Posted in: Japan becomes 5th country to land spacecraft on moon See in context
Bravo Zulu JAXA!
5 ( +8 / -3 )
Posted in: Israel blockades Gaza Strip as Hamas threatens to kill captives See in context
Hamas is backed by Sunni Muslims like Saudi and Turkey. Hezbollah is supported by Iran. These groups do not support each other and Saudi cuts off the heads of Shia Muslims. ISIS is made up of Sunni Muslims supported by oil revenue. There can be no peace between Hamas and Israel. Hamas killed over a thousand Israel Jews, close up and personal.
-1 ( +5 / -6 )
Posted in: Okinawa rejects central gov't demand over U.S. base landfill See in context
Am sick of hearing about the Chinese threat. It is an excuse for the Americans to do anything to the people of Okinawa. About the new airbase, it is in the wrong area. The bottom of the sea is too soft to build an airfield.
-4 ( +0 / -4 )
Posted in: South Korean protesters call for government action on Fukushima water See in context
@sakurasuki, Japan can't get along with South Korea! If this were not about "radioactive" water, it would be about comfort women. The South threw away the agreement when they needed a distraction. South Korea canceled the 1965 agreement.
I do not believe Japan should help South Korea in this civil war. The South would never accept Japanese ground, naval, or air support. I fear South Korea will attack Japan when faced with problems. Nothing like bashing Japan to get votes! Japan is not South Korea's punching bag, so South Korean politicians can get votes!
-3 ( +13 / -16 )
Posted in: Take craft time to new heights with this sewing machine made for children See in context
falseflagsteve, only females sewing is a stereotype used by men to subjugate females to their will.
4 ( +6 / -2 )
Posted in: China bans all Japanese seafood imports after Fukushima water release See in context
The People's Republic of China uses it as a club against Japan. Politics vs. science, the CCP will do anything to bash Japan.
2 ( +5 / -3 )
Posted in: Fukushima nuclear plant begins releasing treated radioactive water into sea See in context
The second attempt to reply is that the ocean is so vast it will dilute any trillion or other possibly increased radiation. It is very safe! And no concern is warranted. Yes! It is radioactive but all things are radioactive. The Koreans are using it as a club against Japan. It makes me dislike them even more, and I worry about the safety of Japan's Embassy in Seoul.
2 ( +3 / -1 )
Posted in: S Korean police arrest 14 Fukushima protesters seeking to enter Japanese embassy See in context
Everything is radioactive; it is very natural and not worth worrying about. It is the level of radioactive that is the problem. A radioactive level is an asymptote, a horizontal/vertical oblique line whose distance from the graph of a function keeps decreasing and approaches zero but never gets there.
3 ( +5 / -2 )
Posted in: South Koreans protest Japan's plans to release treated wastewater from Fukushima plant See in context
So South Koreans are protesting Japan, like a super yawn!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: South Korea, Japan to hold summit next week to expand ties See in context
What is the point of talks when South Korea will rip up any agreement within two years? As for comfort women, Japanese soldiers of Korean descent also used these brothels.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: Japan, U.S., S Korea becoming closer than ever amid N Korean threats See in context
Am more worried that Japan will be attacked by South Korea. There is zero friendship between Japan and Republic of Korea.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Peace protest in Seoul See in context
The Peoples Republic of China and Korean Agents?
-5 ( +7 / -12 )
Posted in: Japanese firm shifts copper foil plans from South Carolina to Georgia See in context
@nogardflow, lots of things came from the government's pocket. How about air traffic control and most if not all large commercial airports. Roads are built by the government, not the private sector. Without the government's help, no transcontinental roads and railroads would have existed.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: S Korean foreign minister suggests respecting 2015 comfort women deal See in context
What is the point of talking to South Korea? Any treaty made will be ripped up in the not-so-distant future. To "honor" the Korean boycott of Japan, Japan needs to embargo south Korea. Then place our self-defense force on DEFCON 3. This will be to counter South Korea's aggression.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Japan aims to maintain stakes in Russia's Sakhalin 2 energy project See in context
Putin will steal Japan's investment and then ask for more money.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: China's Xi expresses condolences over Abe's death See in context
Pukey2, how can Japan relax after losing an important political figure. Now the Chinese are celebrating the assination of Shinzo Abe. There can be no peace with a country like China. I am sure the South Koreans are celebrating his assination. I have zero respect for either country.
6 ( +11 / -5 )
Posted in: U.S. companies could face hurdles covering abortion travel costs See in context
It is equal protection under the law, oops
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. companies could face hurdles covering abortion travel costs See in context
Desert Tortoise, what about equality under the law? Is the entire US government just a wing for far-right Christians? I wonder if the neo-far right will chain pregnant mothers or place tracking devices on them?
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: U.S. companies could face hurdles covering abortion travel costs See in context
Soon the republicans will place pregnant women under house arrest when the USA passed their constitution and 14th amendment. WASP white men did it. Women were not equal to men back then. Do republican men want to take away all women's rights? I do not trust them; the three SCOTUS justices all lied before the Senate. Their deception was to the public and moderate Senators.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: China shocked by shooting death of Abe See in context
"in China, the social media response was sprinkled with glee and anti-Abe vitriol." POLITICO 7/8/22. They are celebrating the assination and assassination of Former PM Abe. It makes me dislike Red China more than ever before. Both North and South Korea and now Communist China is Japan's enemies.
2 ( +9 / -7 )
Posted in: Kremlin slams Japan's 'unfriendly' stance amid G7 oil price cap talk See in context
The Ukraine war shows how pointless to make deals with Russia. They never keep their word. When it is convenient like at the end of WW2 the Russians broke the nonaggression treaty. Also the treaty of nonaggression with Ukraine. Japan needs to pull out of Russia now. Putin could take our citizens as hostages.
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Japan vigilant against Chinese navy activity involving aircraft carrier See in context
The question is if the Peoples' Republic of China can beat the Republic of China in an amphibious attack? There is a question if they can manage a 160km to travel to Taiwan. The landing craft will be under constant attack from missiles. Their air force as well will be subject to attack. Can the PRC pull off sigh an attack? It would be better to look north for their fuel. Siberia with it's vast amount of fuels.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: New S Korean President Yoon says he hopes to meet with Kishida soon See in context
Yet what is the point of making treaties with the Republic of Korea when they all get canceled?
9 ( +9 / -0 )
Posted in: Human rights lawyer from Korean community in Japan undeterred by hate See in context
Nam, they have to accept citizenship and become Japanese. The question is not one of "race" but to whom they owe allegiance. If they owe allegiance to Japan they can vote. If they owe allegiance to Korea, they can not vote.
3 ( +12 / -9 )
Posted in: Russia resumes pulverizing Mariupol steel mill after first civilians leave See in context
Japan needs to stop all talks with Russia. Any agreement with Russia is a waste of paper. Second, this war will make it impossible to get other countries to give up their weapons of mass destruction. Two examples Libya and Ukraine. Russia signed an agreement with nations to respect Ukraine and never invade it.
3 ( +10 / -7 )
Posted in: S Korean court orders sale of M'bishi Heavy patent for wartime labor See in context
Clearly, this is a sign for Japanese companies to pull out of Korea. The Republic of Korea is going to steal all of the Japanese patents in Korea. Time to stop selling to them as well.
8 ( +14 / -6 )
Posted in: Yoon seeks future-oriented approach to improve South Korea-Japan ties See in context
I am more worried that Republic of Korea would attack Nippon than Peoples Republic of China of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea. South Korea wants to annex Tsushima Island.
0 ( +7 / -7 )
Posted in: MLB players vote to end lockout, salvaging 162-game season See in context
super yawn!
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: Kishida, Yoon agree to improve Japan-South Korea relationship See in context
Yet any agreement with South Korea is worth as much as an agreement with Russia or nothing.
3 ( +7 / -4 )
Posted in: S Korea, Japan should pursue cooperation: Moon See in context
I am more worried that South Korea will attack Japan than China or North Korea. The South will play games for awhile and maybe even sign a treaty, then shred any treaty and throw away any progress. Tsushima will be the target of Koren aggression.
0 ( +4 / -4 )
Posted in: Trump has unleashed chaos by distraction upon the international community. That's no accident
Don't appease, regain your sovereignty, don't be a pawn, long term, it will be good for the country.
Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately
Posted in: China accuses Australia of deliberate provocation in South China Sea
I am amazed, BUT how much did it cost the gov. to buy and store in dehumid warehouses??? Any hints…
Posted in: Japan to release 210,000 tons from rice reserves due to surging prices