Japan Today

worried comments

Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

See MrDogsjokeregarding kicking in the face. I responded to that.

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

Kick her in the face and tell her to get in the kitchen and make you a sammich!!

..and find yourself with a quick trip to the cells charged with dv. Or if your wife doesnt have the balls for that, then perhaps you might find that sandwich is spat in for the rest of your miserable marriage until she does find the balls to call the police.

Thats fine, Mr.S can go to Ebisu and if any of the young things want anything to do with him, thats fine. Mrs S will have the kids and a lump sum payment and no useless lump of a man around not to appreciate her. Win win I would say.

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Posted in: NEET spouse in the house not such a neat arrangement See in context

I suggest Mrs S leaves for a while. Then Mr S can come home to an empty dark house, with nothing at all waiting for him to eat and noone to talk to, noone to iron his shirts, or clean the house, no one to pick the child up from school and take him or her to play dates or lessons, or do any of the other myriad of things a mother needs to do for her child. Let him do the lot. Or even better Mrs S can take the child with her and then perhaps he will appreciate the family more than he does right now. You dont know what you have until it is gone, eh.

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Posted in: Heartbroken Kobe man stabs ex-girlfriend, three policemen See in context

Now if the woman had been allowed to legally have a gun in her home, she might well have managed to shoot this creep when he came at her with a knife, or he might have thought twice before trying this. Im all for the right to bear arms. I really hope she recovers, and manages to get this freak out of her life. She bears no culpability here, she realised he was not someone you want to be with and tried to escape from him. It was him who did not let her go. Unfortunately creeps like him do not have Creep tatooed across their forehead.

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

What I see here is a group of privleged men, who expect never to be challenged nor denied, and when they are, they get quite upset. You tolerate women who do not dare stand up to you, but of course, you would never treat a woman who dared stand up to you, with any amount of respect.

Noriko was never going to be popular amongst the male gang here. She stood up for herself, and got herself and her children to safety. She won. Complain about it all you like, this man will never get to see those children again, and very glad that Noriko got herself free from the situation.

You called me blasphemous, Netninja, I guess you and I have a very different belief system.

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

Whatever I may think of the way Noriko has been treated in all of this, she is an adult. The children however, are totally innocent and the insinuation that anyone would find their situation in any way amusing is reprehensible.

Im not anti-man, Im anti the abuse of women and children perpetuated by the courts, encouraged and facilitated by the men`s rights action groups, and perpretrated by men upon women and children.

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Posted in: 9-year-old boy finds hand grenade in Fukuoka rice field See in context

You would hope that a 9 year old boy would know better than to pick it up and take it home! I bet his parents were delighted. Ah well, he is safe and sound, no harm done, and I bet his friends were impressed.

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Posted in: Respect and embrace differences: An educator’s lesson See in context

This all seems very nice indeed, especially if she can provide kindergarten for children with disabilities, which serves their needs in a meaningful way. I often wonder how on earth parents of disabled children manage in Japan. However, there are quite a few international kindergartens, its education from 1st grade up which is problematic and very expensive if you do not go the Japanese public school route.

The fact that she is employing qualified teachers is a plus, quite a lot of these places do not seem as concerned about that in our experience.

Japanese kindergarten has always been very sweet and very positive in our experience, it is the later grades which are not so much fun.

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Posted in: What do you think of the Cool Biz campaign? See in context

It will not work is these poor men have to go into the office in suit trousers and shirts. They need to be allowed to dress according to the weather. Shorts and t shirts, even jimbei would work, and the bosses need to show the way and lead by example.

People are not going to manage, dressed in suits that are made for much cooler climes.

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Posted in: Multi-function pens See in context

I would love one of these. It doesnt look like it has a fountain pen nib, though. That would have been lovely!

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

Believe me I know how easily marriages breakdown. As Zenny said, and he and I rarely agree on anything, mutually agreed divorces, with both sides showing a bit of respect and concern for the children can and do work out quite well. That ship sailed for this man when he duped Noriko into going to the US, and then filed for divorce in a country that was not those children`s habitual residence, while setting up home with his mistress.

Im all for reasonable divorces, but when the man is being vindictive, and unreasonable himself, the only responsibility the woman has is to her children and her own future safety and happiness.

Im all for men`s rights groups taking this man on as their poster boy, it just highlights how unreasonable and downright scary they can be.

If men want their ex wives to feel safe enough to continue contact, then they have to go all out to behave in a responsible and respectful manner, but hey if they did that, I guess they wouldnt need a divorce in the first place.

I wish Noriko all the best, and hope she knows that most people can see through this abuse of the court system, and see this man for what his behaviour suggests he is. She is no criminal, she is a woman who got involved with the wrong man, and did what she could to extricate herself and her children. She is one brave lady. I hope the stress of all this doesnt get to her.

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

Those children have a mother who loves them very much indeed, and who was clever and brave enough to extricate both herself and the children from the situation in the US. She seems like a resourceful brave woman, and Im sure those children will be absolutely fine with her. All they need now, is for their father to stop piling more pressure and stress upon this woman who already has been through so much.

In the same situation I would have done the same thing as Noriko did. In fact I think she behaved with more grace than most given the treatment he allegedly meeted out to her. Im sure all she wants is for him to leave her and those children be.

In situations like this, with this type of man it is often more about losing - both control and the upper hand, rather than doing what is best for those children.

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

Cleo, you are too kind. Why should this woman or her children be forced to have anything to do with this man? Does anyone think for one second about the psychological and emotional pain just seeing this man, and having him near her children, that this would cause her? Does she matter at all?

Women should not have to be pander to men and their sense of privilege and entitlement to their own and their children`s detriment.

I hope she lets go of whatever residual feelings she has towards him as the father of those children, and go on the legal offensive. Just because he happens to have been a sperm donor, does not make him a father worth having in those childrens lives. His behaviour towards their mother has been reprehensible. Mens Rights Groups are doing themselves no favors by having this man as a poster boy.

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Posted in: $6.1 mil awarded to Tennessee man in Japan child custody battle See in context

The children were born and raised in Japan.

Christopher took Japanese citizenship. Noriko was led to believe by this action that he intended to stay in Japan.

He then packed his wife and children up, and took them to Tennassee, where he promptly filed for a divorce, and set up home with the American woman.

At this point he gave Noriko money, and expected her to stay in the US, after having been duped into going there, just so he could retain control over the children. This court in the US then awards HIM money!

Noriko wont pay, she paid enough already in the suffering this man has caused her and continues to cause her and the children. This is not about the kids, this is about control.

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

I agree however, that the guy didnt actually do anything, and last time I checked we werent prosecuting people for what they "might" do. He sounds mentally not quite all there to me, and needs help, not a lynching

Mias mum, ,this is what I had an issue with. He led a child away, by the arm, saying he wanted to play with her. He only ran away when he was challenged by the woman in the street. He led this girl away, he touched her arm to do so. This is notnothing` is it? It was an abduction which was thwarted by a (wonderful) passerby. The second he touched her arm it became something.

I understand some women defend men, no matter what they do, some kind of Stockholm syndrome, or desire to be accepted by males perhaps. However, what this man did was indefensible, nor was it nothing. Believe me, if this was my daughter he led by the arm for 30 metres and expressed a desire to play with her, I would want the full force of the law upon him.

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Posted in: Anne chosen as Tokyo Metro poster girl See in context

Fantasizing about her on my way to and from the Oedo line platform makes the trip seem much quicker.

So gaijin men dont objectify Japanese women, then, eh? This lovely young lady is only complimented by you guys as long as she is not a mother or a wife.

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

Mias mum, you said he did not do anything wrong. So you would have been happy and still held that opinion if it had been your child he led away by the arm toplay`. He is being charged with attempted abduction, which is precisely what he did. The fleeing clinched it dont you think?

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

Im not paranoid. Its only paranoia when there is no risk. My youngest kids do not go into bathrooms alone in public. I, or their father takes them and waits for them. So the freaks will never get the chance to do anything. I keep a distant but keen eye on them when they go out to play, and they know where they are allowed to go. If this makes me paranoid, in your eyes, fine. I know Ill never be mourning my children because some paedo has hurt them, because Ill simply never let that happen.

You are defending a man, Toddo, who led a 9 year old girl away and ran when he was questioned. Of course he didnt mean well.

I truely hope your lax attitude to safety does not have real world consequences.

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

I truely hope that your children, Toddo, never come across an individual who does not mean well to them. It is playing Russian roulette with people`s safety. We would all like to live in a world where it is safe for children to speak to strangers, but that is not the reality we live in, not even in Japan.

That poor little girl who was murdered in toilet in a supermarket in Kumamoto probably had parents who liked to be relaxed and calm about her safety. That worked out really well for her didn`t it.

Men know not to approach children in this way. Anyone who does, does not mean well. I tell my children if they get lost, to ask a woman, or else a police man or woman for help, never ask help from a strange man if they can help it.

Children need to be taught that anyone they do not know is potentially dangerous to them, and freaks like this man can never be given the benefit of the doubt.

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

Miamum, a 38 year old man led a 9 year old child away to a tree, by her arm, saying he wanted to play with her. Whether or not he is mentally all there, what he did was wrong. If that woman had not intervened and called her name, who knows what would have happened. If he truely was not all there or harmless, then why did he run away? He KNEW what he was doing was wrong, and so escaped.

Indefensible. As much as I think he deserves a kneecapping, lets hope he just gets locked up and kept far away from children.

Giving a man the benefit of the doubt in this situation is very dangerous indeed. What 38 year old wants to play innocently with a 9 year old girl! Come on!

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Posted in: A backpack for mom See in context

I think ANY woman, Japanese or not, would throw it in the bin. Its not only Japanese women who dislike ugly cheap bags.

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Posted in: Man arrested for alleged abduction of 9-year-old girl in Saitama See in context

Why is it always Saitama!

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Posted in: Cramped quarters See in context

Shame on Japan for allowing this when people have donated so much money to help those in need. This is exactly what people were hoping to be able to offer relief from when they put their money into collection tins and gave to the red cross.

What is the hold up? Get these poor people a bit of decency and comfort now. This is not their fault, not mother natures fault. This is Tepcos fault, and these people should be put up in hotels at Tepco`s expense.

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