Japan Today

VoiceOfReason comments

Posted in: Europe tries to muscle up as U.S. plots mediation to help end Russia's war in Ukraine See in context

You might be right but will it end without Trump being massively humiliated as the first president to increase the size of russia and reduce American influence in 80 years?

Careful now. Trump will also be the reason why Taiwan doesn't get absorbed into China in the next 4 years. Don't bite the hand that feeds you

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Pet shop owner faces 30 years in prison for sexually assaulting 4 female employees See in context

All sexual assaults should be severely punished.

For perspective though, let's remember that there are people here who commit murder and get sentences of 10 years or less!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: Trump says Americans could feel 'some pain' from his tariffs that are triggering trade war See in context

Man, people here who think any individual can bring down costs within a span of weeks don't know basic economics and are incredibly deluded. It's just people wanting any excuse to bash Trump.

If someone said, "hey, if I give you a cold for the short term you will develop an immunity for a longer term,* most of us would take that deal. This is no different.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Posted in: 16-year-old boy arrested for attempting to strangle mother to death See in context

I married a Japanese woman, and while I will say she is an amazing mother and incredibly competent, like most Japanese I would describe them as "emotionally unavailable" and that can really chip away at you over time.

-5 ( +14 / -19 )

Posted in: Trump blames diversity hiring as probe into deadly midair collision begins See in context

Incorrect, because DEI staff are just as competent.

There are multiple reports of jobs for skilled labor not getting filled because of DEI. HR is forced to turn away qualified applicants because they are the wrong race and either the job is left open, which hurts the company, or ultimately they cave to an intersectional quota and hire someone unqualified.

DEI is a poison and I am glad it is dying

-18 ( +0 / -18 )

Posted in: Israelis and Palestinians rejoice after more hostages and prisoners are freed See in context

Rejoice together, just wait until occupier want more pieces of Palestinian small lands.

Dear radical jihadist, please let me know where in Japan you live so I can keep my family safe away from you.

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

Posted in: White House says Colombia agrees to take deported migrants after Trump tariff showdown See in context

Fox News? ROFL..I could give you 787 million reasons not to believe them...

What's funny about this is that they regularly posted stats on how bad inflation was during the Biden administration. The Biden administration kept denying it and the voters made their choice.

You don't have to believe everything Fox News says, but if they say the sky is blue, if you can't acknowledge that much is true then there's no saving you.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: White House says Colombia agrees to take deported migrants after Trump tariff showdown See in context

I can't see how the US comes out of this looking good.

SMH. When a parent disciplines a child, it's not about "looking good", it's about the result.

Any country who has scores of people that entered the US illegally is obviously not going to willingly expend the resources or effort to get them back. Which is why you have to take a hard line.

In life and in business it is about the result. Do optics play a role, sure, but come on, this is the country whose most famous figure is Pablo Escobar.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Trump pledges a series of Day 1 executive actions to end 'four long years of American decline' See in context

My stocks are hedged for the brand new day.

I bet on the private prison stocks in the weeks before the election and now I am making bank!

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Posted in: Trump pledges a series of Day 1 executive actions to end 'four long years of American decline' See in context

Just remember, people. Trump is only in it for himself. He doesn't care about you, unless you've got something he needs.

Let me put this in simple terms for plastic.

2016, Trump elected, my savings and investments thrive

Biden elected, savings and investments go down the toilet

2024, just a hunch but I bet my pocketbook is going to be doing much better. He can be in it for himself while benefiting the everyday American at the same time. If you do not believe so, perhaps you have financial issues and require bailing out from the government.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Posted in: Resona Bank hit again by suspected cyberattack See in context

I believe a few years ago it came to light that you had a government official in charge of cybersecurity and he was asked by reports about MFA and he did not know what that was.

Remember that this is Japan. Everyone says the same thing. It's not about qualifications. If you're an old Japanese man the hierarchy just gives you power regardless of how unqualified you are.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Posted in: Israel strikes Houthi rebels in Yemen's capital while WHO chief says he was meters away See in context

The only people I know who use the word "occupier" frequently are radical Islamic jihadists

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Posted in: Bluesky finds with growth comes growing pains — and bots See in context

Remember folks. Bluesky exists because the left thought Joe Rogan was too right wing. Let that sink in.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan to cut 60% of emissions by FY2035, but experts call for more See in context

Yearly pollution floats over from China.

Japan wants to overwork itself to manage the miniscule percentage of pollution it produces. Japan then wonders why we still have climate issues. Couldn't be China at all, right?

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Foreign-born CEO says Japan needs immigration to thrive See in context

Any foreigner who comes here to live should study and speak the language ..Simple as !

True! However...

Japan is at a point where it must globalize. Japan imports EVERYTHING and I feel it exports very little. English is the language of the world and Japan has to get on board. We are seeing the consequences of Japan's hubris by not adopting a more global mindset every day.

260 yen for a regular sized apple? It's only going to get worse from here

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Posted in: Foreign-born CEO says Japan needs immigration to thrive See in context

Totally agree with the CEO,but Japan has still a very inward and xenophobic mindset which is hard to eradicate in just one generation.

To this point, I have a Japanese wife and I remember moving to Tokyo because I found a new job and we needed an apartment. I remember going to the real estate agent and he showed us a layout of a place and we were super interested. He calls up the landlord and I can hear the conversation. "foreigner? Nope. I don't rent to foreigners."

All I could think of is, my wife is a Japanese national. Her parents could act as guarantors if a guarantor was needed, but nope, my race just automatically disqualifies us both from renting.

Now think about how this article says we need 1 million more immigrants.

14 ( +19 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan high court rules same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional See in context

slippery slope

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Posted in: Trump to meet widow of former Japan PM Abe on Sunday, source says See in context

Complete lack of empathy from the left, as evidenced by the comments in this thread.

-3 ( +16 / -19 )

Posted in: 'Anti-woke' Americans hail death of DEI as another domino topples See in context

My experience as an American in Japan is that even here in Japan the most staunch DEI supporters tend to be incredibly successful white people. These very people have had no issue trying to throw every disadvantage possible at any white person, including myself, in order to preserve their own power.

And that's all it is, people. There is no genuine desire to boost minorities. It's all about preservation of one's power and money.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Posted in: Foreigner accidentally allowed to vote in Japanese election; ballot will remain valid See in context

As someone who has lived here many years this remains a sore spot for me.

I pay taxes, which includes an exorbitant residence tax.

I pay A LOT into the pension system.

By these actions I am helping to keep Japan afloat and support the elderly population that continues to bleed money from the young.

I should be entitled to vote.

1 ( +15 / -14 )

Posted in: Harris and Trump prep for Philadelphia debate See in context

Says the fox news watcher! ($750 billion they've paid for their lies, and counting!)

I guess I should go to MSNBC for all my news but then I wouldn't learn anything other than that I should feel ashamed for being white.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Posted in: Harris and Trump prep for Philadelphia debate See in context

The disadvantage to Kamala for having muted mics is that she wont get to accuse Trump of mansplaining everything like she did when she debated Mike Pence.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Posted in: Aging Japan struggling with slow adoption of cashless payments See in context

There is a supermarket chain I go to that has an amazing selection. Top notch bentos, meat, fish, produce, etc., for amazing prices. This place is CASH only. By shielding themselves from charges that come with people using credit cards, this place I went to is able to pass on the savings to its shoppers. Other places should follow suit.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Japan slow to cater for vegetarians despite growing demand See in context

I live in Japan and have a vegan friend. She took me to a vegan restaurant in Osaka where I ate a pizza that was 100% soy-based. It was one of the most disgusting things I ever ate. Even the cheese was soy.

Then a year or two later we went to a vegan place in Shibuya (this was to cater to her because my friend is vegan). I had vegan karaage with tartar sauce. The "chicken" was just massive balls of soy and the tartar sauce was yellow for some reason. Had to force every morsel down my throat it was so gross.

Cater to vegetarians, go ahead. Cater to vegans, at least try and make the food palatable.

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Posted in: In CNN interview, Harris vows tougher approach on migration, supports weapons for Israel See in context

Another thought is some women become pregnant even with contraceptives. Others are raped or victims of incest. In many states denied the morning-after pill.

The left always defaults to this when trying to take the smallest minority and paint with a big brush.

One position I have always held is "Do you want more abortion or less rape?" I have yet to hear "less rape" come out of the mouths of those on the left which tells me it's not really about that.

Most all states support abortion in the case of incest.

Lastly, I went to a party in college once and it was truly unfortunate but a rape did take place there. When it was discovered the party was called off and I hung around to help support since I was a neighbor. The police were immediately involved and the victim was given a morning-after-pill.

Only my feeling but if these cases are reported immediately then the issue can be addressed immediately.

You might argue that one might feel uncomfortable coming forward, however in that scenario the child is coming to term and people will notice regardless.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Posted in: New mpox strain changing fast; African scientists are ‘working blind’ to respond See in context

Avoid sex workers and unprotected homosexual sexual activities seems the best way to not catch this in the region.

-Unless you think children are using sex services you could not be more wrong.

Come on now, virus, we all know about the breakout that happened in the UK and the key demographic behind it.

To answer someone's question, it was rebranded as MPOX, because, as with most leftist run organizations, someone deemed the term "monkeypox" to be offensive and/or racist, because it's about being PC, right? Not about speaking facts about the actual disease and how it's spreading.

Gotta say, as a heterosexual male in Japan who doesn't shake hands (as bowing is the custom) I'm not too worried that it'll ever be an issue for me here in Japan.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Posted in: Trump and Harris to debate Sept 10 on ABC; Trump says he wants two more See in context

Um, today?

That unhinged screed was political panic and it was all him.

None of his advisors thought that was a good idea.

How you gauge panic here exemplifies my point. You are crying "wolf" here.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Posted in: Trump and Harris to debate Sept 10 on ABC; Trump says he wants two more See in context

To me, it's more annoying than it is anything else, but all the people who are like "look! Trump is shaking in his boots!" Like really? Have you ever seen him ONCE express fear about anything?

What I see is a LOT of projection from our friends on the left. It's not even so much that they hate Trump. It's that high school energy where if your side wins you get to pretend for a few moments like you're smart and somehow you made everything happen.

I can only see this attitude as a hinderance to one's ability to be financially successful

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Posted in: Parents of boy who killed himself sue 11 classmates, city for damages See in context

As a new parent with a son yet to turn two, I have thought about how I would handle the bullying situation in Japan now that I have been here quite awhile. ALT work was long ago but it also gave me good insight as to the school system and BOE and how they work. And yes, agreed with what everyone says about how it takes a death for somebody to act. Japan is a super REACTIVE country and that is why you only see people at the top apologizing, mostly because there are sooooo many layers of hierarchy that problems voiced from the bottom rarely make their way up. So anyway, knowing this, here's what I'd do:

If my son is bullied and I am aware of it...

I go to the school and request to see the Vice Principal. I tell him or her that the bullying is taking place and they need to be watchful and ensure it doesn't happen again. AND...I will let them know that I have a two strike policy. I will tell the VP that if my son tells me he is still being bullied I will go to the BOE and report the issue there. Making noise higher up the chain would be undesirable by the school so hopefully that threat would be enough.

BUT...I would also tell the VP that after I report the bullying to the Board of Education that if it still continues that I will go bang on the door of the Asahi Shinbun or local news until I receive an audience. No district wants to be in the news for a bullying scandal and hopefully the threat of such action would make them pay attention.

As long as I'm willing to follow through I expect positive results.

Please keep in mind that this is coming from someone who was bullied from elementary school to high school. And the difference with my home country is that we can at least change classrooms and teachers. In Japan, you are stuck with the same people for YEARS. So if you are being bullied you really have no means of escape.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Posted in: Surging Harris, Trump spar over debate dates See in context

As is typical, a lot of bias in this article. Trump has to be the villain so the article has to be skewed in Kamala's favor regardless.

And I'm sorry, was there a mention in THIS article about how the Sept 10th debate that was schedule was planned to be with Joe Biden and not Kamala? What happened to Joe btw? Oh yeah...

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

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