Posted in: Trump claims Obama had phones wiretapped; Obama denies it See in context
@nishikat"He said Obama tapped his phones"
And it seems to be true ! Silly poor Obama....
-3 ( +1 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump criticizes 'fake media' on Flynn story See in context
@CrazyJoe "The important story is what Russian disinformation/propaganda operatives did to poison hearts and minds during the US election, and what Trump promised them in return."
Liberal heats and minds are originally poisoned. There weren't reasons for Russians to poison them more.
-13 ( +3 / -16 )
Posted in: Assad says U.S. troops welcome in Syria to fight 'terrorism' See in context
@SuperLib "We'll pass. Russia can handle this one, no matter how long it takes them."
Everyone knows that typical libs can do nothing except endless whining.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Asked about Putin, Trump says U.S. isn't 'so innocent' See in context
"Heh. I stated what I know and have little interest in what the Kremlin boys think.
Russia, back off."
Just don't be a sort of western misinformed chatterbox.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Asked about Putin, Trump says U.S. isn't 'so innocent' See in context
@gcbel"NATO by definition is a defensive alliance."
This is not true and you know it. They made up stories to start aggressive wars in sovereign countries. They bombed civilians in former Yugoslavia and Lybia.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Asked about Putin, Trump says U.S. isn't 'so innocent' See in context
President Ronald Reagan:
"My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.”
Are you excited? LOL. After these words for every Soviet citizen Ronny Reagan looked out as aggressive and completely re+arded, overgrown kid.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Asked about Putin, Trump says U.S. isn't 'so innocent' See in context
@PTownsend"In 'real world' is it OK to murder journalists like Anna Politkovskaya and dioxin-ate (my word) opposition leaders like Victor Yushchenko? Should the rest of the world accept this real world, even welcome it?"
In real world, is it OK to kill civilian population by A-bombs, to commit genocide of millions of locals by "bombing them into the Stone Age" ? Should the rest of the world accept this real world, even welcome it ?
You are MUCH worse than Soviets let alone Russians, just face it.
-3 ( +7 / -10 )
Posted in: Asked about Putin, Trump says U.S. isn't 'so innocent' See in context
@CrazyJoe"Donald is claiming the United States and Putin are both guilty, that we're both killers."
Welcome to real world, mr Anderson. (C)
-5 ( +6 / -11 )
Posted in: Putin says Ukraine escalated conflict to get U.S. support See in context
@lostrune2 "New US Ambassador to the UN (and Trump appointee) Nikki Haley sides with Ukraine:"
"I must condemn the aggressive actions of Russia," Nikki Haley told the U.N. Security Council at her first public meeting since being confirmed last week as President Donald Trump's U.N. envoy.
"We do want better relations with Russia," Haley said. "However, the dire situation in eastern Ukraine is one that demands clear and strong condemnation of Russian actions."
Haley said that U.S.-imposed sanctions on Russia for its annexation of Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula would remain in place until control of that territory was returned to Kyiv.
"The United States continues to condemn and call for an immediate end to the Russian occupation of Crimea," Haley said. "Crimea is a part of Ukraine."
The US has Ukraine's back."
Waito Noizu.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: Trump's visit to UK still on as online petition opposing it tops 1.5 million signatures See in context
Trump's visit to UK still on as online petition opposing it tops 1.5 million signatures.
Big deal.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump gives generals 30 days for new anti-IS strategy See in context
@PTownsend 'Russia stands to gain the most from further destruction of Syria; let the Russians do their own fighting.'
Is fighting islamic radicals and international terrorists everywhere a common duty of Russia and the USA ? Or nothing except shaking air ?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: GOP warns Trump on lifting sanctions against Russia See in context
@PTownsend "Russian expressions often don't translate well to English. Use simple language like BurningBush."
Sure those expressions are fully intelligible for you.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Trump's immigration order causes chaos at airports, outrage at protests See in context
@Alex Hutchins..... I've been thinking of telling Japanese people that I'm Aussie just to save myself from constantly explaining how a person like Trump could ever get elected."
Is it really hard for you to explain to listeners some basic principles of Democracy ? Did you attend primary and middle school then ?
Muslim is American !
Huh ?!
-10 ( +2 / -12 )
Posted in: GOP warns Trump on lifting sanctions against Russia See in context
“I’m absolutely opposed to lifting sanctions on the Russians,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Sunday. “If anything, we ought to be looking at increasing them.”
Seems, they really have solid bone behind their eyes.
-5 ( +1 / -6 )
Posted in: Trump orders new refugee screening, to prevent 'radical Islamic terrorists' from entering U.S. See in context
@plasticmonkey "Trump's got the leftists, globalists and Islamists worried.
Wrong. This is a gift to ISIS. It is exactly what they want, to gain recruits who believe the West is at war with Islam.
Another stupid move from a very stupid man.
And cruel to thousands of innocent victims of the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere. Stringent vetting procedures were already in place. Again, Trump is doing this because he hates "the other" and he knows his supporters do too.
Just stop supporting islamic terrorists and radicals. Are you working in favor of them ?
-2 ( +0 / -2 )
Posted in: Anti-Trump rally in Tokyo See in context
A woman holds an anti-U.S. President Trump placard during a rally near Hibiya Park in Tokyo
Silly clowns.
-2 ( +19 / -21 )
Posted in: With little room to maneuver, Syria's rebels head for talks See in context
@Asakaze "Is it the same el-Zinki who became world-famous for the video where they behead a kid who said something pro-Assad? And the mainstream Western media gives them a voice? It speaks volumes how the West really "fights with terrorism".
He is just one of "moderate rebels" for Barack Hussein Obama and EU leaders.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Putin says Obama administration trying to undermine Trump See in context
@SuperLib "Let the little Russians be little Russians."
“People who order such fakes against the U.S. president-elect, fabricate them and use them in political struggle are worse than prostitutes,” Putin said.
SuperLib, Putin sharply described your camp. LOL.
-5 ( +7 / -12 )
Posted in: Outgoing CIA chief rips into Trump on Russia threat See in context
@Northernlife"Only a fool would respect this clown."
Really ? Obama and his ilk tried to bash legitimate government of Assad in Syria, at the same time actively supporting various trash from Al Qaeda and calling them 'vetted moderate rebels". Only a complete fool tries to extinguish the fire by pouring kerosene in it.
There is no Red Carpet for a plain fool !
-2 ( +1 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan pledges patrol vessels, $1.1 bil aid for Vietnam See in context
@MsDelicious"Disgusting....and the country is a communist state."
A Communist State? So what ?
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Kremlin counts days to Trump's inauguration, blasts Obama See in context
@viking68"Russia accused Georgia of "aggression against South Ossetia", and launched a large-scale land, air and sea invasion of Georgia on 8 August with the stated aim of "peace enforcement" operation."
It was Russian counter-attack to Georgian invasion in South Ossetia. Nothing strange or unusual.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Abe in Vietnam See in context
"the goose step parade (or "Stechschritt" as it was called in German) really originated in Prussia during the early 19th century"
Yes, you are right. Many good and useful things were invented in Prussia and later implemented in Russian Empire and the USSR. Besides that 'goose step parade' we can also recall the Prussian education system . Looking at 'goose step parade', everyone sees trained warriors, not wobbling bunch of punks or hippies in military uniform.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Defiant EU nations ready themselves for Trump presidency See in context
In Berlin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted: “We Europeans have our fate in our own hands.”
Rather in hands of various islamic radicals and plain terrorists aka 'syrian refugees'.
-11 ( +3 / -14 )
Posted in: Kremlin counts days to Trump's inauguration, blasts Obama See in context
"Crimea: local populace declared independence after Neonazi coup d'etat in Ukraine, and Russian troops defended the population from the same bloodbath that happened in Donbass region. By the way, in Crimea no shots were fired and nobody was hurt. You call it "invasion"??
Georgia: two brigades of US-trained and US-equipped Georgian troops attacked a company of Russian peacekeepers who guarded the breakaway city of Tshinval. Georgians attacked the city with missiles and artillery. I repeat: Georgians were invaders, not Russians, who repelled the agression with full cooperation of local populace who hated Georgians.
And now let's talk about real agressions and invasions, let's talk about the crimes of NATO. Let me remind you that for the last twenty years US/NATO invaded and destroyed FOUR countries: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya, killing hundreds of thousands of people. NATO is the deadliest criminal gang in the world, Russians have every right to take all precautions against it."
True. Some western people are so brainwashed by anti-Russian propaganda and unable to notice plain things.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Abe in Vietnam See in context
@SenseNotSoCommon"Goose stepping. I like"
Military parade of old Soviet school..
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Kremlin counts days to Trump's inauguration, blasts Obama See in context
Zakharova charged that “Obama and his illiterate foreign policy team have dealt a crushing blow to America’s prestige and leadership” and described his administration as “a bunch of geopolitical losers, enraged and shortsighted.”
A bit harsh but absolutely true ! LOL.
-1 ( +4 / -5 )
Posted in: House Democrats press FBI on Russia, possible link to Trump camp See in context
@SuperLib "So then what is the opinion of Trump supporters? Do you think Trump is lying when he says the Russians were behind the hack?"
He is joking at army of plain fools from Liberal camp.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump unleashes Twitter attack against civil rights leader; protests begin across U.S. See in context
@nishikat"Trump is a terrible racist person for going public thinking Obama was born in Kenya."
Excuse me, but what's a problem ? I suppose that Donald Trump used to say that 'Obama was born in Kenya'. So what ? Where did you see 'racism' ? Please, explain.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: House Democrats press FBI on Russia, possible link to Trump camp See in context
@PTownsend "Re-read 1984 and Brave New World. Can you suggest some Russian novels with similar themes?"
'We' by Eyvgeny Zamyatin.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: Trump's Pentagon choice says U.S. needs to be ready to confront Russia See in context
@Madverts "Bah, who knows what to think anymore. Trump is like a bipolar disorder sufferer on steroids, his team are calling Russia out for the meddling scumbags they are but the Trump himself can't seem to denigrate his Putin overlord....
It kinda makes you really wanna see the video they allegedly have on him.
He's illegitimate. He's already wallowing in scandal. Journals are already asking questions about his future impeachment."
Instead of joining those silly rallies and protets jut try to get a decent job. Period.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
WhoreSpringsColorado: you should move to wherever it is you infected Japan from
Posted in: Explosion at Taiwan department store kills 4; 26 injured
Women used as objects. When will it ever end?
Posted in: Man arrested for scouting Japanese woman to be prostitute in U.S.
Posted in: Japan, China, S Korea eye foreign ministerial talks in Tokyo on March 22