Japan Today

ZainichiOnna comments

Posted in: Cartoonist fined for possessing child pornography See in context

So, from a Japanese source, those were pictures of girls in their early teens, described as "joji", which in my vocabulary means 13 and less. Yup.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Male idol dance group finds hidden stalker gadget inside stuffed animal present from fan See in context

As this is both malicious and dangerous, from now on we will be prohibiting fans from giving us stuffed animals. Thank you for your understanding.

That’s the issue with Japan. They never treat an issue from its core.

Receive a stuffed animal with GPS tracking? Ban stuffed animal presents. Fair enough. Next time, crazy stalker will send a plastic toy.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: AKB48 said to be phasing out swimsuit modeling for younger teen members See in context

Even though I’m not a fan of the whole idol culture and everything that goes with it, I have to say that this member made a great choice.

12-17 years old half-nude pictures have nothing to do in sexy magazines, period.

7 ( +13 / -6 )

Posted in: Male passenger arrested for kicking 2 JAL flight attendants See in context

Seems I’m not the only one having issues with (passive) aggressive japanese old men!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Posted in: APA hotels won't remove books that deny Nanjing Massacre during Olympics See in context

For those wondering, his books are apparently available inside each room of his hotels.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Assistant professor arrested for filming up girl's skirt See in context


^ It wouldn't change anything. Japanese high school girls are happy to wear those uniforms for "fashion" and being the center of attention. I have university friends who still go to Disneyland wearing their high school uniforms. Plus I have already talked about this issue to Japanese girls and they told me they never thought about sexualization of their uniforms. It is too deeply ingrained in their culture they don't even see the problem.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: Becky loses sponsors, regular TV appearances over affair scandal See in context

Too bad she gave up her British passport for a useless Japanese one when she was 20. Now she is stuck here.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Posted in: J.League says it won't punish student who sent racist tweets to Patric See in context

illyas : Tweeting something like "I hate black people they are so disgusting wwwwwwwwww" is NOT speaking your real opinion, it's pure racism with the intention of hurting people. And trolling. Because you have nothing else to do. Here on JT, people are speaking and sharing their opinions using anonymity. I think you don't know what I was talking about, but whatever.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: J.League says it won't punish student who sent racist tweets to Patric See in context

You guys have never read Japanese "2 CHAN".

Japanese people use the Internet to spread heir hate over everything (especially foreigners, women or Japanese-Koreans), but as soon as they are asked to give some explanation IRL, they'll cry they didn't mean what they said and apologize by doing a dogeza. Just don't feed trolls, they have no lives.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Posted in: TV program featuring hot men visiting hot springs to release DVD, photobook See in context

Hot men? This country has strange tastes.

It's always funny to watch these self-proclaimed "beautiful" girls and guys on TV when there are obviously not.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Teacher arrested for taking upskirt photos of schoolgirl See in context


I'll never understand this JK business in Japan nor defend it, but can you actually tell the difference between a 16 years old and a 18 years old ? Or even 20? There is absolutely no difference, except the school uniform, which is the problem here.

Sexualization of the school uniform is the real issue. Even the most plain girl would look like a goddess to these perverts because of the uniform. Make these highschool girls wear normal clothes and no one here would pay attention to them. But Japan has difficulties to change its old habitudes and traditions so I guess we're still going to have to read this kind of articles for a while.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Posted in: 3 ways the Japanese entertainment industry keeps idol singers from dating See in context

Where do I even begin with the "absurdity" of what you talked about? For starters, you stated that the core demographic of the idol industry are middle-aged MEN. It's not, not even by a long shot. The core demographic are TEENAGE BOYS and YOUNG ADULT MEN.

It's not. Have you ever been to one of these AKB48 cafes ? I mean the customers going there. Obviously not.

If they are blessed with perfect bodies, should they just all wear habits and hide what they've been naturally blessed with? I'm obviously not talking about the underage girls, or at least I hope you realize that.

Okay. First of all, they're not "naturally blessed". Many of gravures do have plastic surgery AND many of them are underage. Or wear school uniforms to please Japanese middle age men. No need to deny that.

But honestly.... have you actually stopped to listen to more than a few songs by any idol groups? There are some absolutely AMAZING songs sung by them! And there are some phenomenally talented singers in groups like AKB.

Oh yeah, I'm always stunned by their "phenomenal talent".

Last point... bringing up Japan's social gender issues is kind of 2002, no? Everyone knows Japanese women rule Japan. I'm married to a Japanese woman, who by the way fully supports the idol world and sees it as an absolutely positive force in Japan, and she would be the first to tell you that women in Japan have made HUGE leaps and strides in the past twenty years

What the ... How long have you been living here ? Obviously not long enough. Turn on your TV tonight and tell me more about Japanese women empowerment.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Posted in: 3 ways the Japanese entertainment industry keeps idol singers from dating See in context

This article reminds me of my boyfriend's boss: He makes him work from 10am to 11pm so we can't have any privacy or spend a nice evening together thumbs up This country is sick.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Posted in: Protest pop See in context

I don't know for you people, but I really hate the fact that Japan needs to put high school girls in uniforms in everything they do. Like if they had no identity other than being a "JK".

0 ( +3 / -3 )

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