Japan Today

voiceofokinawa comments

Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context

YubaruFeb. 9

True, it's 2025 now, not 1853.

I've wanted to point out in my comment above that the imperialistic nature of the U.S., that is, to take up others' land by force, hasn't changed at all for the last 172 years.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context


On the way back from Uraga in Tokyo Bay to pry open the closed doors of secluded Japan, Matthiew Perry's fleet came to Naha, Okinawa and investigated every detail of the island's topography, etc. Perry recommended Washington to take over Okinawa (Ryukyu) by force, but Wasdhington didn't listen to him at the time due to a political turmoil there. Perry's imperialistic, outlandish recommendation was realized 60 years later in 1945 when Japan lost WW II.

To invade and occupy Okinawa has been the U.S.'s decades-old ambition, and so, the U.S. seems to not easily part with the hard-won war spoils. Is the U.S. on the side of justice or evil (imperialism)?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context

If Japan was a pacifist nation true to the spirit struck home in its constitution, had China and North Korea been so antagonistic against Japan?

It is the U.S. that has instigated Japan to rearm to the teeth and be hostile against China, etc., contrary to the constitution's war-renouncing pacifism.

China must have known Japan's pacifism was fake and farce.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Posted in: Trump pressure to boost Japan defense spending could strain alliance See in context

Did Ishiba go to Washington to brown-nose Trump to boost Japan's defense budget from the current one-percent cap of GDP to 2 to 3 percent?

As always, Japan seems obliged to make up for the U.S.'s mess as far as its defense is concerned. 

Thus, Okinawa's wish for the reduction of U.S. bases seems a mere pipe dream from the very start.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

Posted in: Ishiba says Trump isn’t as frightening in person as on TV See in context

Enough for personal protocols. We want to know if Ishiba took issue with the unfairness of the SACO implementation and the excessive U.S. military presence in Japan during his meeting with Trump.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO See in context

Did they talk about the issues of the unfair Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and this excessive U.S. military footprint in Japan, the very issues Ishiba had wanted to discuss with Trump?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: On eve of summit with Japan PM, Trump reportedly meets U.S. Steel CEO See in context

It's mind-boggling to know that U.S. Steel, once the symbol of the U.S.'s economic prowess, ranks 24th in volume today. This must have something to do with the money games U.S. industrialists were so absorbed in and the resultant hollowization of the manufacturing sector.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump aides defend Gaza takeover proposal but walk back some elements See in context

U.S. President Donald Trump's mindset is no different from that of a dictator. He suggested Canada and Greenland be part of the U.S. and also that the Panama Canal be taken over and put under U.S. control.

Now, he proposes Gaza should be occupied by the U.S. and that the Palestinians living in the district should be extradited from there to achieve peace.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan's ruling party not sending lawmaker to U.N. nuke ban meeting See in context

As the Nobel Peace prize recipient, Hidankyo, urged PM Ishiba not only to attend the nuclear ban meeting but endeavor to abolish nuclear armament. Probably as a compromise, he promised Hidankyo representatives to send some lawmakers for him. Now, the article says not even a single lawmaker will attend the meeting. 

As such, the Japanese government is very fearful of the negative reaction of the U.S. government in point of this. LOL.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan concerned over impact of U.S. tariffs on China, others See in context

As I fear, an international trade war may be inevitable, the end result of Trump's "America First" policy.

Every country imposes tariffs on imported foreign goods to protect domestic producers. But Trump's tariffs are different by nature in meaning.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. defense chiefs agree to boost alliance in phone talks See in context


True, Article 9 says nothing about military spending, but it clearly says international disputes must not be settled by use of force. Resorting to force is tantamount to military spending.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. defense chiefs agree to boost alliance in phone talks See in context

Even the one-percent cap of GNP on the military is in violation of Art. 9 of the Japanese constitution. Much less the two-percent!

Note that the bulk of it goes for the purchase of U.S.-made weapons: for example, 400-plus Tomahawk missiles and lunch pads.

Very lucrative business transactions for the U.S. military-industrial complex.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Japan, U.S. eye meeting between Ishiba and Trump on Feb 7 See in context

In the meeting, PM Ishiba will be certain to bring up issues such as an unequal SOFA and the excessive U.S. military presence in Japan, Okinawa in particular. And so, the meeting will be something that should be paid special attention to.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Posted in: Robert F Kennedy Jr struggles to answer questions on Medicare and Medicaid at confirmation hearing See in context

It’s a good system for U.S. Congress to pin down a secretary-candidate before he is officially appointed to the post. Japan should emulate the U.S. system in this point.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Posted in: Auschwitz survivors warn of rising antisemitism at 80th anniversary of camp's liberation See in context

Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once remarked that there was no such thing as Auschwitz, probably with what Israel is doing to its neighbors in mind.

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Posted in: Japan has no choice but to strengthen defense, foreign minister tells Trump administration See in context

Is Article 9 of the post-war Japanese Constitution fake and shenanigan? It says Japan won't resort to weapons to settle international disputes.’

Foreign Minister Iwaya's idea will be in blatant violation of the Constitution.

How come an individual is subject to punishment if he violates law while the government goes unpunished even if it violates the supreme code of the nation?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Ishiba to skip nuclear arms ban treaty meeting in New York, but lawmakers may attend See in context

As the leader of a nation that ever suffered from atomic bomb attacks in history, he should go ahead not only with attending the meeting but also working strenuously toward the abolishment of nuclear weapons.

The reason why he can't do this is because he fears the negative reaction of the benevolent uncle Sam, the U.S.A.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump vows trade policy of 'tariff and tax' on other countries See in context

While the U.S. was infatuated in money games neglecting its own economic affairs, China worked hard to import foreign technology and industrial know-hows.

Does this have anything to do with Trump’s Make America Great Again campaign?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Cargo dropped from U.S. Osprey blown off course near Okinawan island See in context

Okinawa-based Marines are using bases in Okinawa as if those bases were leased to them legitimately.

But note that the land the Futenma air station sits on is private lands that were encroached upon freely, i.e., confiscated while area residents were herded in camps like POWs in sheer violence of international law.

So that one can safely say that the Marines Okinawa are no different from illegal squatters. 

Illegal squatters have no right to fly over Okinawa's sky as if they owned it.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: 'Japan First' mindset key for Ishiba in dealing with Trump: president's ex-adviser See in context

If all nations followed U.S. President Donald Trump’s own nation first policy, what would become of the world? Going back to that hasted colonialism and imperialism where the law of the jungle dominated people's mindset, thus resulting in wars and social insurrection? Does the world community like that?

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Posted in: Top court turns down Okinawa's last appeal over U.S. base landfill See in context

To anyone who opposes my opinion:

I want to hear his or her opinion as to why the U.S. Marines are using the land where the Futenma air station sits legally, i.e., in accordance with international law.

Or did the 1972 Okinawa Reversion Agreement rescind the irregularities committed by U.S. occupation forces?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Top court turns down Okinawa's last appeal over U.S. base landfill See in context

Note that no one is demanding for a compensation.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Top court turns down Okinawa's last appeal over U.S. base landfill See in context

In every litigation involved with the landfill work for Futenma's relocation to Henoko, the Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) has lost to the central government completely. Doesn't the OPG know there is no separation of powers in the Japanese political system and that the judicial and executive branches are all part of the same gang? They are all part of the same gang.

 And so, I propose the OPG change its current litigation strategy. Futenma is an illegal property per se because it sits on illegally confiscated private lands. In other words, the U.S. Marines are using Futenma, and occupying the base, like illegal squatters, and so they have no right at all to demand for a replacement to be provided in exchange for the return of it.

Squatters have no right to demand for a replacement in exchange for the return of the land they illegally occupy. 

 Some commentor says the issue has been settled by the 1972 Okinawa Reversion Agreement, but can a mere bilateral agreement rescind the offences committed by the illegal squatters?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japan See in context

How much will Japan pay to the U.S. for the purchase of 400 Tomahawk missiles? $2.35 billion or¥348 billion. But this article says: “U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japanand so Japan must pay more than $2.35 billion for the purchase of U.S.-made missiles.  

Remember that Japan must shoot down incoming enemy missiles heading toward the U. S. mainland. No wonder, then, Tokyo is mulling over raising sales taxes on some commercial items.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japan See in context


The comment above should have been addressed to Desert Tortoise.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japan See in context


True, there is no line that mentions "buying or selling weapons." But the constitution abundantly says international disputes must not be settled by use of force, that is, by a war, regardless of which side has started the war.

Your stance is to force Japan to go to war started by the U.S.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japan See in context


 There is nothing in the Japanese constitution which addresses either the sale or purchase of weapons

Article 9 of the Japanese constitution says:  "Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes."

  U.S. Congress' approval of the sale of the missiles to Japan means that Japan can ignore the constitutional constraint and freely buy weapons from the U.S. for the purpose of settling international disputes.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: U.S. approves sale of additional air-to-surface missiles to Japan See in context

There is no doubt that the world is inching back toward erstwhile colonialism and militarism when the law of the jungle was a taken-for-granted yardstick.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump brazenly suggests that Greenland and Panama Canal be U.S. territories. 

It is in the same vein that the U.S. Congress approved the sale of lethal weapons to Japan, air-to-ground missiles, fully knowing that the transaction violates Japan's pacifist constitution,

Colonialism seems to die hard.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan, Philippines plan to convey to Trump need for U.S. engagement in Asia See in context

If this huge U.S. military presence in Japan, Okinawa in particular, is for Japan's security that was initially requested by Japan, Trump is right to demand for more share of costs to maintain/operate these bases and facilities in Japan.

But is his understanding of the state of affairs correct? Isn't the U.S. military presence in Japan nothing different from occupation, working ultimately as not to let the genie out of the bottle?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: Roki Sasaki won't sign with New York Yankees or Texas Rangers, AP sources say See in context

No doubt, Roki Sasaki will steal the show as much as Shohei Ohtani did this last season.

Incidentally, Dave Roberts, Manager of LA Dodgers, was conferred an honorary citizenship by Naha City, Okinawa, Japan, because he was born there between a former U/S. Marine and a local woman.

Robert's mother hailed from Miyako Island, the same island where I was born, too. So, cheers to them all.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

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