-1 ( +6 / -7 )
Posted in: Shionogi's oral COVID drug given emergency approval in Japan See in context
But an analysis of five symptoms characteristic of the Omicron strain -- runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever and fatigue --
Golly, sounds just like the FLU.
9 ( +15 / -6 )
Posted in: Outgoing Russian ambassador blames Japan for strained relations See in context
The initiative should be from the side that destroyed the relations.
Yes ! It was Ukraine who started it all by attacking the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine for the last 8 years with the loss of more than 14,000 civilian lives.
These people had been living in the Donbass regios for hundreds of years. If people learned some history, they would know that Ukraine always had been a part of Russia.
-8 ( +6 / -14 )
Posted in: Ukraine says Russians will take one week to withdraw from Kherson See in context
Why does the news here always come from the side of Ukraine ? Ukraine seems to have no idea of the trap awaiting them in Kherson.
-7 ( +4 / -11 )
Posted in: G7 ministers seek to boost unity on Ukraine, China, Iran See in context
saying Russia's actions in Ukraine are a direct attack on the concepts of national sovereignty and territorial integrity that many believe the treaty established.
The past treaty and agreements between Russia and Ukraine were immediately broken after the US led coup to oust the legaly sitting Ukraine presiden at the time.
This is when the attackson the Donbass regions by Ukraine started and lasted 8 years until Putin finally stepped in.
Why do the G7 countries support the most corrupt country in Europe ? Compared to the rest of the world, the G7 have no power. They are vastly outnumbered.
-3 ( +9 / -12 )
Posted in: Grain ships sail from Ukraine ports as Russian missiles knock out power across country See in context
Ye, yes yes "Russia started it"
No, they did not. Ukraine forces were attacking the Donbass regions for the last 8 years after the USA coup in 2014 and with the loss of more than 14,000 citizen's lives.
As for the grain, only 30 percent was going to the poorer countries with the rest going to Europe. Russia stated that they will send half a million tons of their own grain to ther poorer countries for free.
Zelensky accused Russia some time ago that Russia was stealing their grain and exporting it which was proven to be a lie. He then says that Ukraine grain should be given to the poorer countries but most went to feed Europe.
-7 ( +7 / -14 )
Posted in: Russia tells U.N. Ukraine plans 'dirty bomb;' West dismisses allegation See in context
MontyToday 07:55 am JST
Russia tells U.N. Ukraine plans 'dirty bomb;
The russian Mass murdering Mob are the ones who do not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.
I Know of one country in particular who didn't hesitate to use 2 nuclear bombs on the citizens of one country,
-9 ( +5 / -14 )
Posted in: Russia tells U.N. Ukraine plans 'dirty bomb;' West dismisses allegation See in context
LagunaToday 07:34 am JST
The idea that Ukraine would use a dirty nuke on its own territory is farcical.
You mean like shelling their own Nuclear power plant and accusing Russia of bombing themselves in the power station ?
-9 ( +4 / -13 )
Posted in: Russia hits Ukraine homes, evacuates Kherson See in context
Does anyone here actually know why this war was startesd in the first place ?
-7 ( +5 / -12 )
Posted in: COVID-19 rapid tests can breed confusion – here's how to make sense of the results See in context
The scientists who developed the PCR test say that it is not for testing of covid and viruses and will show false results.
Seems other so called health experts know better than them.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan to expel Russia consul as ties worsen over Ukraine See in context
Last week, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida condemned Russia's annexation of parts of Ukraine and said Japan plans to impose more sanctions against Moscow.
Learn some history. The Russians have been living in the Donbass regions for generations. Much of the population in the Donbass is also Russian speaking Ukrainian.
Ukraine had been attacking the Donbass for the last 8 years with the loss of more than 14,000 peopl's lives. Putin has finally put a stop to it.
-5 ( +10 / -15 )
Posted in: Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine See in context
Those Russian people in the Donbass regions have been living there for hundreds of years. Ukraine in History has always been a part of Russia.
Who has been attacking them for the last 8 years with the loss of many lives ? Why do the Russian haters ignore this ?
-8 ( +10 / -18 )
Posted in: Putin's call-up fuels Russians' anger, protests and violence See in context
This war is a war is being waged ,against NATO and the west. using Ukraine as canon fodder. NATO had already been training Ukraine soldiers and supplying weapons long before Russia went in to protect the Russian spealing areas in the Donbass,
Ukraine had been shelling these regions for 8 years with the loss of more than 14,000 civilian lives.
Those being called up are not used on the front lines but will be there to protect the Russian speaking areas whilst freeing up the experienced military to do their work elsewhere.
If you want to know the real truth and history of what is going on, look for Scott Ritter who is an ex UN weapons inspector.
-4 ( +2 / -6 )
Posted in: Kremlin stages votes in Ukraine; sees protests in Russia See in context
Ever notice that most of the news always comes from Ukraine or the west ? Of course everything they state is true, isn't it ?
-18 ( +3 / -21 )
Posted in: Biden rebukes Putin after Russian reservists called up for war See in context
Biden accused Putin of "shamelessly" violating the U.N. Charter -----
It was the United Nations that brokered the original Minsk agreement between Russia and the Ukraine which Ukraine violated straight after it was signed by shelling the Donbass Russian speaking regions for the next 8 years.
Previous to that, it was the UN who warned of the rising Nazism in Ukraine which was reported by major news at the time.
-16 ( +5 / -21 )
Posted in: Japan weighs plan for ban on hotel guests without masks: report See in context
How long is everyone going to wear these masks, Going in to the 3rd year now for a so called virus with more than 99 percent recovery rate.
The only outbreak is the constant testing of a virus that has never been isolated. Even experts in the field of virus and infections around the worldall state that masks do not do anything.
New Zealand has ditched the masks and so have some other countries also. If anyone is infected with anything, it is just the normal Flu. After all, what happened to the Flu statistics that used to be reported ?
People are so indoctrinated that they still wear these masks out in open deserted streets at night or while driving their cars etc.
13 ( +36 / -23 )
Posted in: Sony withdraws from music business in Russia See in context
Ditto, no loss.
-1 ( +7 / -8 )
Posted in: IAEA to have 'full picture' of Ukraine nuclear plant in days See in context
To all those Russian haters. Ukraine had been shelling the Donbass Russian speaking regions for the last 8 years with the loss of over 14,000 civilian lives, and you think the Russians are bad.
Apart from the broken agreements between Russia and Ukraine ( Minsk agreement for one ) which was brokered by France and Gernany, was the continuing threat of NATO breaking their agreements also.
Ukrain in history always was a part of Russia so of course there would be certain areas today with Russians still living in Ukraine. One of the main reasons Putin went in to war with Ukraine was because of the slaughter of it's own citizens by the Nazi militas and Ukraine military.
And before someone decides to delete me for being offensive/vulgar, it was the United Nations in 2012 who reported that there was a real threat of Nazism rising in the Ukraine
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Posted in: Kishida blames Russia for opposition at nuclear conference See in context
saying Russia should take the blame for its opposition.
Yeah, well it wasn't Russia who bombed the innocent people in Japan in world war II. Nuclear weapons are never going to disappear. Always blaming Russia. for everything.
-9 ( +12 / -21 )
Posted in: Japan to maintain sanctions on Russia as Ukraine war drags on See in context
These sanctions have been really good for the Russian economy.
Russia is mostly self sufficent. Plenty of wheat, Corn, buckwheat, sunflower oil, fertilizers, rare gases for production in semi coductors, major supplier of Titanium, plenty of gas, oil, vegetables, minerals in general, exporter of military hardware, Nuclear power plants etc.
Go look at the shops in Moscow and see the abundant food on display with all well dressed people walking around.
The populations of the friendly countries that Russia deals with far exceeds the populations of the gang of seven.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Japanese governors seek change in COVID reporting to help hospitals cope See in context
Truth is that it is the vaccinated that are getting infected. How many people do you read of who state that they were vaccinated but all got this " so called " Covid.
-4 ( +7 / -11 )
Posted in: Hino halts more shipments in data fraud scandal See in context
Hino produces the best large trucks in Japan. It is the un-realistic demands of people who are not experts in engineering that set emmission standards that are virtually impossible to adhere to. at this stage anyway.
If vehicle manufacturers could produce engines that are more efficient they would.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: U.N. chief, in Ukraine, says he is worried by situation at nuclear plant on front line See in context
Kyiv and the West call it an unprovoked war to conquer Ukraine and erase its thousand-year national identity.
Ukraine was always a part of Russia in the past.
-3 ( +7 / -10 )
Posted in: U.N. chief, in Ukraine, says he is worried by situation at nuclear plant on front line See in context
The UN Chief appears to be talking to the wrong person. It should be talking with Russia who is in control of the plant which they secured some months ago and have kept it running safely under Ukraine technisions.
It would be understandable for Russia to close the plant down if Zelensky keeps bombing it. Stories of Russia bombing themselves is quite ridiculous.
1 ( +11 / -10 )
Posted in: CDC director announces shake-up, citing COVID mistakes See in context
The CDC is a corrupt organization and totally in bed with the drug companies.
0 ( +9 / -9 )
Posted in: Japan gov't to extend monetary aid for Ukraine evacuees by 6 months See in context
Look after your own citizens in Japan who are on low non steady employment with low wages etc.
Ukraine citizens are free to go and live in Kiev where life is working normally for everyone there. They don't have to evacuate to other countries.
Do you see Russia attacking Kiev ?
Russia's military actions is to free the Russian speaking citizens in the Donbass regions who have suffered constant shelling from Ukraine over the last 8 years with the loss of more than 14,000 civilian lives.
-4 ( +8 / -12 )
shut down the internet and television friday through sunday. that ought to do it.
Posted in: Do you think adopting a four-day workweek could help boost Japan’s falling birthrate?
Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post
Like Kid Rock? Music goes wherever it wants. And if you try to stop it going there, it goes there…
Posted in: Trump says 'I hate Taylor Swift!' in Truth Social post
Posted in: Do you think adopting a four-day workweek could help boost Japan’s falling birthrate?