Japan Today

wytrox comments

Posted in: 'Diet glasses' fool wearers into eating less See in context

i hope they make goggles that make women look younger... and men less bald

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Posted in: Japan routs Tajikistan 8-0 in World Cup qualifier See in context

slow night for Kawashima...its as if Japan didnt have a goalie...

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Posted in: Japan may soon lose top longevity ranking See in context

This article doesnt mention anything about people who are refused medical care, ambulances are rerouted to several hospitals before they agree to treat patients...by the time they get to the ER, they're near-death...it makes me think mayb thats how they're getting rid of the sick and elderly ... First do no harm is a luxury...First DO Nothing seems to be their solution...

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Posted in: 1-yr-old baby girl dies after being left in car for 6 hours while parents play pachinko See in context

When will they ever learn? This happens every year.

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Posted in: In view of what happened in China, how safe do you think high-speed trains are? See in context


The Amagasaki crash could have been prevented if JR West had installed Automatic Train Stop (ATS) sensors at the bend. It was an accident caused by the driver who was trying to beat the clock...

The train derailed as the driver took the bend at 116 kph — 46 kph faster than the speed limit for that section. Drawing a conclusion similar to the one issued by the government commission, JR West said the driver — distracted by the conductor's radio communications with the control center about an overrun he made at a previous station — applied the brake too late. The commission's final report said JR West should have installed the advanced ATS system called the ATS-P at the bend.

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Posted in: Soccer star Kumagai in hot water over Twitter remarks during party See in context


The guy who tweeted on Kumagai did not upload any lewd pictures, but boasts that he viewed an album on Kumagai's smartphone...including a topless Maruyama in the locker room.

The pictures he did upload are of him and Kumagai seated together (with the gold medal around his neck) a close up of the gold medal, and a headshot of himself biting the gold medal.

He posts that Kumagai started to talk heatedly about the coach, saying he needs to do better "Kantoku kono mama ja dame rashii"

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Posted in: Soccer star Kumagai in hot water over Twitter remarks during party See in context

I saw it on TV yesterday, someone tweeted about being in a party with her and her friends. She insists it wasnt a gou-kon but a night out with friends. Apparently she was more concerned about news that she was suspected of drinking alcohol, which she adamantly denies. She promised never to attend such functions in the future.

The tweeter was a fellow student and an aquaintance of one of her friends, attending the same University. She did not know that during the course of the evening, he was posting on his twitter account, and uploading a picture of himself biting the gold medal (which for some people, is inappropriate and disrespectful).

The University issued a statement that the student has been reprimanded for his actions.

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Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context

It seems to me that American goalkeeper Solo did not receive enough time to fully recover or should have been substituted even at that time before the finish of the regular time. When a goalkeeper was hurt, I remember from earlier games, it took longer waiting times. This was a little too hasty ,in my opinion.

my earlier link (in response to sojherde comment above) didnt work so I'm posting it again

Solo: Theatrics could’ve saved Americans


Solo injured her knee in a collision with Japan’s Yukari Kinga early in the second period of extra-time with the Americans leading by a goal. She opted not to receive treatment at the time, But Solo’s knee complaint worsened, and by the time there were only four minutes of extra time left she had no option but to call for the trainer and play was halted while she was treated on the field.

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Posted in: Japanese women, fans savor World Cup win See in context

I just watched the press conference on TV, they look like clean, wholesome girls. On the pitch, they're warriors - World Class Athletes, the cream of the crop, savoring their victory and being applauded by their people for winning the battle.

Some of the comments posted here about their looks, who is hotter, and comparing them to the US team based on their physical beauty is so offensive, its mean, sexist, and degrading to women. We should give them credit for their tenacity, grit and determination, because they fought so hard to beat the odds, not criticize them for not being barbie.

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Posted in: Japanese women, fans savor World Cup win See in context


Sports are great and it's always fun to cheer for your team but their are bigger things in life than a soccer match

I agree, but I also believe that sports brings people together even in trying times and can offer hope and faith in the human spirit.


One of the members said: I got power from resilient people of Tohoku. Some Tohoku people said: We got power of not giving up from Nadeshiko.

I'm moved to tears.

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Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context


it was philanthropic gesture by USA to encourage Tohoku region

...it's like rubbing salt on a bleeding wound.

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Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context


It seems to me that American goalkeeper Solo did not receive enough time to fully recover or should have been substituted even at that time before the finish of the regular time. When a goalkeeper was hurt, I remember from earlier games, it took longer waiting times. This was a little too hasty ,in my opinion.

<>http://sports.yahoo.com/soccer/news?slug=ro-rogers_solo_plays_through_injury_071711 Solo: Theatrics could’ve saved Americans

Solo injured her knee in a collision with Japan’s Yukari Kinga early in the second period of extra-time with the Americans leading by a goal. She opted not to receive treatment at the time, But Solo’s knee complaint worsened, and by the time there were only four minutes of extra time left she had no option but to call for the trainer and play was halted while she was treated on the field.

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Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context

No exaggerated display of crying, which I'm sure the Japanese women would have done.

I believe there are different types of tears for different emotions. tears of sadness , tears of frustration, tears of joy etc ...tears of defeat, I can only imagine how hard it is to suppress. can we blame anyone for crying after training so hard for years and see their efforts go unrewarded? i think they have a right to cry, win or lose

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Posted in: Japan beats U.S. in shootout to win Women's World Cup soccer See in context

There goes my blood pressure ... up the roof!!! Adrenalin's still pumping. The PK was so thrilling I forgot to breathe...

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Posted in: Model Shiho launches beauty book See in context

Sharpie- I remember reading about that. Very strange. Now he's branded "genderless" when the in fact his parents wanted him to be raised "gender-neutral"... They named the baby Storm Stocker... LOL

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Posted in: All-women parties becoming fad See in context

Everyday is an all-girls party at my home. I have 3 daughters (aged 15, 20 and 22). All they talk about is what they want for dinner...

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Posted in: Reconstruction minister resigns over offensive remarks; Hirano takes over See in context

Kan accepted Matsumoto’s resignation and hopes to appoint a replacement as soon as possible

Tadaima Kan-gaichu...as usual. No wonder they call him Aki-Kan

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Posted in: Pachinko parlors and vending machines use up 10 million kilowatts of power a year, which is just about the amount of the Fukushima nuclear power plants. See in context

Pachinko Parlors - the number source of noise pollution. Who needs 5 vending machines all lined up in a neat row selling the same drinks, when theres a 7-11 and ministop at every corner selling the same drinks? I would rather go into a combini and cool off a bit.

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Posted in: Lineup See in context

Are they the girls that sing gee gee gee? It keeps playing over and over in my head its driving me up the wall!

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Posted in: Amway Japan See in context

The surest way to lose friends. I was invited to a "home party" by my husband's cousin and was ambushed by a pack of amway housewives! I even brought some food and a nice bottle of wine, but that didnt stop them from pushing their wares on me... They ate my food and hid the wine in the fridge! SNEAKY AMWAY PEOPLE! They should spend money and advertize on TV...no wonder nobody knows about them here in Japan.

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