Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,331 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 91,051 See in context
Velius Today 05:32 pm JST
Only 81 hospitalizations?? Can we stop this madness? This is not a real public health threat! When will the scaremongers be satisfied? Zero hospitalizations? Sorry that’s just not possible for any virus!
The media should also report normal influenza infection rates and hospitalizations. They might even be higher! Or are the covid PCR tests also catching influenza patients? It’s like the regular flu magically ceased to exist.
It’s just ridiculous. There is no endgame, apparently.
Indeed your comments are no endgame apparently.
More than 1500 people in ICU nationaly because of Covid and also thousands of people also hospitalized for medium symptoms (you would not like to have it).
5 ( +13 / -8 )
Posted in: Plastic, chemical pollution beyond planet's safe limit: study See in context
Sadly, the only thing society cares is making profit whatever the impact on our planet.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 11,765 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 68,470 See in context
After so long some people still does not know that the number of severe cases in Tokyo are the number of people under ECMO so it is ICU. Other severe cases not under ECMO but on ICU are not counted. So 62 here are all in ICU. And there are more in ICU because of Covid, probably more than 100.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 18,891 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 99,695 See in context
gakinotsukaiToday 05:45 pm JST
Cap or not, it does not matter. Omicron is very infectious
You measure infection rate by testing so yes, capping matters if you want to know how a variant is infectious.
Fortunately for Japan, other countries did enough testing to bring the information to light.
I know it is relevant to know the situation of an infection. But Japan never choose this way during this pandemic. And it's far too late now.
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 18,891 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 99,695 See in context
TokyoJoeToday 05:36 pm JST
down 1,788 from last Thursday.
Great news, let's follow the UK lead and remove all covid restrictions including face masks.
Do you know that you can not wear face mask if you want. No Japanese will tell you to wear one.
Also, with comparing Japan with UK ?
2 ( +10 / -8 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 18,891 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 99,695 See in context
nonu6976 Today 05:12 pm JST
btw, for those who think corona is mostly harmless, or like the flu, read the first 4 paragraphs of this report which was released just today
Thank you for sharing this information.
1 ( +10 / -9 )
Posted in: U.S., European business leaders urge Japan to end COVID entry ban See in context
Maybe it's time to leave Japan...
-4 ( +6 / -10 )
Posted in: Japan to extend virus restrictions in Tokyo, 12 other prefectures until March 6 See in context
Temyong Today 10:46 am JST
Natural immunity is 100x better.
Thank you for spreading your huge knowledge about the natural immunity, I suppose you are a very very expert in that matter.
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Japan to extend virus restrictions in Tokyo, 12 other prefectures until March 6 See in context
Derek Grebe Today 11:41 am JST
What restrictions?
There are no restrictions.
I just made a 90-minute commute on a packed train to an unventilated office with the heaters blazing hotter than Hephaestus' underpants.
I'm sitting in a room with 40 other drones and am required to pretend everything is fine.
This is going on in companies and schools all over Tokyo.
The only restriction is that when we get out of here, none of us will be able to have a refreshing beverage or a pleasant meal when we finish work, and we will all pile on the packed trains at the same time as 15 million other drones.
There are no restrictions.
There is no state of quasi-emergency.
There is only, "we hope you don't get sick. Please don't have any pleasure in your life either."
100% correct !
1 ( +6 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,113 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 92,078 See in context
klausdorthToday 05:09 pm JST
Oh, sorry, the nationwide is down to "just" 1.141, missed that one.
Well, we could also add around 100 patients in ICU in Tokyo that are not considered as severe because they do not need ECMO. So total should be more around 1250.
By age group, 2,780 cases were in their 20s, 2,874 in their 30s, 2,862 in their 40s and 1,814 in their 50s, while 1,999 were aged between 10 and 19, and 2,569 younger than 10.
And more than 2000 aged 60+.
5 ( +7 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,526 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 89,145 See in context
Happy DayToday 06:00 pm JST
And only 45 hospitalized? Have they figured out case counts are irrelevant?
45 patients in Tokyo under ECMO omly. What about the ones in ICU ?
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,526 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 89,145 See in context
Omicron is very infectious but :
Almost no one does physical distancing,
Most people don't know how to sanitize or wash their hands,
Many people don't wear masks effectively,
Telecommuting is absolutely not the norm...Simple things that could decrease the spread !
-2 ( +7 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 21,122 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 100,949 See in context
Expotential WitnessToday 05:44 pm JST
Tell that to someones Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, that their death was "acceptable".
Jexan found it acceptable, like the flu.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 21,122 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 100,949 See in context
Jexan Today 05:34 pm JST
My pleasure. Simple math equations are fun. Japan has had 3.12 million cases about 19,000 deaths. That’s 99.4% survival rate.
isn’t math fun?
now let’s assume testing is insufficient and the cases are double. That’s a 99.7%
Thank you for your explanation. 19,000 deaths sounds acceptable.
0 ( +8 / -8 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 21,122 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 100,949 See in context
JexanToday 05:14 pm JST
which is further proof “prevention” is a lost cause. Everyone will get this and based on science almost everyone will be just fine.
Please define almost everyone ?
2 ( +11 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 21,122 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 100,949 See in context
Some statistics, based on government data, for the most populated prefectures :
Prefecture - Positivity rate - #tests/million - #positive/million
Osaka - 31% - 3604 - 1110
Fukuoka - 29% - 2797 - 824
Okinawa - 29% - 2049 - 584
Hyogo - 47% - 1851 - 877
Tokyo - 64% - 1835 - 1173
Aichi - 39% - 1789 - 691
Saitama - 35% - 1705 - 588
Hokkaido - 32% - 1692 - 547
Shizuoka - 29% - 1392 - 403
Chiba - 44% - 1345 - 590
Kyoto - 53% - 1199 - 634
Kanagawa - 74% - 1036 - 762
Date of Feb 2nd, average daily values based on a week.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,631 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 81,811 See in context
TokyoJoeToday 05:28 pm JST
17,631 new cases only 2 of them in a serious condition.
2 is for those under respiratory support. Many other covid patients in ICU but Tokyo refuses to count it as severe.
5 ( +10 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,631 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 81,811 See in context
Rocket LeesToday 05:14 pm JST
The 50% threshold refers to the total number of patients hospitalized for covid, not just the 20 patients who are in severe condition. There are currently 3,187 who are hospitalized for covid in Tokyo, which means they occupy 46.1% of the 6,919 available beds.
Just a remainder, since 2020 April 27, Tokyo prefecture decided that only patients under respiratory supports (ECMO) are counted as severe. So covid patients in ICU but not under respiratory support are not counted as severe in Tokyo prefecture.
How can you imagine that Tokyo has only 20 severe when the rest of the country has almost 700 ?
0 ( +5 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,631 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 81,811 See in context
Expotential WitnessToday 05:19 pm JST
20 People hospitalzed out of 17,631 + cases? Omicron seems to not be as bad as "they" once predicted. Get your Vaccines, wear your mask and stay safe out there Japan.
Just a remainder, since 2020 April 27, Tokyo prefecture decided that only patients under respiratory supports (ECMO) are counted as severe. So covid patients in ICU but not under respiratory support are not counted as severe in Tokyo prefecture.
11 ( +14 / -3 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 17,631 new coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 81,811 See in context
Thomas GoodtimeToday 04:53 pm JST
Dubious that Tokyo's hospitalised with severe symptoms is 20, yet nationwide the number is 697.
Just a remainder, since 2020 April 27, Tokyo prefecture decided that only patients under respiratory supports (ECMO) are counted as severe. So people in ICU are not counted as severe.
15 ( +21 / -6 )
Posted in: Lot of work to be done before climate summit, host Britain admits See in context
The proliferation of the human species which destroys wild flora and fauna while depleting resources will inevitably cause its loss. Human beings will never change their way of life. Too bad.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Living with COVID; Singapore strategy raises concerns, hope See in context
@Bob Fosse
Vaccination, testing everyone who has symptoms of cold of flu, testing every contacts of an infection, isolating/quarantine infected to break chain of infections, keep usual prevention measures (mask, gel...), vaccine passport in place crowded like events... and NO lockdown, This is how it works fine in some western European countries where the covid is managed with a working medical system for all people.
And I am not supporting the government of Singapore.
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Living with COVID; Singapore strategy raises concerns, hope See in context
@ZaphodToday 03:12 pm JST
Finally some common sense.
Exactly ! Singapore has chosen a wise way to deal with this virus. Some countries in Western Europe too.
@IngvarToday 03:35 pm JST
What is the % since the vaccines started being administered? 35% of deaths in fully vaccinated people since the January or February last year doesn't paint a flattering picture for the vaccines Singapore is using.
-1 ( +6 / -7 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
Right, it’s time to open up and get things back to normal. The vulnerable have been vaccinated and most of those that want it. By now a large amount of the population will have caught Covid too.
Would be nice if there was a study of prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
6 ( +8 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
joffy Today 05:46 pm JST
The Covid situation has never been dire in Japan. Some hospitals were affected greatly but not the majority as some would like you to believe. "Most" residents here practice self preservation and avoid getting into situations where transmission easily occurs. Plus, mask wearing indoors is nearly 100% and has been for over a year. With the number of vaccinated (especially the elderly) at very high levels, it is no wonder the situation is getting better daily.
Oh wonderful Japan where Covid is just annoying but not serious and medical system is working fine with all patients hospitalized as needed. That's your view.
There is no need to test asymptomatic people. Most Japanese don't want to get a test if they are feeling fine. Plus the expense would be enormous. Japan tests those who are symptomatic and we get the daily numbers from that data. It is consistent so it is an excellent gauge to see trends.
You still do not understand the meaning of non restricted testing, you are really st......
Japan is doing very well and it is a great country to live in during the pandemic.
Yes, no problem at all here, no people has lost jobs, economy is flourishing, restaurants are open all day, no quarantine when going back to Japan when you are fully vaccinated and showing 3 negative tests.
-3 ( +11 / -14 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
Oxycodin Today 05:32 pm JST
Does a very contagious virus we all and the world has been fearing suddenly no longer infected anymore? I’m glad to hear it’s going down but suddenly?
That is how infection wave works.
8 ( +10 / -2 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
From data of last Friday, the 10 most populated prefectures (+Okinawa), percentage of infections and number of tests done by million of people.
Osaka 6,5% 1755
Okinawa 13% 1340
Aichi 10% 980
Shizuoka 4% 905
Fukuoka 6% 894
Tokyo 10% 716
Saitama 10% 685
Hokkaido 3% 660
Chiba 9% 636
Hyogo 12% 583
Kyoto 10% 451
Kanagawa 15% 441
4 ( +9 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
AkulaToday 05:16 pm JST
Still some way to go with the vaccine program, but I have no doubt that the 153m vaccines doses administered to date have made a big difference, with two thirds of the population having had at least one dose, and close to 70m people being fully vaccinated.
Impressive to see now that 90% of over 65s have had at least one dose, and 88.6% are fully vaccinated.
Well done Japan!
What will be the maximum rate of fully vaccinated people in Japan ? 60, 70, 80 % ???
3 ( +8 / -5 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
BurakuminDes Today 05:17 pm JST
I agree with you.
Japan ranks around the middle of Asian nations in terms of Covid death rate per capita. There is ZERO evidence to suggest they resist the virus "better than anywhere on earth".
Note that most of the people here compare Japan only with western countries to show how Japan is better handling the virus.
6 ( +15 / -9 )
Posted in: Tokyo reports 253 coronavirus cases; nationwide tally 1,767 See in context
Fiddlers Today 05:01 pm JST
More good news so lets open the pubs now !
Will big celebrations happen on October 1st ?
7 ( +13 / -6 )
Posted in: Cybersecurity bill submitted to Diet
Zaphod - thanks for your query. Heh, Heh! Just a bit of wink, wink playing on how Mr Musk &…
Posted in: Mass leak of personal, other records hits Hello Kitty park operator
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Do people go to Starbucks for cheap coffee?
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