Japan Today

Yuko Maeda comments

Posted in: Original SoftBank dog Kai-kun passes away at 16 See in context

Should have switched over to the new premium dog food being touted on the main page. Could have lived another 40 years minimum.

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Posted in: What jobs will AI do within 20 years? Almost everything, it seems See in context

Hopfully we can start by replacing politicians with them. Let's use the Diet as the world's first test case.

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Posted in: After his big win, how will Mexico’s new president handle Trump? See in context

By greenlighting mexicos gang members and deplorables to illegally cross a sovereign country's border.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: K9 Natural: Premium food for pet dogs, cats See in context

Most of the pet foods in supermarkets is pure junk. Exactly. Animals are not humans. Pure junk is just fine for them to live a happy life. Cats and dogs aren't meant to live 30+ years. And humans eat the same junk, as you say, and also live out their lives as they were meant.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Posted in: Turn a glass of beer into an exquisite Mt Fuji scene with this Awakumo glass See in context

Not needed. Every glass of beer in Japan automatically comes with enough foam to make your own life sized Mt Fuji.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Asiana chairman apologises over no in-flight meals fiasco See in context

Same people who complain about the meals quality then complain they have nothing to eat. Oh no, how can you possibly survive 2-5-7 hours without a meal. First world problems.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Outcry as Japanese winemaking couple ordered to leave France See in context

Sounds very similar to the excuses Japan immigration gives to its foreigners who come and try to switch visa types. Guess it doesn't feel so good when it's YOUR dreams being shat on.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Hot dog See in context

These contests, like all contests have the rules they have. They don't need to change their rules to satisfy the 15-17 decenters here.

Dip it in water, gross. And to others, so is putting raw egg on foods, mayo on sandwiches, natty, etc. Unless you're in the contest, who cares.

A stroke or heart attack would be their own choice as they aren't forced to enter the contest once, twice or every time. Just as people here swirling down alcohol consistently, smoking cigarettes, eating poorly every day, etc.

There are people hungry all over the world. It has no bearing on the rest of the world having to ration food supplies. And to anyone who comments on such, remember that each time you go out to eat, fast food junk, something from combini, feel stuffed and throw away leftovers, every eaten at buffet, etc. Get off your moral superiority perch.

It's a hot dog eating contest. Lighten up about the pointlessness. Half the things people do in life are pointless and gross.

The people with no food to eat and literally starving, do you think they are in a position to care about the caloric density or nutrition of hotdogs vs using air as their food source? No.

A lot of the people in these contests have really high metabolisms to begin with and their bodies are used to this intake as they train for it. They contenders are not the guy at your office who can eat a lot.

Pigs have never been slaughtered for making hotdogs. It's a byproduct market. Something vegetarians should be happy for - nothing being wasted.

The act of trying to out-eat all contestants in a hotdog eating contest is no more disgusting than having to watch AKB48 perform to the father's age audience cheering them on to poorly dance/sing/kiss.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: Air pollution plays significant role in diabetes: study See in context

Thank goodness. Now all those fat people can blame it on global warming and go back to drinking coke with every meal and having double desserts.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Kumamoto prefectural labor department issues list of inappropriate job interview questions See in context

Inappropriate but not illegal, therefore ask whatever you want.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Posted in: Have you had any bad experiences using Airbnb? See in context

You gotta read the reviews first. The little complaints add up quickly. Ask questions. Know what you're "buying" before you give the booking.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Nagasaki must continue to have a special responsibility to warn the world to the great dangers that continue to threaten us all and to inspire peace between our many communities. See in context

Yes, inded. Nagasaki is a constant reminder of what you get when your country's leaders decide to join the wrong team in Axis vs Allies.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: What do you think of the skill level of Japanese software engineers? See in context

Hahahahhahahhahaahahahhahahaa. Sums it up nicely.

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Posted in: Senior education ministry official arrested over bribery See in context

This constitutes bribery but not Abe's land giveaway and his wife's principalship? Yea right.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Kirin unveils new vending machines with built-in security camera See in context

Would work much better if they didnt tell the general public.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: University professor tweets sexual harassment is his hobby See in context

Still an idiot. Fire him. We have an overabundance of perverts in education already - both in the closet and out.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Driver arrested after ramming motorbike from behind, killing rider See in context

Perhaps lessons for all motorbike riders. Riding inbetween cars on the center line of lanes. Riding on the shoulder to pass traffic and/or be first in line at the light. Basically disregarding most rules of the road. It has consequences. Atleast someone did something to deter it. The police rarely do.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Posted in: Emperor resumes official duties after suffering nausea See in context

Let the poor man retire now.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's World Cup squad returns home; Nishino's time as coach over See in context

We welcome home our teams mainly because we are long used to losing.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: Remembering Anthony Bourdain through his travels in Japan See in context

These sort of off the cuff comments by celebrities about Japan are pretty much nonsensical: "It's the best place on Earth / I'd live there the rest of my life if I could / The people are so kind, friendly, polite / etc etc etc."

Celebrities come here (and every other place they go) and are given a different type of treatment that the average person does not get. They are living in a bubble of being told they are cool/great/wonderful daily. People are stumbling over themselves to kiss thier backside. They are provided with every convenience at their disposal.

So of course Japan is great and it's people are flawless when that's what you see/get each visit.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Posted in: 17 states, DC sue Trump on immigrant families, as Congress quarrels See in context

People claiming asylum because they simply want a better life. Total BS. If that's actually a legit claim, you'd have 1/2 the people you personally know also wanting to claim asylum in their dream country.

Sorry for those born in a poor country, or to poor parents or who just can't make ends meet. Mexicans are supposed to get a free pass because they share a border with the USA?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Illegal immigrant parents not facing U.S. prosecution for now; Trump, congresswoman clash See in context

Perhaps if Mexico, who shares the border, actively worked to enforce their border, too, it would not have to fall on the US to do all the heavy lifting.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Powerful quakes more likely to hit Hokkaido, Pacific coast See in context

As stated, everyone is informed already. Setting aside indigenous tribes in Africa/Amazon, the modern man/woman knows Japan = earthquakes. We are already informed. It's not like people are going to move each year the new map comes out. If that was the case, you'd have the entire population living in the far south and northern west coast, with the rest of Japan being a relative wasteland.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: 2 dead, including police officer, after man attacks Toyama police box See in context

By "safe" you mean crime free? Good luck finding that utopian country with has not and will never exist.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Posted in: Many animal hoarders do not view themselves as such, even though they are keeping more animals than they can look after and are no longer able to provide them enough food or keep them clean. They are often unaware that they are inconveniencing others with the smell, noise and other problems. See in context

Stop selling animals - breeders, pet stores, etc. There are enough cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, etc who need good homes. That's the first issue.

Second, nobody NEEDS more than one animal. If they same they do, it's a want, not a need.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Posted in: In team sports, who is more likely to win between a star team and a team of stars? See in context

Whoever wins on that particular day. There are no guarantees in sports.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: 17 states, DC sue Trump on immigrant families, as Congress quarrels See in context

They are not immigrants. Immigrants apply for status, wait, and enter when granted it. Anyone else is illegal.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: 125,000 items of customer info stolen from Prince Hotels chain See in context

I always wondered about stolen credit cards. Let's say you have my name, cc #, exp date, and sec code and are able to use the card. You don't have my pin, so cash advance seems impossible. You are seemingly limited to ordering things. How do you order something which then needs to be delivered somewhere you can sign for it and the address you can access must have some connection to you down the line. Feels like there would be enough of a trail for police to find you.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Posted in: Powerful quakes more likely to hit Hokkaido, Pacific coast See in context

These maps are pretty much pointless. Everyone knows Japan has earthquakes, same as with California. You live there knowing this is an inevitability.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: Not having children is selfish, says LDP Secretary-General Nikai See in context

People who want children will have them. Plain and simple. We already have enough stories of babies being found dead with umbilical cord near kobans, rivers, etc.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

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