Japan Today

whyamiinjapan comments

Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

laconic, The term "double" refers to two-cultured not physical make-up. But I figure you know that already and are just being sarcastic, right?

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

OK, let's see. I'm interested in knowing why this lovely young woman is quoted as saying "she doesn't mind the word "'haafu'". Does this imply that there are people who mind and she is aware of it? Was she asked "Do you mind the word 'haafu'?" Or did she say, "Oh, by the way, I don't mind the word 'haafu'?" Does anyone know where she is quoted? I am interested, that's all.

By the way, between the time that I "ghost-posted" here earlier and now, I went out and asked 10 Japanese friends (5 women and 5 men, all between 25 and 50), none of whom speak English, the following questions:

What do you call a person who has one Japanese parent and one foreign parent? Does this word have any sense of prejudice toward that person, or is it racist in any way? (This often involved explaining the use of the term "double" and the connotations and different nuances and meanings between "haafu" and "double".)

Everyone answered "haafu". One man, in his late forties, said the word had racist overtones but he didn't think it was purely racist. It depended on the usage. This man has a Korean mother and, after talking, said he would prefer the word "double" for himself but other people could do what they liked. Six people said the word had no racist overtones. Most of them (I didn't write down how many and can't remember) felt the term was a positive one. Out of the six, two women said that if they had married a foreigner, they wouldn't mind their children being called half. The conversation didn't get that far with the other four, two men and two women. One of the men said that I think too much. Hee hee! Three people, two men and a woman, said they thought it could be a term used in a prejudiced way but didn't think it was that bad. One of the men said, like the word "gaijin" people attach too much meaning to what's behind the word and shouldn't take Japanese peoples' outlook as prejudiced.

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

Please don't tell me to chill out on something that should be discussed. I think to dismiss someone in this way is disrespectful. There are plenty of people out there who feel differently than you do about this term.

Thanks for the opinion and the link. I suggest you watch the documentary "Doubles" by Regge Life or read the article in Kyoto Journal (Reel Life and Real Life, Issue 40, 1999) if you can get a copy of it. If you want, I can provide you with one.

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

I noticed that the girls are named April, Jun and July. What happened to May?

Another question: does anyone else besides me think the term "haafu" is rather racist? Wouldn't the term "daburu" (double) be more respectful? I first read about this concept of children of "mixed" marriages in Kyoto Journal (Issue 40, 1999 - "Reel Life and Real Life") in an interview with filmmaker Regge Life who made the documentary "Doubles".

Moderator: Japan Today does not consider the term “haafu” racist. As far as this story is concerned, Hasegawa herself said it doesn’t bother her, which is good enough for us.

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Posted in: Jun Hasegawa capitalizes on 'haafu' look See in context

"I'm trying to figure out what happened to May. Anyway, "haafu" is a baaaad word. How about "daburu"?"

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Posted in: Reading, writing, math and English conversation are important. Note I said English conversation, not English. See in context

Aso ain't so bad. Better than Koizumi anyway.

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Posted in: Ambassadors of Cute See in context

I know how to fix this "cute" problem. Make a movie with these three being the most evil, nasty, selfish bee-aches ever.

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Posted in: Man dressed like The Joker slain by police in Virginia park See in context

I don't understand. He gives her the gun and says "Kill me." Then, the police confront him and he points the gun at them. Truly, my friends, a Joker.

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Posted in: More Japanese shunning the outside world See in context

OK. So all foreigners leave. Seal off the country. Fine. Back to the Middle ages.

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Posted in: Karzai welcomes Obama call to reach out to Taliban See in context

"Reach out to the Taliban, reach out! Reach out to the Taliban, reach out!" Sounds like a hit to me.

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Posted in: Pledges of peace after fatal N Ireland attack See in context

"The newspaper said the caller, who used a code word to verify he was authorized to speak for the outlawed gang, defended the shooting and described the pizza delivery men as 'collaborators of British rule in Ireland.'"

Yeah, right. A local teenager trying to make some pocket money and a Polish guy probably trying to feed his kids. These "Real IRA" idiots are desperate for a rationalization because they FKD UP! The usual stupid gun-toting nitwits, IQs of around 63.

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Posted in: Hong Kong pop stars busted for drug possession in Tokyo See in context

This is sooooo sad. The world is crazy and Japan is at the bottom.

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Posted in: Four injured after 10 men brawl in Saitama family restaurant See in context

DentShop, Sarge is right. How about "But she left with the Dalai Lama"?

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Posted in: Four injured after 10 men brawl in Saitama family restaurant See in context

This news 'bout a fight makes me sick Especially one over a chick But I was surprised She'd pulled the wool over our eyes When I learned the chick had a dictator for a father.

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Posted in: Four injured after 10 men brawl in Saitama family restaurant See in context

Wow. A fairly normal crime reported for once.

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Posted in: France to send huge nuclear fuel shipment to Japan See in context

If this weren't so tragic it would be hilarious. What a joke.

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Posted in: Half and haafu See in context

I've heard the word "double" suggested as a better term, the idea being that the person has at least two cultures to draw from. It's not so much a racial term as a cultural one.

Anyway, we all get this kind of crap just about anywhere. I had a older guy back home tell me "You're even starting to look like a chink".

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Posted in: Man arrested for hitting 15-year-old girl with metal bat in Yamaguchi See in context

". . . denied . . . drinking . . ." These seem to go hand in hand. We need more information so we can make intelligent responses.

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Posted in: Strong yen drawing Japanese women to S Korea for plastic surgery See in context

I can only think of Mickey Rourke when I hear this. A nation of Mickey Rourkes. Or Mickey Mouses. Can you imagine having plastic surgery that would make you look like Mickey Mouse? Or Doraemon?

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Posted in: The more Japanese come under attack by Westerners, the more implacable they become in defending their values and culture. See in context

I agree with whatanidiot. But many Japanese people could care less about this subject. Whale meat, schmale meat.

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Posted in: If we continue to wait for the next Koizumi, the next strong leader, we're going to be waiting forever. See in context

I'm sorry. Did he say "the next WRONG leader"?

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Posted in: Anti-whaling group says Australian police seized video of clashes See in context

The point is NO ONE NEEDS TO EAT WHALE MEAT. And that goes for some other types of meat as well.

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Posted in: Clinton visits Meiji Shrine See in context

I think she should have gone to Yasukuni. Ha haaaa! That would have stirred up some poo, eh?

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Posted in: Hillary meets empress See in context

I think Hillary looks like she just came out of a pachinko parlor.

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Posted in: Tokyo Big Talk See in context

These two characters need their mouths taped shut. They are two of the stupidest people in Japan and say stuff that gets people who don't like to think riled up in the wrong way. Complete idiots.

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Posted in: Nuclear warships in Japan touch a nerve See in context

Nuclear power - safe and green. Then the leftovers glow in the dark forever.

America cannot remove its presence from Japan so quickly, right at once. If they did, Japan's second language would be Chinese in 10 years. (It may be already.) Forget about learning English.

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Posted in: What do you think about work-sharing whereby employees work shorter hours for less pay so that jobs can be saved? See in context

How about executives and stockholders taking cuts so that those workers can keep their pay.

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Posted in: Mother and child die after birth in toilet in Aichi apartment See in context

And third, this is a very strange story.

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