Japan Today

windhoss comments

Posted in: Abe visits Yasukuni shrine; calls it pledge against war See in context

Abe's visiting of Yasukuni shrine proved once again that Japan is far from a great country,and Japan maybe can't be a great country forever.Japan's leader lacks wisdom to win the respect from neighbors and tackle the dilemma.Maybe Japan never care the feelings of China and South Korea,but the fact is that China is always there and is so close with Japan geographically.Two people seat next to next and hate each other ,how bad it is!

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Japan calls on China to accept world's concerns over air defense zone See in context

As a chinese I visited Japan four years ago,when I came back from Japan to China I realized how ridiculous it is to fight with Japan,I like Japan,kind people and clean street.Both China and Japan lack knowledge of each other,our common interests are much more than differences.There is a saying in China:"进一步山穷水尽,退一步海阔天空”.I think both China and Japan should make a concession. I hope I have chance to visit Japan once again .

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: U.S., South Korea begin war games See in context

It is right time for China to give up NK,China is in a situation to be dragged into war by NK second time,the time is not 60 years ago,it is not worth to protect NK again. China should respect general value.NK is a psychosis,no one can control it,neither can China.

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Posted in: Japan asks China to pay for damage to patrol boats See in context

Japan have already made a wise dicision,the history will prove it,but US is the final winner.

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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context

Japanese goverment is so naive and thinks that challenging China by this way can occupy DIAOYU island as soon as possible,but Japan does not know what country China is now,the action taken by Japan only make they lose DIAOYU island as soon as possible.

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Posted in: Japan urges calm after China severs contacts See in context

The skipper reminds me of the US soldier detained by Iran and the US journalists arrested by NKorea. Japanese GOV. premediated the whole things.

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