Japan Today

Yve Haddit comments

Posted in: Adult Cream Pie coming to McDonald’s Japan See in context

And you can start your « happy » meal with an « adult tossed salad » while you’re at it !

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Posted in: Muslim women can rent 'wagara' hijabs to match kimonos in Kyoto See in context

Why does Japanese culture need to accommodate foreign religions such as islam and allow muslim women to wear hijab when they want to “dress up” in kimono? This is not how you wear a kimono in Japan. Yes, it can be a nice experience for foreigners to dress up in kimono and feel like a geisha for one day, but if your religion doesn’t allow you to experience the japanese way of wearing a kimono the way it should be, then don’t do it. You sould respect the Japanese traditions when you are visiting Japan; not the other way around.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

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