Posted in: Japan decorates ex-U.S. Vice President Cheney for boosting alliance See in context
Looks like a bunch of people get all their historical information from a liberal, progressive moviemaker.
-15 ( +0 / -15 )
Posted in: 10 things foreigners in Japan notice about Japanese phone culture See in context
"Siri, what is the translation for Siri in Japanese?" "Rump, ass, bottom." Maybe Japanese do not like the idea of talking to a butt ( シリ).
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: 17 deaths reported after schizophrenia drug injections See in context
What would the mortality rate be of an equal number of afflicted people who did not get the injections?
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Posted in: 1,266 famous Tokyo plum trees get the axe to prevent spread of 'plum pox' See in context
Does anyone know if Hinegi Park in Umegaoka is effected by this virus?
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Posted in: Full bloom See in context
I am no longer in Japan. I miss the long Sunday walks from my apartment in Akasaka-mitsuke through Chidorigafuchi and on to Hibiya Park during the sakura season.
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Posted in: Japan may only be able to restart one-third of its nuclear reactors See in context
FightingViking The confusion on Sendai may be in the romanji translation. The Kanji characters are different. For the Sendai in Kagoshima the Kanji is 川内. The Kanji for the Sendai in Miyagi is 仙台. In Kagoshima the Sendai river, Sendai JR station, Sendai Park and the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant are all near or in the city of Satsumasendai.
Link for the Google maps location of the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant in Kagoshima:,130.2170714,13z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x353e3ba637c05ed3:0x7d12f1125fefb3a4
It may be of concern if there is a tsunami threat is in that area, facing the East China Sea, as there does not appear to be any sea wall protecting the site.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Romanian youth gets life for killing Japanese woman See in context
HongoTAFEinmate " Hope there was parity in sentencing."
The article states, "his friend, who was tried last year and sentenced to life in prison"
What a terrible waste. These two useless ones felt that Arisa Yamada's life was worth only 10,000 yen. Now they will have the rest of their wasted lives to remember her impact on their lives.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: 18-year-old youth arrested over murder of Mie girl last August See in context
Does it make sense to anyone that if his motive was to rob her of her money, then why was she found naked? I'm not sure the Japanese legal system can provide the appropriate punishment. In my opinion sentences for so-called youth who commit adult crimes in Japan is too lenient. To get some understanding, I would suggest researching the case of another young girl who was even more horribly tortured and murdered by "youths" in Japan -- Junko Furuta.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Gov't considers revision of 'comfort women' apology See in context
What possible positive result can be derived from this announcement or from actually re-examining the evidence that that forms the basis of the 1993 Kono Statement? It can result in either denial of the assertions of forced sexual slavery and prostitution or result in confirmation of the original statement which was never accepted by either China or South Korea. Either way it will only inflame an already volatile situation for no foreseeable gain for Japan or the Japanese people. Maybe they just trying to make right wing politicians feel useful in some strange way?
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: And they're off See in context
How long before the last runner crosses the Start Line at the beginning of the race?
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Woman found dead in car spoke to police about boyfriend's abuse See in context
Educator60 It seems the ex has now been found dead in Tochigi. This seems to be new information nobody else has. Was there more detail such as was he shot with the same gun?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Man arrested for stomping on children’s feet See in context
Is the determination made by the judge public knowledge that his company now knows? Will they not take some action before this bizarre behavior becomes criminally serious?
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Posted in: Tire giant Bridgestone fined $425 mil for price fixing in U.S. See in context
toshiko Wonderful answer.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Unruly passenger forces ANA flight to land in Anchorage en route to New York See in context
Not one of his Facebook friends has a Japanese name, although, he lists Shibuya as his current residence...a little unusual to have no Japanese friends while living in Shibuya...
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Posted in: NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says See in context
Two headlines today = - NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says - U.S. urges Japan, S Korea, China to overcome historical animosity Guess which country is responsible for the historical animosity...
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: U.S. urges Japan, S Korea, China to overcome historical animosity See in context
Two headlines today =
NHK manager's Nanjing denial no problem, gov't says U.S. urges Japan, S Korea, China to overcome historical animosity Guess that which country is responsible for the historical animosity...0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Missing Sapporo girl rescued from confinement; man arrested See in context
This is an unexpectedly wonderful outcome to what many of us thought might be a horrible result. Kudos to all involved who got this one right.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Controversial TV drama on orphanages goes ahead without sponsors See in context
We should hope we get more testimonials from those who have lived through the experience in Japan such as japantodaykenji above. Then we may better be able to judge whether the corporations withdrawing sponsorship were using good judgment or joining in the cover-up of an important social issue..
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Iwate tries to crack down on upskirt photos taken with cell phones See in context
livinginnagoya "Why are there so many perverts here?"
You don't have to try very hard on Youtube to know that this problem is not only in Japan. There are many videos like this in Russian, Spanish-speaking, European, American and many other countries.
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: 10 things Japan gets awesomely right See in context
Definitiely would include all train systems in Tokyo and Yokohama areas JR East trains, Metro Subways and the Shinkansen.
When I first visited Japan before accepting a 4 year expat posting, the first eight evening meals I had were in non-Japanese restaurants - American, Italian, German, British, Korean, Chinese, Indian and Mexican. In Roppongi, Tokyo there are many excellent "foreign" restaurants. Once I developed local friends and found where my Japanese coworkers ate I discovered all the foods mentioned in the article above. Some of my favorites in addition to those listed in the article are yakitori, tempura and pork bowl restaurants in Tokyo; Crab and Seafood restaurants in Tokyo and Sapporo and food at the many festivals allover Japan.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
And the rest of the world really care
Posted in: Eagles deny Chiefs Super Bowl three-peat with dominant defense in 40-22 rout
Posted in: Super Bowl Monday
Posted in: Governor puts parts of Russia's Sakhalin on high alert after cargo ship runs aground
Posted in: Super Bowl Monday