Posted in: Toyota's Thai factories stay closed due to flood See in context
I'm Thai and i'm not afraid the flood but I scare the stupid government..They will make Thailand to be destroyed. I can stay with no money but I don't want the prime minister like this....
The stupid government doesn't try to manage the problem..They doesn't care wheather if Bangkok will be flood or not. They only wait for the budget that is to recover our country.
As you may know , last year Bangkok is burned by this government.(is called res shirt).. I didn't select them in the latest election...But 15 million people who has been mislead chose them.
I have many things to explain but my language is not quite good at all..
I hope that I will go back my home soon..cuz my home is drown in the water already......
I wanna say again......."I'm not afraid the flood but I'm scare that the government lead us to the death"
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Posted in: Thai flooding halts car production by all 9 Japanese automakers See in context
I'm Thai and live in Bangkok. We are leaving from Bangkok to another province. We are being in a serious. Actutally , the goverment have time for preparing the flood but they didn't do. They were going to have a football match with Cambodia. When flood occur , the government ,lead by stupid prime minister Yinkluck , she is a stupid , she doesn't know anything...She only say ,"We can handle it , we can handle it" The government never told us the fact .
And now , Industrial estate was destroyed 100% . Half of million people lost their job.
Anyway ,the government don't care.
This is stupid government I have seen in my life.
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Posted in: Foreign companies hit as Thai floods curb production See in context
I'm Thai people. I can tell that now the situation is very serious. The government is suck . the prime minister is the stupid person I ever seen in my life. She should be to fire....They don't have any stupid government... Before flooding happening...they were going to Cambodia to have a football match......I don't know why they do like that... They were have a time to prepare but they did not do...and when the flooding happen , they just say..."never mind never mind."
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Posted in: 389,000 attend Johnny's fundraiser in Shibuya See in context
I wanna go there but I'm not staying at Japan..... wanna see all of artist who I love.....although I'm at Thailand . I dominates some of my money also..this is the only one thing I can do for Japan...
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Posted in: 389,000 attend Johnny's fundraiser in Shibuya See in context
I love KAT-TUN
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Posted in: SMAP broadcasts 79-minute live earthquake special See in context
Love you Smap
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Posted in: Stocking up See in context
very discipline I 've never seen before You can't see this in Thailand I wish my country to have a discipline like Japanese I respect them so much Ganbatte
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Posted in: Kinoshita, Fujimoto hold big wedding party See in context
anyone please tell me , why does the Japanese woman always married early. In my country (Thailand) most of woman will married about 28-30
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Posted in: 'Social Network' best pic at Critics' Choice See in context
I like this movie, quite good
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Posted in: Mother, son fall to their deaths from 14-story apartment in apparent murder-suicide
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk
Make it in the USA and avoid all the headache.
Posted in: Japan records trade deficit of ¥2.76 trillion in January as tariff worries loom
Vicar? ninja? funeral mourner? Johnny Cash impersonator? Mr Kipling fancies himself a wag.
Posted in: Man found collapsed, bleeding from head wound, on Nagoya sidewalk