Posted in: What do you expect from Donald Trump as U.S. president? See in context
After driving down I-75 through Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee on Sunday and Monday of this week, and hearing the extreme hatred of Hillary Clinton spewed by supposed "Christians" in the guise of "evangelicals" on the radio in these places, I have the following expectation:
Donald Trump will be the instrument of G-d's wrath on the United States. (Just as these same evangelicals prayed for Bush in 2000 and got 9/11, wars, and a near collapse of the economy as their blessing.)
Some people just won't learn.
3 ( +6 / -3 )
Posted in: Trump wins White House; Clinton concedes defeat See in context
Or you could say it is the first time in decades the Democratic nominee hasn't received 90% of the black vote
You could say that but you'd be wrong. Kerry in 2004 received 88%, just as Hillary did this year (according to latest figures).
Also, interestingly enough the first time in 35 years that a Bush or Clinton hasn't either been president,
Well, you're wrong again. Barack Obama wasn't adopted by either family.
Such ignorance is the hot air beneath Trump's flea-infested wings.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump edges closer to White House win See in context
Guam's results have been reported. Guam has been right on the money for the past 32 years. A great bellwether.
Results: Clinton 72% -- Trump 24%
12 ( +17 / -5 )
Posted in: Clinton, Trump blitz through battleground states Monday in final bid to energize supporters See in context
Trump began his campaign with lies and he ended it with lies:
The Republican nominee held his last two rallies at arenas in New Hampshire and Michigan, and in his inimitable fashion, Trump played up how large a crowd came out to see him. Appearing by phone on Fox and Friends, Trump proclaimed in the span of a few minutes that 21,000 people and then 28,000 were in attendance in Grand Rapids in the wee hours on Tuesday morning. He later said that 22,000 had turned out a couple hours earlier in Manchester, New Hampshire.
Aside from his claims growing by one-third while he was talking on the phone, Trump is almost certainly wrong on both accounts. The maximum capacity for the SNHU Arena in Manchester is under 12,000 people, according to its website. And the Detroit Free Press reported that the Grand Gallery in Grand Rapids holds just 4,200 people, citing the fire marshal.
Results from Guam are in. Guam has been an accurate bellwether for predicting presidential elections for the past 32 years. This year has Hillary beating Trump 72% to 24%. May this result continue through the rest of the USA.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Clinton, Trump blitz through battleground states Monday in final bid to energize supporters See in context
But this perfectly illustrates the very real problem with competing against democrats. Ultimately the debate becomes not about facts, but about the narrative.....
Alinsky’s tactics
Your use of the term "Alinsky's tactics" is not using facts, but a very instructive example of the narrative you claim to decry.
Clinton is now leading in the polls in key battleground states
And Serrano will weep with joy at every one of the checks that President Hillary Clinton signs. (Or will he continue to hate the US government that pays him while he complains?)
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Clinton, Trump blitz through battleground states Monday in final bid to energize supporters See in context
Poor Freddie left off this part from his continuing attempts to deceive -- "speaking of CNN": (from his own link)
"But CNN said it does the same with Republicans as part of efforts to present the best interviews."
If CNN reaches out with the same treatment to both parties -- how does that favor one of them? (Well, naturally, truth and facts tend to lie on the side that's not trying to deceive.)
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Obama warns U.S. fate in voters' hands as Trump gains ground See in context
If Trump wins it will only because the Almighty feels the US needs to be punished more.
The people and party behind Trump are the same ones who brought us George W. Bush, 9/11, wars, a housing bubble bursting that nearly brought down the banking system....
Yes, fate is a cruel mistress.
1 ( +5 / -4 )
Posted in: Mel Gibson: 'It's time Hollywood forgave me' See in context
Two Jewish Hollywood elites made nasty racist jokes...jokes about the President of the United States no less!
Yes, about a person -- privately via email. Not public slurs against an entire group -- that's what Gibson did.
Is racism against black people less bad than anti-semitism?
That depends upon the individual act under question. A private joke is less harmful than a public declaration.
Scott Rudin has continued producing movies without batting an eyelid.
Were any of his movies racist or anti-Semitic? (As the virulently anti-Jewish Gibson movie?)
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Mel Gibson: 'It's time Hollywood forgave me' See in context
What about Scott Rudin and Amy Pascal making racist jokes about Obama? These are two Jewish Hollywood elites behaving in a racist way against black people.
No. They made improper jokes about a person, not a race. Why does their ethnicity matter to you -- unless you have something against Jews. (As does Gibson -- who obviously relished portraying them as Christ-killers.)
Have they been ostracized for 10 years?!
Uh...the scandal isn't even 3 years old. Pascal was fired.
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Clinton, Trump warn of dire consequences if rival wins See in context
“I would rather be here talking about nearly anything else,” Clinton said Tuesday during a rally in Florida where she leveled a series of attacks on Trump’s character and preparedness for the White House.
A new poll of early voting in Florida shows nearly 30% of registered Republicans crossing over to vote for Hillary.
This is phenomenal! (and "interesting")
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Clinton says she won't be 'knocked off course' in final week See in context
What makes Doug Schoen a "clinton insider?' The fact that he contributes to Fox News?
He doesn't explicitly say he's not voting for Hillary. He's just concerned. OK, long time Republicans like the Bush family and Colin Powell ARE voting for Hillary.
Keep trying, Lizz. One of your predictions might come true one day.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Clinton lashes out at FBI's handling of new email review See in context
A blocking mechanism that was ok when they ridiculously tried....
You brought up term limits. The "blocking mechanism" is totally irrelevant since the GOP never even brought up term limits when they controlled both houses of Congress and the White House during most of W's two terms.
Or was bringing up filibustering a ridiculous try to deflect?
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Clinton lashes out at FBI's handling of new email review See in context
Yes, Simon Foston....
To right-wing loonies, totally ignorant of the Constitution, a president can " issue term limits on congress."
What the loonies fail to remember is that in the post-Contract-on-America days, the Republicans controlled the White House (GW Bush) and both houses of congress.... And never made any gesture towards term limits. Why believe anything they say?
Actually, it is the American voters who can best apply term limits -- by simply refusing to vote for an incumbent -- past whatever limit they deem proper and reasonable. But you don't see the the ones who give so much lip service to it actually trying to practice it.
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: Clinton lashes out at FBI's handling of new email review See in context
Republicans should ask Trump step down!
Trump said the following regarding this: "Now the evidence as I would imagine is so overwhelming because they wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t overwhelming."
Trump lies. If the emails are copies of those investigated before, there is nothing overwhelming about them. The only thing known at this point is that it appears that emails exist.
“They found what may be some of the 33,000 missing and deleted emails,” he said.
And again, there may not be any missing emails.
Trump told a crowd in Golden, Colorado, on Saturday that the FBI’s review of Clinton email practices raises “everybody’s deepest hope that justice, as last, can be properly delivered.”
Trump, in a civic sense, has no decency. He's every bit as scummy as Anthony Weiner.
-1 ( +3 / -4 )
Posted in: Clinton lashes out at FBI's handling of new email review See in context
In your opinion, what exactly isn't great qbout the US? Be specific.
The do-nothing, obstructionist, Republican-led Congress.
As soon as emails were discovered on one of Weiner's phones, FBI Director Comey was between a rock and a hard place. There may not be a single new email, but copies already examined before -- but only a thorough investigation of them can determine that. Nobody knows at this point.
Comey had to risk this "discovery" being leaked even closer to Election Day, and risk being perceived as being involved in a cover-up -- or release the fact that emails were discovered and be viewed as trying to influence the outcome of the election
Much, of course, depends on the integrity of the opponents of Hillary Clinton not to rush to judgment before the investigation results are in -- and the readers here have abundant evidence that these Trump supporters have none.
-2 ( +2 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump targets Bill Clinton and his foundation in new attack See in context
Finally The Clinton campaign is imploding!
Yes, they'll have it dismantled completely by November 9 -- after the victory celebration.
Meanwhile, the amount of money Trump has put into his own campaign the past 90 days? >> ZERO
They've just halted nearly ALL fundraising activities to save money. Now, that's what I call a real implosion.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
No, not everyone knows that. It's just one of those lies that you guys continue telling each other and then believing it because someone else tells you the lie you've been spreading.
This particular incident highlights the vast difference in basic integrity between Clinton's team and Trump's. When confronted with a rumor that might be damaging to one's opponent, the person with integrity will first check it out to make sure it is factual. As stated above, team Clinton in 2008 had nothing but contention towards Senator Obama, and if there was any truth to the rumor, they wouldn't have held back on it. Of course, as they soon found out, there wasn't any.
On the other hand, the person with no integrity -- Trump -- will ignore the evidence that the rumor is NOT true, and, without any supporting evidence, start to spread it. That's far worse than deplorable; that's pure scum.
I expect he'll go off on some random tangent rather than admit it though.
Oh, no doubt.
1 ( +3 / -2 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
And the weapons sales and the proxy wars and the corporate take over of humanity.
Is the buzzword generator leaving out hegemon these days?
[Weapons sales] won't change under Trump.
Shhhh... you'll wake him.
Is it possible to type that with a straight face after constantly supporting corrupt Don Putin in Syria?
And psycho killer Dutarte of the PI.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
the liberals are trying their best to make excuses for what everyone can see with their own eyes
I'm seeing a great photo of a hug with my own eyes. And Michelle isn't making the devil's horn sign behind Hillary. Hillary is ...smiling and waving.
Oh...all that hatred is just oozing out.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
“Seriously, is there anyone more inspiring than Michelle Obama?” Clinton asked, as a crowd in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, answered with cheers.
Michelle is terrific. She could run for a US senate seat in Illinois and win it as easy as Hillary did in New York.
3 ( +9 / -6 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
What was I thinking, I forgot that you don't know what 'proof' is.
The "leaked" email is no more proof than someone coming to JapanToday and reading bass4funk's posts and claiming his conjecture as proof. That's what the leaked email is: conjecture.
What's more, nothing in the leak indicates how our First Lady feels about Secretary Clinton. The right-wingers -- who love to hate -- want to promote the unfounded smear that Mrs. Obama hates Hillary.
4 ( +8 / -4 )
Posted in: Support for 'my girl' Clinton is personal, Mrs Obama says See in context
Eight years ago. In the meantime they worked together for years. Do you think that a relationship can not be repaired in that time, or that an opinion cannot be changed?
I can provide an example of someone who just a matter of months ago thought Trump was a "lunatic," and now thinks he's perfectly qualified to run the USA. That's a much larger turnaround -- and more sudden -- than Mrs. Obama's.
The right-wingers want to promote hatred. The so-called values voters are very upset Hillary stayed in her marriage while Trump was divorcing two times.
7 ( +11 / -4 )
Posted in: More Republicans expect Clinton to win U.S. election than Trump: poll See in context
I do admit, though, that the intensity of the vitriol of this election has went out of control (on both sides, mind you.)
I completely disagree. What many might think is "vitriol" on the Democratic side is more disgust and dismay. Trumpism has taken the conservative party down into the gutter, and liberals like myself are disgusted and dismayed that millions of Americans would line up to allow him to take the US into the gutter along with him.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: More Republicans expect Clinton to win U.S. election than Trump: poll See in context
Im pretty sure that over 90% of Trump coverage is in a negative sphere, while Clinton is less than 5%.
On Breitbart, what percentage of Hillary Clinton coverage is in a positive sphere?
Getting a clue yet?
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump rejects 'phony' polls; insists 'we are winning' See in context
Trump insists: We are winning.
I'd like to nominate Donald Trump for this year's "Comical Ali Award" -- named after the former Iraqi Information Minister, who kept insisting things were going great in his live reports (as US tanks could be seen rolling in the background.)
Next, I expect Trump to announce the mother of all elections.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump rejects 'phony' polls; insists 'we are winning' See in context
My whole gripe with all this is if you're going to call BS on one individual, might as well do it for another. In a nutshell both candidates are appalling!!
OK, Fred. a question for you: Which candidate and/or political philosophy do you support or subscribe to? I notice you can always be counted on to criticize but never have anything constructive to offer. (I got tired of scrolling back through your past posts looking for something constructive.)
5 ( +6 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump rejects 'phony' polls; insists 'we are winning' See in context
Polls are not biased, and as election day approaches more and more people are realising that they have had enough fun and nonsense, and are now preparing to vote for a serious candidate.
You mean like the nonsense that Trump delivered at his speech at Gettysburg? Where he told his audience that US taxpayers would be funding his great wall? And then after it was built he would sent the bill to Mexico?
You mean that nonsense? As election day approaches, even people who supported Trump are realizing what fools they have been. Some, of course, will double-down on their foolishness. Trump U had a special name for them.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Looking past Trump, Clinton aims to help other Democrats See in context
Clinton's supporters refuse to acknowledge her absolute corruption
No, but I'll acknowledge the absolute stupidity of some of Clinton's die-hard opponents.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump vows no regrets; Clinton ups pressure over Khan attack See in context
You'll note that those posters who can't (or won't) answer simple questions are doing so to remain coy so as to not reveal their cluelessness.
I define "clueless" as someone who calls an opposing candidate a warmonger while supporting a candidate to whom the term applies even better.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump mocks critics: I'll accept election results - if I win See in context
I'm not a Liberal Lemming!
Trump, being the Pied Piper, attracted rats, not lemmings.
5 ( +5 / -0 )
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments
Posted in: Japan seeks exemption from U.S. steel, aluminum tariffs
Go, Trump! If people don’t like it, then they should do what we do here in Japan. Pay three yen…
Posted in: Trump pushes for plastic straws as he declares paper ones 'don’t work'
Posted in: Two nurses in Australia suspended for reportedly making antisemitic comments